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Re: Confessions

I think he was repeating Toxic, not because he didn't understand, but because he was in disbelief. I am too and now I find that my penis feeling very sensitive right now.
Re: Confessions

I think he was repeating Toxic, not because he didn't understand, but because he was in disbelief. I am too and now I find that my penis feeling very sensitive right now.

Just don't imagine it being scraped. Whatever you do.
Re: Confessions

hahaha. I guess I'm not the only one squeamish about this. It's like the proverbial "scratching your nails against the cockboard"?

I don't know about it cuz I couldn't go through with it, but I'm smart enough to go out of my way to know what I'm doing and make sure I won't do anything wrong. It's not supposed to be painful, it's just pressure, which I guess is just equated to any sphincter. Wouldn't know how it feels until I try it. And even if it somewhat is painful to any degree, I actually have a dangerously high pain tolerance, to the point where it's a medical issue, but it'll at least mean this wouldn't bother me. Or at least, it shouldn't in theory, I don't know why I can't, but it's not fear of pain.
Re: Confessions

I'm so glad I'm not a man. You guys do some of the DUMBEST shit.

Not saying that us girls aren't a bit loose in the head now and then, but you guys take the cake more often than not.
Re: Confessions

I hope that's not directed at me :(

If so, and we're all judgmental now. Why is it stupid? It's a sex practice. If I did it and ending up not liking it? Might be a waste of time but stupid? arguable. If I don't bother with something that might be enjoyable? Sure, that might be stupid.

You wouldn't be interested in that type of play? Do you know about it? I can make the claim that any sexual activity that isn't reproductive is stupid, but I don't because that's not what I believe. Potentially, it's an intense feeling. A hetero couple that I'm friends with both do it, and tried to assure me when I was curious about it. It's just experimentation. The only stupid thing about me is my sad and pathetic nature that anything I've ever done sexually was scientific in nature, not for stimulation. If you wanna say it's why I do things, that's fine, I guess, but I research and care about the things I do. If I didn't, I wouldn't be doing it, that would be dumb.
Re: Confessions

I hope that's not directed at me :(

If so, and we're all judgmental now. Why is it stupid? It's a sex practice. If I did it and ending up not liking it? Might be a waste of time but stupid? arguable. If I don't bother with something that might be enjoyable? Sure, that might be stupid.

You wouldn't be interested in that type of play? Do you know about it? I can make the claim that any sexual activity that isn't reproductive is stupid, but I don't because that's not what I believe. Potentially, it's an intense feeling. A hetero couple that I'm friends with both do it, and tried to assure me when I was curious about it. It's just experimentation. The only stupid thing about me is my sad and pathetic nature that anything I've ever done sexually was scientific in nature, not for stimulation. If you wanna say it's why I do things, that's fine, I guess, but I research and care about the things I do. If I didn't, I wouldn't be doing it, that would be dumb.

It's not the fact that you're considering doing it. That's called curiosity. It's the fact that your own body is basically screaming at you "Bad Idea! Bad Idea!" and you're doing it anyways because if you backed down you think you'd lose some sort of respect.
Re: Confessions

This entire subject only serves to remind me of my intense fear of nipple penetration. This thread has also succeeded in making me cry. Thanks guys.
Re: Confessions

I don't give a shit about respect, if I did, I don't think I'd publicly state the fact I was interested in it, nor would I mention that I failed at it. Pain is the main way of saying "bad idea" and like I said, I didn't hurt myself. Being squeamish doesn't mean my body is more protective because I'm less able to take it. the reason I'm scared mainly is because a) I don't have a proper lube and I don't want to get a UTI, so I wasn't absolutely sure if any substitute was safe, and because I haven't done it before. Before any new experience, I usually get butterflies too, but I guess I'm supposed to listen to them because that makes them right?

The biggest issue I have, and it's only cuz I havent checked this with a doctor, but I have a tear at the end of my urethra, and I don't know if that makes me more apt to having a problem. If that means I'm more susceptible, it doesn't mean I can't do it even if I make sure to be safe.

This entire subject only serves to remind me of my intense fear of nipple penetration. This thread has also succeeded in making me cry. Thanks guys.
AHHH! I hate that too! gaaaah.
I didn't think of that until now, thanks jerk!
Re: Confessions

Yeah I was definitely in disbelief. I didn't even know that was possible. I remember when I was young and just finding out about what penises were and what they could do I tried putting a length of fishing line in there. I STILL flinch in pain whenever I think about it.
Re: Confessions

So I tried to Google a test where they stick a tube up the urethra, and I ended up finding a urethra vibrator. I proceeded to break down and sweat profusely. I think they stick a tube up there when you have kidney stones?
Re: Confessions

Daaaamn kidney stones.
At least babies aren't sharp when they come out :p

*looks above*
..... Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna try again for a while
Re: Confessions

When your body unconsciously keeps you from doing something, it generally means that it's a BAD IDEA. Not to say urethral play isn't pleasurable, since I don't have any experience with it, but the risk of getting a UTI is enough to keep me away from experimenting.
Re: Confessions

It would only be from irritation, which is a lack of lube, or chemical, which would be the wrong lube. People have medical fetishes, so that's not too far out of the blue.
Re: Confessions

The reason I'm not even gonna touch this shit with a ten foot pole is because it feels way too unnatural. The urethra isn't supposed to stretch damn it. That sensation you're feeling is just similar to a boner so you think it feels good. Of course, I'm not an anatomy expert, so I can't really say.
Re: Confessions

.....with a ten foot pole..... The urethra.....

That could be your problem dark, a ten foot pole is way too small for you.
Re: Confessions

So I tried to Google a test where they stick a tube up the urethra, and I ended up finding a urethra vibrator. I proceeded to break down and sweat profusely. I think they stick a tube up there when you have kidney stones?

They do if the kidney stone isn't passing naturally and they have to remove it some other way. They leave a little tube called a stent behind after they remove it, which helps prevent infection while you heal. Also if you're having surgery where the recovery prevents you from eating or drinking, it's normal to place a tube in there with a little balloon thingy that inflates and fills the bladder so that any liquid is drained off immediately. I'm sure there are plenty more that I missed, but it's late and those are the two that came readily to mind.

Also, the idea of inserting anything there is pretty distressing to me. Like, it makes me anxious if I think about it.

EDIT: Hurfdurf, forgot that stents were a tube, and this is the last time I post about catheters on this forum, >_>
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Re: Confessions

it's normal to place a tube in there with a little balloon thingy

The minute you said that, all I could think of was a balloon inflating in my dick and then I blacked out for about a minute.
Re: Confessions


To find a picture of that to mess with Dark, or to not find a picture of that to mess with Dark.....

Fuck it, I'm too tired and lazy. You're safe..... for now.
Well, at least from me. I can't speak for the other crazies on here.
Re: Confessions

So I was fucking this dude in the ass and I reach around to give him a handjob and I feel that he has an erection, and I'm like "You fucking faggot!"