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Chatbased fantasy game.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
Well, I kinda pitched this idea before, but I think people were put off by the fact that I wanted to use Runequest, so let's try again.

I haven't locked down the system yet, so feel free to make suggestions. The system to get the most votes will most likely be chosen. At the moment I'm considering Pathfinder. The first one to suggest D&D 4e will be shot. FATAL will be played for at least one session if the following conditions are met: 1) At least 4 people present me with complete characters ready to play and 2) Someone sends me enough alcohol that I can drink myself senseless(details for the delivery can be discussed privately). Other than that, the system should be suitable for running a medieval fantasy game with minimum adjustments.

The setting will be pretty generic medieval fantasy setting, details pending(and depend on the system, somewhat).

Starting area depends on what people want. Mention which you'd prefer in your post. The options:
1. An isolated village in the mountains. Severe limitations on races and classes*

2. A small port city in Mediterranean climate. Few limitations.

3. A large metropolis in the middle of agricultural nation. Some limitations.

4. A dwarven city. Severe limitations, but specific characters allowed if there's a plausible explanation as to why they'd be there.

*substitute profession or equivalent if the system doesn't have classes.

The campaign premise: Apocalypse is happening. Like, right now. It starts off pretty slowly, but as time goes on, survival should be high on your priority list, because it's going to be tough.

Scheduling: Post your available times and I'll try to work something out.

Technical stuff: The playing will most likely happen via IRC, but last time I checked you can use Mibbit or other webclient, so that should be non-issue as long as you have a browser with javascript. I'll also request a subforum so there can be stuff happening during downtime and I won't grow too bored if I happen to miss a session.

There's probably stuff I missed, feel free to ask stuff, I'm going to bed now.
Re: Chatbased fantasy game.

Sure, I'm interested, though it depends on what day it is. I'm not busy Monday-Wednesday nights EST, which is probably not so convenient for you, as it's after midnight for me, which is like 7 in the morning for you. Other than that, there's Friday and Saturday nights, but I'm generally sort of busy those days, as you probably know.

If you want to include Magic in your setting, I'd say use Pathfinder. If you don't want magic, I'd say either Pathfinder (again,) or try All Flesh Must Be Eaten. All Flesh has the Fantasy add-on rulebook, which is actually pretty good, and has everything you'd need for a medieval setting with little to no magic.

What kind of apocalypse are we talking here, by the way? Zombies? Natural cataclysm? Angels vs demons? Alien invasion? Asteroids? For setting, I'd vote 2 with current information.
Re: Chatbased fantasy game.

The apocalypse will start with things like extreme weather patterns and plagues(which affect different places differently, obviously - an isolated village will likely stay safe from plague, for example - and as those escalate, more immediate threats start to appear.

More details on starting areas

1. The village on Ashencrown is located in an isolated valley near the western border of orcish nation(which is "nation" only in the loosest sense of the word - there are generally multiple warlords claiming to be the king, and the tribes are just united enough to keep external threads at bay) which luckily has a safe route through mountains for traders to take - not that there are many of them. The humans are at peace with the orcs at the moment if only due to not being worth conquering, but there is only minimum intercourse. There is also a small dwarven community in the mountains. The village lives mostly on hunting and gathering, as there is little farmable land.
Allowed races: Dwarf, Human, Half-Orc, Orc(Muls are also allowed).

2. Redwater is a large-ish port town so named because each spring the sea near it turns red for several weeks. It's a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Though there are certainly no pirates here, few honest captains would want to land here. Though the enforcers will stop any open assault or theft, and anyone caught of either will face a stiff punishment, but almost anything else goes. Therefore smugglers and drugdealers and other people like them find the port a haven. The local whorehouses are famous for their decadency, all manners of drugs and other illegal substances are readily available and there are several gladiator rings, where anyone skilled with blade can earn a forture - or an early death. Despite their limited mandate, the enforcers are effective, and the streets are as safe as those of most other towns. In general, most people just go about their lives as they would elsewhere, and there is even a chapterhouse for an order of paladins here, trying to make it a better place, although unlike most paladins these have learned to prefer subtle methods to open challenge of evil. The ruler of the city is an ancient lich, who is mostly indifferent or even benevolent figure. Though he'd rather focus on his studies, as his dreams of conquest died shortly after his mortal body, he continues to rules the city half-heartedly out of some twisted sense of duty.
Restrictions: Pretty much anything goes, within reason.

3. The city of Kinar is the capital of Karelland. Although Karelland is mainly populated by elves and centaurs - centaurs doing the heavy lifting of the agriculture and elves most other things - Kinar is mostly human, with large numbers of other races. The highest positions in the bureaucracy are mostly held by elves, which has lead to sort of stagnation. Still, although the officials may be stiff, the inhabitants themselves are welcoming.
Restrictions: go wild.

4. The City of Beards as other races call it or simply The City as dwarves call it, for to them none other compares to it, is officially named Smörgås, although even some inhabitants are surprised when they find this out, as the name is only used in official documents and practically nowhere else. According to a common legend, the name was given when two of the seven founders wouldn't stop arguing about what name would be given to the city and after the argument had gone on for over a month and come to blows several times, when the two actually brought the argument to the lunch table, one of the other dwarves suggested the name Smörgås and everyone immediately agreed just to shut them up. It's never too clear which of the founders were arguing or who came up with the idea and the official histories completely skip the subject. Whether the legend is true or not, saying "He'd even argue about it at lunchtable" means someone who is being completely unreasonable about something. Consequently, starting or continuing an argument during lunch time is considered a faux pas approximately equal to giving a wedgie to a high priest. This has actually caused several wars when foreign ambassadors forgot about the custom.

The city has, of course, large dwarven majority with significant grome and drow minorities and almost every non-evil race except elves represented. The nearby drow cities are in constant state of subtle civil wars with noble houses appearing and disappearing at quick pace. Since destroying a house often leaves survivors and these survivors can rarely find safety in their homes, they take refugee in the dwarven city. The dwarves are less than enthusiastic about this, but as the drow often have magical ability and the spider silk industry is highly profitable, they are tolerated, though they - especially newcomers - often face distrust and prejudice. Even though they are tolerated, the drow generally live in their own areas, as dwarven architecture is generally poorly suited for them. The gnomes on the other hand are mixed within the dwarven population, taking on a wide variety of jobs.
Restrictions: No elves, half-elves, half-orcs or usually evil races except drow
Re: Chatbased fantasy game.

I kind of like all the options there, though a part of me has been yearning to play a dwarf in a dwarf city for a long time, so number four would be my pick. Ashencrown is a close second though.

I'm likely going to be free Thursday, Friday and Sunday evenings as far as scheduling goes.
Re: Chatbased fantasy game.

Count me in for option 2 or 4.

As for time, I can adjust my schedule to fit whatever time the game takes place at. Except at some crazy hour like 5AM EST.