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Jungle Girl
Jan 13, 2016
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Hello everyone!

I have completed my first game and want to share it with the world. I tried to keep it as simple as possible since I am sure you all know the pain of playing a high reaching game but it stops somewhere in the middle because the author aimed too high and burned out. That said, I did write the equivalent of a small book (a little more than 200 pages) so there is plenty of content.

Originally, I was working with an artist but she got a good job offer almost right at the start of the project and could only do a little bit of art on the side. So it turned into a text game with some chibis.

You play as Marcus, a very successful businessman that is about to foreclose on a church when a very tempting offer is dropped in his laps by Aliane, the gorgeous high priestess.

I do not have enough post status to post images yet but you'll be able to see some on the links provided.

You can download it here: hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Pyorgara/398129/Corrupting-priestess
If you enjoyed it and want to support me as I work on my next game: patreon.com/Pyorgara
Re: Corrupting the priestess

WOW! Thats how I like a game to be, as soon as I start working again I will definitely be sinking a fair amount of money into development. Although one thing that would be nice is the ability to loan the girls you corrupt out to other people. Those games are really rare and might give your new game an extra edge. Only mentioning it because you seem to like it as well from some of the scenes where she gets taken advantage of.
Re: Corrupting the priestess

Thanks you for the praise! :D

And I agree with you that it's hot to pass your girl around. There will definitely be some more of that in my second game.
Re: Corrupting the priestess

Unfortunate as you said that you couldn't get more images, changes in expression/wardrobe/body language really compliment the character development in a corruption game. The writing was great though, and that is ultimately what makes or breaks a corruption game. Well done.

I tried to keep it as simple as possible since I am sure you all know the pain of playing a high reaching game but it stops somewhere in the middle because the author aimed too high and burned out.

Yeah I've seen feature creep fell some really promising games/stories/projects, thanks for staying on target.
Re: Corrupting the priestess

Played the game to completion and have some feedback and suggestions.

A few spoilers to those who haven't played:

Probably to start off though, I might want to frame things by saying humiliation isn't really my kink and there were some scenes that genuinely made me feel really fucking bad for the Alaine, though there were some that I really did like. Something about the protagonist having something against her religion and ultimately trying to get her to drop it completely kind of rubbed me the wrong way. But I liked seeing her find ways to incorporate her newfound whorishness into her priestess traits like finding ways to still help people in her own way. I would have really liked a "holy whore" ending where she manages to make her church have a comeback while still being corrupted. Once word gets out about her naked sermons I think she'd have a much easier time drumming up donations.

Most of what I have feedback wise is game design considerations though. Some of it is potentially feature-creep-ish so I can definitely see why you might have skipped some of these but they are suggestions if you want to add on to this game or for future ones.

1. The game is really damn grindy. Especially when you get to the point where self-worth only depreciates by one point no matter what you do. You keep hitting points where you've read all the content for all the jobs at her current level, but you're still mindlessly clicking through 6+ weeks of time to grind down her levels. It feels like you're padding the length a little too much. Also, you get very little money for the cost of the purchasable items, and if you make the mistake of buying the church upgrades at the start, you have a good dozen weeks of grinding at the first job to get the 300g to start the hospital job, which is very annoying. The numbers/time need some tuning.

2. going off that, I think the thematic of diminishing returns where her worth drops slower the lower her level wasn't a bad idea, but I think it should be handled differently. The fact that every event drops her worth by the same amount is kind of odd. the diminishing returns should be per event/action so that you can drop it faster by mixing things up, and surprising her. So, instead of talking and anal sex both dropping her worth by the same amount, Anal might be worth more initially, but if you do it for 3-4 weeks straight she'd get used to it and it'd stop working so well. It'd give you more of a reason to try all the different choices for saturdays.

3. It's really disappointing the church upgrades are just kind of there with no explanations. My guess is that her worth drops becasue you're fixing her church while she has failed to, but it'd be nice to have at least one sceene where you get her actual reaction to it.

4. Is there even a point to the reputation bar? The two stats basically drop in tandem and it's very hard to actually drop one without the other anyways. If you're going to have two stats, there needs to be both a reason and possibility for them to raise/lower separately.

5. The game is very linear and there's no failure state or setbacks, you just grind your way to the ending and your choices practically don't matter. Branching paths and multiple endings would be a major feature creep issue, but the game would be more interesting as a game if it were possible to fuck things up. I'd have a "happiness" bar or something to that effect to make choices actually matter and if you push her too hard too fast it decreases and emptying it out makes her back out of her contract. Then I might have a few events/choices that actually INCREASE her reputation or self-worth so you can be set back a bit, in exchange for the decreases to diminishing returns, allowing the stats to fluctuate a bit without the game becoming grindier. (You might need to tier-cap self-worth so even if it increases you can't go up a 'color' tier ever again since that would fuck up some of the event continuity)

6.You can go back to the old jobs for event variations, but other than that there is no reason to and you get exponentially less money. You might want to at least make stats very more in-between jobs. Like, the castle job basically makes her a harem girl entertainer but it's mostly behind closed doors, so it can have a higher self-worth drop than other jobs but leave her reputation nearly untouched. The tavern might actually increase her happiness (if you were to take my advice and add that stat) since once she gets used to it that seems to be the job she has the most fun with.

7.Endings. Here's the feature creep, but if you were to take some of my advice about stats it would pave the way for a few alternate endings. 1)The current ending from dropping both bars where she loses the church and stays your pet. 2) If you can drop her self-worth while keeping her reputation high, she keeps her sluttiness a secret and keeps the church but stays your pet in the off time 3) Bad end: She tears up the contract and walks, loosing her church in the process. 4) The earlier mentioned 'holy whore' ending, maybe trigged by maxing out the church but dropping her stats.

8. Shops: The "fun fund" isn't really 'fun'. You're basically buying unlocks for jobs and SLIGHTLY speeding up the grinding. You should be able to spend some cash on sex toys and outfits and stuff to use on her on saturdays. That's one of the feature creep ideas, but money is a very boring resource as-is. In it's current state, I'd rather just not have it at all and have the stats drop faster just from the jobs themselves and unlock automatically once her shame level is low enough.

In summary: I think the most important change you could make to improve the game is to make choices matter more by increasing the stat decrease/increase variability between your choices during events, Saturday sessions and workplaces so that they aren't all the same damn stat change, while possibly adding a third "happiness" bar you need to keep up to add a failure state allowing the game to feel more like an actual game with interesting choices you can make. While doing that, it would be a good idea to tune the numbers to actually decrease the playtime by a little bit to remove the grinding feeling of clicking through too many previously read events.

Sorry for the text wall, but the game is overall pretty good for a first effort at making this kind of thing.
Re: Corrupting the priestess

Unfortunate as you said that you couldn't get more images, changes in expression/wardrobe/body language really compliment the character development in a corruption game. The writing was great though, and that is ultimately what makes or breaks a corruption game. Well done.

Yeah I've seen feature creep fell some really promising games/stories/projects, thanks for staying on target.

Thanks! And yeah, it's really hard to stay on target when you work on a big project. You always want to add more but know you have to be realistic.

Awesome big review

I can imagine that quite a few scenes would be wince worthy for you if you're not a big fan of humiliation. :p

Thanks for all the suggestions. I am not planning to make any big changes to CtP since the reason for making it was simply to see if I had the stamina to do a big project. Now that I know I do, I'll take what I learned from it and the feedback from people like you to do an even better second one.

One of the things that I always wrestle with is a "game over" state. I get that a game usually means that there is a way to lose but I personally don't think it works well with adult games. When I play this kind of game and have to restart things, either because of a bad decision or bad luck, it always knocks me right out of the mood.

My main goals for "Soldier's life" (my next game) is to have player choices matter more and to add a fighting system for extra fun.

Thanks again for taking the time to write all that!
Re: Corrupting the priestess

I appreciate the no game over thing, if I see a game that only has scenes when you lose and get a game over I immediately stop reading because I do not want to have to save every 5 seconds so I dont spend 20 minutes getting back to the same scene.
Re: Corrupting the priestess

I'll take what I learned from it and the feedback from people like you to do an even better second one.

One of the things that I always wrestle with is a "game over" state. I get that a game usually means that there is a way to lose but I personally don't think it works well with adult games. When I play this kind of game and have to restart things, either because of a bad decision or bad luck, it always knocks me right out of the mood.

Yeah for what it's worth, I somewhat agree with you on "game overs" for adult games in general but it's a bit more nuanced than that. Adult games in general kind of wrestle with gameplay mechanics sometimes. I think it depends on your approach. If you want to have a game with no possible failure state, that's fine, you just need to have gameplay and story that supports that approach. H-game devs in particular seems to have issues reconciling the gameplay mechanics they want to use, the story they want to tell and the nature of the h-content they want to incorporate.

It's pretty terrible when the game over state IS the H-content but losing is also a major setback. I think one of the best contrasts for that is monster girl quest. In the original trilogy, the game over rape works great because you get to see the scene, and then immediately restart the fight. Gameplay is more of a trial and error style with the battles anyways. But the Paradox trilogy is a traditional JRPG, so on top of grinding through many battles to progress through the game, getting a battle h-sceene or from a boss kicks you back to the respawn point and you lose a lot of progress. It's not a good mechanic, and neither is it in MANY of the game-over-rape rpgs out there. (Speaking purely from a game design perspective, nothing against those who enjoy GOR style scenes)

The reason I suggested it for this game in particular is that it just seemed like a natural fit for the protagonist's dilemma of "How far can I push this woman out of her comfort zone without it backfiring?" But that's never a problem the prayer actually has to tangle with, he always pushes exactly the right amount and it's never the player's decision to make. Takes away the feeling of interactivity a bit. Plus saving and loading in this game is quick, easy and convenient and getting said suggested game-over would likely be a pretty slow process of grinding down happiness so it wouldn't b without warning.

If you want to make games without game overs or bad ends, I'm all for it. Contrary to popular belief, games aren't actually about winning or losing. I prefer Sid Meier's definition of games being comprised of "A series of interesting choices" But I do think an "un-failable" game should have it's story and gameplay designed such that that makes sense. I'm certainly not going to argue that animal crossing needs game over scenarios, for example.
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Re: Corrupting the priestess

So wanted to start out by saying it's actually pretty great to play a full game for once, instead of something updated every month or so.

That being said, some of the heavier humiliation scenes turned me right off, stuff involving piss and that camel & horse one. Also the notion of sharing Aliane with others rubs me the wrong way as well. I kinda wished there was a way you could train and keep her yourself.

A good thing however, were the exhibition tasks. I think setting a goal just out of her comfort zone, then seeing how she would achieve it was actually good character progression. In fact, some of the scenes I did like are ones where Aliane joined in of her own volition, such as that couple in the library or the bouncers at the bar.

Overall though it is a bit grindy but there were some pretty good scenes as well. That Katis oilrub is going to stay with me for awhile.

Just my 2 cents anyway.
Re: Corrupting the priestess

i havent finished the game yet, but i really enjoy your writing so far :)
Re: Corrupting the priestess

I really loved the way the events changed over time as she was corrupted!

Still, it was kind of annoying having to click through the locations a bunch of times trying to find one particular random event that I wanted to read.

I'd say it'd be cool to have a list of all the events and their different variations/levels of corruption (maybe as an unlockable completion present or something)

Anyway, nice job.
Re: Corrupting the priestess

I appreciate the no game over thing, if I see a game that only has scenes when you lose and get a game over I immediately stop reading because I do not want to have to save every 5 seconds so I dont spend 20 minutes getting back to the same scene.

If you want to make games without game overs or bad ends, I'm all for it. Contrary to popular belief, games aren't actually about winning or losing. I prefer Sid Meier's definition of games being comprised of "A series of interesting choices" But I do think an "un-failable" game should have it's story and gameplay designed such that that makes sense. I'm certainly not going to argue that animal crossing needs game over scenarios, for example.

Yeah I think that for adult games, a "setback" state is better than a "game over" one. As in, if you screw up, you need to do a little bit of damage control but will never get a game over.

So wanted to start out by saying it's actually pretty great to play a full game for once, instead of something updated every month or so.

That being said, some of the heavier humiliation scenes turned me right off, stuff involving piss and that camel & horse one. Also the notion of sharing Aliane with others rubs me the wrong way as well. I kinda wished there was a way you could train and keep her yourself.

Yeah, my kinks range far and wide. :p
I was thinking of adding toggles for my next game so that people can turn off the heavier content.
Glad you still found scenes to your taste!

i havent finished the game yet, but i really enjoy your writing so far :)

Thanks! Hope you like it all the way to the end.

I really loved the way the events changed over time as she was corrupted!

Still, it was kind of annoying having to click through the locations a bunch of times trying to find one particular random event that I wanted to read.

I'd say it'd be cool to have a list of all the events and their different variations/levels of corruption (maybe as an unlockable completion present or something)

Anyway, nice job.

Thanks! Adding a gallery of events at the end has been mentioned a couple of times. It's on my list of things to look at on my next game.
Re: Corrupting the priestess

Yeah the toggle idea is an awesome idea, all it would take is just telling the game to skip some text or CG frames for a scene. Although if you plan on adding in the ability to share a character you will have to just make it a yes or no option when the choice to share her comes up since you really cant toggle that out as far as I know. Glad to see you know what you want though.
Re: Corrupting the priestess

youre writing is awesome pyorgara. this is probly the first game ive ever played that didnt have any CGs, to keep me interested enough finish :).
Re: Corrupting the priestess

Yeah the toggle idea is an awesome idea, all it would take is just telling the game to skip some text or CG frames for a scene. Although if you plan on adding in the ability to share a character you will have to just make it a yes or no option when the choice to share her comes up since you really cant toggle that out as far as I know. Glad to see you know what you want though.

Yeah the sharing would just be one of the options. If you don't like that, don't choose it.

youre writing is awesome pyorgara. this is probly the first game ive ever played that didnt have any CGs, to keep me interested enough finish :).

Thanks! What a nice praise. :)
Re: Corrupting the priestess

Completed and love it, it was very very nice story :D

The writing was awesome and the characters too, i loved how she was slowly "corrupted".
The only bad point is that maybe was a little too much grindy, and would be nice to add more items, or task to do, but maybe that is another kind of game.
I would love to review more but my writing english is bad (while the reading is ok) :\

Waiting for the next one ;)

PS: By the way, where can i foun the save file? i liked the game so i'm keeping it but it would be a little boring starting again if i just want to read the final version of the sex scenes. Ty :)
Re: Corrupting the priestess

One of the very few text games I actually enjoyed. Your writing helps alot, and the lack of CG wasn't that bad.

The only thing that I might say was rather weird, was the chibis. They were good but, I only found out that the setting is supposed to take place during the middle ages because most of the chibi artwork made the characters look like they are in a modern society. I mean I got that feeling while at the tavern but then again we do have taverns in the world where waitresses dress like that.

Other than the worldbuilding (I guess that's what it is), the game was great.
Re: Corrupting the priestess

Completed and love it, it was very very nice story :D

The writing was awesome and the characters too, i loved how she was slowly "corrupted".
The only bad point is that maybe was a little too much grindy, and would be nice to add more items, or task to do, but maybe that is another kind of game.
I would love to review more but my writing english is bad (while the reading is ok) :\

Waiting for the next one ;)

PS: By the way, where can i foun the save file? i liked the game so i'm keeping it but it would be a little boring starting again if i just want to read the final version of the sex scenes. Ty :)

Thanks! Your English is just as good as most people.

If you are on a pc, the saves would be in: C:\Users\"user_name"\AppData\LocalLow\Pyorgara\CtP

One of the very few text games I actually enjoyed. Your writing helps alot, and the lack of CG wasn't that bad.

The only thing that I might say was rather weird, was the chibis. They were good but, I only found out that the setting is supposed to take place during the middle ages because most of the chibi artwork made the characters look like they are in a modern society. I mean I got that feeling while at the tavern but then again we do have taverns in the world where waitresses dress like that.

Other than the worldbuilding (I guess that's what it is), the game was great.

Glad you had fun! The setting is in kind of a fusion between now and middle age. I don't know if anybody noticed but they have pills in the hospital which would not really be a thing back then but they all travel by foot or use carriages. Since I don't use the outside world all that much, I decided that it was fine leaving it a little abstract and focus more on the smut.
Re: Corrupting the priestess

I liked the game mainly because of the writing, but at some point i found my self just auto clicking through it because of the lack of pictures. Nevertheless good job.
Re: Corrupting the priestess

Thanks! Your English is just as good as most people.

If you are on a pc, the saves would be in: C:\Users\"user_name"\AppData\LocalLow\Pyorgara\CtP

Thank you ;)