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Christmas Project


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
NOTE: I know not everyone here is Christian, but the purpose of this isn't to spread religious beliefs.

Just because I think we can, I believe we should make a Christmas project. Each of us, individually. Something that can be shared digitally (Don't bake us a batch of cookies, unless you plan on mailing us each one xD) - graphic art, music, video, writing... whatever it is you can contribute. Why? 'Tis the season, I guess. As a community, I think it would strengthen us further, but more than that... We've each been gifted in one way or another, and this is a way for us to share that gift with the community. Our own version of a gift exchange, if you will.

The theme of the project is hope. Interpret that how you will. Though any Christmas or Winter-related theme is fine, really.

I'm not going to make any rules other than what the forum already says (No loli YES ONI I'M TALKING TO YOU), but I WOULD like to see everything completed and posted by New Year's.

I think we can do great work with this, guys, and I know there are some brilliant artists out there among you, and I think this is a chance for you to really shine. Post all submissions here. Or whatever. Post as many as you want, or as few as you want. I'll probably end up throwing together a web page and putting them up there later.
Re: Christmas Project

for those of you who check the calendar i started to put events in as soon as we got this place.
Re: Christmas Project

Huh... we have a calendar?
Wouldja look at that...
Re: Christmas Project

see, we've got forum day, Christmas and then a little later valentines day.
Re: Christmas Project

OH SNAPS, I needs to check mahs date book
Re: Christmas Project

i think we need more special occasions, i'm free for putting more there... we can have *not* lolicon day
Re: Christmas Project

Everyone should post their birthdays!

And what holiday events are complete without a "funny hat day"
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Re: Christmas Project

you've obviously never actually checked the calender... birthdays are automatically listed.
Re: Christmas Project

You know, I only saw one name cuz I only checked november and figured slith just saw this thread and put it up himself or something.
But yeah, thank goodness it's only for the people who activated it cuz I have no idea what date I lied my birthday was.
Re: Christmas Project

February 13.

given you suggested that people put their birthdays up whats your real one so i can change it to that.
Re: Christmas Project

Wow, I actually got the right month this time.
It's the 16th.

I'm well above age, I just didn't feel like doing this in detail at the time and I saw nothing except "over 18" as of importance.
Re: Christmas Project

That sound like a neat idea, I wish I could draw, or write or something, so that I could contribute...

So, birthdays are automatically listed on the calender, huh?

*Edits profile to include date of birth*

Sure enough, my birthday's there too, now! Cool!
Re: Christmas Project

I like the idea of the project, but I noticed that I just don't have any skills, sorry.

Also, usefull calendar, but it's not showing my birthday
Re: Christmas Project

That's because you didn't mark it in details that it should display age and date of birth
Re: Christmas Project


I can only make nummy smelling soaps D: So... if anyone wants some, let me know and I'll know how big of a batch to make. *is totally into the mailing people stuffs idea* :'D

I have absolutely no drawing talent, though I'm sure i can try >.<

Or i could write a poem... hrm.

I shall have to think on this. Though Be warned, anything I draw or write up will likely be religiously themed. Because that's where i find my Hope.
Re: Christmas Project

I dunno what I'd make.

Probably some sort of half-assed photoshop attempt >.<

No, Lucas.
No Santa/Elf/Snowman/Reindeer/etc. Cock Mushroom.
I know you're thinking it.
You can do better :p
Re: Christmas Project


xD Oh you know me so well. But I already had something in mind, something I've done the past two christmas'. A hentai/ecchi DG christmas themed pic. The first year was the one posted on LM's site, the one with DG masturbating/having sex with a tentacle candy cane and last year a ecchi bondage DG pic using christmas wrapping as the rope. Dunno what I'm going to do this year but I'm doing something.
Re: Christmas Project

I like the idea of the project, but I noticed that I just don't have any skills, sorry.

Also, usefull calendar, but it's not showing my birthday

Everyone can do SOMETHING. Can you write?

Hell, can you make an MSPaint stick figure? It doesn't have to be the most amazing masterpiece anyone's ever seen.

Chibichibi said:
I shall have to think on this. Though Be warned, anything I draw or write up will likely be religiously themed. Because that's where i find my Hope.

Nothing wrong with that. I'm just saying, the project itself isn't specifically religious. Personally I'm composing a medley of Christmas songs.
Re: Christmas Project

Mmkay ^^

It was just a warning so people don't have to read it if they don't want it. I already have an idea, and it's something that really happened to me.
Re: Christmas Project

I wasn't joking, I'd like a silly hat day.