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RPG [ チョウゴウキンデンタル ] Harem in maze 2 -天国の塔- (RJ106025)

Re: harem in maze 2

This game truly needs a translation, or a very decent guide in English.

I can do the translation, but there's some issues with actually putting that in the game. If there is anyone on the board who is good with coding (C# in particular) and has some free time this week, PM me!

So did anyone figure out how I can make the slime molest any of my girls? lol

It's a rare attack by the slime. When it prepares an attack that only hits on character, but in both rows, then it has a decent chance of starting the scene as long as that character isn't defending the attack.

Now, what I want to know...how do you get gold in this game? Since items are crafted with materials from the dungeon, I'm doing fine there, but my gold counter says -500.

Edit: Nevermind, I wasn't paying attention to the options I used in the demo, and what I thought threw away stuff you didn't need actually sells it. Whoops.
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Re: harem in maze 2

Cool... and other monster do have any spec (ecchi) attack?

Yeah you get one gold for every stuff you sell.
Re: harem in maze 2

Cool... and other monster do have any spec (ecchi) attack?

Yeah you get one gold for every stuff you sell.

one gold is still not really enough to do anything with
Re: harem in maze 2

one gold is still not really enough to do anything with

Use cheat engine to give yourself a lot of gold. Even if you only get one gold each time you sell something, that's more than enough to isolate the value for it. Then you just hack it to, say, over 9000.

As for other monsters, I haven't seen anything else do it yet.The big moths seem like they will based on their attack, but I haven't gotten them to do it yet. We should get a running list of which monsters have those kinds of 'special attacks'.

Also, this game puts the 'gay' in Gabriel.
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Re: harem in maze 2

I didn't get very fair its kinda slow....and the girls keep getting one hit down... oh and the game crashed. I'll have to hit it with cheat engine, and it would help if I knew what all those symbols said....
Re: harem in maze 2

I had the same problem, personally, I think a virus slipped in on a few of the DLL files.
Re: harem in maze 2

Soon as I try to use Translation Aggregator my game also crashes... so nothing new.
Re: harem in maze 2

If by checkpoint you mean, not starting from floor 1 again, you have to buy them with gold. 4th option on the drop down box.

It seems to be a one time purchase, once you buy it, you don't have to buy it again, it'll add them every 5 floors, as long as you clear the floors, I think(as in to add floor 5, you have to reach floor 6, but I'm not sure atm)

Only ones I'm aware of is one at floor 5 and 11.

Also, there is a boss on the 5th floor, after defeating him some angel comes up and speaks with you, and mentions something about pregnancy(giving a visual example) but I didn't understand how one triggers it.

The Unlocking of h-positions seem to be link to the girl's level, I think around level 6 or 7 it unlocked another.

As for monsters with h-scenes so far I've only found

Slime(Floors 1-6?) - Rape
Puppet/Marrionette?(Floors 8-??) - Ryona(doesn't let you do anything, it just cuts to it grinding it's foot into the girl's face)
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Re: harem in maze 2

anyone know what the things you can buy actually do?
Re: harem in maze 2

Alright a few questions on the Gold deal with Cheat Engine...

How do you get the value for it?

Do you have to have Positive Gold ( + )?

I've tried searching the normal value and selling an item to change the ingame gold value and then searching by that but i can never isolate it.

Help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
Re: harem in maze 2

anyone know what the things you can buy actually do?

I know the 3rd one adds character slots, but I don't know on the first two. The first one put me into debt despite only costing 100, sending my amount of gold to around -400ish. Not sure what it is.
Re: harem in maze 2

Floor checkpoints I have so far are 5, 11 and 17.

Around floor 17 a new type of monster can appear wich has a lot of tentacles and yes this monster has the "special" attack ;)
I have quite a few items(2nd from top in menu), what are they and do they fill any role?

I cant read much at all so im pretty much just pushing buttons to figure out what they do. Tip for everyone is that you can move the girls back and forth with the 1-3 keys instead of pushing the buttons with the mouse, its much easier to dodge attacks this way.
Re: harem in maze 2

Floor checkpoints I have so far are 5, 11 and 17.

Around floor 17 a new type of monster can appear wich has a lot of tentacles and yes this monster has the "special" attack ;)
I have quite a few items(2nd from top in menu), what are they and do they fill any role?

I cant read much at all so im pretty much just pushing buttons to figure out what they do. Tip for everyone is that you can move the girls back and forth with the 1-3 keys instead of pushing the buttons with the mouse, its much easier to dodge attacks this way.

As a note to everyone else, the checkpoint floors seem to be boss floors as well, there's generally one to be encountered there before it lets you go to the next one.

As for the tentacle monster I ran into one when I entered floor 13, I don't think it appears any earlier than that since those puppet things are still running around.

The items are accessed from the left most button in the bottom right corner while in dungeons and in battles.

The items in the first column are healing items, I think it uses up 3 or 4 of them per use? Since it uses on all of them instead of a choice of a specific girl.

The top item in the 2nd column revives party members

The 3rd item in the 2nd column restores mp, I assume the one below it does as well.

Not sure what everything else does.
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Re: harem in maze 2

You can chose which girl to give it on the top. Just switch her off then she won't get any item when you use it.
Re: harem in maze 2

Trying my best to figure out what is going on in this game, thanks for all who've posted their own findings.

I had a question about the abilities in battle. Each character has a huge drop down list, all listed as 0 MP for me. They all appear to be the same except for the bottom ability, which I only seem to be able to use once for each character each time I'm in the dungeon.

No MP is shown being deducted from my characters when I use this special ability, but after that I can't seem to do anything else but auto attack until I leave and reenter the next day. Is my game just buggy, or am I missing something in how to use their MP abilities?
Re: harem in maze 2

I found when in dungeon you can press E to lock on one of girls and Q to change option on top-right use arrow keys
Re: harem in maze 2

Trying my best to figure out what is going on in this game, thanks for all who've posted their own findings.

I had a question about the abilities in battle. Each character has a huge drop down list, all listed as 0 MP for me. They all appear to be the same except for the bottom ability, which I only seem to be able to use once for each character each time I'm in the dungeon.

No MP is shown being deducted from my characters when I use this special ability, but after that I can't seem to do anything else but auto attack until I leave and reenter the next day. Is my game just buggy, or am I missing something in how to use their MP abilities?

I think you have to learn skills for those 0 mp slots to actually have them. And after testing it, that last ability is pretty much a final option type ability. You can use it to greatly increase your characters stats for the battle, but in exchange, it makes her really unhappy when you use it.

The skill seems to heal your character to full health and add a bunch of buffs to them for the one battle you use it in.
Re: harem in maze 2

In the 'Shop' menu, the first option is to improve your mix options.

When you start off, all you can mix is the starting HP, MP, revive, and status cures. When you upgrade your mix thought you can make the 2rd and 3rd tier heals, a full team revive, and buffing items galore, more less change mixing items into other items in case you have too much of one kind. It seems to cost 500g thought, instead of the labeled 100g ( thought you can buy it at 100g and go into debit to make up the difference. ).

You need to learn ability first, and this game works like Etrian Odyssey ( The first game was literally 'Etrian Odyssey lite' to be perfectly blunt. ) in where every level (including the first) you get skill points to use to ether learn and boost skill effectiveness ( less MP per use, more damage/greater effect ) or boost your base stats (HP/MP/STR/AGI/INT/ect ect ect.). Outside of base stats, your skills max at level 5 and outside of your first level ( that gives 3 skill points ) every other level gives out only 2 points to use for these things.

It's pretty simple ( the pregnant stuff ).
When you fuck your girls enough, after a few days they will soon start baring a belly. At this point you can give this towards 'Gaybriel' in the character menu ( farthest right button ) and he'll pay you a few gold for this ( not sure how it gets effected, but I've seen as low as 20, towards as high as 70 ). It's pretty much the money maker for the game, and I THINK having sex with the same girl over and over gives her a higher chance to bare, but don't hold me on that.
Re: harem in maze 2


i cant seem to get off the first floor.

i wonder around, and grab gold sparkes, then i move to the next area, then no matter which direction i pick, it ends up taking me back to the first one again (the place with the windows)

sometimes i get a pink popup with two options, but i dont know what either of them do.
Re: harem in maze 2


i cant seem to get off the first floor.

i wonder around, and grab gold sparkes, then i move to the next area, then no matter which direction i pick, it ends up taking me back to the first one again (the place with the windows)

sometimes i get a pink popup with two options, but i dont know what either of them do.

You must master the HUD! At the top left are three %'s.

The first one is your 'Cleared' %, when this becomes ~95% or more, exiting your current room will give you a dialog box asking if you want to ether a) go towards the next floor or b) stay on your current floor.

The second one is your 'Treasure' %. This is how likely the next Star group will be a 'Yahoo' and reward you with loot.

The last one is your 'Encounter' %. Like the Treasure %, this one is telling you how likely you'll run into an 'Encounter' when hitting a star group.

The 5 stars that light up apparently have to deal with the Quality and rareness of possible loot you can get, and the speed of witch this goes up is demented by the rooms 'Star Growth'.

The four icons is based off of your current 'room', and you can load up a new random 'room' by taking any exit early (when your Clear % is less then 95%). When you do the four icons change, and each one gives off different effects.

Coins: % growth for 'Treasure' is low, will for the most part cap at 50%, yet can go over this randomly.
Money Bag: % growth for 'Treasure' is high, will recover rather fast even after already getting a 'Yahoo' and tends to stay at high numbers longer then coins.
Treasure box: The big one. Locks 'Treasure' % at 25%, even after getting a 'yahoo'. The best thing to get when just grinding for loot.

1~3Stars: Only chances the likely hood that collecting a star group will give you a large star. MIGHT also effect how long star groups stay on the field, and how often traps spawn, but unsure on these last two.

1~3bats: It's just the exact same as 'Money', but this effects the 'Encounter' Rate. At 3 bats, it's always at 25% and never any lower.

Blue: Monsters that are weak for that floor by a level or two.
Yellow: Monsters that are leveled for that floor
Red: Monsters leveled as if on higher floors. Best if looking to grind for EXP.

Also attached an image going into detail with all of this.