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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

As the Drider is setting her place on the tree up, the straightjacket's whispers stop, and the clothing itself starts to slip away thread by thread. The changes to her mind lingered, her outlook on life at least temporarily changed by it's influence, but Christine got the feeling that it was Sated. It had gotten what it needed. Squirming away, Christine was soon scooped up, her body handled gingerly and delicately as she was pressed against the still warm silk, the soft texture slipping against the bare skin of her back while her arms were folded up above her head and firmly wrapped over, the Drider climbing partly up the tree to better manage it.

Moaning and biting her lip as she worked, the Drider looked down and spotted the ballgag, tutting and removing it, before tossing it aside as useless, before gently raising Christine's knees and pressing them up to either side of her chest, before starting to completely cocoon her, the silk tugging on her nipples as it was dragged over her chest, tight and warm against her body until she was nothing more then a squirming bundle, bare and open between her thighs against the trunk of the tree, trapped.

She was used for hours, never left unattended for more then a few moments as she was taken, fucked, cum inside, and then taken again, always a new Drider present to fill her slutty fuckhole back up with thick, pulsing flesh. The only time this stopped was when she felt contractions and had to lay the eggs inside her.

As the hours passed, she felt the effects of the whispers fading, and could hear Tam and Ashliegh moaning and screaming muffledly as they were used the same way. Unable to tell the passage of time, Christine only knew that she passed out, and was reawoken several times, usually by a powerful climax or exhaustion, only to be woken up again as another Drider started to use her.

After what seemed to be an Eternity, she woke back up, laying down somewhere, while someone peeled the silk away inch by inch, and cleaned her body carefully with a towel and warm water. Soon leaving her bare save her face, which had been left hooded by the silk. That was uncovered last, Sasha, the albino Striped drider smiling down at her pleasantly. Ashliegh and Tam were passed out in a corner, already clean, curled up around eachother, looking exhausted. Hello~ Olivia took your place, and a couple Sirens we caught took the place of your slaves. Mmmf, thank you so much. I haven't seen this place so lively and happy in a long time. she said cheerfully. Dillian at the moment was busy wrestling with the jacket which was trying to reclaim Christine, her pink cat hissing at it while they worked together to get it recontained. It was nice though~!
We had a vote and everything, 41 Yes, 44 No, to keep you there forever,
had the feeding vines and chains all ready. It seemed you were so popular no one wanted to let any of you go. The Matron cast the last vote, and me,
and the huntress sisters you met Liliana and Feya. Lucky you.
she teased, insistently wrestling Christine into a thick, warm, blanket before scuttling off to get a tray with food and drink, dark wine, and some form of roasted meat that smelled.... amazing, to Christine's empty stomach.

The Jacket meanwhile was back in it's box, safely trapped. O,
that thing. Sanitarium Spirit. Asylum Attendant. Tricky things, they keep working on a victim until they can get them into something that amounts to a cell where they can feed uninterrupted forever. Slowly train away your free will with hypnosis. Useful, dangerous as pets though.
she said, tilting her head curiously before pecking Christine on the cheek and stroking her hair, sitting with her for now.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Feeling almost disappointed by the jacket's disappearance, Christine doesn't resist as she is bound again, then cocooned by the webbing. Waiting eagerly for what is to come, she isn't disappointed as another ovipositor slides into her flower, filling her up and pounding away, only to be replaced by another, then another... Losing count of hours, Christine dimly becomes aware that the enchantment placed by the jacket is wearing off as her existence falls into simple rhythm of being filled with eggs, fucked for hours, passing out, getting fucked some more before finally passing the eggs and being filled again. At some point her mind starts wandering, thinking of fire and how she should get out, but somehow the kitsune just can't work out the focus to do more than that.

Eventually the unfortunate kitsune finds herself laying on a floor as the silk cocoon was being removed bit by bit. Not feeling strong enough to move, she just lays there, letting what was to be revealed a drider peel her out. "Mrph." she mutters, not really verbal at the time. Slowly sitting up with the blanket around her, she waits for the drider to bring her food before downing half a pitcher of water and starting to gnaw on a piece of meat.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Getting the jacket contained, Dillian flopped to the floor, having had such difficulty apparently because his arm was in a sling. Sirens bite. Had to find... Fuck that jacket squirms a lot... Replacements. he panted out, Sasha smiling and bringing Christine some more water after downing half the pitcher, bringing a full one.

He stayed where he was, panting there, Christine's evil ghost cat purring on his chest, before flopping over to her to curl up on her lap, seeming pretty happy with the world, while Christine ate and drank. Sasha stayed mostly quiet but acted like all of this was fairly normal.

Then again, she was likely an oddball even among the Driders given her coloring and seeming complete lack of any fucks to give. Built a Boat. We should leave... before they vote again. he said, Sasha nodding. Probably, figure you've got about a day before the others remember how boring Sirens are compared to you three. I mean, to most of us you qualify as food, breeders,
or inferior mammals? I mean that's how I wound up here, I'm Human...
Was Human? This big spidery ass isn't mine. It's... a parasite? Symbiote?
I don't know.
she said, turning around this way and that. It wont let me go, so... Stuck like this. she said nonchalantly.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Petting the cat, Christine forces herself to not eat too quickly. "Leaving soon sounds like a good idea. Being stuck like that was fun, but only for a short time." Turning to study Sasha, she wonders if something could be done to restore her humanity... Deciding that she'd probably only make things worse if she tried something, the kitsune decides to change the topic. "By the way, do you happen to know what all goes into those herb pouches? They're really useful."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The cat arched into her hand a little before relaxing, while Sasha shrugged. It's a small collection of a few herbs found in the treetops,
and a special sap from a growth on the base of death willows here. They grab creatures and drain their water from their bodies. Bad way to go but even other plants avoid them so. The scent of that sap, amplified by the herbs, makes other things here leave you alone to a point.
she explained.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Interesting. I don't think I've seen a death willow. I take it they're not very common? At least, were I living here I'd try and limit their population. Unless you need a lot of sap, that is." Christine replies.

As she finishes her meal, Christine stands up and goes over to Dillian, kneeling next to him and trying the healing spell on his arm. Laying her hand around the wounded area, she imagines it as it was with intact skin and muscle, forcing her will into the image.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

As Dillian's arm began to mend, Sasha tilted her head back and forth slowly. They take up a large grove in the center of the island, the very heart. And they're exceptionally dangerous. we would if we could, but, they don' spread far from volcanic soil so they're contained. Start a fire in a jungle it tends to spread and we live in the trees. she pointed out. Herbs keep it from going stale so we can usually last for quite awhile on a small amount, we lose a few people every time we go to get more,
there's no helping it, the stuff is toxic and the trees are vicious

Dillian sighed as his arm mended though, looking suitably grateful. Thanks Christine.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"If it's that dangerous, I'd probably try to find another alternative. But I guess you've done that already." Christine mutters, flopping down on the floor next to Dillian, feeling tired yet restless, yearning for... something. Revenge? Payback? Maybe just something they'll remember me for, other than as an incubator. I guess I could try to work with the spiders, but they can probably do that better than I can. Maybe the dryad could help, but how would I even find her. And I'm not even sure I want to deal with a dryad after last time.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Sasha shrugged, oblivious to Christine's motives and Dillian was exhausted, laying where he was and trying to catch a bit of rest. What Christine did was up to her really. She could probably just steal all the pouches if she wanted to.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Too restless to stay where she is, Christine shifts into a fox and goes to wander around the village, poking her nose into places she hasn't seen yet.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Shifting into a fox, Sasha giggled as she darted off and barring the odd poking match from the smaller spiders curious as to what she was, most people left her alone as she wandered around. Most of what she hadn't seen yet belonged to the levels above and below her, the one above being residences for the driders, the one below seeming to be where all the crafting and industry of the village took place.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Quickly getting her bearings, Christine takes a look into the lower levels to see what the driders actually did when not egging innocent passers-by and pokes around on the off chance that there actually was something intriguing.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Surprisingly what Christine found on the level below the public one she'd explored so far was an area bristling with magic rooted in life. The entire place seemed to pulse with vitality. The path and underside of the walkway above were littered with magic circles that the smaller spiders tended to, the larger ones overseeing it and collecting sap that seemed to bleed constantly from the trees.

The Driders on this level were all wearing robes, undyed silk, soft white and were weaving tapestries, each seeming to depict a different major event or even insignificant ones, spending a great deal of care weaving intricate detail into every piece.

The tapestries themselves each spanned a full 8 feet and were 5 foot wide, stretched between the limbs of one drider who was chanting softly while another used a small wooden dowel and needle, while small tables were covered in small bowls of dye. She could hear and smell oil and leather below her on the wind, and hear the slight tapping sounds of small hammers and the grinding of saws, but this level was devoted to whatever these tapestries were, and the magic that was woven into this darker and quieter floor.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine pauses for a moment, surprised at being surprised that the driders were into weaving. This is intriguing, all right... Carefully weaving her way through without disturbing anything, she looks at the magic circles and the tapestries being woven, wondering what kind of magic is at play there. After getting a good look, she peeks into the lower floor, wondering what kind of leatherworking the driders are doing - they certainly didn't seem to wear a lot of leather.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The weaving and the magic seemed to be separate of eachother, and the magic being used, near as she could tell, being unfamiliar with both the style, and the function, was only reminiscent of the fairy's magic she had seen before, and if she had to guess, had to do with the health of the trees and spiders themselves.

On the lower floor, Christine saw a great many driders she'd never seen before, most in several colorations and extremely vibrant as far as those colors went, their abdomens a riot of oranges, violets, and yellows, as well as several with crimson starbursts across their carapace. Likewise their fangs seemed much longer and sharper then those she was familiar with, the leatherworking seeming to be linked to the thick animal hide armor they all wore over their upper bodies, and the handles of the wicked hook shaped spears they either carried, or had laid aside. She had been entirely unaware such a group existed.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine pauses to think for a moment as she sees the soldiers. Warriors. But why so many? And if they're making new gear, that means they've probably been fighting something. But there's no signs of battle-damage here in the village, is there? What are they fighting?

With such questions in her mind, Christine nevertheless hesitates... Curiosity killed the cat, and this didn't seem like a place where she would be wanted. But the driders didn't seem to be paying any attention to her... Deciding to snoop around just a bit, she descends into the lower floor, looking for clues as to what they were fighting.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

As she drops to the lower floor, she spies the one below it and it answers her immediate question in a matter of seconds as she first sees several warrior driders sharpening what look like bone needles on smooth grey stone, and then spots the skeletons.

The skeletal remains belong to something obviously humanoid but it lacked proper legs and had a large dorsal ridge made of sharp bone spines. Likewise there was a bone structure for a very large tail instead of the legs that were otherwise entirely missing.

The skull was caved in but Christine could see the mouth. The skull itself would have sloped back slightly compared to a humans, and had sharper features, but it was the Teeth that said more then anything else. There had to be at least 100 of them set in 3 rows, and all sharply hooked back and slightly serrated, like a sharks. She was suddenly spotted as a clawed hand brushed along her back, stroking her fur. How did you get up here in the trees little one? one of the warriors asked, hanging from a tether for the most part and petting her gently, a look of concern on her pale features. She had leaves tattooed across her upper body like a wind had swept them across her, and her abdomen was a shining emerald green without pattern or blemish. She was smaller then the others but not by much and Christine could feel that her claws were longer, sharper, and straighter, then the other driders she'd met so far.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Snake... people? No, that can't be right, snakes don't have teeth like that and I don't think snakepeople would, either. Sharks? Those must be merfolk. Christine thinks before suddenly feeling someone stroking her fur. Looking up, she finds herself staring at one of the drider warriors, albeit smaller than most, with a most beautiful green carapace. Opening her mouth to let her tongue out, the kitsune wags her tails a little, unsure of how the drider would react to a fox that suddenly started talking.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Gently reaching to pick her up, the Drider continued to stroke her, looking around curiously. Did Ferina lose another Familiar? she asked those nearby, getting a flurry of shrugs, before settling down properly and starting to walk around, looking and continuing to simply gently hold Christine.

On the one hand, it gave her a better view. The spines were being taken, dipped in a small bowl of what had to be ichor or venom very carefully, and then fashioned into darts. As they circled the area Christine also found a couple coaxing the tree to grow branches into blade-esque shapes, large and thick, before condensing themselves to an incredible degree, probably making them very dense, and very strong. Bones were also being fashioned into blades, bones, and other tools.

If Christine didn't wriggle to escape, she'd soon see her captor... sure, that was the word, head directly towards a pitch black Drider with a white hatch mark on her abdomen and literally shining silver eyes. The white cross on her back also gave off a soft white light. Feri! Is this little thing yours? she asked? The drider turning and raising an eyebrow, before coughing slightly. Um... Sera...
She's not mine... You should probably put her down...
she said, seeming... Very amused. Sera looked down curiously, before doing just that, gently setting Christine down.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Squirming a bit as she's picked up, Christine lets the drider hold her for the time being, more interested in seeing what's going on than leaving, and maybe finding out who this Ferina-person was. The driders were obviously very skilled in working with bone and living wood, though that did mean they didn't use metal. Probably not much ore to be found here...Not to mention the climate being bad for anything made of iron or steel, I suppose.

It didn't take long to get around the place, and Feri turns out to be an ominous looking drider with a black carapace decorated with a glowing white cross. She also appears to be more observant than most others, suggesting that the drider - Sera, apparently - put her down, which she did. Tilting her head, the kitsune observes the drider mage for a while, making her own eyes glow to match Feri's just for the heck of it.