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Grim Reaper
Mar 16, 2012
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For those unfamiliar with Naked Order, it was a game where the protagonist was forced to run around town naked at night and find/follow various sexual orders in order to save her kidnapped sister.

In this game... she appears to have gotten a little addicted to exposing herself in public, and is now exposing herself at school.

The game appears to be very minigame focused, this time. I can see a math minigame, a rock-paper-scissors minigame, and a stealth action event.

There's a lot of content in the trial. Including a small 8-bit game called "Naked Classic", which seems to be more stealth focused?

Game is set to release in December, so there's a bit of a wait (which probably explains all the content in the trial?).
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Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

Wow, this was unexpected but very welcome news.
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

Oh my. This is quiet the unexpected surprise. Always love new exhibitionism games.
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

Oh my god, I can't stop smiling, I LOVED Naked Order!
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

Naked Classic seems to be pretty much pac-man. You run around and collect all the dots while avoiding the guys and cars. Then after you get all the dots you go to the green box thing that appears. If you succeed, you get a cg. If you fail by running into the guys, you get fucked and start over from level 1.
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

Man, i loved Naked Order. Hopefully someone will translate this as well.
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

Naked Order was a great game. Looking forward to this one!
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

My body is ready:cool:
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

Loved the original despite finding its system a bit difficult mechanically. It was still done well and full of great scenarios and very clever ideas.
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

Is there a thread for Naked Order? I searched for it but didn't find it. :\
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

Is there a thread for Naked Order? I searched for it but didn't find it. :\

I only found one on Hongfire
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

And said thread on Hongfire is where I got that game, I was just amazed that there was an English version of it out there, I'm even more amazed that that link still seems to be valid after three and a half years...
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

hory shiet :eek:
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

I'm having a hard time understand this game, which quest leads to H scene?
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

hyped as fuck!!!

damn I love the first one, corruption, corruption and moar corruption!!!!

I pray to the gods of translation! please bless this one with a partial of the demo when you can!
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

I'm both excited and afraid of the outcome. On one hand, a sequel to Naked Order, an awesome game. On the other hand... this sequel may have lost the charm of the original game: the feeling of gradual corruption. If this follow the steps of the original heroine, there will be little to nothing to corrupt. Or maybe they go for far more extreme pervy themes. Is there someone who has tried it already and is willing to give some insight?
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

Well, there are no H-Scenes in the trial outside of the Bad Ending when your Time reaches 150.

There are four stats at the top of the screen (from left to right):

Lust: Measures how perverted the protagonist is (you can strip naked at 150, however the trial caps at 149).
Revelation: Measures how much the school as a whole recognizes that the protagonist is exposing herself. This has an impact on the story.
Progress: Tracks the progress of the preparation of the festival. Goes up from doing quests and playing the rock-paper-scissors game with NPCs that have ",,," above their head (which is a motivation game to get them to work).
Time: Typically rises by 1 when doing a screen transition in the halls (or more if doing an event or the timer in the corner runs out). Not sure if there will be a cap in the full game, but the demo ends at 150 and leads to a bad end.

The corruption in this game really seems to go as fast or slow as you want, as the game is quest based, and the bulk of lust/revelation increases happen in the halls via the eyeball tiles (green tiles causes divine wind to blow your skirt up if there's a featureless NPC nearby, blue tiles are basically all stairs and let said NPCs see up your skirt if they are nearby, and red tiles are windows which you have to avoid if you're running around naked). That said, some quests do increase lust/revelation as well, as NPCs sometimes bump into you/knock you down if you enter classrooms via certain doors while taking certain quests.
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Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

I pray to the gods of translation! please bless this one with a partial of the demo when you can!

Do partials usually just translate menu items or do they also take on random bits of dialogue too? Sorry if that sounds like a nooby question but I've only applied a few and didn't explore what changes were made very thoroughly. Unlike RPG Maker games, there may not be a way to do a partial of WOLF RPG games via patch, you may have to repackage/encrypt the entire main data file (which is usually the bulk of the size of the game) and then share that, which might be a pain for some people with limited Internet bandwidth/speed and not worth it if only minimal text was translated. If there is an actual "patch" method for WOLF RPG that's similar to RPG Maker, I'm not aware of it.

Anyways, I don't know a damn bit of Japanese (which basically means what I can understand is about as good as anyone else using machine translations) but I looked up how to translate/edit WOLF RPG games and I could MAYBE cobble together something that isn't total shit, I don't know. I'm just thinking off the top of my head here (which is probably why this might read like a rambling shitpost). Maybe only being able to do menu items and other bare-bones blocks of text doesn't make me very useful if I can't effectively do dialogue without severely botching it, but I'm willing to help somehow if needed (not for other games necessarily, probably just for Naked Plus).
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Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

Do partials usually just translate menu items or do they also take on random bits of dialogue too? Sorry if that sounds like a nooby question but I've only applied a few and didn't explore what changes were made very thoroughly. Unlike RPG Maker games, there may not be a way to do a partial of WOLF RPG games via patch, you may have to repackage/encrypt the entire main data file (which is usually the bulk of the size of the game) and then share that, which might be a pain for some people with limited Internet bandwidth/speed and not worth it if only minimal text was translated. If there is an actual "patch" method for WOLF RPG that's similar to RPG Maker, I'm not aware of it.

Anyways, I don't know a damn bit of Japanese (which basically means what I can understand is about as good as anyone else using machine translations) but I looked up how to translate/edit WOLF RPG games and I could MAYBE cobble together something that isn't total shit, I don't know. I'm just thinking off the top of my head here (which is probably why this might read like a rambling shitpost). Maybe only being able to do menu items and other bare-bones blocks of text doesn't make me very useful if I can't effectively do dialogue without severely botching it, but I'm willing to help somehow if needed (not for other games necessarily, probably just for Naked Plus).

Generally a partial translates things like items, menus and skills. This game is entirely based on receiving quests from NPCs and carrying them out, though; there's no real pause menu, no battles, and the items don't really need translating. So I don't think the game would really benefit from a partial at all; players can just stick to VNR and translate on the fly. VNR does have difficulty picking up the option menus, so it might be helpful to translate them, but there's probably not an easy way to do them all.
Re: (RJ180803) NAKED☆PLUS: Sequel to Naked Order (RJ106101)

just discovered a H-scene where she gets raped by going to the top floor at the middle part and lost in the gamble.