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Re: Christmas

aah, god damnit. i realized now i thought i had written a really long post, the night before the night, but the thing was i changed my avatar right after and i forgot to post this. i just switched right over to my profile, so sorry for being so quiet, not on purpose. So slightly late but Merry Christmas or whatever else you might have as a......thing. so yeah and happy new year. :D
Re: Christmas

Merry Christmas all... even though its 9:37 pm for me at the moment, and most of y'all are already done with festivities and such. Well, at least Dad won't be taking down the lights (we never do... easier to decorate next year).

As for 360/PS3, I prefer my 360, and don't really thinks it overly worth getting a PS3. Meh, personal preference is what it comes down to, I don't try to convince anyone in either direction.
Re: Christmas

Good, because I've joined the ranks of the PS3 owners this Christmas. My mother, god love her... "Now don't get your hopes up, but what's the difference in the ps3s out there?" *As I'm perusing a playstation magazine* "So, what's a good game for the PS3?" *automatic answer* "Final fantasy 13...but it's not out yet. Dynasty Warriors empires. Ooooh, Dragon Age!" *insert me reading the entire article they have on it to her* So she pulls it out from the hiding place she put it in and I tear off the top of the paper and just grin at her. "You knew." "You're not subtle." "Well, I tried." "And it makes me happy." Course, I have to go out and buy the games myself, but I have money for that, weee!

That was the big present. I also got manga, a dvd, a Marvel Vault book, D&D minis, cosplay gloves (only my mother, uber cool woman that she is, would buy me gloves, not to keep my hands warm, but because they're perfect for my Tifa costume. I love my mother.) She also got me plush Snoopy's. *squee* And my aunt got me clothes. Whoo. *twirls finger*

We then went to the first showing of Sherlock Holmes that we had. It was an enjoyable movie. It's not mindblowingly spectacular but it was a lot of good fun. Then we came home and had dinner and after that, we watched Star Trek (the new one) and Dr. Horrible.

And now, here I am, coming down off of my Christmas high, dreading work tomorrow and all the returns, and pondering raiding the fridge for leftovers, hehehe.
Re: Christmas

I want a PS3, but I have to wait 'till I can buy it, or 'till it's $150 if I want my parents to buy it for me (so basically I have to wait 'till I can buy it >.<).
