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RPG [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~ (RJ159285)

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Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

2nd page of status along with Hit/Eva/Crit arent translated in the menus ;p
also, virgin isnt translated

Flower raises Lewd by 3, few seconds later its back to 0

Umm..have u tried checking the status of the two side characters after u enter the west forest with them? (The ones u get from the bar in the first town)
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Yup i got an error as well just now :p
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Hm, might be that the variable and text is linked somehow...
Will investigate further...
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Yup i got an error as well just now :p
Yay!! Thank god it's not just me.

Umm..actually one thing was fixed with the new partial. Initially I can't view the status of both the side characters.

Now I can at least check Aina's even though I entered the forest/any new area.
Checking Abel's once I got into a new area still gives me the error though
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Not sure what's wrong here...
I translated the original text of the variable window and still gives me error.
Wonder if it's something in the original as well...paculiar...
It can't be linked to the names since those can be changed...
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

I didnt even leave the bar yet and abels crashes it but aina does not.

*EDIT* Figured it out, there are no graphics of Abel in the pictures folder, only the women, thats why its erroring
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Ah, i found a diffrent error all together, and this one is not caused by me.
If i touch the flower, then status , then a character it gives the variable window a freakout and resets.
This is checking the NOT partiled, but original game.
As for Abel, he doesn't have any pictures at all in status for me.

I might be able to fix the variable crazy thing...
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Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Well, it seems to be trying to call a picture when you view his status and thats what is erroring i think. unless its part of the mess below it in the error

Weird, my error is calling for Class13-43 and his is calling for Class14-54 ....
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Well, it seems to be trying to call a picture when you view his status and thats what is erroring i think. unless its part of the mess below it in the error

Weird, my error is calling for Class13-43 and his is calling for Class14-54 ....

That's with the old partial actually.

With the new partial it was trying to call for Class13-43 too.

Edited: Now that I think of it.. the error I posted previously could be for the girl for Class14-54.
I guess Class13-43 refers to solely the guy's
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Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Okay, yeah the status menu? Buggy like all hell!
I tried some couple things and it just keeps deleting the variables
for some reason. Opening the menu? It's there. Close and Open, it's gone.
Somewhere between opening the menu and displaying the variable it deletes the variable.
I'll look into it further for now...
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

status window is a CommonEvent or in the scripts? I can look also and see if i see anything :p
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

It's a Script.
There are two things i can try do.
Either delete the whole blasted menu, add in my own and see if that fixes it.
Or keep checking each menu script until i find the one that messes with the variables.
Or wait for a patch that fixes it.
Ima keep trying...
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Sadly I only just picked up programming not long ago. I'm still kinda a complete newbie..

The original unmodified game works fine for me though. The lewd level doesn't resets and the statuses are ok.
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Sadly I only just picked up programming not long ago. I'm still kinda a complete newbie..

The original unmodified game works fine for me though. The lewd level doesn't resets and the statuses are ok.

Hm, i could try this.
I can partial translate a 1.0.3 menu and then add that to 1.0.5
and see if that helps.
Can you upload the file called Scripts.rvdata2 from the unmodified version you have?
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Hm, i could try this.
I can partial translate a 1.0.3 menu and then add that to 1.0.5
and see if that helps.
Can you upload the file called Scripts.rvdata2 from the unmodified version you have?

Aye. There you go.


  • Scripts.zip
    508.2 KB · Views: 10
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Okay, script wasn't it.
Let's try Common events.
Can you upload CommonEvents.rvdata2 as well please?
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Okay, script wasn't it.
Let's try Common events.
Can you upload CommonEvents.rvdata2 as well please?



  • CommonEvents.zip
    413.6 KB · Views: 10
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

And there it was! In the Common Events!
Thank you candyfloss. Okay, i know where the error is now.
It seems that last two variables are buggy which is causing a error.
I should be able to fix it.
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Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Ah.. okay. Glad I'm of some help.:p
Re: [Circle Gyu]【TREASURE HUNTER】舞 探索型RPG ~伝説の宝~

Okay, the error was in the toolbox?
And the Blowjobs and Ppl Exp variable? That's still buggy even in 1.0.3
Right, i will just remove that variable so it's not shown.
If and when the creator updates the game i will check if the error is still there and update partial.

I'll have the new modified partial up soonish.

Seipher , here is some fun you can have.
Find these variables
\v[10] \v[8] \v[15] \v[11] \v[12] \v[13] \v[14]
In Common Event (65) ★★★便利機能★★★ using my partial then report back , would you kindly.
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