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Classical Music Thread

Re: Classical Music Thread

I'm a little late, but the op sounds a lot like a newfag judging by his internet terminology and vocabulary

For the record, umad and lolwut stopped being witty and clever a long long time ago

And darkfire is very correct, he wasn't even trolling, you don't make yourself look any better by accepting an insult
Re: Classical Music Thread

I'm a little late, but the op sounds a lot like a newfag judging by his internet terminology and vocabulary

For the record, umad and lolwut stopped being witty and clever a long long time ago

And darkfire is very correct, he wasn't even trolling, you don't make yourself look any better by accepting an insult

Yet here I stand not really caring, if you insist on continuing to flame me unnecessarily please at least come up with some new material, thanks.

Turning this thread into a flame war was unnecessary, I blame you.
Re: Classical Music Thread

... ¬_¬

I think I'll actually work on uploading the rest of those TAMusic piano works. Of course they were all over youtube already, but strangely I couldn't find the examples I wanted at a good quality. There's ten in total (in the album I've got), and it'll be nice to have a full set of something in my youtube channel.

Seems like something distracted people from sharing their music, so I'll contribute another link. This one is a little different. A large collection of epic orchestral pieces. I listen to the TAM stuff for relaxing, while I listen to this to be awed, humbled and inspired. If I let my imagination run it's course I can visit another world.

It's somewhat more modern than anything else here so far, so I hope that's ok, but I feel it fits in with the intention of the thread. Be warned, there's 47 minutes of music in that link.
Re: Classical Music Thread

... ¬_¬

I think I'll actually work on uploading the rest of those TAMusic piano works. Of course they were all over youtube already, but strangely I couldn't find the examples I wanted at a good quality. There's ten in total (in the album I've got), and it'll be nice to have a full set of something in my youtube channel.

Seems like something distracted people from sharing their music, so I'll contribute another link. This one is a little different. A large collection of epic orchestral pieces. I listen to the TAM stuff for relaxing, while I listen to this to be awed, humbled and inspired. If I let my imagination run it's course I can visit another world.

It's somewhat more modern than anything else here so far, so I hope that's ok, but I feel it fits in with the intention of the thread. Be warned, there's 47 minutes of music in that link.

I loved the last two submissions, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'll say "I have no problem with more."
Re: Classical Music Thread

(Actual Orchestra)

There ya go... some brilliance.
Re: Classical Music Thread

Came up in the "Game=Art?" thread, and so I ended up looking for it. Homeworld's special choral version of Adagio for Strings.

To me this song sings a tragic and epic tale of struggle, sacrifice, courage and unity.
Re: Classical Music Thread

Came up in the "Game=Art?" thread, and so I ended up looking for it. Homeworld's special choral version of Adagio for Strings.

To me this song sings a tragic and epic tale of struggle, sacrifice, courage and unity.

Speaking of...

Elliot's "Adagio" for Alien 3 was quite beautiful!

Re: Classical Music Thread

A little revive!

Re: Classical Music Thread

I like. Badass indeed. Didn't expect to see anything from CoD:Modern Warfare in here, but it's a nice surprise. It's good stuff. Very much enjoyed the watchmen track as well. If you know any more similar to that one I'd be interested in hearing them.

If the theme of those was badass, then I think I'll choose epic as the theme for this post. I realise the word epic gets thrown around a lot these days, but I'm being very serious with using it here. Listening to these through laptop/low quality speakers, or in a noisy room would be a tragedy in my opinion.

The first track for me represents the grandeur and scale of Life, Death and Rebirth itself in a spiritual sense.

The second track is relating specifically to judgement upon entering the afterlife.

And can you really get a better language for epic vocal chorus than Latin?
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Re: Classical Music Thread

I like. Badass indeed. Didn't expect to see anything from CoD:Modern Warfare in here, but it's a nice surprise. It's good stuff. Very much enjoyed the watchmen track as well. If you know any more similar to that one I'd be interested in hearing them.

If the theme of those was badass, then I think I'll choose epic as the theme for this post. I realise the word epic gets thrown around a lot these days, but I'm being very serious with using it here. Listening to these through laptop/low quality speakers, or in a noisy room would be a tragedy in my opinion.

The first track for me represents the grandeur and scale of Life, Death and Rebirth itself in a spiritual sense.

The second track is relating specifically to judgement upon entering the afterlife.

And can you really get a better language for epic vocal chorus than Latin?

Re: Classical Music Thread

Re: Classical Music Thread

Antonio Vivaldi, "Winter"

And I feel tempted to mention that Savatage did Hall of the Mountain King too :rolleyes:

Sorry that second one is not classical music at all! :D
Re: Classical Music Thread

Never let go of the grandest music of all time.
Re: Classical Music Thread

Thanks Exo, I almost forgot about this.

I can't believe how many songs we're derived from this and other parts of the Planets Suite. Can you guys catch any of them? :)

The video is kind of amazing too...I don't know what the deal is with a few of the American bits, but I still love it.
Re: Classical Music Thread

If you want to talk about things stolen from old works, I'm sure everyone will pick one from
Re: Classical Music Thread

Np, Ranger Princess. =3

. It's a little more contemporary, but played nicely.