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RPG RPG Maker [CircleKAME] Parallel Fantasy IF (RJ125993)

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Re: New Interface Translation of [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF v1.4 Stabl

I had some time to kill and was bored so...

I am nearly finished with a 'Full Interface Translation' of this very buggy and incomplete beta game.

I did this because this game is easily 6 months to a year away from being actually complete and if you look at the guts of the game you will quickly see why. Basically the author has used complex, messy and totally unnecessary scripts to handle almost all gameplay mechanics and used equally complex, messy and unnecessary Events to handle most scripting creating a whole lot of excess work for himself at little to no benefit to the final product, it is all Very Weird.

Anyway so far all Scripts, Actors, Classes, Items, Weapons and States have been translated. I still have about half the Skills, all the Armours and the Enemies to go. (Man is it boring work).

I have also translated all the Menu Screens including the “Information” Event (The one that tells you how many times you have been diddled and where) and the “Every 5 Levels ‘Abilities Power Up’ When You Sleep” Event (There has to be a better way of describing that) for the Main character, I still have to do these events for the other party members.

I have absolutely NO intention of translating the game itself (Not now or ever), just the interface and interface events. It will take me at most a fortnight off and on to finish this up (Did I mention how boring it is yet?) but I thought I had better ask you knowledgeable players if you can think of any other insanely confusing and in desperate need of translation events like that level up on sleep one.

If you can give me specific enough details to find it and a good enough reason to translate it I will. (Be as specific as possible including copy pasting Kanji etc as I have barely played the game so any… ‘that event, with the thing, you know the one’ descriptions will be pretty meaningless to me)

For the time being do you guys want me to upload what is done so far or would you rather wait a week or two for the full interface translation?

By the way you will need to start a New Game because of script changes, but I have finished translating all necessary scripts so if you start a new game of the partial interface translation you won't have to start yet another new game for the completed interface translation.

Anyone wanting to do a real game translation if and when this game is actually complete is welcome to use what I have done in anyway they see fit without asking me or giving credit or making comment.

I have made detailed notes of every translation I have made in both text documents and within the notes section of RPG Maker to make copy pasting my translations into any new translation as easy as this mind numbingly boring and repetitive process can be. (What no sleepy smilie on this forum?)

I think this is my first ever post on here, man I envy you guys and your ability to find the time in the day to be all chatting away on multiple Forums and Facebook and Twitter and E-Mail and Texting and still get any Real Work done. I can’t even find the time to do the Real Work part let alone any of that other stuff and I'm a dang insomniac.

bless you
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(full version&patch 1.4 released)

I'm always waiting for this game to be updated and Queen Opala 2 to be completed and its driving me mad :( any1 wanna recommend games similar to this one? I already played all of parallel fantasy and arms devicer and pretty sure most of the rpg games on dlsite.
Re: New Interface Translation of [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF v1.4 Stabl

I had some time to kill and was bored so...

Wow. Nice first post. I see no need to upload your unfinished work but others may disagree. I won't be playing game again until he adds new content but some may be waiting for interface translation.

On your remarks about his scripting. That is the trouble with one man operations. I would bet that it is exceeding rare that a good artist is a good story teller AND a good programer. It would really be nice if he found someone to help him with the scripts. But with this being his fourth game, I doubt that it will happen.
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(full version&patch 1.4 released)

Well, I had a good run and the translation is now almost complete. All that is left is Armour Descriptions (Names are done), some Summoned creature Skills and some Monster Skills (Playable Characters are done).

I am taking a break for now but could finish up as early as tomorrow assuming nobody has any suggestions on other common and repeatable Events that really need a translation.

I am thinking I should probably do the School Library where you change your Title but that is the only other major one I have come across in my very limited playing time.

Any others, Anybody? If so please post A.S.A.P. because once I upload this I am probably not going to do anymore (Not on this game at any rate).

Some screenshots of translation attached for no serious reason other than to see if I have the forum rights to do so.

If there are no screenshots attached I clearly do not have said rights so feel free to ignore the first postscript.

If the screenshots are attached they are all half size to save space in case anyone was wondering why they were a bit pixelated.


  • Start.jpg
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  • Load.jpg
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  • Menu.jpg
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  • Info.jpg
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  • Shop.jpg
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  • Equip.jpg
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Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(full version&patch 1.4 released)

nice work dood, besides the titles in the library, the summon room (if you didn't do it) is the one that would be great translated
Re: New Interface Translation of [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF v1.4 Stabl

I had some time to kill and was bored so...

I am nearly finished with a 'Full Interface Translation' of this very buggy and incomplete beta game.

I did this because this game is easily 6 months to a year away from being actually complete and if you look at the guts of the game you will quickly see why. Basically the author has used complex, messy and totally unnecessary scripts to handle almost all gameplay mechanics and used equally complex, messy and unnecessary Events to handle most scripting creating a whole lot of excess work for himself at little to no benefit to the final product, it is all Very Weird.
Would explain why it keeps crashing randomly. In 1.4 even worse then in 1.1. Either in battle or randomly while talking to someone.
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(full version&patch 1.4 released)

Well, I had a good run and the translation is now almost complete. All that is left is Armour Descriptions (Names are done), some Summoned creature Skills and some Monster Skills (Playable Characters are done).

I am taking a break for now but could finish up as early as tomorrow assuming nobody has any suggestions on other common and repeatable Events that really need a translation.

I am thinking I should probably do the School Library where you change your Title but that is the only other major one I have come across in my very limited playing time.

Any others, Anybody? If so please post A.S.A.P. because once I upload this I am probably not going to do anymore (Not on this game at any rate).

Some screenshots of translation attached for no serious reason other than to see if I have the forum rights to do so.

If there are no screenshots attached I clearly do not have said rights so feel free to ignore the first postscript.

If the screenshots are attached they are all half size to save space in case anyone was wondering why they were a bit pixelated.

The main character is Aty (from ) not Allie. It even states this on English DLsite.
Re: New Interface Translation of [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF v1.4 Stabl

I had some time to kill and was bored so...

I am nearly finished with a 'Full Interface Translation' of this very buggy and incomplete beta game.

I did this because this game is easily 6 months to a year away from being actually complete and if you look at the guts of the game you will quickly see why. Basically the author has used complex, messy and totally unnecessary scripts to handle almost all gameplay mechanics and used equally complex, messy and unnecessary Events to handle most scripting creating a whole lot of excess work for himself at little to no benefit to the final product, it is all Very Weird.

Can you look at the guts of Parallel Fantasy Zero and Arms Devicer! to see if this is a hallmark of CircleKAME? Because his games, while undeniably above-average, are crash-tastic on my end.
Re: New Interface Translation of [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF v1.4 Stabl

Demonic heat wave :mad: has struck my home town again, so for the next week or until the temps stop edging 40 I won't be doing much more work on this.

I will definitely translate the library as I already have done the Titles and Descriptions anyway and the summons room looks easy enough so I have added that to my queue.

Pre heatwave I was slowly plodding along through the Skills when I realised it was not just the mind numbing boredom that was turning my brain to mush and sending it dribbling out of my ears in a frighteningly accurate precursor to the heat induced putrefaction of this week. :p

It seems that for every single enemy and conceivable type of Skill there are a half dozen variations that do ever so minutely more or less damage in an ever escalating bombardment of redundancy. This alone wouldn't be so bad after all copy and paste were created to deal with this exact form of lunacy but a further and more world shattering revelation was soon to follow.

Now I have always been a great proponent of organisation schema, so much so that a really good one gets me all hot and bothered :eek: in ways no self respecting sentient being of any creed should admit to publically (I can admit it readily because whilst sentient and oh so brimming with creeds of all shapes and sizes I abandoned that self respect conceit before I even new what creed or sentient meant). So imagine my horror when that one truth I have for so long held at roughly the same level of all others was so cruelly stripped from me.

There is in fact something worse than NO organizational schema!... I know... I hear you gasp, children cry out clinging to their mother's dresses and grown men are brought to their very knees as the world itself tilts as though cocking its head to gawk at the ludicrously exaggerated spectacle of unjustifiable incredulity. :confused:

On an aside and returning to the subject of boredom I have ever so gently hinted at in the past, the very blathering stream of unfiltered and barely intelligible over exposition represented by this most verbose post should serve as warning to any and all of the dangers of repetitive tasks. All work and no play does not necessarily make every Jack wonder how best to decorate small boys and their mothers with little more than an axe and a grin :D, sometimes it can lead to the far more horrific and nowhere near as heart-warmingly cute tragedy of homicidal ludicrousy. (Yes I said Ludicrousy, no it’s not a word but it damn well should be.) :cool:

Returning via the most circuitous route to that original question of what could possibly be worse than no organisational schema the answer is of course multiple organisational schema and not just contradicting schema no that would be too easy. Here we have some schema contradicting some but not all other schema whilst other schema is completely unrelated to either schema in an intricate web of .dvsmrlwgVKN .,FFWFWdfsddvs Ahh crap there goes my brain dribbling out my ear again, someone really should come up with a plug or something to stop that.

Anyway the point being to answer some of the curiosity of why this game is so buggy and so very far from the author finally completing it to the degree of any previous games... My guess would be that different people over a fair stretch of time have been involved.

But even that is only part of the reason, the other being that the author or authors appear to have been more comfortable and familiar with RPG Maker VX, however rather than building the game in VX chose instead to build the game in RPG Maker VX ACE and use scripts to force VX ACE to behave like and accept code for VX... WTF WHY!!!!

I am reluctant to admit it but there comes a point where you kinda have to stand up and take your hat off to someone who finds the most absolutely difficult and convoluted way of doing so very simple a thing and this post is my special way of honouring CircleKAME.

Bravo man, BRAVO!


Madman3237, PC name has now been corrected to Aty. Thanks for the heads up I had no idea this was based on anyone, though it does bring into question the ethics of the plastic surgeon who grafted on those watermelons.

CaveCricket48, I haven't looked at the guts of Arms Devicer but I did a bit of a UI trans for Parallel Fantasy Zero+ and whilst there is a little questionable scripting it is pretty standard as far as RPG Maker games go and certainly nothing like this one. It was however made in RPG Maker VX which CircleKame is clearly much more comfortable with. If I remember PFZero correctly a possible reason for reported difficulties with that one and perhaps other previous titles is the use of excessively large maps.

Having been reminded of the circles previous games I kind of feel I should give a bit of a warning here that from what I have seen, both playing the game and digging into its guts, it doesn't really compare in any way favourably with previous titles; Neither artistically, technically or thematically. To me the story is your typical and uninspired random woman with randomly large breasts forced to randomly defeat a bunch of random demons whilst being randomly screwed over by random people for no real reason (I bet you thought I was going to say random reasons, and I was but I chose to throw in a twist thereby making this sentence more interesting than the games storyline). Add to that CG's that are kind of bland in comparison to Arms Devicer and the whole buggy weird programming thing I have already prattled on endlessly about and it all gets a little disappointing. I am not suggesting don't bother with it but in my wholly biased and barely relevant opinion it would perhaps be wise to lower your expectations.
Re: New Interface Translation of [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF v1.4 Stabl

Demonic heat wave :mad: has struck my home town again, so for the next week or until the temps stop edging 40 I won't be doing much more work on this.

I will definitely translate the library as I already have done the Titles and Descriptions anyway and the summons room looks easy enough so I have added that to my queue.

Pre heatwave I was slowly plodding along through the Skills when I realised it was not just the mind numbing boredom that was turning my brain to mush and sending it dribbling out of my ears in a frighteningly accurate precursor to the heat induced putrefaction of this week. :p

It seems that for every single enemy and conceivable type of Skill there are a half dozen variations that do ever so minutely more or less damage in an ever escalating bombardment of redundancy. This alone wouldn't be so bad after all copy and paste were created to deal with this exact form of lunacy but a further and more world shattering revelation was soon to follow.

Now I have always been a great proponent of organisation schema, so much so that a really good one gets me all hot and bothered :eek: in ways no self respecting sentient being of any creed should admit to publically (I can admit it readily because whilst sentient and oh so brimming with creeds of all shapes and sizes I abandoned that self respect conceit before I even new what creed or sentient meant). So imagine my horror when that one truth I have for so long held at roughly the same level of all others was so cruelly stripped from me.

There is in fact something worse than NO organizational schema!... I know... I hear you gasp, children cry out clinging to their mother's dresses and grown men are brought to their very knees as the world itself tilts as though cocking its head to gawk at the ludicrously exaggerated spectacle of unjustifiable incredulity. :confused:

On an aside and returning to the subject of boredom I have ever so gently hinted at in the past, the very blathering stream of unfiltered and barely intelligible over exposition represented by this most verbose post should serve as warning to any and all of the dangers of repetitive tasks. All work and no play does not necessarily make every Jack wonder how best to decorate small boys and their mothers with little more than an axe and a grin :D, sometimes it can lead to the far more horrific and nowhere near as heart-warmingly cute tragedy of homicidal ludicrousy. (Yes I said Ludicrousy, no it’s not a word but it damn well should be.) :cool:

Returning via the most circuitous route to that original question of what could possibly be worse than no organisational schema the answer is of course multiple organisational schema and not just contradicting schema no that would be too easy. Here we have some schema contradicting some but not all other schema whilst other schema is completely unrelated to either schema in an intricate web of .dvsmrlwgVKN .,FFWFWdfsddvs Ahh crap there goes my brain dribbling out my ear again, someone really should come up with a plug or something to stop that.

Anyway the point being to answer some of the curiosity of why this game is so buggy and so very far from the author finally completing it to the degree of any previous games... My guess would be that different people over a fair stretch of time have been involved.

But even that is only part of the reason, the other being that the author or authors appear to have been more comfortable and familiar with RPG Maker VX, however rather than building the game in VX chose instead to build the game in RPG Maker VX ACE and use scripts to force VX ACE to behave like and accept code for VX... WTF WHY!!!!

I am reluctant to admit it but there comes a point where you kinda have to stand up and take your hat off to someone who finds the most absolutely difficult and convoluted way of doing so very simple a thing and this post is my special way of honouring CircleKAME.

Bravo man, BRAVO!


Madman3237, PC name has now been corrected to Aty. Thanks for the heads up I had no idea this was based on anyone, though it does bring into question the ethics of the plastic surgeon who grafted on those watermelons.

CaveCricket48, I haven't looked at the guts of Arms Devicer but I did a bit of a UI trans for Parallel Fantasy Zero+ and whilst there is a little questionable scripting it is pretty standard as far as RPG Maker games go and certainly nothing like this one. It was however made in RPG Maker VX which CircleKame is clearly much more comfortable with. If I remember PFZero correctly a possible reason for reported difficulties with that one and perhaps other previous titles is the use of excessively large maps.

Having been reminded of the circles previous games I kind of feel I should give a bit of a warning here that from what I have seen, both playing the game and digging into its guts, it doesn't really compare in any way favourably with previous titles; Neither artistically, technically or thematically. To me the story is your typical and uninspired random woman with randomly large breasts forced to randomly defeat a bunch of random demons whilst being randomly screwed over by random people for no real reason (I bet you thought I was going to say random reasons, and I was but I chose to throw in a twist thereby making this sentence more interesting than the games storyline). Add to that CG's that are kind of bland in comparison to Arms Devicer and the whole buggy weird programming thing I have already prattled on endlessly about and it all gets a little disappointing. I am not suggesting don't bother with it but in my wholly biased and barely relevant opinion it would perhaps be wise to lower your expectations.

Cant wait, i been waiting to play this game for a while now
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(full version&patch 1.4 released)

@daede, your work's appreciated. God knows just how tedious it can be to translate anything, especially every item and UI element.

As for the "Aty gets screwed" thing, the plot does have some relevance to the rest of the PF games though it doesn't really pop up until the very end, with the ending pretty much ignoring that revelation. I'm not sure if that's the only ending you can get or if the developer's going to add in some other endings whenever he gets around to it.
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(full version&patch 1.4 released)

Even if the game is still incomplete, I feel that he should still post an updated version of the game. I am in my third playthrough and am getting bored with the lack of content. I am now just seeing how high Aty's lust value can rise.
My patience is wearing thin.
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Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(full version&patch 1.4 released)

Awesome, thanks for the link Graciel.
Trans Release - RJ125993 - Parallel Fantasy IF - v1.04 - EngUI v0.5 - RPGM

Well the weather isn't getting any better :mad: so I figured I would just upload what I have so far rather than hope for a few cool days in a row to finish.

All that is left untranslated are about half the Skills and most of the Armour descriptions. I will eventually get around to finishing these and re-upload then but I am sick of this game and cannot work in hot weather so for the time being this will have to do, sorry.

Otherwise all Characters, Combat, Menus, Items, etc are fully translated including the School Library and the Evolution Room.

Any mistakes, omissions or glaring oversights please let me know.

Anyway here it is for now, you will have to start a new game (Sorry can't be helped)

RJ125993 - Parallel Fantasy IF - v1.04 - EngUI v0.5 - RPGM
h t t p s : / / mega.co.nz/#!WBwi2aTT!GsMssj_nBmf6irMioPp9OdmVQi8x_z7cdnKHPmQAwgA

I can't post links yet so if someone wants to make a clickable link please do otherwise simply select from the mega onwards and paste it into your address bar.

Don't worry about waiting for the finished UI trans to start a new game, you will be able to continue load any game started with this version on the finished UI trans version.

The game is fully extracted and editable so you can look through the CGs or open it up in RPG Maker VX ACE yourself.

This download is obviously titled and probably won't last long so if anyone wants to mirror it and keep it up please feel free to do so just make sure you are clear on the version number of both game and translation and for decencies sake NO PREMIUM LINKS.

Once again I hold no claim over this work or my translation of it, if you want to continue the translation yourself feel free. You do not need my permission.

If anyone is thinking of translating any RPG Maker game or games and doesn't have much experience with doing so, this would probably be worth their while downloading and having a look at just for the Translation Notes. If potential translators want any assistance, advice or tutorials let me know and if I can help I will. UI translation is very easy work for the most part as long as you are organised and don't mind boring repetition. Dialogue translation is a lot more fun and creative but also a lot more difficult as Moonspeak has little useful grammar and as most of us have experienced machine translations can often prove nonsensical gibberish even if you have some limited Japanese.

Really big games like this one *will eventually be if the author ever finishes it* are a great example of how translation can often prove nearly as much work as creating a new game from scratch. Unless or until you are very familiar with the game and have played it through at least once you would be better of making your own game than attempting to translate this one. The cultural barrier in basic methodology and work ethic of this particular game is as steep as the language barrier and equally difficult to surmount. Which is not to say it isn't worth it in the end and I certainly hope somebody eventually takes it on.

The above is why I don't do story translations. I have yet to find an RPG Maker game that actually captures an keeps my interest long enough for me to want to play it through the minimum 2 or 3 times necessary to do a good translation.

Saki Quest is probably closest to my idea of a really good RPG Maker game and it is thanks to the brilliant translation work of "MonkeyMan" that I played enjoyed and have ever since hunted for a likewise decent RPG Maker game. So if you feel like thanking somebody for this translation thank "MonkeyMan" cause I wouldn't be here let alone do this without his work.
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(full version&patch 1.4 released)

Copied it to my mega and renamed. If your link disappears, I'll post.

Kudos to you for your work and for giving credit to MonkeyMan for his inspiration.

I've played this version at least twice so will not be playing again until the Circle releases new content. I'm sure others will benefit greatly from your work though. :cool:
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(full version&patch 1.4 released)

How do you get to the items in the locked rooms of the inn?
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(full version&patch 1.4 released)

How do you get to the items in the locked rooms of the inn?

Cheating. The events for the bankdude and the other dude in the first room of the inn aren't yet implemented.
But It's only generic Items anyways.

Lol, I've misreaden your post as the rooms that are unattainable instead of all the rooms.
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Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(full version&patch 1.4 released)

I love this game ... (love the previous 2 too)
but with bugs here and there ...
I think it's better for me to wait for a few month ... :eek:
Re: [RJ125993][CircleKAME]Parallel Fantasy IF(full version&patch 1.4 released)

How do you get to the items in the locked rooms of the inn?

Cheating. The events for the bankdude and the other dude in the first room of the inn aren't yet implemented.
But It's only generic Items anyways.

Solicit the guys in daytime for night visit (sometimes have to wait for 2nd visit to pilfer) after you get prostitution ring. As Torgent says, some aren't available yet. Most details in last spoiler in this post: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=533296&postcount=522
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