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*COMPLETED* Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Thank you Rythe! Thank you enchanting shop guy! I swear I'm paying you the rest of what this was worth if I get out of here!” The elemental ore Kurui brought with her had worked like a charm. It didn't blow up in her hand, it didn't refuse to let go of the spell it held, it didn't have any problems aiming. It had instead made a direct hit at full power just like she hoped it would. It only took a quick glance for her to tell Julius wouldn't be moving again for quite some time. Unfortunately... Octavian would not react as she had hoped...

She had hoped the solider now holding her would have realized he was beaten and let her go, or that Colt could move in quickly enough to get a blow in... but it didn't exactly work that way. He seemed to have realized he was beaten alright, but chose to run instead. However he planned to take her with him. Before she knew what happening, she was over his shoulder and they were off. To her horror he was actually outrunning Colt too... and a second set of footsteps she could only guess were Reius's... at least that meant he wasn't hurt as badly earlier as she had thought. “Oh god, I should be slowing Octavian down, between me and the armor he's wearing... but I'm just like a freaking twig to him!” In retrospect she should have cast a spell or something, but it was hard to focus as they ran every which way through the mine and it was all she could do to even halfway memorize where they were. She did try to squirm her way loose and hit him a few times, but the armor he wore was more than enough to block anything she threw at him. She wasn't anywhere near any kind of fighter outside of using magic anyway. “Are you crazy?! Put me down!!” Nothing she did seemed to slow Octavian down, him still stuck in too much of a panic to notice. Eventually they got far enough to where she couldn't hear Colt or Reius anymore. She could keep calling for help in the hopes that they would keep following her, but the maze of tunnels and echos made sound hard to track... and between Dinn and Anisse being hurt they couldn't have afforded to keep up the pursuit for too long anyway. Even Kurui knew their smartest choice was to leave her and keep trying to dig out... It still left her with a sinking feeling of being abandoned though. “Wh-what did I do deserve this? Enrion why? Is this about Teague... I gave him a chance damnit! I wasn't even the one to do anything! Why me? why me? why me!?”

Eventually Octavian DID finally get tired, although they had made it a considerable distance from the group before he stopped and put her down. “Ooff! Easy!” Perhaps “put down” was the wrong phrase, it was closer to slammed down on the hard stone. There was no care or tenderness to it at all, if anything it made her feel even MORE like a twig by comparison, but least she wasn't hurt too badly. She would find her efforts to get up stopped as he held her there and took a few moments to rip up her muffler into crude bindings and secure her wrists. While this wouldn't stop her from chanting any spells per say, spells were easier to direct with the hands, especially small cantrips she could set off quickly. This did limit her aim alot. A quick bit of tugging and squirming showed they would hold her pretty well for such an improvised restraint, then again she was far from any escape artist. She didn't have long to mess around with them though, as almost as soon as Octavian finished did he move to flipping her off stomach to get a better look at her. It was actually more comfortable than having her face against the stone, although looking up at him from this position was intimidating. At least for the moment he seemed to be thinking rather than ripping up up any more of her clothes or hurting her...

When she finally caught up with her thoughts and interrupted him a few seconds later, her voice would have an expected tone of fear within it... but strangely THIS part wouldn't be directed at him. If anything in her voice was, it was anxious anger.
“...are... you... completely... OUT OF YOUR MIND?! You're going to get us both killed! Do you even know where we ARE?!” despite her compromising position she had no problem addressing him this way, he had been stupid and deserved this chewing out. “I don't know what the big master plan is, but those goblin things from earlier sure didn't seem to recognize a soldiers uniform earlier when they attacked Colt and us. There's only two of us in here, if there are any more they'll clean off our bones like piranhas! ...Even if we avoid them, what are you going to do after that? The others are going to dig their way out and tell someone and you probably can't even find your way back to them now. You wouldn't have stopped us if your people were waiting out there. You think your Syndicate bosses are going to be happy with that? Happy you and Julius got screwed over by a girl and Aelwyck duelist? They'll probably take me and all the others you led out into your trap and leave you with nothing, that's if they don't just decide not to skin you alive. You had a chance to just give up and escape with us, Colt probably would have even forgiven you and covered for you if you had helped us. Now you best chance is to hope you can get back there with me before they get out and get the Royal Guard here chasing you down... although I'd take them over a bunch of slavers who see nothing wrong with raping and making slaves out of people who haven't even done anything to them... let alone someone who's failed them!” she stopped for a moment to catch her breath, panic having overwhelmed her voice at the end there, once again faced with the thought of dying in these caves again, either to more goblins or them just getting lost forever. She needed to be calm enough that he would listen to her anyway. It wasn't much, but he at least seemed to have more of a conscious than Julius, if only for the panic he had shown earlier. When she spoke again her voice was much more timid, still tinged with obvious signs she was scared, but not angry anymore.
“...More trouble than we're worth... maybe. I'm only 19 though... I don't even understand all this stuff about the kingdom being evil and whatever new world the Syndicate promises... All I heard was what you wanted to do to me and got scared... can you blame me for trying to fight and being “trouble”? If you had a younger sister would you want someone else doing this to her? I hadn’t even done anything to you... this isn't how things should be for anyone.” It might have been a longshot that this would buy her any sympathy... but who knew... maybe Octavian was more under Julius's influence earlier than she could pick up on. At the very least she hoped this last bit she had done in a more timid voice would at least keep him from getting too angry after her first scared rant right in his face. At this point any anger she didn't diffuse might not be met with the most... humane reaction.

Aside from her uniform and the waist satchel...
-Goblin Blood Sample x1
-Ration "Snacks" x1
-Gold x35
-Falenium (Large) x1
-Siffulum (Medium) x2
-Mining Chisel X1 (Technically she's had this from the start of the trip, I've forgotten to list it.)

*Lost Elemental Ore x1
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Octavian could only give Kurui an incredulous look as she began a rather long-winded scolding of his recent actions. His expression lay somewhere between disgust, confusion, regret, and disbelief. Or more appropriately, a blend of all of the above. What position was she in to talk? Why was she chewing him out like this? And more importantly, why so many words to do so? Though he arguably was quite deserving of such a lecture, this still didn't seem to register in the red-haired warrior's mind, and he simply raised a brow, his mouth slightly agape. It was difficult to gauge exactly how much of what she had just said stuck with the massive man, though he did eventually snap out of his apparent stupor to do one thing--frown.

"What...? How does that even... ARGH! You talk too damn much! You need to just shut up!" Forming a rather large knot with yet another strip torn from the mage's divested muffler, he hurriedly began to fashion what looked like a makeshift gag, and was just about to fasten it to keep Kurui from saying anything more, that is, before the girl's more subdued tone and slower tempo actually got him to stop listen.

The soldier's features seemed to soften just a tad after Kurui mentioned the words 'younger sister', and he drooped his shoulders somewhat, the gag falling loose from his hands. His gaze averted to the side for a moment, and slowly, he got up off of her, soon getting back to his feet. This action actually allowed the water mage to take in a nice, deep breath, as it was almost suffocating being beneath the muscular grunt's body weight. "Y-You... You don't know me," he said sharply, despite helping her to stand if she was able.

"All you did was make threats... but I'm not afraid of the Kingdom, nor of anyone in it. I don't have anymore REASON to be afraid!" Towards the end, his speech grew somewhat heated, but he managed to stop himself from going on with it after giving Kurui a second look. It took a few seconds for him to visibly calm down, but when he did, his tone darkened. "Do you really think that everything will just turn out the way you want it to? That... the Holy Royal Guard will come and save everyone...?" A melancholy look washed over his visage. "No... they won't come. This whole mine is practically a Syndicate operation. The sooner you give up, the... the easier it'll be." At the very least, he didn't look to be intent on violating her now, if body language had anything to say about it, though his stern words carried a weight to them, one that told of his own personal sincerity and experience.

He looked as if he was going to say something, then narrowed his eyes and drew his sword back out in a flash. Octavian's alarm was well-founded, as a series of eerie grunts and chitters, inhuman as they were, echoed throughout the area.

These noises sounded familiar to Kurui, and for good reason. Roughly half a dozen goblin-like creatures emerged from the darkness ahead, almost as if to prove that their existence here was no fluke nor anomaly in the Void rifts. Outfitted with torches, shovels and pickaxes, they appeared to be well-equipped for journeying in the mines, just as the last group was. Hollering some unrecognizable sounds, presumably in some sort of alien language from the structure of their sentences, they began to motion towards Kurui, apparently getting more worked up by the second.

"No, she's mine. Leave!" yelled Octavian in a commanding voice, but his words didn't seem to deter them any. Instead, they approached slowly, some keeping fingers pointed at the Water Major, who stood but a few feet behind the soldier, while others resorted to making oddly mischievous faces. One of them didn't wait too much longer, springing towards Kurui with the amount of speed expected of it, but the monster soon found himself intercepted by Octavian's broad blade, sliced in two for neglecting the threat in front of him. This set the rest of the group off, and they proceeded to swarm him, though the stocky swordsman didn't look to be outmatched just yet despite facing superior numbers.

If the Academy student were to take a quick glance around, she would find that ahead of her was the largest tunnel, clogged as it was with numerous goblins and the struggling Octavian. Behind her was a fork with passages veering to the right and left, though it was difficult to tell exactly which of the tunnels they came from. Whether she stayed to assist him, flee, or do something else was up to her, but it quickly became evident that even the brawny warrior would soon be overwhelmed if Kurui took too long to decide on a course of action.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui felt light after Octavian had moved off her. Only now did she realize how much she had been feeling his weight.... or maybe the lightness she now felt was relief that her words had gotten through to him. As she tried to stand though, the fact that she stumbled and almost fell over without the use of her hands for balance reminded her this was still far from over. She could take off right now though... run back down the tunnels and try to find her way to back to the others. She hadn't been wearing herself out on the run over here like he had, she might be able to pull it off... but she was still afraid of being alone down here and what would happen if she was wrong and he did catch her again. Instead she she decided to stay for the time being and not take her chances getting Octavian mad with an escape again.

“Me making threats? I was scared... I was just racing through whatever I could think of to say...” Her voice still had a subdued tone to it, whether out of fear or sympathy was unclear though, perhaps both. “No... I don't think the Royal Guard will come... not without someone telling them what's happening here. I don't know your reasons for hating the Kingdom and I probably can't pretend to understand... you probably hate me for even mentioning them, even if you're not afraid of them... but... they're not supposed to be like Black.... They're not supposed to lead me into a fucking hole in the ground to watch people almost die and sell me off as a fucktoy like I'm breeding stock! Nobody in Veltria would have ever done that to us...” she was on the verge of crying now, some tears had already started running down her face. “Don't tell me to just give up! I have to believe in something. What am I supposed to do, just give up the future I had? Accept I'll never see the friends I had again? Accept I'll never have a chance to love anyone or have a family?! Accept that if I get sold off a slave for Syndicate I'll probably never even get to enjoy things like a hot bath or good food ever again?! That's not even mentioning all the bad things and fucking rape you said they're going to do to me! If all thats true why don't you just fucking kill me right now and save me the effort?! I get scared of dying too easily... who knows how much I'd end up going through before I worked up the nerve to save myself...
She stopped for a moment, feeling herself reaching the verge of a breakdown and trying to hold it back. Making effort to going back to trying to think on reason and stay focused on the now. Panic and crying wouldn't help and she knew that.
“There were two groups with monitors. You want to shut down that ray of hope and tell me they were in on this too and there's no chance of them getting help or anything after the tremor? Forget it, we should try to get back to back to Colt and the others. Maybe Dinn isn't hurt too bad. He made a lot of progress earlier anyway, maybe we can still dig out without him. Please, if we go back now I'll make sure the others don't attack yo-”

Kurui's heart stopped mid sentence when Octavian drew his sword and a primal wave of dread washed her over when she heard the all too familiar sounds of the alien creatures from before. It wasn't long before half a dozen became visible, it was all she could do to slowly inch her way back behind Octavian. To make matters worse... she soon found she was completely right about them not heeding his orders. “Why? That... That was just something I made up to try to get to him to him. Why did it have to be TRUE?!” A second later she found one lunging at her... luckily for her only to be cut down and dead before it got near her. Unfortunately for Octavian this seemed to now make him their primary target as the rest of the creatures proceeded to swarm him.

“This is my chance! He can't catch me if I run now, not with all those things attacking! … but... if I go the wrong way and run into more of them... I'm dead... I'm totally dead if I run into more and I'm all alone. Maybe I won't... I think I know way back... kinda... they won't chase me either if they're fighting Octavian... but... damnit!”
She had started to turn to run, but her doubt got the better of her and she stopped. Perhaps it was a stupid choice on her part, but she couldn't stand the thought of being alone in here, even if her chances of getting back to Colt and the others was fair. “It doesn't matter if there's a lot of them. Mages are good with a lot of opponents if they're not getting attacked themselves. At least... thats what they taught us in class. If only that asshole didn't tie my hands, I need those to aim!” She gave another tug against her bindings only to find them still far more than she could squirm or muscle out of quickly. She could reach the cloth with her fingertips, but not well enough to undo any knots. It did give her another idea though... “Why not... everyone else got hurt today, I'll have bigger problems to worry about if I don't do something quick anyway!
She started to chant a fire spell, while it wasn't her element and took a bit longer than a water spell, the goblins seemed to busy with Octavian to notice. The spell wasn't meant for them anyway. Instead once she had the gate formed she turned her fingers back upon her bindings, intent on burning right through them. It took no more than a few seconds for them to catch...
“Fucking fire! Myreeiiihhhhhh! It huuurts!”
Though the cloth caught fire fast, it didn't burn through right away. It took a few moments before it was compromised enough for Kurui to force it loose. While she had been expecting to get burned, the actual pain of it was still agonizing while happened, even if the burns never got too far beneath the skin. She didn't have time to worry about that now that she was free though. She winced through the pain and started chanting for a Blue Riptide, now that she able to properly aim, intent on sweeping up as many of the creatures attacking Octavian as she could without hitting him now. “They're all grouped together this time and none are attacking me yet. Even if there are more of them than we can fight further down and we run, this will at least buy us some breathing room. Come on Kurui, this is an easy shot. Ignore the fucking burns and focus...”
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

The mage's tearful response did little to change Octavian's expression, which remained stuck on a partially defined frown. His eyebrows drooping ever so slightly to give the hint that there was still a drop of sympathy remaining, albeit a tiny one, he only shook his head. While he was never the most peppy of the two Syndicate recruits, something that Kurui had said seemed to trigger an overall air of muted despair from him. He couldn't watch her cry for long though, and thus focused his attention on their new foes--perhaps the call of battle would save him from dealing with such a sensitive subject, one that clearly had no small effect on both him and the Academy student. Perhaps there would be time to talk about it later, or perhaps the idea of having hope related to memories that Octavian wouldn't ever dare to discuss again in detail. But when the Voidic creatures descended upon him, the soldier's mind filled itself with only one thing upon seeing their apparent insistence on taking Kurui, and that was combat.

Unfortunately for him, he was quickly outmatched by the deceptively quick minions, despite dispatching of one in an instant and sending another flying into a wall. Two more of the goblins, who were wielding sharper weapons, made attempts to hack away at his midsection, which luckily proved futile thanks to his breastplate, but the others, who had climbed upon the massive man's shoulders, began to smash their maces and shovels upon his helmet repeatedly, threatening a concussion to knock him out if allowed to continue. Within moments, Octavian looked like a giant scarecrow of a man, upon which fearless birds--or rather, goblins in this case--perched upon as if to spite his very presence. He soon stumbled to a knee, on the verge of passing out, but despite the danger of his situation, he never once turned to Kurui to ask for help or yell orders.

He received it anyway, or at least an attempt to, as the girl stopped in her initial decision to flee and changed her priorities to dispatching of the Voidic attackers. Kurui focused just enough, opening a tiny fire gate that caused licks of flame to eat away at her bindings. She suffered some rather painful burns at her wrists as a result, but it was a small price to pay for the freedom needed to make the cast and potentially save both her and the fading swordsman from a most grisly fate. By the time she had freed herself, Kurui saw that the soldier had collapsed under the weight of the creatures' repeated blows, and more importantly, that they had set her sights on her. They were grouped together in a fairly tight cluster from having ganged up on Octavian the way they did, and remained that way for a crucial moment. A successful casting would send them washed back down from wherever they came from. It was now or never, and Kurui put together all of her existing focus for arguably the most important cast she'd make thus yet...

At her fingertips, she felt the gate open without a hitch. The trick to turning a single-target spell into an area one was more often than not the sheer size of the gate; in water magic, it was the key factor. Still, widening a gate while maintaining it required a much larger amount of focus, of which Kurui would have no problem keeping under other circumstances. But here, her wrists were singed, she was physically and mentally exhausted, and the approaching foes were adding an extra bit of urgency to the situation--with no warrior to keep them at bay, the fledgling mage could feel their lewd stares fixing upon her, and the pressure of this intent rather high. Water gushed out from her summoned magical rift in force, but when she tried to widen it further, the stress upon her shaky hands proved too much, and without her sustained focus, it soon closed shut, her concentration failing her. The primary blast that did escape knocked back one of the remaining four goblins, but the other three scurried to subdue her, successfully pinning her to the ground. Hearing their excited grunts above and behind her told the Water Major that things could go bad soon if nobody arrived to help her.

Kurui's Casting Check (for Fire-based cantrip): Success
Kurui's Casting Check (for Blue Riptide): Fail
Now grappled by three goblins x_x;
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Though the goblins hadn't moved on her yet, as Kurui wretched herself free of the her burning bindings her pained cries seemed to have gotten them to look her direction and be aware of her again at least. It helped that they already had Octavian partially down already and could afford to split their attention somewhat. The didn't rush on her quite yet though, she would still have plenty of time to finish her casting for a Blue Riptide spell, despite how difficult it was proving to be in her state.

By the time Kurui had finished chanting her spell, Octavian appeared to be completely down. The actually made her shot easier, but in truth it also terrified her. “If he's out cold then I really AM alone with these things. I could have run and been no worse off! I had the perfect chance! Damnit you better not have died on me and left me with these things! I burned myself for you!” All she could do now was try to shoot the spell and hope for the best.
The spell gate opened fine, she had enough time to recover some magic earlier that she could pull off magic again. Even with all the tolls of stress and fatigue she still managed to nail one of the creatures around Octavian dead-on. But then... things got bad. As she tried to widen the gate to hit more of them she could feel the magical energy “tremble”. Her gate was falling apart on her, becoming unstable and shaking itself apart. Under normal circumstances she could have regained control of it easily, but right now it was too much, the stress and exhaustion made her panic and she lost her “grip” on the gate as it fizzled out in front of her...
“That... That was my only chance...”
Kurui could only stand stunned in disbelief at what had just happened. She didn't even register what was going on around her for a few seconds after that. It was only when the remaining 3 goblins she provoked were almost within touching distance that she snapped out of it and and though to turn and run, but by then it was too late...

Despite how easily Octavian had kept up with the creatures on him, even under their blows, Kurui would have no suck luck. She didn't have the soldier's sturdiness and apparently they goblins didn't even consider her nearly as much of a threat, as they didn't even try to get any blows in to disable her before tackling and dragging her down.
“Geeeeiiiaaaaah! Get the fuck off meeeeeiah!!!”
These things had already been scary to her before, but up close and on top of her the effect was magnified at least 10 fold. In the back of her mind she knew she'd be having nightmares about this if she survived it. Whatever intentions their glares or chitters hinted at, all she could do was imagine their rows of teeth and them chewing on her bones when they were finished. She was in full panic mode now, her heart beating so hard part of her wondered how she hadn't passed out yet. There was no way she was going to get off any cantrips or other magic right now, not that she would have trusted herself to after her last spell collapsed in her hands. She was instead reduced to frantic thrashing and clawing at the ground trying to get away. All the adrenaline coursing through her right now actually made her stronger than she was aware than she was aware of her body being capable. The goblins would actually have a hard time keeping her still, even with three of them. If it had been one or two she might have even been able to get them off this way.
She was screaming her lungs out now, hoping her voice would carry far enough in the mine for someone besides these creature to hear. At this point she didn't even care if it was more of the traitor soldiers, they were at least human. She knew that was a slim chance though, they were probably all back at camp enjoying the spoils of their “victories” from their own groups. Octavian and Julius were probably the only ones who came back, Julius was already out and in a different part of the mine and she wasn't sure if Octavian was even alive anymore. Colt or Reius were unharmed enough to help her, but if they wern't out looking for her and instead decided to stay back with the wounded Dinn and Anisse they might not even hear her or be able to find her. She couldn't think of anyone likely to hear her, but she kept screaming anyway in the desperate hope SOMEONE would. Her fear of these goblins and the NEED to get away consuming all of her thought processes and stopping any thought-out ideas. That didn't mean ALL ideas though... sometimes simple was best. In between her screaming she tried to focus on wretching at least an arm free, despite the pain of the burns. If she could do this she would pull either her mining chisel or the dagger like crystal of Falenium from her satchel and try to stab one of these nightmares in the eyes or throat. Neither of these would be the best weapons and she had no skill with ANY weapons anyway... but these creatures wern't wearing any armor and either one would be better than clawing at them with her fingernails...
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui's screams of protest were met with howls and hoots of what sounded like laughter from the devious creatures as they worked her into a stress position, with two of them holding her arms down on each side, making the mage's attempts to reach her satchel futile. The third mounted her from behind, slipping an arm underneath her chin and soon working her into a stranglehold, similar to the one applied on Reius during the fight with the first group a while back. But this time, there was no Colt to help pry the fierce monster from her back, and the corners of the Water Major's vision were soon overtaken by a dark haze, her peripheral vision first giving way before the rest went black...


By the time she came to, the Academy student found herself bound and blindfolded. She couldn't see a thing through the folded black fabric, but she could feel the numerous monsters' hands upon her, carrying her into what seemed to be a more well-lit room before working to fix her into newer, sturdier restraints of some sort. Her arms were freed for just a moment before being fixed above her in steel shackles, and her wrists were bandaged, although still a tad sore from the self-inflicted burns. The girl's captors followed suit with her legs, making sure that she was, for the most part, rendered helpless. Interestingly enough, she couldn't feel too much of the cold breeze that would have been present if she were naked; her clothes had been left on, for whatever reason. After several minutes of fastening and double-checking Kurui's binds, the diminutive creatures, no doubt the goblins that had attacked her before, backed off from her one by one, before scurrying out of the room. She could tell this much from the sounds in the room alone, but not much else.

The ambient noises in the area were hard to make out, with how mixed they were; sounds that Kurui could make out were those of labor; tinkering, scraping, and hammering, amongst others. Assorted murmurs were also heard, intermittently at best, though nothing that was spoken clearly enough for the girl to remember. After a somewhat long, awkward wait, one very clear, defined sound seemed to cut through the others; a set of footsteps. The clicks and clacks of hard-soled shoes made their way down what Kurui would guess to be a hallway, one adjacent to the chamber she was in, and eventually arrived at the room itself. Finally, the mystery visitor walked to where she was bound, stopping right before her. Kurui's blindfold was pulled off of her head in one swift motion, revealing the identity of the one who now stood in front of her. It was Mr. Black.

"Kurui... I can't say I expected to see you this early, for one of the people who rank near the top of the class," he commented in a casual tone. "But on the other hand, you certainly aren't the first one here, so I'll give you that much. I told those idiots to use something other than goblins to properly abduct the lot of you, but naturally, they didn't listen." His cold eyes scanned her up and down before looking straight into hers. "So... did you enjoy your trip?"
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui would find her screaming and any attempts at to stab the creatures cut off as one of them put her in a stranglehold. More silent terror would overtake her as she was denied of air, the thought of dying that way was almost as bad as imagining the creatures sinking their teeth into her. Once as a child in Veltria she had fallen into a river before she could swim and almost drown, ironic considering she would later become a water mage, but ever since then she had a phobia of not being able to breathe. The creatures intention had only been to knock her out though, not kill her, and that part would come mercifully quick. In such a worked up state of adrenaline and fear and thrashing it took only a few short seconds for her body to use up the oxygen left in her blood and for her to black out. She would only have vague dreamlike recollections of everything to happen next, and nowhere near the strength to stop any of it even if she could bring herself back to full consciousness...


When eventually came to for good later on, she would find herself still alive. Shacked up and blindfolded in a room which she could only guess was still in the mine, but alive. The fact that she was shackled should have worried her... but on the other hand there none of the creatures around that she had come to fear so much, nothing keeping her from breathing anymore. In fact, for the moment whatever she was doing here seemed to be set up with somewhat “humane” intentions. She wasn't actually cut or beaten or hurt at all. Her wrists still hurt, but someone seems to have bandaged them and applied some kind of salve to help them heal from the burns instead of making suffer the feeling bare-skinned against the metal shackles. She even still had her clothes, it seemed nobody had had their way with her while she was out... although if they were planning on it, it might have been better that way than her being awake for it.
“Huh? … that clicking... it doesn't sound like soldier's boots...”
Kurui caught the sounds of what would soon be her visitor approaching. It was a familiar sound yet she couldn't quite place it. The pattern of steps at least told her it was human though, as did any sounds when it entered the room.
“Whatever you're planning to do, Bastard, at least look me in the eye for it-”
Her voice still had the twinge of frustrated fear and anger it had in it when she was yelling at Octavian earlier.... but to her surprise she would find her demand met before she finished speaking... even MORE to her surprise would be who she found herself looking at when the blindfold came off.

She jolted back against the wall and froze mentally for a moment upon seeing Black... too many reactions that had to sort themselves out. For a moment the ingrained etiquette towards nobles she had been taught as a child even made her feel bad about using the word “bastard” in front of him... but after everything she had been through she didn't apologize either. She had known Black was part of this... but somehow she expected to find some horny Syndicate soldier looking her over when the blindfold came off. She had no idea why Black himself would be here, all it did was leave her in silence... although Black himself would keep speaking...

She could understand what he was saying, but when she first answered back her own voice would still have a stunned quality to it. Black staring her directly in the eyes didn't help either, as he has an air about him that made Kurui feel uneasy even before all of this. The words Kurui spoke would sound almost robotic and casual. There wasn't an obvious tone of fear or anger or anger... but there was also no heed for etiquette or titles despite who she was speaking to, and she'd go rather slowly as if mentally repeating everything back to herself. Her own light blue eyes glazed over and slightly unfocused.
“The goblins did better than those idiots... you know... I think Octavian might be dead.” At this her voice quivered just a little, to be talking about someone dying so easily. “I didn't hear anyone else in the mine either... I think I may have lasted longer than anyone else or at least anyone who's not hurt... your soldiers had no problem butchering anyone who wasn't going to be their fuck toy... if you're waiting on anyone else I think they might be dead too...” her voice quivered again at the thought of the others back with Dinn, he had looked pretty bad before she had been dragged away. “You know I've never been in a serious fight before this... or ever seen anyone get hurt too badly... I think I did pretty good... I didn't follow those soldiers to whatever ambush was probably planned deeper in like all the others probably did... Julius probably wont even be walking for another few hours... and I think I killed a few of those goblins... one of them was nailed up on the cave wall with ice earlier but it's probably melted now... all that and I still even found a good crystal like you had asked...”
Recounting all the events back was calming in a way, like reading a story. It gave her time for her brain to catch up to what was happening, and when she spoke next her voice would sound a little more normal, this time with the the slightest tinges of anger... although Black's presence kept her from stoking those into the rage she wanted to feel. Or perhaps she was just too burned out from everything to feel any strong emotions right now.

“This trip has been hell, but my torn up muffler, the burn marks I had, mud I was covered in, and obvious signs of how much I've been crying should have made that easy to guess...
Why are you even here? Julius and Octavian told me what's going on here... so are you just trying to rub it in? Maybe try to convince me I'm a bad person because of Kingdom politics I don't even understand? It's already obvious my life is over already, why take the time to come torment me personally? What did I do to you?!”

So quickly her anger had burnt out already and she was back to sounding... resigned.
“…you know, I actually thought you were a pretty good teacher. My friend you saw the first day was even jealous that you were going to let us do things like what this trip was supposed to be. It felt off from the start, but I didn't want to believe anything was wrong... for as little emotion as you show you're a pretty good actor... but you're already a noble and apparently you're even high ranking in this Syndicate. Why go through all this effort to sell out a bunch of students to rapist slavers? You already have so much, is this really just for a little easy slave labor... or did I just get unlucky enough that you hate me for some reason?”
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

The dark-haired lecturer couldn't help but exhibit trace signs of a smirk upon seeing Kurui's surprised look, seconds after removing her blindfold. Though it was only by millimeters, Black's face actually shifted away from his usual, stoic expression into a subdued, eerie smile for once--it wasn't defined enough to be called an outright grin by most people, but those who spent any amount of time with this particular man would be able to tell that he was pleased, that he was likely on the verge of gloating but retained the discipline to avoid doing so. As usual, the air around him was intimidating, supplemented by that piercing stare, but the faintest clues of satisfaction could be felt from his general body language.

"Well, I'm not terribly surprised, about the goblins. But for creatures as nimble as they are, the abductions have gone rather slow. I'd personally have chosen a species that was somewhat more... magic-resistant, but I suppose it was my mistake to trust the Military Division with transcribing my orders properly." Tilting his head ever so slightly, as if to examine something on her figure, his unsettling gaze remained fixed on the Water Major. He showed no reaction to the mention of Julius nor Octavian, but raised a brow to her other admissions, even looking rather impressed with her recollections of combat and finding crystals. "For someone as naive as yourself, you've done reasonably well. Better than most, even. I suppose if there's anything to be proud about, it would be that." He spoke matter-of-factly, with a curious lack of any mocking tone in his voice, despite his blatantly superior position.

As she went on, he closed his eyes for a moment, lips curling into a more genuine smirk. "Good teacher, am I...? Despite not spending much time in the classroom at all, I get that often. Told I'm a prodigy, a genius, that I never had to try once for anything in my life. And such a statement -is- correct, mind you, save for the last part; I wasn't born into nobility, unlike many others. As someone like you might know, any degree of success ought to be achieved with honest effort and hard work--countless hours spent studying, practicing, applying one's learned skills over and over again. Nothing is quite as satisfying as getting back what you put into something. It's only natural that those who work hard deserve to succeed, isn't it?"

Shaking his head, he then turned to the side for a moment, motioning to the doorway behind them, as if referencing the mines as a whole. "But look at the state of your Academy. Could you say this of every student there? Are even the majority of attendees worthy of being called true mages when they fail to put forth even the smallest attempts to learn, let alone seek to advance the magical arts in any way?"

He went on. "No. There are countless delinquents, in every class, brought into the Academy by virtue of old money, who could care less about understanding the various planes or anything in them. Even if you were to remove them entirely from the school, you would still have those who simply float through their classes and through life, working for nothing, advancing and promoting absolutely nothing. Despite living, and robustly at that, they would offer nothing for the benefit of their own race."

"Then there are those with talent, who care not to apply it, a true waste. And most unfortunate, those who do wish to learn with all their hearts, but are born with an extreme deficit for any capability in the magic arts; those I would infuse with talent, if I could, but I can't. All of these types are still allowed in, of course, because they pay the necessary amount of gold to attend and graduate from the Royal Magic Academy with a piece of parchment that qualifies them for a scholar's cushy life, regardless of whether they truly earned it or not. If the state of education in our Kingdom remains this bad, despite the honest efforts of many hard-working scholars, then wouldn't you say we would lose exactly what it means to be a scholar?"

"Many of your classmates know how to open and sustain a gate, and that is all. They don't seek to understand why or how that works, or the very nature of what they are doing. When I put forth that assignment, an easy one, requesting a mere hypothesis of the nature behind the gates--a basic question for any mage to ask themselves--you would be ashamed at how many blank pages, "I don't know"s, or superstitious beliefs I received. It was embarrassing. And to think that one day, within a few years, they could receive a degree and soon be considered a peer, an equal of mine? Then go on to earn the same amount, if not more, than someone who worked honestly to advance the art beyond its still primitive levels? Would you, a competent student such as yourself, be comfortable with those beneath you possibly being entitled to more than you, despite the deficit in contributions to our society?"

Turning back to her, Black sighed. "But don't misunderstand. I'm not asking for your sympathy. I'm merely explaining why it is that I chose to hand your class over for use by the Syndicate. If all they can do is channel magical energy, and strive for nothing more than that, then their limited talents ought to be put to good use in mining these crystals. One ought to earn what they make, don't you think?"

Reaching forward, he gently caressed her cheek, a motion made most unsettling by the fact that it was initiated by such a stoic individual. "It's just unfortunate that the severe minority, such as yourself, who do put forth enough honest effort to one day be proper mages, would be clumped in with the rest of these fools. But, I do have to keep the Syndicate's best interests in mind, as well as my own. If a group of escaped students were to appeal to the Headmaster, the positions of myself and every other Redclaw scholar in the Academy would be in jeopardy. Ironically, expelling us from the school would result in a loss of nearly half of its most competent professors, making the state of education in what is supposedly one of the most literate Kingdoms even worse than it is now. So, in good consciousness I can't release you from here. Though perhaps I could, if you were only a Redclaw..."

Leaning forward, he brushed a few stray bangs from her face, admiring her features, a far cry from the rather dismissive way he treated her in school. "It's really a wonder why you don't receive more attention from those in class. For someone as beautiful and accomplished as yourself, a steady worker who puts forth honest effort instead of riding on their talent alone... but, as we both know, social circles don't work always that way. Just know that regardless of whether I seemed to show it or not, I've long been impressed by your diligence."

Black paused for a moment while looking her over, showing a thoughtful look, then continued. "You know... I'm hardly known to be this merciful, usually. But if you choose to join us, you'll find that I am indeed, a good teacher. I can teach you about all manners of things, not limited to academics..." His fingers trailed down her neck, to her collarbone, lightly brushing over her bust, upon which a tiny tingling sensation could be felt. This soon spread throughout her entire body, focusing on her erogenous zones, though instead of painful, it was actually rather pleasurable despite the tension in the atmosphere, with tiny ripples hitting the surface of her skin.

"Did you know that our capability to feel things is governed by a set of electrical impulses? When properly applied, Lightning magic has... plenty of uses, you know," he added suggestively. Just by the level of control over his gates, Kurui could tell that this man was indeed extremely powerful, head and shoulders above even other lecturers. He continued to send the stimulating tinges of bliss throughout her body as he spoke. "Should you accept, I'd take you under my wing, and you'd be very well-learned in many matters by the time you graduate."

Then, abruptly enough, he stopped and drew his hand back, raising it to his chin. "But, I am a cautious person by nature, and have seen plenty of people say just about anything to be free of their binds. Don't take it as a sign of distrust so much as an extra precaution, but if you should choose to accept my terms, I would highly recommend sticking to them. That is, unless you wanted anything to happen to that little friend of yours... Sienna, was it? From Class 1-A?"

He gauged her expression, looking for the most minute reactions to this suggestion. "While I may not have an exact measure of how rough her road to the Academy might have been, I'm sure she wouldn't exactly be thrilled to discover the extent of discomfort that the Syndicate could put her through, should you choose to join me merely for the purpose of betraying me later. Normally, I wouldn't even give a girl like her so much as a second glance. But she can still continue with her clueless, happy little life, provided you either stayed here as a proper worker or joined our ranks faithfully. As I said, just a precaution."

"I'm offering you a chance to be a cornerstone in the advancement of magic, to be a true scholar, and perhaps eventually someone I can truly call my equal. Or you can choose the path of mediocrity--a difficult one, no doubt, though it would arguably be a fair price for wasting your talents. So, what is your answer?"
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui would listen intently to Black's reply without any interruptions, somewhat surprised he was even gracing her with an answer at all and perhaps showing this measure of “respect” out of gratitude... or perhaps the kind of fear that comes from feeling like one is on thin ice. If he had been there to “break” her into a proper “slave” she knew at any moment he could have started shocking her or worse at the slightest provocation... or no provocation at all. She had figured most of the questions he would ask were rhetorical anyway and that Black hadn't expected answers.

Maintaining this intentness with which she was listening would actually prove rather easy. Black had managed to capture her interest pretty early on. Contrary to her expectations, he didn't seem to be there just to “rub in” what had happened or torment her over her situation. To the contrary, as much as she hated him for setting this whole thing up, his comparisons of her to others actually felt to her like a validation of sorts for everything she had been through today. Someone understood, at least a little, that holding on as long as she had hadn't been easy. It caught her off guard being treated as if she were worth something when all of her earlier encounters with the Syndicate today had their members treating her as worthless for anything beyond a fucking. She still remembered Julius threatening to kill her and Anisse because they were replaceable by others from the other groups. It felt wrong to grasp onto an implied compliment from the bastard who had set up for all of this... but it validated her sense of self-worth and she didn't want to let go of that.
Occasionally her eyes would show Black hit a few other points she could relate to, even in her burned out state. She had always hated the students from noble families who coasted through the academy on their money while she had to do exceptional to keep costs low enough for her family to afford. She couldn't deny there were those like Teague and his buddies who really didn't contribute anything... but at the same time she wasn't at the Academy to change the world or advance magic either, and even the things he was right about wern't excuses to do THIS to people. She was scared by how many instructors Black had implied were Redclaws, but even if the ones who wern't Redclaws didn't make up the majority of the talent pool, at least she never felt like she'd have to be afraid of them like she was of Black and a few of the other standouts now.

Eventually he would move to complimenting her and even going so far as to look her over and stroke away her hair like she was a just a child. His looking her over made Kurui unbelievably uneasy. She didn't think it was with lewd intent, he didn't strike her as the type, but she couldn't read him very well and could have been wrong. Even if it wasn't for that reason, she was still worried it was almost regretful on his part... like he was about to kill her and thought it shame or a waste, but necessary. She knew he was right, that if she escaped it would be trouble for him after all. One last look at her fragile form before finishing her off...
But then...
A mention of “merciful”. An offer to join the Redclaws. Before she could comment he would shut her down with more creepiness though, a reminder to think long and hard before answering. As his hand moved along her body she didn't even sense the spell gates he had opened until she was feeling the lightning magic on her nerves.
The nature of the gates and where their stimulations were focused made her blush and her breathing speed up. She still didn't think he was doing it for any sort of fetishistic reason, but rather to emphasize that she had no control of anything right now without him, not even her own body if he so chose. She tried her best not to react too strongly, not to ask him to stop, afraid any protest might be met with a strengthening of the sensations... or longer she might have to focus through them... or even them being turned into painful ones. Instead she did her best to keep listening. It seemed to be a smart choice, as she would feel the spell gates fade a few seconds later, having not gotten to her too badly physically. Although mentally the intimidation factor such a feat held weighed heavy upon her. Such proficient control of spell gates on such a “delicate” level was something she would have never been capable of, she wasn't sure if any student at the Academy could have done that aside from maybe Lanie... no, not even her. If Kurui had any ideas that she could somehow get the jump on Black with magic, those ideas would be crushed instantly under the weight of this display. She was nowhere near his level and that was scary... not scary enough to hold back back her reaction when Black went on to mention Sienna though. This time she WOULD interrupt him.

“YOU LEAVE HER ALONE!” her voice sounded raw with desperation and anger, it would even be accompanied by her trying to lunge at Black, only to be stopped by her shackles. It seemed she did have some anger left to stoke, but just like before it quickly burned out when her shackles kept her aggression in check and left her sounding defeated again. “...please …I don't have any siblings ...she's the closest thing to a sister I've ever had! She's not even part of this! ...please ...not her.”
The look in Kurui's eyes showed Black had pushed her to near a breaking point. If he kept this up for much longer he threatened to shut her off to anything else he had to say. Whether he realized this or whether it had been his plan from the beginning, he soon promised Kurui it was only a precaution should she try anything. For whatever reason she didn't think he was actually lying, perhaps because nothing so far had seemed like a lie, or perhaps because the bandages around her burned wrists were an effective gesture of good faith, or maybe her gut just told her so. No matter the reason, this seemed to calm her down enough to get her listening again as he finished up his speech... and his offer to her.

Kurui would remain silent for a few moments after Black had finished, as if trying to wrap her brain around everything she had just heard. Though Black has ended demanding an answer from her, given her obvious state she didn't know how he could expect her to have one this fast.
“You... You're... not making any sense... How can you talk about these Redclaws like they deserve to be your equals more than the Academy mages. Even if a lot of them are coasting by they're better than the Redclaws I saw today. Your soldiers threatened to slit my throat because I was disposable with everyone else they had caught, then proceeded to fall apart and abandon eachother when things went bad... but Dinn and Colt and Reius... they did everything they could to try to get us out and keep us safe... to keep ME safe. They don't deserve a to get killed or live as slaves. They're better than your Redclaws! You're not making any sense at all... expecting me to think I'm better off with you and these horrible people... why me anyway ...why not someone like Lanie or Reius or Concepta? Do you know what I wanted to do after the Academy? ...I wanted to learn about enchanting and maybe make a living selling stuff... I didn't care what everyone else's ambitions were... I was going to be a glorified shopkeeper with my “happy little life”...”
She was once again speaking slowly, as if repeating everything back to herself. But then a strange thing happened. She paused... perhaps out of a realization she was shooting herself in the foot... or because her own reasons weren't as convincing as they should have been for some reason. When she spoke next, her gut would be torn between feelings about what she was saying.
“I... If I joined you... you said I'd be an equal one day... I'd still have a future... I'd never have to go through anything like this ever again and you wouldn't hurt anyone I cared about?” She paused again, partially terrified she was thinking these things... but partially finding the ideas far more appealing than being thrown out into the mine to get fucked and then worked to death. “Would... would I have to kill people? Would I have to do stuff like THIS... to people that trust me? ...I don't ...I don't think I have the hate in me... I... don't know... I wish I had been out longer when I was brought here, fu-” She caught herself stopping herself from cursing in front of Black again... she couldn't pin down why. “I mean... I can't... It's... so hard to think right now!”
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

The professor, despite his normally aloof demeanor, made it a point to keenly observe Kurui's reactions to his long-winded explanation, making mental notes here and there about things she would tell him via facial and body language alone. It was unknown exactly how savvy he was on picking these things up, though he did go through the motions regardless, perhaps for reasons of intimidation or otherwise--not that he needed to do it further at this point.

When she actually yelled at him, in response to having heard the implied threats against her best friend, Black struggled with not letting his smile widen. Discovering exactly how much leverage he had here seemed to bring him a degree of joy, bliss even. "Oh... hit a sore spot, have I? What a reaction... as I said, her existence is largely unimportant to me, though I would not hesitate to change that if you found a way to cross me so badly."

He would shake his head and place a hand up, as if to silence her, after hearing her lengthy comparisons with regards to the Redclaws and her assigned group. "Don't get me wrong, even within the Syndicate there is trash. Amongst the Military Division, one would be lucky to find a trace of intelligence there at all. Skill with a sword, maybe, but otherwise, I make no claims that it is a perfect organization, with 'pure' intents and such, whatsoever. As with any, the Syndicate has its flaws, internal struggles, and so on. There is one crucially important thing that its members do possess, though, and that is the power to achieve their goals. No matter how you look at it, this is an important thing to have, is it not? What good is a dream, a destination, if there is no vehicle by which to reach it?"

"Regardless, it sounds like you had quite the adventure down there--no doubt a shock to one as inexperienced as yourself. Reius is another student whom I would regret to leave here as a slave, and the other girls, ah...they will be taken care of at some point, as well. You mainly stood out to me because of the honest effort you appeared to put forth... appearing early to class, asking questions, taking what I believed to be an honest interest in the art."

His visage shifted to a slight frown after hearing of her future goals, and he responded in kind. "It is... truly a shame to learn that you'd have been content with such mediocrity. Not that enchanting is necessarily a poor art, mind you, just that with your level of devotion I felt that you could go much further than that alone. You know, it often baffles me how someone could simply be content to just exist and wallow in their own ignorance, especially when there is so much to be learned, so much to explore, across countless disciplines. Some, like Lanie and Concepta, as you have mentioned, seem to get by on immense talent alone, but others like you... possess the level of diligence required of any true learner. Which is why I was hoping that you'd exhibit the thirst for knowledge that I do, as well as the drive to achieve such things at any cost. Perhaps it is because you are a woman, as none have managed to truly stimulate me... well, intellectually, anyway."

"At any rate, I said that you may perhaps one day be someone I could call an equal, but I may have been mistaken in that. I really wish that you had told me of higher dreams, but alas. As for killing and torturing others, I make no promises. A civil war will most likely begin sometime soon, within the kingdom of Elynsor, and regardless on what side you are on, you will likely find yourself in a situation where you must kill or have worse things done to you. The lives I've taken were a small price for larger goals, meaningless lives that would have been snuffed out one way or another. To make progress in this world, something has to give, and the resolve to make those sacrifices is arguably the most important in that whole process."

He sighed, looking somewhat disappointed, but after a few moments, turned his attention back to Kurui's face, brushing her cheek and then working his way down to her bosom, making sure to circle each of her sensitive nubs. His hand eventually descended between her inner thighs, caressing the sensitive flesh before moving back up to her womanhood and settling there, fingertips pressing against her flower with only the thin barrier of her panties to stop him from direct contact. Slight tingles of electricity followed, though his touch was much more intimate than before, illustrating a less than innocent intent.

"Despite my intellectual pursuits, I am a man, after all, and have physical needs--a small price to pay for the contributions I have made, I would say. If you can satisfy those regularly, and willingly, at the very least, to my liking, why, I could even allow you to return to class. You could still return to Sienna, and be... well, mediocre, as you originally wanted to. Perhaps it was a mistake of me to expect that much of your resolve after all, but you can still be of use to me, provided no attempts to contact the authorities are made. Should you be foolish enough to let that happen, then we'd have your friend joining our little sessions." It was almost as if he was dangling the Sienna matter in front of her face, all too pleased to discover the effectiveness of this 'weapon' against her, and demonstrated no hesitation to use it.

"As an experienced lover, I could practically assure you that it would be far more enjoyable than being subjected to repeated assaults at that hands of these... simpletons."
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui tensed up as Black's disappointment led him to less... innocent uses for her. It had dawned on her now that she had the wrong things for her situation. As things got worse her mind started to clear up, go back to the racing speed at which it had worked when she was under pressure before. She could start to see a little bit into how Black's mind actually worked. It wasn't a pretty picture... the way he was using Sienna against her... and what he was actually doing to her right now... she wanted him dead. She wanted him dead so badly with a hate a million times stronger than what she felt for Teague... she felt for once she could truly have the nerve to go through with it if she had the chance... but she couldn't do anything shackled up like this this though, she doubted she could form so much as a cantrip in front of Black... couldn't even move to protect her own most intimate parts of her body right now. There was NOTHING she could do... or was there?

“Stop!” her voice had more of a command presence than it had ever had in the last few few hours. Exactly as she wanted it though, she knew what she was playing to now. She was pleased when she heard herself and knew she could pull it off. “You're still trying to win me over, make me see it your way.” she was challenging him, or at least debating him “You wouldn't be making me offers otherwise. We both know you could do whatever you want with me right now without telling me what I'll get for “behaving”. Maybe you're going too much into what I said earlier.” she paused for a second. She was on thin ice and knew it, but she couldn't let Black see that see that when he respected “resolve”. Besides, she was doing pretty good so far. “I thought you of all people, an inventor would respect that I wanted to learn enchanting... but thats beyond the point. Just because I had “small” ambitions before, did you think now that you've dangled... “possibilities” in my face part of me wasn't at least a little intrigued? It just took me a second to realize it. What “possibilities” did I really have before? I'm not a noble, no, the only thing to my family name is a history as retainers. I don't have the natural talent of a prodigy, and hard work doesn't get you noticed by anyone that matters... until now.” She took another deep breath, this last part would either infuriate Black or impress him “You hold all the cards right now and I can't do anything you couldn't right now... but you KNOW I have the potential, or maybe you're at least curious if I can prove you wrong about that women comment. You WILL teach me what you know... and I WILL learn it... without question.”
She turned to stare him directly back, this time not letting her own eyes waver at the sight of his for the first time ever.

“Come on you Bastard... take the bait. Teach me EVERYTHING you know... teach me everything you know and then when when you're finally done, even if it takes years... I'm going to use it to kill you.”
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Black offered a look of skepticism upon being told that he was trying to win the girl over, raising a brow before actually scoffing at her. "Hah... I'm merely seeing if I can gain your obedience without use of force. It's not that I'm adverse to more direct methods, mind you--if you were under that impression, I can make you rethink that, very, very quickly." He seemed far more serious now in his tone, his piercing stare hitting her directly.

"I'll do whatever I please with you, just know that much. The real matter is, whether to leave you, and perhaps a few, select others, in the care of these Military Division idiots to gather minerals for the rest of your lives, or to keep you for myself. You won't escape what's coming to you," he said slyly, his stern visage lightening just a little after finding control once again.

"...And yes. No offense to the school of enchanting, at all--it's something I've dabbled in myself. Admittedly, you do have the potential to learn much more than that, hence my disappointment. It would be a gamble, even on my part, to instill such faith in you, but, with enough training from someone like myself, I'm sure you can find immense success in at least three, no, four fields of study, and enough to be a high-ranking member of the Syndicate or practically any organization. I hardly say that of many women. Now, wouldn't that be far more promising than resigning yourself to a fate of a mere shopkeeper?"

"But really, now -that- is the resolve I'd like to hear. And to think you were so nervous, earlier. This can't actually be a bluff, now, can it? As I've said before, people will do just about anything to escape an unwanted situation. Though we'll see, if this is something you truly want, or if your mind will suddenly change after the event in question has already occurred..."

As he trailed off, the teacher physically made his intentions as clear as he could, pressing her bound form against the wall, his hands moving more boldly in exploring her body. The man's touch was positively electric as his fingertips slid over the exposed segments of her frame, such as her shoulders, arms, and upper chest. Tiny arcs of his aligned element flickered between his skin and hers, bringing about similar sensations as before. "Did you know that, if applied properly enough, Lightning magic can possibly even be used to make others as your puppets? And Water, in which you major, has its own creative uses as well... the trick is to think outside of the box. But before that, gates should be second nature, as you can see." While he spoke, he rested the other hand upon her hip, triggering an almost ticklish sensation upon her rump with similar applications of gates. He only barely mouthed words to himself, demonstrating a high level of control over the numerous, tiny gates he made, though if Kurui were to look carefully, she'd see that he was clearly focusing.

Casually, he gripped the front of her top, pulling it and any undergarments she may have been wearing down in one smooth motion to expose her breasts to the cool dungeon air. The Water Major's assets wouldn't stay chilly for long, however, as the man's warm hands finally touched down upon them and began to knead them steadily in a firm massage, occasionally teasing her nipples with a feather-light touch, then using that same degree of pressure to tease the sensitive underside of her bust. The fingers of his other hand moved up and down her inner thighs, then all the way to her crotch, teasing her womanhood for a few, slow moments before gripping her underwear and pulling it down halfway, enough to give him clearance to touch down upon her bare lower lips. Eventually, the pad of his middle finger would slip between her pink petals, collecting just enough of her existing moisture, then move to find her clit, pushing back the hood just enough as he began to rub on her newly exposed pearl. He would also make sure to spread her wetness all across her flower, making sure that she was thoroughly soaked for his manual services. While he did move briskly, Black didn't seem impatient in the slightest, attending to the girl's body with purpose.

All the while, he gazed upon her carefully, looking mildly amused, and yet even a little detached at that. It seemed as if the man was less intent on actually caring for Kurui than he was attempting to earn some kind of reaction out of her, whether it be good or bad, though his motions, skilled as they were, would hint the former rather than the latter. He even leaned forward to nip at the space between her shoulder and neck, searching the girl's body for any hidden 'on' switches she might have. Again, he seemed to be sweeping her for strong reactions more than anything else, but he was unexpectedly thorough with it, as well.

And though she might look to struggle, there was little she could do against the lecturer's determined ministrations, as her arms were chained up above her, unable to direct gates easily, not that an action would be wise here, nor was it easy to focus with the man toying with her body in such an intimate fashion.

Not that it mattered, for after Kurui's body had given in and showed signs of arousal in several avenues, the intimidating professor would lower himself to his knees, forcefully parting her thighs with his hands, if she continued to physically protest, and looking up at her, run his wide tongue along the full length of her pink crevice. Black then began to lap away at the helpless student's flower, moistening it even further if Kurui's own natural juices hadn't done that yet, and look all too pleased while doing so. Even the slightest gasp, squeak, or moan only seemed to encourage his vigor in this endeavor. He wouldn't stop there, moving a hand up to grant some much-needed attention to her upper body while resuming cunnilingus, and employing the thumb of the other to keep rubbing at her clit, ensuring that every nerve ending was firing on overdrive. An index finger from the same hand soon slid up into her, curling to find her most sensitive spot within and proceeding to stimulate it with circular motions. All she could do now was indulge in the sensations, attempt to depart from them, or struggle, with the latter causing the chains' clinking to lightly echo throughout the chamber. Other than that, the most defined sounds in the room were that of Black's rhythmic slurps upon the girl's opening. "Mmnnff..."

By the time Kurui was thoroughly soaked in her nether regions, her captor finally stood up, taking a moment to undo his belt buckle, as well as the front closure of his pants. The esteemed scholar then revealed his already erect member, his arousal no doubt having come to him from the act of witnessing the Water Major's passive reactions. Leaning his body into hers while lifting up one of her legs in order to provide better clearance for himself, he began to rub his shaft up and down along the girl's outer petals, using her secretions to at least partially lubricate himself before imminent entry.

"You did say you wanted to learn everything. The first thing I often like to teach is obedience. Now, tell me how much you want it... and with some enthusiasm. That is, loudly. So that those who might be in the other rooms might hear you, hmm? That's your first order. Now show me, exactly how much you're willing to learn..." Shifting himself slightly, he aligned the tip of his cock with her waiting slit, brushing it up and down to gather additional reactions from the bound student while awaiting her answer.
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Black's sudden scoffing and the threat that came with it was enough of a surprise to break Kurui's facade for a short moment. For a brief few seconds her eyes lit up with a primal fear of what his “more direct methods” would entail. Though his last application of lightning hadn't actually been painful, all she could imagine was a feeling similar to her wrist burns when they were bad... but more intense and everywhere over the entire surface of her skin and down into everything except her bones. “Damnit imagination! STOP!” She had no doubt she would break very quickly under something like that, she didn't have much in the way of pain tolerance. She had never even broken a bone or been seriously hurt before, let alone put through something deliberately meant to be painful. "No! I want softer sensations like the feeling of a warm bath or comfy bed... not every nerve in my body screaming out in pain!"

Whether Black had seen this reaction or not, or if it was specifically BECAUSE he had, he seemed to go back to “normal” afterwards, hiding that side of himself she found terrifying again. When he could continue speaking, she was relieved a bit to see her attempts to appeal to him actually DID seem to have gotten through, at least a little. Although as he was finishing up, she could tell her missteps had earned her another unwanted display of how helpless she still was... and after the direction of his last speech to her, already knew in the back of her mind where this one would go...

She would tense up when she felt his hands upon her again, the subtle but intoxicating pangs of lightning magic making it quite unlike anything she had ever felt before. She could hear him talking about spell gates still, about their uses, mentioning her own element as if to compare how little she knew compared to him. She wanted to say something about about the way she used her water for mist, or the ice cantrip she used to cause pain when her and Ciley got attacked earlier, but she was too tense and nervous now to find the words... and what Black was doing right now told her his comments wern't meant to be a conversation starter anyway.
When she found her top pulled down only a few seconds later, there would be no doubt in her mind what was coming next. She didn't want this... but if she could play along well enough, there was still the hope Black might buy her lies from earlier. Something about the possibility of this partially being on her terms... or at least her getting something out of it, made it bearable enough that she could keep herself from freaking out... although parts of her personality that were taking her every effort to bury right now were screaming to get out, screaming that she should rather want to die than go through this.
To be fair, as his teasing continued, she would find he wasn't lying about about his experience. Whether Kurui wanted to admit it or not, her body was responding quite well to his treatment. Between the slow teasings of his hands and the electrical stimulation his was magic was adding to them, it took only a few seconds before her breathing was already speeding up in rhythm to the sensations and blush had overtaken her face. She should have found such reactions humiliating... but those parts of her mind she kept as silent as she could. The parts she allowed to speak to her conscious would actually have better opinions. This was far better off than the rough inconsiderate pounding she probably would have gotten from the soldiers as a mining slave... and Sienna's comments a few days ago about Black being a “looker” wern't completely off. While she still hung tight to her hatred of him, it was better than getting aroused by some fat slob who couldn't even take care of their own body. The fact that she guessed him to be somewhere around 30 did add an awkwardness she didn't think she could ever shake though.

Kurui would do her best to keep silent during the whole thing... or at least not say anything comprehensible, as Black was already getting gasps and other sounds from her, especially as he moved lower on her body. The silence wasn't so much of an act of defiance as just a symptom of the fact that she didn't trust herself to speak. Couldn't think well enough to know what might makes things worse on herself. Could hardly think at ALL under the overload of stimulation her mind was dealing with right now. While she certainly no stranger to sex and had a few short flings with some of the boys back at the Academy, none of them had ever been nearly this good at playing her body like this. It was almost that Black knew exactly what it was like to have a female body. It's not that she liked what was happening to her right now, but her body had a mind of it's own separate from her personality, and she was just along for the ride, perhaps too burnt out from everything that had happened today to try to fight for control.
Her physical actions would very mirror her audible ones in nature. While she wouldn't specifically make and actual efforts as struggling, or even resistance, there would be movements as just parts of natural reactions. It wasn't exactly the easiest thing to just sit for and take, after all. Part of her did hate the damned'able shackles she was in right now, but only because they were denying small movements her body wanted to make and adding small pangs of frustration or what could be called discomfort to the experience. Throughout the whole experience, from the very start when her body's reaction was just her nipples hardening, to right now when she was practically soaking in her own juices, she wouldn't try to work up the willpower to wrestle control of herself back. “It's more convincing this way...” or at least she would tell herself that and try not to think about the humiliation of actually trying and finding herself unable to. “Sienna went through worse than this and didn't kill herself. I can live with this. I'm going to survive this. I'm going to survive it damnit!”

Eventually the period of foreplay or teasing or whatever was happening to her was reaching an end, however Black would stop before the actual act, seemingly maintaining his own self control much better than she was. “He... he's going to make me beg for it?!” She was unsure if his demand that she ask for it loud enough for everyone outside to hear was meant to humiliate her or... or see if she was already broken down. If she could think clearly, she would have hesitated due to not knowing who might be outside... but she also would have recalled that the ambient noise outside meant it wasn't Dinn or Colt or Reius. There were no tortured screams or crying if other students had been around... she hadn't been out that long anyway, it was too soon for the ones she cared about to have been brought back anyway. Perhaps this whole line of thinking did take place on some subconscious level, but she wasn't aware of it. All she could consciously think about was the immediate moment, and how Black would react to anything she did. “You want some resolve, fine I'll muster up some damn resolve.” In her exhausted state, almost completely overwhelmed by the sensations of her body, it was difficult to even hold herself back for a few seconds, but she would do it, in a quavering voice between her sped up breathing.
“Y-you... y-you're a fucking t-ttease, you know t-that? ...F-fine, w-whatever gets you o-off.” Content with getting just this out to show she wasn't completely gone and brainless yet, she took as deep a breath as she could could manage in her current state. "Fucking fuck me already!”
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Mm, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. Your body already said as much, I just wanted to hear it straight from your mouth." The dominating professor initially looked upon Kurui's outward signs of arousal as points by which to tease and further humiliate her, his seasoned manipulations of her most intimate areas having worked to draw out every last hint that the girl's body could possibly provide. A sadistic glint could be seen in the man's eye as he took in the view of her yelling out the unthinkable request with all of her might, and burning her expression into memory, he seemed to bask in it. While he hadn't actually harmed any part of her, physically at least, even the mere thought of the terrible humiliation she was experiencing at that time seemed to excite the normally stoic lecturer even further, and his voice wavering ever so slightly from the anticipation of claiming her for his own, he pronounced in a volume just above normal; "But, since you insist..."

Keeping one of her legs lifted under his arm, he then gradually straightened his posture, slowly easing himself up and into her, his stiff rod parting her velvet folds and immersing itself in her blissful interior. Releasing a deep sigh of pleasure, the black-haired teacher tilted his chin up as he slid himself in inch by inch, making sure to savor every second of his entry until he was hilted deeply inside of her.

"Ahhh... you feel every bit as good as I thought you would," he commented slyly, almost as if to mock her further despite it being closer to a compliment by words alone. As his chest pushed closer to hers, Kurui felt the man shiver with excitement, keen to observe her facial expressions as he rocked back and forth slowly, looking to tease her but refraining from starting just yet. The Mr. Black before her now was very different from the one she first set eyes on. No longer a completely businesslike, logical entity, she could sense him brimming with lust, and more importantly, an odd sense of joy derived from exerting his will upon her. Though he was practically the epitome of 'cold' in the classroom, the man's body actually proved warm against Kurui's own, his accelerating heartbeat illustrating that he was having quite the time. And yet, he hadn't even begun; while someone like Teague would have skipped straight ahead to pounding her at this point, Black was far more patient, taking a moment to observe the girl's nervous reactions. Then, after he was satisfied in savoring their union, he finally began, one hand clutching her side as he proceeded to take her, plunging in and out of her sopping pussy with deep, long strokes. "Uuhhh... hahh, nnngh," he grunted, revealing to her a somewhat more vulnerable side of himself, one naturally never shown in public, though it was only exposed in order to find more of a reaction from her.

As he rocked his hips into hers repeatedly, the scholar huffed in rhythm, working up a respectable pace as his thrusts sped up by just a notch, causing Kurui's entire body to shift up and down along the wall. Black was hardly content to just enjoy her body like this, however, sliding a hand up from her side to one of exposed, bouncing breasts, fondling it fervently as he continued, and even leaned forward to steal a kiss from her, catching her mid-moan and deepening it against her wishes, provided she exhibited any signs of protest to the gesture. If not, he would only appear more pleased by this, forcing his tongue further into her mouth to toy with hers, though rather than show a loving, gentle touch, his was full of lust and hunger, seeking to take as much pleasure as he can from the use of her body in this manner. Eventually, he stopped toying with her bust to grab her supporting leg and lift that up as well, then pinned both back against her shoulders, pressing her up against the wall and in the process allowing him to penetrate her even deeper, with a more aggressive speed to his liking. From there, he began to fuck her with renewed vigor, allowing the helpless girl to feel him pound her with full force, his audible breaths brushing her ear as he put forth honest effort to exploit her even further. The wet slaps of his hips meeting hers echoed through the chamber, alternating every once in a while with his intermittent groans and sighs of bliss. "Ohhh... nnngh, hahhh... hnnn, hnngh!"

Trapped as she was between the towering teacher and the wall behind her, Kurui could do little other than to experience the sensations of being taken like this, employed for the purpose of helping her tutor find sexual relief. At the very least, she was accomplishing that much, made evident by the scholar's visage twisting further in pleasure, showing her an image that others in her class would have been hard-pressed to even imagine.

Despite his fevered expressions of ecstasy, Black was no novice at this particular act, and it showed by the way he paced himself. In fact, just as his previous attentions to the girl's body may have hinted, he was actually quite good, causing ripples of pleasure to travel through Kurui's entire frame every time he pushed forward and up. Even then, he seemed mostly concerned with drawing out any reaction he could from her while attending to his own needs by using her. "Mm... the way your body accepts me, squeezing around me so tightly like that, it's almost as if you're trying to get something out of me, hmm? But I won't let you off that easily, no. There are some things you'll need to do on your own."

Slowing down to a stop, he withdrew himself from her, taking a deep breath and letting her down, one leg at a time. Black then grabbed her waist, turning her around to face the wall, and, bending her over, hiked up her skirt further to reveal her shapely rump. In this position, Kurui's wrists were still chained to the wall, though the steel links criss-crossed over one another due to her newfound adjustment. Either way, she wasn't likely to go anywhere soon, and the lecturer knew this. He slapped his member down upon her backside before aligning it once more with her womanhood, shifting forward just enough to lodge the tip inside. The first inch of him went in rather easily, as his rod was still slick with the girl's own secretions, but he made no move to advance further. Instead, Black reached around and placed the pad of his middle finger onto her clit, teasing her there for a short while to further coax her into granting his wishes.

"I can't be doing all the work, now, can I? As a test in obedience, you'll need to personally ensure that I get there. Move your hips back, towards me, and show me how -you- do it." He certainly seemed to be making the most of this opportunity in this by commanding Kurui to impale herself on his erect shaft, trying his hardest to hold back a gasp, and a chuckle, when she did comply.

"Ooh... heh. That's a good girl. Now give me your very best ride, won't you? Make me cum, just like this." With him back inside, he then lowered himself enough for her to ride him from that same spot, remaining stationary for the most part, other than leaning forward to reach around with his other hand and resume with kneading her pert breasts. As he went on, the teacher did bother to retain the attention on her clit, rubbing it side to side, then up and down in a steady motion to encourage as many sounds as he could from her. "Show me how much you want this, hmm?" Waiting for her to obey, he would then allow her to set the pace for once, if only for a moment, burning into memory the sight of the Water Major willingly driving her hips up and down onto his, with pleasured sighs intermittently escaping from between his parted lips. "Ohhh... yes... like that. Don't slow down, now. Keep it up."

If she couldn't bring herself to follow his commands, and continued to refuse in this way for some amount of time, Black would mumble something in disappointment and grip her waist, hilting himself within her once more in order to sustain his erection, and then proceed to take her from behind at his own pace, which would be a gradually increasing one--a slope upwards to a rapid rhythm that announced his intent to have her receive him.

Otherwise, he'd grant her stimulation upon her other erogenous zones, primarily her chest and clit, with fingers servicing each, helping her to get there as well while she pushed back against him repeatedly. Soon enough, from the ragged breaths heard behind her and the shivering of his frame, Kurui would be able to tell that the dark-haired professor was at his limit. Speaking through clenched teeth, he muttered with a high sense of urgency, "Ugh... I'm getting close. Don't you dare stop!"

Should she continue, the Water Major had a good idea of what would happen, but on the other hand, resisting at that point, after she already started to move, may prove difficult with his hands upon her.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui felt a strange dissonance at Black's “savoring” before he acted. She could barely think anymore, but figured he was getting off on her humiliation. It was strange though... she didn't feel humiliated per say. She didn't feel much of anything at all. Maybe her face was showing feelings she wasn't even aware she was feeling right now. So much of herself she had buried right now, with only enough at the surface to keep herself conscious and catch important details. She would have a hard time of either under the sensations she would be feeling though.

Her body quivered as Black entered her folds. Despite so much earlier stimulation this still managed to push her farther. Aside from unintelligible gasps of sensation though, she would make little in the way of protests or any kind of comments though, even as he made further comments to get a rise out of her. Her unintelligible gasps and moans would only get louder as he sped up, moving away from teasing and going in and out in earnest now. The whole thing seemed too strange for words... surreal almost. The situation, the overpowering sensations of pleasure that were nearly overriding everything else in her conscious to a degree she had never experienced before, the one doing this to her...
“Am... am I even alive right now? Is... this even real... this can't be the same Black... but... I'm not the same me either... am I? If I could... step outside of myself and see me now... would I even believe it? I'm... pretty sure my body likes this... I'm playing along... is it really because I decided to...”

She would be interrupted from what little train of thought she could form as Black stole a kiss from her. The surprise of it snapped her drifting mind back to reality, if only because it was harder to breathe that way. She almost tried to bite down on his tongue, her jaw actually clenching just a little before she stopped herself.
“No... don't bite.. this HAS to go well... he can still kill me at any time if it doesn't.”
It would last an uncomfortable long time, and she would be gasping even harder for breath than usual when he was done, but she still had this much control of herself at least. Afterwards it seemed he had gotten all he could out of this position and would move to a new one.

The new position Kurui found herself in a moment later later allowed Black to pound her even deeper and more vigorously, far more than she thought any of the academy boys would have been capable of, even if they DID have her in this position. Each one of his thrusts moving her whole body like she was nothing but a light toy with no way to stablize herself except grabbing the chain of her shackles. Her gasps and moans would get even louder now... growing even higher in pitch... getting a “desperate” twinge to them.
“Oh god... how can he keep going. I'm... almost at my peak! I'm not going to... last much longer!”
Perhaps Black was experienced enough to sense what she was thinking... or perhaps it was just luck, but as soon as she finished her thought, he would slow down, eventually coming to a complete stop before she lost it. He would then set her down, twist around her position again... then demand she finish things up.

Yet again Kurui could hardly believe what she was hearing. “Another test of my resolve? No... this is for his own fucking power-tripping!” Beneath everything else, Kurui felt an odd sensation she hadn't felt since the start of this. She was angry. Her body didn't want to wait, and her mind was still along for the ride and more than happy to allow her to speak out.... after she took a few seconds to catch her breath.
“So much for equals... you fucking sadist... making me do work... after everything you put me through...” She found it easier to bring nerve to her voice than it had been the first time even. “Acting like you don't need this... as much as I do...” Despite her words... and even her hope that she was pissing him off just a little right now, she would comply with the command. It wasn't because she was scared of him for once, but because her body was screaming at her to finish herself off now, and any part of her mind that would have told her otherwise had been long since been blocked out when control wasn't in her hands earlier.

“Haaaahhhfffnn... ghhuuhhahahhhhahhn.”
Her first few movements of the act would be a bit slow and awkward, due to her position and inexperience. “This... would be easier... if I wern't... chained up.” It took her awhile to learn to balance herself against the wall and deal with the shackles, but she would eventually settle into a pattern that let build up some speed and start working herself back up towards climax again. Admittedly the sensation wasn't as great for her now she had to do all the work and Black had long since lost the focus to tease her with his lightning anymore, but it would be enough if she could keep it up. The new arrangement and every comment he made would actually annoy her, add to the small flames of anger she felt... “Yeah, keep commenting you bastard... this isn't for YOU.” Or... at least they would... until towards the end. His final comment dripped of desperation. In the back of her mind she knew she could stop right now if she really wanted to piss him off. She wouldn't, but she knew she COULD. The sense of power would have made her crack a smile if she wasn't busy with sounds of sex right now. Part of her was smugly satisfied that she was good enough at this to get this kind of a reaction from someone so... “experienced”. If only in the smallest way, their positions were reversed right now. She wondered if he hadn't bothered with any of the students to get captured before her, if that was part of his need for this right now. It didn't matter though, she needed it too, she was so close now... if Black went over the edge right now she would too, her whole body shaking with orgasm when she felt his warm spunk inside her.

...It would be all she could manage though. As soon as the act was done she would twist herself around again, and slump limp in her chains.
“I... I'm going to pass out now... just for a little bit...” she would give one last weak tug on her shackles before lowering her head “damn...chains...”. If Black didn't do anything to get her attention again, it would only be a few seconds before she would be out for at least an hour or two, the combined tolls of the fear-filled day and sex she probably didn't have the energy for in the first place catching up to her now and forcing her body into a short shutdown.
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Uhnngh..." grunted the lecherous professor as Kurui rode him vigorously, instinctively bumping his hips against hers as she pushed him to the brink. Despite Black's insistence on her doing the work towards the end, for whatever sadistic reasons he might have, the Water Major would feel the man tightening his hold upon her body and driving himself into her faster and harder than ever, almost matching her stroke for stroke as the sounds of their coupling reached a fever pitch. Though the angle of his entry caused the tip of his manhood to brush against his student's g-spot, adding further stimulation to it all, it was clear that he wasn't in it for her, but himself, and that this was simply incidental. As his fevered thrusts continued, causing the girl's breasts to swing back and forth, Black was no longer able to stifle the escalating groan coming from deep within, as if announcing the moment of his orgasm. If it didn't dawn on Kurui before, it would soon hit her that the scholar pumping her had every intention of sullying her to completion during this humiliating session. She could feel his muscles tensing all at once, and finally, he came hard, his hands squeezing her hips rhythmically in time with the evenly spaced explosions of warmth felt deep within.

"Rrrrgh... hahh... huuu---.... HNNN! HNNN! HNNN! HRNNNGGHH... Ohhhhhh! Aaahhhh! Hahhhh... hnnnnff!"

Several more expected bursts of heat followed as he clung to her tightly, exhibiting the kind of physical strength that only a grown man could. "Hnng... aaah. Take it all!" The lecturer would end each of his thrusts with an audible groan, giving her his all, and Kurui might guess that she was most likely the first captive he decided to violate in such a manner, in light of the large amounts of seed he unloaded into her; he had been saving up quite a bit, and her bodily spasms only succeeded in drawing out a bit more from him. His excess cum began to trickle from the point of their union, but even then it didn't stop the man from relieving himself completely.

However, she didn't need to look back to understand the moment of vulnerability exhibited by her new tutor; the air about him at that time was different, far less intimidating than before, and not for a moment did she ever feel him capable of focusing enough to really harm her with his magic, despite his position remaining superior at the time, if only for the bonds and his relative stature. However distracted by her own body's tremors as she might be, she never felt that for a moment during the climax that Black would exert--or even be able to shock her much, if at all. Even after her orgasm subsided, the Water Major could feel her violator's aura of dominance having largely faded, only returning moments later after he caught his breath. When he did, Black made sure not to let Kurui pass out until after he delivered his final taunt for the time being. "Nnhh... you did well. I'm sure that if she knew, Sienna would have appreciated what you did for her, as safe as she is right now. Let's keep it that way, shall we? Stay here, like a good girl. I'm just going to check on the others. When I'm done, we'll take a coach ride back to Elynsor."

Those would be the last words she'd hear before her vision faded to black...


When Kurui came to, she was still shackled to the wall in the same fashion. She had been cleaned up down there, somehow, and her clothes, as well as her underwear, were pulled back on so as to conceal her properly. Black was nowhere to be found. When she looked up, however, she would find a visitor, a man in what appeared to be an Elynsorian soldier's uniform, probably here to take his turn with her as well. Walking towards her, he'd stop and pat her face lightly before causing her blurred vision to snap into focus, revealing to Kurui that the man wasn't some random thug looking to rape her. It was Colt.

"Hey... you alright? Nobody hurt you too much, did they? Sorry for being a little late, but I'm glad I got here in time," He began to examine her shackles, trying to figure out a way to undo them, apparently unaware of the subtle physical signs that she had been raped. "Come on, let's get you out of here," he whispered.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui would catch only a few lines of what Black was saying to her after everything was done. Part of her wanted to protest and say something back in response. But even breathing felt like it took more energy than she had right now, and she lost her hold on consciousness sometime after hearing they would be going back soon... back and out of this damn mine...


The next time Kurui would come to she'd guess at least an hour two had passed, it was hard to guess though. Her time unconscious would be just a dreamless blur in her mind... she would remember enough of what happened before she passed out though to know where she was and what was happening though... at least after she shook off her waking drowsiness. In fact, after that she would be able to think clearly for the first time in a long time today.

She would find herself awakened by the sound of someone approaching her cell. There wasn't a “click” to the steps this time, it wasn't Black again. She would also notice, even without looking down at herself, that she had been cleaned up and redressed since last time, even if she had no memory of it happening. When the person entered she would catch parts of a soldier's uniform through her groggy blurred vision.
“Lying bastard... everything I did and he's still sending these guys in for me...”
To her surprise though, the soldier wouldn't lay a hand on her except to help her wake up up more. When her vision came into focus it would be a face she recognized even.
Despite the concern in his voice, Kurui didn't know what to think at first. Was she still dreaming? No... this felt too real.
“N-no. I'm not hurt...” she answered, although it was somewhat of a lie and her voice faltered at it. “What are you doing here anyway!? How?”
As she questioned him, she would find him preoccupied with getting her out of her shackles. Smashing the locks in until they came loose and gave. She had no objections to this, despite Black's earlier threats. The chains were getting incredibly uncomfortable now, painful even, and she didn't imagine him to be the type that would get pissy over her trying to save her arms. When the chains finally gave she would fall forward a bit, having become too used to them supporting her and her arms responding only with weakness and a numb tingling as good bloodflow finally returned to them. “Finally...”
It took her a second to get to her feet after that, her body feeling better than before after the time she had to recover, but still feeling pretty worn out and even alien to her after her earlier experience.
“Wait... before we leave... what happened to the others? Did they get out? Are they all OK? How did you even get here, didn't you run into others? Black even? Are they all dead? How are you NOT dead?! Did some kind of help finally come?”
The tone in her voice was apprehensive, no matter what kind of time crunch they might be in right now, the tone made it clear she wasn't leaving until she got some answers.... and secretly she might not even want to anyway if the answers wern't the best things she could imagine. How much of this showed in her expression though, she wasn't sure of.
“Getting out of here and protecting Sienna are two different things... if Black is still alive... if he makes it back before we do... no. I can't risk that... even if he doesn't... nothing is going to protect us afterwards... I can't put that shadow after Sienna for the rest of her life.”
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Whew, that's good," said the swordsman in response to Kurui's lie about her status. A slight look of relief took over his features, but not enough to undo the general air of urgency about him as he worked to remove her restraints. "Ugh... damn these things," he muttered, taking a moment to look behind him so as to check for anyone watching, then struggling even further with her shackles. "They never taught us how to pick these or whatever, so... hang on, alright? I'm not going to hurt you."

Taking a deep breath, he drew one of two blades at his side--one previously belonging to Julius--then employed the pommel of the sword to smash away at the locks. It was rather noisy, unnervingly so, but with enough tries, they finally broke. This provided some much-needed freedom to the girl's wrists, and a tinge of relief amidst the sea of discomfort she had experienced during the recent turn of events. Colt seemed a bit winded after the grueling, brute-force method of freeing the girl, but still managed to offer her a smile. "Finally."

He blinked a few times at her inquiry, caught somewhat off-guard, then managed to answer after a brief pause. "Oh... uh, Dinn's alive, though he's in no shape to do much of anything--Reius did a much better job of patching him up than I thought. Let's just say Julius isn't going anywhere for a while, and Anisse is fine too. But I wasn't about to just let these jerks have their way with you! The five of us can still find a way out somehow. As for Black... uh, is it the guy in a noble's coat with black hair? I'm not exactly sure if it's him, but I think I saw him in these halls just earlier. Which means we gotta hurry before he comes back! You ready?"
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“They're all still alive...” Kurui repeated the words to herself quietly, with the first positive tone to grace her voice in hours. She couldn't bring herself to leave yet though. She could only stare at Colt for a few moments with a pained expression as she tried to get her thoughts in order. After several moments she finally broke this stance, throwing her arms around his shoulders, her eyes teary and on the verge of crying again.

“You could have died coming here for me!” She held on tight, as if the feeling of someone who actually cared about her was more than she could bear to let go of right now “You could have... sold me out earlier too. All of us... and gotten alot for us. And yet you didn't and somehow you kept them all alive and came back for me...” she was full on crying now and speaking in between sniffles “I don't know why you did that... why we matter so much to you... but I'm never going to forget it, I promise. You're a good person... stay that way...” she hated what she would do next, but now brain was working again and she knew what was probably best right now. She held back her crying, her voice becoming low enough that nobody outside could hear and becoming more serious so Colt would remember the details of what she was saying. “Black is going to leave soon. He'll probably only leave enough soldiers here to manage the mining. Since you snuck in here, if you manage to get back to the others and wait it out, you can probably act like you're one of them and get everyone else out of here. Please... get the rest of them out of here safely.” She held on for just a moment more, before breaking off her embrace rather forcefully and stepping back from Colt.

“I'm not coming with you... I hate these people with every fiber of my being and I'm so scared it hurts! ...but it's too late for me!” She was crying again, but her voice was becoming harsh and defensive now. “Black knows too much about me. He wants me as an "apprentice"... and if I don't do everything he says then he's going to go after someone important to me! I... I'm NOT going to let that happen! ...So just go! Leave me alone and go before you lose your chance!” the harshness in which she was speaking was too much though, to be talking to someone who went through all this effort for her. She couldn't keep it up and her voice dropped down to practically begging rather than commands. “Please... don't make this harder on me... I'll be OK..." she turned her head away, unable to look him in the eyes anymore "I'll... think of something...
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Colt returned Kurui's pained expression with a look of confusion. He was clearly expecting a different reaction out of her, perhaps for the girl to grab his hand and urge him to take her out of this awful place, as most in her situation would do. What he got instead was a sudden embrace, and this caught the swordsman off-guard, with him a bit too stunned to respond until the Water Major began to explain the reality of her situation.

Though he could only stand stunned for a short while, he did manage to collect himself in time to respond after the completion of her initial statement. "And I'd do it again if I had to. I already told you guys I'd protect you... even though I've already messed up a lot on that. Maybe if I were a bit stronger, or smarter even, then this wouldn't have happened in the first place..." he responded in a melancholy voice before letting her continue. When she moved on to talking about how she wouldn't forget him, Colt's features gradually took on a look of distress, and he was simply stunned by the time she pushed off of him. "W-Wait! We can still--" He made a motion to grab at her wrist, but seeing the grimace that Kurui would make upon him touching that still tender part of her would cause the soldier to drop his hands and reel back with an apologetic look. "...s-sorry. I didn't realize..." As tempted as he initially was to take her along anyway, the look she gave him coupled with the tears in her eyes, as well as further explanation regarding her circumstances, was seemingly effective enough to pacify the blonde-haired warrior.

Colt bowed his head, exhibiting his distressed look when the girl's tone shifted from harshness to that of a more pleading one. "D-Damnit... you didn't have to do this..." It seemed as if he would have gone on, but the duelist knew that he wasn't one to give a lecture against one sacrificing themselves for another person.

"We'll find a way to get you out of this somehow... I swear it!" The look on his face wasn't one that the girl would immediately forget, but the time for him to give a proper farewell or get parting details was cut short by the sound of several footsteps approaching from down the hall. Giving her one last glance of concern, Colt slowly backed off from her, shedding his last traces of hesitance before making his way out of the room in a hurry, no doubt back to Reius, Dinn, and Anisse.

It was only seconds later that a trio of soldiers passing by stopped to give Kurui a look. For one reason or another, they didn't seem to be incredibly concerned with her lack of restraints--perhaps the place was that well-guarded, or they just didn't care. One of them, a younger recruit about her age, raised a brow with a smirk upon setting eyes on her, then scanned her up and down with the most obvious intent.

"Hey, mind if I use that one? She's just my type, and I haven't gotten off at all today."

The second, a pale man of taller stature, shook his head slowly, replying, "No... that one is off-limits. Lord Black said to not lay a finger on her, as he's claiming her for himself."

"Tch... what a selfish bastard. Fine, whatever," muttered the first, before moving on, along with the rest.

It was just as well, since the Lightning mage's familiar form showed up in the room just minutes after the small group of military men departed. Black raised a brow upon seeing Kurui out of her shackles, though he continued to approach her nonetheless, stopping in front of her.

"Hmm... well. I'm not going to ask how you managed that... but either way, it seems like you made the right choice in staying here," he said with a devious smile, once again reaching forward to lightly brush the side of her face with his hand, as if she were a prized trophy. "Come. We're leaving now."

The fact that he would lead her on through the compound, without restraints of any sort, spoke volumes as to the man's level of confidence, his usual aura having returned from before. Regardless, he kept a hand upon her back as they walked along, though it wasn't so much a loving or caring touch, but rather the cold, harsh reminder of ownership. The Academy professor led Kurui through a shorter exit, away from the rest of the cells, where she would be able to see some figures hard at work in the mining of valuable minerals, though they were hardly recognizable from where she was. It was a complex arrangement, which would bring some reassurance in terms of Colt being able to make a proper escape with that uniform of his, though for others like her, the area's layout practically guaranteed a captive's continued servitude.

After passing through a few checkpoints, the two finally made it to a path leading upward, no doubt to the surface. A long, uncomfortably silent walk later, and the rather dim light of the outside world was upon them, showing it to be evening now. This appeared to be a side entrance to the mines, and a little-known one at that, as it was secluded amongst a patch of trees, where no other workers could be seen entering or exiting.

Waiting just meters from where they stepped out was a fancy ebon coach hauled by two thoroughbreds. The driver, a plain-looking man in fine garb, hurried to open the door for Black, who entered first before having Kurui ushered inside.

Upon sitting down, the Water Major would find the interior of the carriage much more comfortable and lavish than the one she came to the mines in, velvety cushions and finely decorated wood surrounding her. And yet, despite the higher level of luxury, it still felt... cold, without the lively bickering and warm exchanges provided by Colt, Dinn, Reius and Anisse. Now, only the stern-looking Black sat next to her, with none of the true friendliness exhibited by her old companions. It did much in leaving Kurui feeling utterly forsaken, having little choice but to remain the company of this stoic professor. He remained strangely silent until after the door was shut and the coach started moving.

"I expect that you'll live up to your promise, and so I shall do the same for mine. Come two hours early to class each day. I realize you normally do so about an hour or so anyway, but I'll be providing you with daily lessons suitable for a successor during those times. And of course, you will be staying an hour afterwards as well, if I request you to. I expect full compliance."

Even if she didn't return her gaze, Kurui would be able to feel his eyes upon her, though they were directed at her own. "But I would like to think that I chose you for a reason, so I am sure you can comprehend at least the first portion of my lessons. As for the more advanced ones... well. You'll just have to surprise me."