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Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

The Halfling Hills
Tag: Defeat, Musubi being a slut

Musubi wouldn't say it to anyone, but she felt absolutely amazing at the moment. Sure, she was in a bit of pain, but each nip from the whelps and the feelings of the barbs dragging along her insides, only made her even wetter. The fist fighter's unfortunate mental tendency making her moan out happily, and her face turned to a bit more of a shameful smile. Her arms, if they were unpinned, would slip up to her front, and using the whelps as a bit of a shield from Sigrid's vision, she'd grasp two of the draconic shafts that were rubbing and slapping against her skin, slowly coating her in their precum. Starting to give the two creatures a hand job, Lissoth would feel the girl's insides tightening quickly. Getting nearly strangling, milking her shaft, before the human climaxed. Letting out a happy cry as she continued to work off the two whelps even as she was convulsing on the dragon girl's member.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

The barbarian let out a pained but still somewhat satisfied groan as her mate pushed further and further in. But the barbarian stil couldn't deny her chance to speak to the dragon woman even as her children played with Musubi"I am...just warning you...I accept my lot at the bears mate. He...he beat me fair and square...and I deserve nothing less but to service him as his bitch. I am his property to claim and your whelps...might...might have to go through him if they want to play with me. A bear...does not...give up his mates so easily." The defeated slave tried to remind her tormentor as her mate pushed ever deeper. Her womb was finally filled to the point that she felt his furry, heavy balls up against her. When this happened, she howled. A mixture of pain and pleasure filling her almost as if this was her first partner ever.

Embracing him, she quickly found her mate taking a rather aggressive change of position and she could smell his power. Smell his sheer strength and the reason why she lost. Something like this could not be tamed or control.ed and she knew why. "This...this body is yours...my mate..Do wth it...what you will. I...I will gladly carry your cubs!"
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

The Halfling Hills
Tag: Post-battle rape

Lissoth knew Sigrid was right, the bear didn’t look like he was going to let his new mate go anytime soon, and Lissoth’s whelps wouldn’t stand a chance against that monstrosity, while Lissoth was enjoying the show too much to force them apart. ''You’re correct, the bear most definitely claimed you as his, and you rather eagerly accepted him~'' Lissoth chuckled. ''A proud and mighty bear warrior, getting tamed by a bear cock, I can’t think of a more fitting fate for you than that. As long as you treat my whelps with more respect than mere beasts, I won’t drag you away from your lover, and by the powers given to me, I will now pronounce you man and bitch, you may now pump the bribe full with cubs~'' Lissoth roared in laughter while slamming down Musubi on her cock.

When Sigrid accepted her fate as the bear’s bitch, the bear suddenly started to piston into her pussy, and grunted in acceptance of his new bitch. With the bear thrusting inside her womb in such a veracious manner, the strong manly dominate scent of her mate was constantly being rubbed against her skin, and soon she noticed the scent had soaked into her so deep, that she now smelled like the bear, though, when she smelled it, it had a faint scent of the bear’s cock and it smelled a lot more inviting. The bear didn’t last much longer, with his cock all coiled up inside Sigrid’s eager womb, and small rough thrusts being made by the bear, it didn’t take long before he made one final thrust, completely forcing in the entire length, as the bear began to roar out mightily while his seed spilled inside Sigrid’s womb. Each time the bear’s cock twitched, she could feel her womb filling up with his corrupted seed, and it didn’t take long before he was forced to slide out his cock little by little, to replace the coiled cock with more thick bear seed. Until finally, he pulled out everything and coated Sigrid in corrupted bear cum, as it looked like the bear almost deliberately made sure that her entire body was soaked with the hot cum. After sufficiently coating Sigrid in his cum, the bear simply laid his cock on top of the woman as it continued to squirt cum over the woman’s face.

In the meantime, Lissoth was enjoying her own prize, slamming Musubi roughly down with each thrust. Lissoth was impressed by Musubi’s eagerness, not only did it looked like she enjoyed her fate, but she was even reaching out for Lissoth’s whelps cocks without being commanded to do so. ''My, my, are you sure you’re a hero? To me you look a lot more like a succubus concubine, eager to get her holes filled with as many cocks as she can get, you’ll make the perfect training bitch for my whelps~'' Lissoth cooed out in Musubi ears. The two whelps eagerly showed their appreciation when she rubbed their cocks, by roughly latching on Musubi’s big breasts and squeezing them with their mouths, as their sharp teeth press into her skin, leaving bite marks across her big orbs. With Musubi strangling and milking Lissoth cock so strongly, the dragon woman could no longer hold on as she suddenly start to pant and her cock started to twitch. It didn’t take long before Musubi could feel her womb being filled with a spray of hot cum. Though, what she probably didn’t expect was the incredible heat coming from Lissoth cum, as with each passing second, Lissoth filled the poor girl’s womb with her incredibly thick and smoldering cum. Musubi’s belly grew and grew, until she looked nine months pregnant with babies of a giant, and in the meantime, the whelps Musubi started to jack off were eagerly thrusting inside her hands while playing with her breasts, it didn’t take long before their cocks began to twitch, and soon enough the girl found herself covered with their scorching hot cum, not only was the cum scorching hot, but it was also incredibly sticky, nearly having the same consistency of glue. And the smell was intoxicating, if Musubi thought Lissoth’s pheromones were overbearing, it was nothing compared to the whelps cum.

Though, after Lissoth filled Musubi’s womb with cum, she suddenly could feel something huge press against the entrance of her pussy. ''For being such a good obedient slut, I will reward you with the honor of carrying my eggs, are you ready to be a mommy?'' Lissoth whispered in Musubi’s ears as she could feel the large object force its way into her pussy, Musubi could clearly feel the watermelon sized egg slowly slide inside her womb. It didn’t take long before a second and third egg entered her womb, and if Musubi still had room, more eggs would join them, until her womb was completely stuffed.

When Lissoth pulled Musubi off her cock, she noticed nothing spilled out her pussy as both Lissoth’s cum and eggs remained inside of her. Lissoth placed Musubi down right in front of her cock, as if she expected the egg filled girl to lick her cock clean. If Musubi did, she soon found out why it might not have been the smartest idea to do so, as the bits and piece of cum stuck to Lissoth’s cock were still scorching hot and incredibly tough to swallow, while Lissoth barbs constantly hooked and rubbed against her tongue, making her tongue overly sensitive. By the end, Musubi had a thick and swollen tongue that was forced to hang out her mouth. ''Good job my little cock sleeve, you preformed a lot better than I expected. It’s heartwarming to see both of you accepting your calling in nature so openly, but sadly I cannot play with you any longer. However, you don’t have to be sad about it, there’s plenty more for you two to enjoy.'' Lissoth roared out in lighter, while walking away from the two defeated women. Soon Sigrid found herself being hoisted up in the air, and dragged into the cave the bear came from. While Musubi was quickly surrounded by several whelps, and it didn’t take long before one of the bigger whelps got hold of her, and flew up with her into the sky.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

As much as it sickened her to hear those words from Lissoth, she had no choice but to accept them. She had to treat those little bastards with some measure of respect and she was more or less married to the beast now fucking her without mercy. But agan, she didn't mind. Better this beast then what the whelps were doing to Musibi. Poor thing would be working on servicing those things for hours if not days on end and she'd have to carry their eggs. Those things couldn't have been pleasant. But at least the girl seemed like she was getting some twisted joy out of it. Sigrid just found comfort in her own situation and spoke to the bear like it was able to speak back to her. And all through his rough fucking and her moans and cries. "D...do not tell her this...but there is...some truth to her words. Men and women both would fight beast like yourself. But failure didn't always...mean death. Men were killed, yes. But female warriors that failed...shared...my fate. Fucked by the beast, they'd stay with them for an entire year and...serve them. Though...I'm shamed in defeat...I am accepting...my new status...with some pride...B...better you then the dragon..."

Another loud gasp before she gripped the beast tight and pulled herself close to her new lover and husband. She was so saturated in his scent. Many would mistake her for him and dare not approach. She was safe from any outside foe seeking to claim her. The fucking continued and all she could do now was let out another long moan, more satisfied then ever as she came. Of course, this wasn't the first time today and she doubted the last. As he pulled out and filled her with mre and more seed, it was all but certain she was with his child or children, the warrior woman prepared to birth as many cubs as need be for him as payment. And for good measure, she'd get further coated in his fluids. She'd lick up a little bit but would stay as she was, again not stepping out of line for her husband. The bear no doubt demanded obedience. Sh wouldn't even protest as she was hoisted up and dragged into her new home for an unspecific amount of time.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

The Halfling Hills
Tag: Defeat, Musubi being a slut, carried away for capture

Musubi let out a strangled cry as the whelps bit onto her breasts, biting the large orbs and playing with them like they were toys. She'd likely be having marks from their treatment for a while, but honestly, she didn't care. Indeed even if her cries were occasionally more pain then pleasure, her smile and slutty look didn't waver. She hadn't ever been this aroused in her life.

Indeed, her orgasmic cries only got louder as Lissoth flooded her womb with the burning hot seed. Musubi having to hope her bodies natural regeneration would heal her if it was actually burning her. Her body swelled, more and more, the dragon girl evidently had a significant amount of seed to give. The whelps adding in as they sprayed their hot cum over her breasts and carved lines of burning pleasure across her skin. Sticking like glue to her and sending her already hazy head to new heights from their musk.

Then came the eggs, and the poor brunette cried to the heavens and they worked their way in, first one, then two, then three. Finally the fifth settled in before her body refused to take any more. None of it would flow back out though, the glue like cum doing a very good job of keeping it all inside her as her bloated form was lifted off Lissoth's cock. The poor girl looking happily filled even as she was put down infront of the dragon girl's member, and her built up lust caused her to near instantly catch the idea. Starting to lick, and probably to Lissoth's surprise, getting even more eager to do so as the cum burned her throat and the barbs scraped over her tongue. The girl working it over until Lissoth was clean, her tongue stuck hanging out and her words cut off for now.

Then Lissoth walked away, and a few moments later Musubi was being lifted up into the air, taken away by the flight of whelps.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

(Well, given nobody else has gone here (edit: Didn't see the stuff in the incharacter. Nym going to join up with Isabelle and Ayda if they up for it), open for other heroes to tag along)

Halfling Hills
Tag: Looking for teammate, Coming to purify

Nym bounced her way into the halfling hills, utterly unknowing or caring about what had happened here earlier. The girl just here to try to do as much damage as she could to the demons and their stuff. She didn't even know which demon was in this area at this point.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

(My only concern with join up the three of us, is that there might be a lack of demons to oppose us.)
Halfling Hills
Tag: Joining up with Nym, Ayda, helping with purifying.

Isabelle became bright red at Ayda’s reply, clearly Isabelle thought she was being vague enough to keep her special relation with Baron a secret, but it looked like the mage somewhat knew what Isabelle meant. Though, what Ayda probably didn’t know, was that Isabelle did a lot more humiliating things with Baron then just mating with her dog. Isabelle couldn’t show herself like that to Ayda, Isabelle didn’t want Ayda to see her as some sort of pervert, when she sees the type of things she does with Baron, but when Baron nudged his nose between Isabelle’s slightly wet panties, she jumped a little and understood what Baron wanted her to respond to that ''A-Ah… you’re free to watch and join in if you want…'" Isabelle muttered, before quickly making haste towards the Halfling Hills, now blushing the entire way.

While holding Ayda hand and Baron guiding them along, it didn’t take long before the two reached their destination, as they quickly reached the Halfling Hills. It looked like Baron picked up the scent of another person inside of the Halfling Hills and Isabelle dragged Ayda along with her while following Baron. ''Baron picked up someone’s tracks, keep you guard up.'' Isabelle said in a serious tone to Ayda. Though, her guarded approach was completely unnecessary as they found an ally instead of a demon. Isabelle approached the cat-girl while still firmly holding onto Ayda’s hand. ''Isabelle.'' Isabelle firmly said, as a short introduction. ''We’ve come to help with purifying these lands.'' Isabelle stated rather coldly, though Ayda could easily tell by Isabelle’s trembling hand how nervous she was talking to the cat-girl.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills


Halfling hills
Tag: Nym, Ayda, Isabelle.

Baron would pick up another scent quickly, as the heroines, in their attempt to purify the halfling hills stumbled upon a hooded woman. At first, she had the apperance of a heroine, if not for Barons keen nose and angry growls giving her away as something far different. She had hair of both black and white, was of small stature and seemed semi-well versed in the usage of weapons, going by her stance. A slightly torn red riding hood covering her up somewhat, her smile calm, almost respectful towards the three women, but there was something beneath the surface that was hard to define.

Once the woman noticed the three, she stepped closer, eyes roaming each and every one of them.. The feline woman, the cold as Ice noble, the lewdly dressed elf. She cleared her throat calmly, then fixated her gaze on Isabelles dog, who, for at least a moment, backed of a little, as if intimidated. As she closed in, anyone sensitive among the girls would sense it too. While the woman before them was not as intimidating, it was as if there was something more to her, something in her shadow, just in the corner of your eye, a sense of ferocity, of bloodlust.. or simply lust as she looked at the heroes and said.

"You there. You should leave. You should go home to your little fortress." She exhaled. "You shouldn't be here in the first place, but if you stay the wolf will take you." Her mouth twitched into a small smirk for a brief moment. "You bitches shouldn't be in the wildernis without anyone to claim you." She briefly sniffed, looking at Isabella and Baron, seeming.. curious

"Hmnnn.. wait.. Do they belong?" She locked at Baron, letting out a strange, barking whiney sound that sounded terrifyingly inhuman and unfitting to her cute smile... "Ah.. this one belongs. Good bitch." She nodded approvingly to Isabella, stepping back from her a little, focusing on the other two. "Disgusting feline... and what about you.. " She glanced to the elf. "Where is your owner?"
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tags: Nym, Aida, Isabelle, Xura

While Xura approached from the front, Ylasa approached from the side at an easy stroll. Where the other four women at least looked the part of adventurers or warriors this one looked more like an oddly displaced noble, garbed in a fine robe and with an easy smile on her face as she strolled towards them. No weapons or armour on her person, long white hair that seemed far too neatly groomed for her to have been wandering the wilderness, and there was a wicked gleam in her red eyes as she regarded the trio and the one standing opposite them.

"Oh hello!" She didn't bother with 'keeping her distance' and instead kept walking, ambling up to the heroines until they tried to back away or she found herself within a mere two meters of the group. "Well... This all looks very tense. I do hope you aren't all about to fight, I do so hate fighting, and besides this looks rather unfair, three against one? Quite dishonourable..."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tag: Nym, Ayda, Xura, Ylasa

When Baron picked up the scent of more intruders nearby, Isabelle Immediately took out her rapier with a swish. ''Everyone, be on your guard, we have company.'' Isabelle commanded, when she noticed Baron’s hostile reaction to the approaching woman, Isabelle felt a little nervous, were they going to fight another powerful demon like before, Isabelle wondered. However, when Isabelle took a better look at the small statured woman dressed in red, she closed her eyes, and sheathed her rapier. Perhaps Baron’s nose was wrong, the woman that approached them didn’t look threatening in the slightest, were the demons desperate enough to send people like this now?

When the woman came close to inspect them, Isabelle would glare coldly at her. ''Are you perhaps lost girl?'' Isabelle asked crudely, she assumed the woman might be a hero recently fallen to the beasts roaming the lands, and perhaps Baron mistook that scent as a threat. Isabelle being socially poor with others, failed the realize any of the things that were off about the woman. Without anything hinting at Isabelle that she was faced with a real threat, she merely sighed. ''We will escort you home once we’re done, just wait.'' Isabelle commanded coldly, before turning around to purify these lands once more.

Isabelle heard the girl prattling on about the wolves taking them. Perhaps the girl was affect by the corruption more than Isabelle originally thought. ''Don’t worry, we.. Excuse me? Bitches?'' Isabelle said surprised, interrupting her own sentence, perhaps this was a demon after all, most likely a recently turned or lesser one she figured.

When the woman dressed in red, gave a curious look at Isabelle, her cheeks became red. Did this woman know about the secret relationship between Isabelle and Baron? Isabelle was always sure to clean herself afterwards. Baron made similar noises back to the demon, as suddenly his fear of earlier dissipated. ''What do you mean belong, and if you call me a bitch… Eep!!'' Isabelle said surprised, as baron suddenly forced its wet nose against her entrance with his tail wagging. It looked like Baron was indeed going to show that they belonged here, as his red cock unsheathed and started dripping excitedly, while lapping Isabelle panties. ''Baron… No… Baron!!!'' Isabelle yelled out angrily, before stomping her heels on the floor. This was not the time or the place to do this, especially not in front of this many people. Isabelle might lay with her dog every night, but it was on her terms and how she liked it. ''Baron, stop it this instance and heel! I might like my dog more than someone should, but he’s most definitely not my owner, and I’m not his bitch, how dare you even insult a noble like me by assuming such things?'' Isabelle yelled out angrily while Baron obediently followed her commands, Isabelle is from noble descent and no mere animal was every going to be above her, even if she enjoyed their companion and dominance once in a while.

Isabelle completely failed the notice the other demon approaching the group, as Isabelle only looked at her once she greeted them. It looked like another girl rather than a demon, what are the demonic forces going to send next, actual children? Isabelle thought. ''Dishonorable? I won’t mind fighting this bitch that insulted me by myself, I’m not going to let her get away insulting me by implying one would submit to a mere beast.''
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills


Halfling hills
Tag: Nym, Ayda, Isabelle, Ylsa

Xura looked to her right, sniffing the air in Ylsas direction. She then shrugged slightly. "Don't want to fight.. but.. the urge.." She looked over to Isabelle next..

"Lost? Yes.. Yes, I think I'm lost.. I've been for quite a while.." she seemed forlorn and thoughtful for a moment. By now Xura had drawn closer,.. drawn was the right word, it was almost as if something pulled her closer, rather than her actually walking up to them.

Isabelles next words, however, earned her the direct focus of the red Robed one. "What are you doing you DUMB BITCH! You are just a BITCH! You need to present your pussy to be bred! YOU need to bend over and let the alpha take you!" She growled and, with her closing in, even Isabelle might notice a slight... inhuman quality seeping into the girls voice. "Thats it.. I don't care about the others, you need to learn your place, yes... learn manners.." She growled, clumsily brandishing her sword.

"A fight it is.. " She presented her blade in a duelling stance.. "Not that you can fight.. no one can fight the wolf spirit.. I know.. I tried.. I still try.. ugh.." She growl-barked at Baron, who, remarkably, backed off .. apparently Isabelle would have to fight the strange girl in a one on one duell.

"You don't get it you damn bitch... We all can't do anything but submit to the beast, obey the beast, serve the beast or become beasts ourselfs!" She mumbled, brandishing her sword, then striking forward.. Though her attack was clumsy, and badly aimed, Isabelle would nonetheless notice the deep cut it scraped into the earth, as the girl panted.

"No.. no no.. listen.. just surrender and run away, dumb bitch, I don't want to make you a bitch like me, once the instincts are in you they tell you what to do.. but.." She looked at Baron.. "Its already in you, you're already a bitch anyway.. Isn't it? You belong to the beast, I can smell it, but its not a proper part of you yet.. grrrmnn.. I can fix that!" She licked her lips, but then her tone shifted.. "And you deny it, mistreat the master, disgusting, dumb, weak bitch, needs to be taught her place! Making him heel like some.. pet! Disgusting FILTHY BITCH!" She growled, before her tone shifted again..

"Seriously, run away now, you can't fight me, you're too weak, I'm a strong alpha! Dumb bitch.. the beast gets in you and then you'll do as it whispers into your ear more and more, become just a bitch.. Oooh you'd make a fine bitch but you already have an owner..... UGRAaaah! I'll punish you for mistreating your Alpha you dumb bitch!" With how the girls tone shifted, she would sound insane to anyone casually observing, to one with keener observation skills it was almost as if there was a split personality, one not wanting to fight, one wanting to dominate and overpower.

Isabella was not the sharpest observer, even so, she had to deal with a clumsily swung sword that was way too heavy for the girl she was facing to use effectively. This looked like an easy challenge, she just had to think up a way to peacefully subdue this one.. it wouldn't do to kill a half insane corrupted girl that couldn't defend herself, would it? One good parry and she'd simply stumble over her own legs.

Xura uses her animal control (wolves) to have Baron observe the fight. (I figure Wolves and Baron are close enough to count. ^^)
Next, she attacks Isabella, but intentionally fails her attack and deals no damage.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tag: Looking for teammate, Coming to purify

"Hey! Who are you calling disgusting!" Nym declared, looking imperious, hands on her hips as her breasts nearly escaped her top again. Though her attention was quickly taken by Baron and Isabella. "Ohh hey! You know how to have fun, we should be friends!" The cat girl exclaimed with a bright smile, before turning back to the off girl and this time her eyes were much more murderous. "After we make this woman pay for calling me disgusting!"

Unfortunately in the time she was doing that, Xura had launched to attack Isabella. Not that she really cared that the woman was fighting someone else. Instead she'd launch herself at Xura. "I'll show you whose the best!"

If the girl managed to latch onto Xura, the redhooded woman would quickly find herself on the wrong side of a molesting. The cat girl's hands tearing at her clothes to strip her off as her hands went to her breasts. Teasing her and trying to rile her up. The cat girl's hands having an odd glow to them that seemed to be draining her sexual stamina.

Nym launches a sexual attack against Xura! 13+2d16+2d6 = (No damage, instead half of what would have been damage is dealt to her sexual stat)
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

(aaand thats an instant knockout, even on a roll of 10, for 21 total with a DR of 1, Xura still takes a total of 23 damage, half of that is 11, bringing her sexual stat to 0. .. poor Xura. :p


Halfling Hills
Tag: Defeated!

Then again, before she could fully launch into her attack, she was cat-pounced and moaned out, revealing she actually had a cock.. that spewed its load under the catgirls relentless, lustful assault, knocking Xura out.. apparently she wasn't all that dangerous! .. and apparently the catgirl didn't intend to fight fairly.

(Remember, to gain a point from winning you have to defeat the other demoness too, as you each earn only a third of a point/defeated demon, so to round up you need two down. :p
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tags: Isabelle, Nym, Xura, Ylasa, Battle

Ayda was entirely just going to sir by while her fellow heroines were being attacked! I won't become some bitch! Just watch as we defeat you demons! Astra called out with an air of confidence about her. She had no reason to worry in her mind. They would just crush the demons like they did to the last one.

You demons won't be so confident after we have taken you down! Ayda may have a little bit of an inflated ego right now, but they had the power to back it up! She quickly took aim at the strange girl, that looked like a noble! Crows once again flew in the air!

(Damn had to change my target to Ylasa XD)
Ayda uses a mental attack on Ylasa! Rolling a
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tag: Victory

"Hahahahahaha! The flying catmissile strikes again!" Nym laughed maniacally from where she was straddling the now unconscious Xura. Looking at the corrupted woman's shaft and rubbing it with her hands to keep it hard up. "Now she's Nyms!"

Then the woman seemed to remember there was another weird person here, and turned to where the other voice had come from. Still stroking the unconscious Xura's cock she asked. "Are you going to try to attack us too?"
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills


Halfling Hills
Tag: Defeated!

Xura made a slight *bleh* noise when the catgirl continued to molest her, her tongue hanging out slightly to the side, her form sprawled on the ground. Someone should save this poor heroine from her wicked, demonic attacker.. wait*
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tags: Nym, Aida, Isabelle, Xura

"Oh dear here we go...". Ylasa rolled her eyes and took a couple quick steps to the side, staying out of the way of the imminent combat and rolling her eyes. "Well you were here first darling...". She told Xura with a shrug. It would be fun to watch whichever one of them lost the subsequent battle get claimed by the winner but the fight itself was looking to be quite the bore.

In fact, it was over in a matter of seconds, and Ylasa blinked as Xura went down faster than a house of cards in a stiff breeze. "Dishonorable indeed, but you did win, so to the victors go the spoils.". She shrugged again, then set her eyes on Nym. "Well... To those two anyways, you didn't actually do anything-oh for!" She was forced to duck as a swarm of crows shot towards her.

Rolled 1d10+20: Result = 25

Ylasa whirled to glare at Ayda. "Rude little girl!" Her eyes darted to Nym and Isabelle, then back to the Mage. "Hmph, I have no interest in fighting you but surely we can settle our differences yet, no?" Ylasa took a step to one side and gave a theatrical sweep of her arm, opening a shimmering tear in the air that resolved into an open doorway. "Why don't you step into my sitting room and we can talk over a game like civilized beings." The demoness produced a deck of cards from one sleeve of her robe and began shuffling them with a smile. "Cards? Dice? Chess? Anything but a disgusting mess of a fight would be preferable..."

Ylasa is using her Geas ability on Ayda to try and compel her into accepting her invitation, and additionally (If possible) using her Challenge ability to challenge her to a game, penalizing her if she tries to attack in any manner besides mental.

Additionally, while my roll of 25 should do one damage to Ayda (I think) I can't see any way for Ylasa to have damaged her stamina with that block, unless you want to count it as knocking her slightly off balance with her glare or her nonchalant response?
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tags: Ylasa, Isabelle, Nym, Xura

Ayda's attack missed the noble looking demon, and the demons glare caused her to recoil slightly before bouncing right back! Games? You want to play games instead of fighting? Ayda asked slightly bewildered at the notion. Humph, I will not go alone into a demons realm. Instead of doing anything she looks to Isabelle to see if she would go with her, or if she felt like attacking.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

The Halfling Hills
Tag: Nym, Ayda, Ylsa, Xeru

Isabelle was ready for a fight with Xeru, how dare she insult a former noble like Isabelle, and she didn’t stop insulting after the first time. The red robed woman was constantly yelling out for them to run or reminding Isabelle of her proper place, making Isabelle slightly confused and wary of the woman’s insane ramblings. She figured the poor girl’s mind must’ve been broken by some awful demon. The worst part of those words were that Isabelle couldn’t help but becoming excited each single time she was called a bitch and what her place was in life. Isabelle tried her best to ignore them, but she couldn’t help but to excitedly grind her hips and shake her butt at the woman’s words. However, no matter how enticing the woman’s words would be, Isabelle couldn’t give in to them, their family already suffered enough shame and humiliation for a life time, and Isabelle had to restore their family honor, she couldn’t do that by being the bitch of her dog, no matter how tempting the thought was. ''S-Stop calling me bitch this instance and stop telling me to do such things, before I make you. I will listen no longer about you prattling on about my so called role, I have a destiny to fulfill, and I won’t let anything get in the way of that!'' Isabelle yelled out angry with a blush on her cheeks.

Isabelle easily dodged the woman’s sloppy attack, as she simply stepped backwards and the woman tripped over her own legs. ''I can tell you’re indeed no demon, just a girl mentally broken by the wild animals.'' Isabelle said, before taking out her rapier, ready to incapacity the crazy woman and look for some way to save her, in the meantime the other two could handle the other girl. Or so Isabelle thought, because as soon as she was ready to strike the robed woman, they got interrupted by Nym pouncing on her. ''H-Hey, we were having an honorable duel here!'' Isabelle yelled at the cat-girl, before the cat girl began to molest the woman in front of her, making Isabelle blush furiously. ''What in god’s name are you’re doing, w-we’re supposed to cleanse the land not molest the demons!''

''R-Release that girl at once, we might still be able to purify her or lessen her corruption, I highly doubt that was an actual demon.'' Isabelle requested of Nym, before her attention shifts to the remaining girl. ''My apologies, I was trying to be honorable and make the fight more even, but my companions didn’t like that idea.'' Isabelle looked genuinely remorseful. ''As repentance I would accept one of your games of your choosing, but I highly doubt these two would let me do something foolish just to restore our honor, even if I would highly appreciate it.'' Isabelle stated. ''If they allow me to redeem ourselves, I’d gladly accept your challenge.''
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Halfling Hills
Tag: Victory

Nym blinked at Isabella, a blink that seemed to translate 'we're fighting demons that took over the world and you are thinking about honour?' Not stopping her molestation of the red cloaked girl. Wrapping her thighs around Xura's member now and starting to give her an intercural as her hands teased the woman's tip. "I'm cleansing this demon! It's worked before. You just have to sex the evil out of them."

When Isabella talked to the other woman though, and the other girl attacked the woman. Nym just shrugged, a visible 'wave' over her features as her personality slipped into a rather slothful apathy. "Go right ahead. Nym doesn't care. Unless you become Nym's friend then Nym will come to help when demon inevitably uses it to enslave you cause portal probably leads straight to like a net or something."

Then she shook her head and her expression started changing rapidly. Muttering to herself about whether she should or shouldn't help. Before sighing and saying. "The Nyms have deliberated. We'll help you, but you owe us after! Also don't go anywhere black and white girl! You are ours when we get back."