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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 31/51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine, +54 Mind (Nature's Power Level 5 Nature spell)

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = 81/90, PP = 80, EP = 44/90, Status = Lightly Injured
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 10/75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 78/80, PP = 50, EP = 57/90, Status = Fine
Amanda: HP = 57, PP = 38, EP = 49, Status = Fine
Charlotte: HP = 38, PP = 34/53, EP = 19/41, Status = Fine

Upkeeps: Nala = 3

2 Hellhounds, one of which is controlled by Nala
5 demon soldiers
3 succubi
9 unconscious succubi

"You presume much, daughter of Ch'hiesol.... But not, perhaps, too much," the dark goddess replied softly, the chords struck by her tone seemingly resonating through Nala's very soul. Legends had spoken of the song of the angel of death, of the melody that welcomed souls to the afterlife, and in those softly spoken words Nala had heard an echo of that song... An echo that had not been heard for centuries before she had freed the death goddess from Matthias. It was a song that sent primordial shivers of terror coursing through her that were no different from those she had felt in the shreds of her daughter's tortured spirit when she had retrieved her from Dviklien, the natural fear of death still present as a part of her despite Nala's familiarity with it. There was no defending against the fear that those echos inspired, but its nature made it compatible with her own, allowing her to cope with it as she had with Avedel's presence before it.

"Your request is not an unusual one... And normally I would refuse such out of hand. To you I owe my freedom, however, and so instead I would warn you that death is not a process that leaves a soul unscarred. She will not be what she was, nor even what she is now when next you see her," the goddess said plainly, acting as if the echo of her dark song hadn't just attempted to send Nala shivering into a ball on the ground. "That said.... Your request is agreeable.... Mostly. I shall make use of this soul, and see to it that she survives in my service. Whether she becomes a part of you or remains in my service when you yourself pass into my realm is not something upon which I will offer any guarantee now. We will simply have to wait and see."

Avedel stretched forth her hand, and the captive spirit of Prim'Eva flew toward her to hover over her palm. "Your death is yet a ways away, and my task here is finished. For now, our paths part," she continued, and then simply vanished as if she were naught more than a memory. The choking aura of her presence went with her, and after a moment Nala would find herself alone in peering into the realm of the spirit world.

When she returned to the physical world, she would find herself being watched over by a concerned looking Violet while many others moved around them in the background, picking up the pieces left by the battle. Numbed as she might be by her experiences, Nala wouldn't easily miss the wide berth given to the arachne, both to her own daughters and Divinar's, nor that the predatory arachnid women seemed to enjoy the fear with which the humans and elves beheld them. "I suspect that that was important?" her assassin asked, drawing Nala's attention to the woman as she held out a hand for Nala to take. She had, at some point during her mental battle against Dviklien and the meeting with Avedel, ended up on her knees, and if she wished it Violet would hoist Nala up to her feet with a single quick tug. "It's over.... We won. And without too many losses either," Violet said, sounding fairly unsurprised by that fact.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

The goddess' presence and words had become too much for Nala's mortal mind to take without showing signs of weakness. Her body shivered from where she knelt on the ground, and she pressed herself forward to support herself by her hands, clawing white-knuckled at the dirt in front of her. Her eyes closed and her head reeled from the power of the goddess' attention.

The fear grasped at her, threatening to send her into catatonia, but Avedel held it in check just enough so that Nala merely knelt quaking. Nala could say nothing more until the black winged angel said her final words and left with Prim'Eva's soul.

Nala understood that what became of Prim'Eva might indeed no longer be her daughter - that it might be something wholly different and that any claim or bond she might have with it could end up as nothing, but given that Prim had only had a day of conscious life, it could be argued that whatever she was destined to become now might as well be her true self. Nala had given her that at least, an identity and an existence.

Violet's touch roused her and she opened her eyes again. The crushing fear had left her and she stood, taking the assassin's hand in the process.

"Yes. Something that I had to do," Nala said in answer to Violet's question. "The more I experience of death the more I learn that there are too many things to fear. It's depressing."

She sighed and looked around as Violet showed her the aftermath of the fight and explained that they had experienced relatively few losses.

"A shame that that doesn't make me feel any better," she said, then looked sidelong at Violet, her primary lover, whose face was tattooed in the same pattern as Nala's. "I'm feeling a lot of bothersome emotions as of late, and I can think of only one surefire way to exorcise them."

She wrapped a hand around Violet's waist and gave her a familiar squeeze.

"But first, we need to get everything in order." She said, then walked with Violet over to Demetrius and Divinar.

"I'd like for the arachne to stay in Kyederon for tonight at least. The mine will need to be reopened and all the prisoners bound up with spidersilk. Divinar, their seed and wombs are yours and your daughters to breed with as you please. Just take care as usual to be efficient and not fall prey to their sexual defenses. My remaining daughters will need to rely on you to show them the proper techniques unique to your race. Demetrius, once you have addressed the humans and night elves, I'd like you to accompany Divinar and help her keep tabs on the prisoners throughout the night. Violet and I will be handling the goblin indoctrination.

"As for the three special prisoners, they too will need to be bound up, but I'd like them to be kept in my quarters for tonight."

She looked at Divinar and her daughters standing close by. "Please follow me, let us take care of Esmerala and make certain that this is truly over."

With that said, Nala headed back towards her private quarters, standing outside of them and calling out to the demons within.

"I'm coming in. The battle is over." As she said this, she checked the household for additional defensive spells and asked Demetrius to do the same. If any lingered, she would demand that they be taken down, or she would dispel them herself. She was tired and had no desire to fight further, but she would not trust Esmerala's word at this point.
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 31/51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = 81/90, PP = 80, EP = 44/90, Status = Lightly Injured
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 10/75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 78/80, PP = 50, EP = 57/90, Status = Fine
Amanda: HP = 57, PP = 38, EP = 49, Status = Fine
Charlotte: HP = 38, PP = 34/53, EP = 19/41, Status = Fine

3 Hellhounds, one of which is controlled by Nala
11 demon soldiers
16 succubi
4 goblins
2 tentacled horrors
1 spitter slime
1 demon knight
Esmerala's 2 knights

"Death is supposed to be scary and depressing," Violet chided lightly, "Or at least that's what I've always been told.... If it isn't, why would we try so hard to avoid it, hrm?" Her assassin smiled and returned Nala's familiar gesture, and said; "You will feel better.... Regardless of what I need to do to make it so. As displeasing as this venture might have been overall, we are through it now, and with less lost than I think either of us suspected.... If your earlier conversation involved who I think it did, at least."

Approaching Divinar and picking up Demetrius along the way, Nala would find that both were agreeable to her proposed solution. "After what they've been through, people won't be happy about that idea... But I think they can put up the spiders without too much of a fuss. They did help us take back the town after all," Demetrius said, and Divinar chuckled and said; "I know how to deal with succubi, dear Nala.... Their mind control will keep no hold over us, and even if it does, they won't be able to get away." Finally, Violet quipped; "I'm to be helping with that am I? Will it be like the first time I "helped" you with that?" Her tone left it unclear to the others whether she was joking or not, and Demetrius and Divinar knew nothing of it anyway, but Nala was left with the distinct impression that she was in for the idea if that was indeed the elf's plan.

The arachne mistress and the pair of Nala's daughters that she called upon for added security had the same problem as last time, being unable to enter Nala's private chambers due to her size alone, and so was made to wait outside. Nala's announcement of her approach was greeted by a thrum of magic that she would realize was Esmerala bringing down the defenses that she had brought back up while Nala was off fighting Dviklien, and when allowed to enter Nala would find the demoness seated on the bed while her knights slowly removed their black armor. "All went well then?" Esmerala said upon seeing Nala, Violet, and Demetrius enter, a relieved smile on her face. "I suppose you'll be taking me into custody now..... How would you like to do this? I am at your mercy and whim, and will offer no resistance~" she continued, grinning broadly as she remained seated and still.

The two knights were quickly divested of their armor, under which they wore some thin clothes for padding and not much else. Nala and her companions had already seen all three demons nude, so there was no embarrassment even from the still slightly reserved Demetrius. If she wanted the three bound in spider silk, some solution to the predicament of her doorway and windows being too small for the arachne to pass through would need to be found. For now, Divinar could only look in through the window and, after examining Esmerala and her two servants for a moment, said; "Psh, I see how it is, Nala dearest! You're keeping the three best ones for yourself!" The arachne was both cheerful and playful, and offered the demons another brief cursory glance before turning back to Nala and saying; "These are the three that you want, yes? I'm afraid that your doors and windows are a bit too small for us.... They couldn't handle our girlish figures~ Would you like to bring them out here, or shall we just smash a hole in your wall and worry about proper remodeling later?" Esmerala snickered at Divinar's colorful phrasing, while Demetrius and Violet both glared disapprovingly at the jovial demoness, obviously having no patience for her or Divinar's antics.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala nodded at both Demetrius and Divinar, then offered a knowing smile to Violet.

"It's important that we give every party in this the result they deserve. For the arachne, it's the demon prisoners, and for the demon prisoners, it's the arachne webs. For the mortals, freedom and a return to normalcy, or what passes for it in this jungle. And lastly, for our loyal goblin hordes, it's the satisfaction of a job well done and affirmed loyalty to their mistress and her beautiful bodyguard. It worked the first time, and it will work again. And I know you well enough to know that you'll enjoy every second of it you dirty girl."

Nala tugged Violet closer to her so that their hips and shoulders touched. "But don't fret, they'll not get to you until I've had you to myself."

The more-than-suggestive talk was doing a spectacular job of lightening Nala's mood, even if it might make more reserved company a tad embarrassed. Demetrius was really the only one in the immediate vicinity however that seemed to get bashful about it. Violet just seemed eager to roll around with the night elf witch, and that was why she would always be "the favorite."

Minutes later the company was outside of the private quarters and Esmerala lowered the defenses upon request. Even still, Nala took the appropriate time to sense out any magics that might be still hidden before she went through the threshold.

"Just wait here Divinar my sweet, we'll be back out in a moment."

Inside she found the demon knights removing their black armour, showing off their pleasing physiques, stirring up additional feelings of lust that clashed angrily with the memories of betrayal. She knew that the lure of demons was part of their appeal, but still, she had been burned by them and they weren't truly paying for it. It just wouldn't do.

"Funny, I was not under the impression that beings at my mercy and whim had a choice about offering resistance," Nala said aloud, and perhaps not in as friendly a tone as Esmerala might have liked. The recent loss of her daughter was still too fresh, as was the memory of betrayal. "But at least you and your assistants have the right idea. Your armor and clothes will no longer be needed so long as you are my prisoner."

She gestured outside to Divinar, who had at that moment poked her head in to observe and make commentary. Nala offered her a smile, playing along with the arachne for its own sake. Divinar was allowed to make jokes, but she would not be laughing at anything Esmerala said at this moment.

"Prisoners, step outside. My daughters and Divinar will provide your bonds. Hands and arms behind your backs if you would. And unless you want your wings bound uncomfortably, I suggest you dismiss them."

After the three nude demons were outside and had their arms bound behind their backs, Nala asked the arachne to bind their whole bodies with sticky bands - leaving bare the breasts on the women and the loins of all three, as well as their mouths and the lower half of their faces, but to cover the eyes and their scalps.

"You may want to dismiss your hair as well," the witch suggested with only a hint of cruel mirth as the demons were being bound. "It will hurt to remove the binds later if you don't."

The legs of the demons were covered with sticky bands, but not together. Instead each ankle would be tied to the upper thigh, forcing the demons into a kneeling position, or a partially hogtied position if they were to be lain on their stomachs.

"Marvelous job, my arachne loves," Nala said once the prisoners had been wrapped. "I don't know how much more silk you have, but I would like a second lair of silk bound around them - the non adhesive variant that you used to make that blanket for me Divinar. It felt so nice, I think I want it to be the texture of these prisoners' new skin for a while.~"

She stooped down in front of Esmerala as she continued to talk.

"I'm going to leave you free to speak, but the rules are that you speak only when spoken to, that you be very polite, and you will always address me as Mistress. Failure to do this, or if you just plain annoy me, will result in your speaking privilege being revoked and possibly some form of physical punishment. Fair warning, my first born daughter was just murdered and her body desecrated and used a weapon against me. I had to use up a personal favor with the Goddess of Death to give her soul some sort of continued existence. Added to this, I just ate Dviklien's soul and the memory of his anger is still simmering within me. So I strongly suggest you get rid of your smiles until my mood passes."

Having said this, she turned back to Divinar. "Have no fear, Divinar. As it is of highest importance that they be perceived as true prisoners, none of them are exempt from your treatment. My daughters will be using this as a training tool," she paused to tug at the male demon's cock, displaying it for her present daughters to glimpse at. "But not tonight. There are other things I will be using them for. In the meantime..."

Nala took Violet by the hand and led her into the chamber, calling back over her shoulder. "I will be busy for a while. When the prisoner's second layer of binding is done, lay them here at the doorstep. Demetrius, please find Grabbik and tell him to bring about 20 of his goblins to me - see that they wash themselves first however."

Once inside Nala sighed and looked about.

"My bed's sheets need changing," she said sourly to the assassin. "But I suppose we are already dirty and only going to get dirtier. It can wait til tomorrow."

She turned and embraced Violet, clasping her hands together on the small of the human's back. "You put up with so much because of my foolishness sometimes. I'm feeling as if I need to apologize to you especially. So tell me what you'd like me to do to make it up to you. We have probably a good twenty minutes before those goblins get organized and find there way over here."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 31/51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Demetrius: HP = 81/90, PP = 80, EP = 44/90, Status = Lightly Injured
Violet: HP = 75, PP = 50, EP = 10/75, Status = Fine
Divinar: HP = 78/80, PP = 50, EP = 57/90, Status = Fine
Amanda: HP = 57, PP = 38, EP = 49, Status = Fine
Charlotte: HP = 38, PP = 34/53, EP = 19/41, Status = Fine

3 Hellhounds, one of which is controlled by Nala
11 demon soldiers
16 succubi
4 goblins
2 tentacled horrors
1 spitter slime
1 demon knight
Esmerala's 2 knights

Nobody had any desire to argue with Nala's logic. "Its been a while since I've been in the center of so many goblins... It looks like I'm going to be needing a particularly long bath after tonight!" Violet quipped, prompting Demetrius to roll his eyes and reply; "Oh, like it's really all that unusual for THAT with you two!" When Nala tugged her assassin closer and issued her promise of getting to her first, she smoothly replied; "I'd better!"

Later, Esmerala's smile broadened slightly at Nala's remark about mercy and resistance, and the demoness replied; "Really? I had thought that you would know better than that, my dear Nala~ Was your own surrender to me a few days ago not unconditional?" Whether or not it was wise to mention that for Esmerala was up to Nala to decide, and soon enough the two knights were as nude as their mistress. Their toned, muscular physiques were unchanged from the orgy that had been the starting point of this disaster, another likely unwelcome reminder of that unpleasant day.

The three demons stepped outside without complaint, Esmerala dismissing her wings and all three dismissing their hair and their tails, and allowed their arms to be bound behind their backs. Their bodies were quickly webbed up as Nala commanded, none of the three complaining despite the extensive restrictions place upon them, and when they were finished the three arachne looked down on their work proudly. "I have enough left for a blankey for the three, if you'd like~" Divinar said in response to Nala's request, and then started doing just that as Nala knelt down to address Esmerala. It was her words then that finally wiped the smirk off of the demon's face, and she didn't say a thing in return.

Divinar chuckled gleefully at Nala's display a few moments later, and the elven witch would not miss the way that her daughters looked upon the male demon's cock as Nala tugged on it as if it were a particularly choice bit of food placed before a starving person. "Fair enough," Divinar said, "I don't mind giving you first dibs, with all the new toys you've given me~"

After Nala turned and took Violet into her chambers, delivering her orders over her shoulder, Demetrius replied; "Alright."

Striding in, Nala found Esmerala's latest unconscious victims were laid out on a bit of bedding set aside, still out cold and apparently unlikely to awaken any time soon. "Yup, but I suspect people will have things they deem more important than changing out the bedding for something that won't smell like traitor," Violet quipped back, smirking. "Dirty may be an understatement for what we're going to be, at least if it's anything like last time," she continued, "You've probably still got plenty of hellhound left on you, and we're likely to both get plenty of goblin in the near future. I'm happy to keep the main baths for later."

Violet returned Nala's embrace, repeating her own pose back to her and leaning in until the tips of their noses were barely more than an inch apart, a common gesture of affection in the Amazon and one that she used regularly. "You do owe me, don't you? All this excitement has kept me from having any time to think of anything creative too!" she replied mirthfully, leaning forward to brush their noses together for an instant before falling back again with a soft giggle. "And we've only got twenty minutes!" she added with mock distress as she slowly pulled Nala to the edge of the bed, and as they reached it her hands unclasped to allow her to slide them up and untie the bindings of Nala's skimpy robes. She had never been slow at getting Nala undressed when she wanted it done, and now was certainly no exception as the garment was quickly made to slide down Nala's body, leaving it bare for her human lover's enjoyment.

Her own clothes were always more complex, the folds of her loose training garb deceptively difficult to pull apart and the pants always tied on in some fashion so that they couldn't simply be pulled down. "Lets start slow," she cooed as her hands began to roam over Nala's all too familiar territory, seemingly relaxing for the first time since the night before Esmerala's arrival and subsequent betrayal. "Maybe I'll find some inspiration~"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

The witch elf could only broaden her grin aimed at Violet when the assassin so willingly and enthusiastically fell in with the idea of being at the center of attention in a goblin bukkake. The memory was a nostalgic one for Nala as well, being the first time she had tasted the sweet lips and succulent tongue of her loyal human lover. The delicious desecration that had followed, the hour or so of willing abuse at the hands of simple creatures designed only to fuck, had sent the easily aroused elf into a state of demented ecstasy. She intended for this time to exceed that, knowing that Violet was now at her full faculties and power, and still willing to do this demeaning act for the night elf sorceress. A burning desire had begun to grow just below Nala's belly.

It was such a nice thought that when Esmerala first opened her mouth to talk back to her, it didn't manage to entirely dampen Nala's spirits, it just made her temper them with the knowledge that she needed to tie up loose ends before indulging herself. She didn't comment on the nature of her own surrender three days ago. If she took the bait, she would just end up pointlessly examining the differences and it would only detract from this moment and her mood. So she ignored Esmerala and moved directly on to the ordering of the spider silk bindings.

She was relieved that the demon lord finally got the point. That in despite of all her plans, there had been a cost, a deadly one, to Nala, and that the more she flaunted the success of her own desires, the more likely it was that the witch elf might finally just snap. It was no longer safe for her. She had surrendered, she had let down her defenses. Nala still didn't know why she had done all this, other than she must truly be desperate to get away from the demon king. No doubt she was counting on being in thrall to Nala, thinking that the witch elf would be a kinder master. As usual, she was probably right, but it didn't mean much. Nala was a fickle and imperfect being - she would easily concede this. But she had the power to kill, the power to send Esmerala to oblivion. So for her own good, now was the most important time to not prod or tease. Nala was not her friend. If that was going to change, it would only happen with time.

The witch elf's attentions slid over to Divinar. A monster as well, but one who's aggression had been subverted. As a tamed arachne, she was a delight, and the source of Nala's greatest triumph, the daughters she had produced through siring and carrying Divinar's eggs.

"So many new toys. Yes. And once you're settled in properly, I'll be along to see how productive you're being. Teach my daughters well. And Demetrius too.~"

With a wink, she left Divinar and the mage to set about their tasks. She hoped that Demetrius wouldn't protest too much before Divinar broke him in. Despite her own efforts, Demetrius had managed to retain his chiding and reserved personality over the past two years, no matter how many times Nala rode him like a stallion and broke him in until he was a grateful, shuddering mass beneath her. Perhaps the arachne would teach him an appreciation for the odder things in life. He could be so boring sometimes, with his insistence on spell protocols and training and book keeping. Guy also collected bugs.


Inside her chamber, Nala stood face to face with Violet, adopting the affectionate practices of the Amazon's people. The night elf enjoyed this concession of culture. Violet had tattooed herself in the night elven fashion, and in turn, Nala had agreed without much discussion to abide by the intimate rotes of Amazonian lovers. They were fun, and something just between Violet and herself.

"Being pressed for time, it is such a bother isn't it?" Nala said as her light robe was undone, falling in a heap around her ankles, leaving her purple-hued body bare and vulnerable to the still frustratingly clothed spirit wielder. That warm feeling inside of her grew more intense and she rubbed her hands across her own body, grasping at herself on display for Violet's hungry eyes.

Soon her lover's hands joined her, and she cast her head back as she let the roaming tactile devotions feed the fire of her growing lust. Her mouth opened with a sigh and the tip of her tongue licked along her upper lip. Her hands slowly ran along the outside of Violet's clothes, grasping at them and offering symbolic tugs.

"But yes, we mustn't rush. Take your fill of me while I deal with these infernal fabrics.~"

The witch elf pressed her form against Violet's, opening herself up to wherever her partner desired to touch her. Her own fingers pressed hungrily along the assassin's curves, loosening clothing along the way. A tug here, an insistent twist there, the training garb loosened enough to expose one breast, the belt at her waist undone to expose the hip. Nala's lips sought Violet's skin. Wet kisses and licks followed.

"I want to clean you with my tongue," Nala whispered. "I want you to feel me doting on you, knowing all the while that there is no other that comes before you in my heart. My wicked, deceitful, horny heart. Tell me to lick you anywhere. I will lick the soles of your feet, suck your toes, nibble upon your ears -- your cute, round little ears. Tell me to bite your thighs and shoulders, to kiss your belly, to swallow your spit. I am your dirty, irredeemably obsessed mistress, and you are my sweet toxic drug. There is no way of taking you that is too shameful for me. I will do... everything."

Nala's hands tugged more, shifting clothing and pushing her partner across the stained sheets, nudging her further towards the head of the bed. Kissing and licking and nibbling her all the while, speaking in a lusty, yearning voice.

"And when my tongue is no longer enough for you, I will grow and summon anything you want. I will FUCK you, until you lose your mind, and then I will let your crazy, delirious body have your way with mine, and we'll tumble in beautiful insanity together."

Nala ripped now at the clothing, trying to pry the sexy, naked assassin from her remaining layers. Her mouth found Violet's and her tongue swirled around and along the other girl's, tickling her tonsils and extending further down her throat, invading her oral cavity with her mutated whip tongue. She pulled away after a long kiss and slid her tongue out leaving a trail of saliva beneath her, still connecting the two lingual muscles.

"Let's make each other forget about gods and demons. You and I - that's all there is."

A final tug and Violet's leggings were torn down, exposing her flower. Nala cooed upon seeing it, her hands spreading down across the assassin's hips and pelvis, then onto her thigh.

"Tell me where to start, mm? Tell me!~~"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

The last she saw of Demetrius and Divinar before entering into her private chambers with Violet was the grin on the face of the arachne, and the accompanying nervous look on the face of Demetrius. The slime's poison had seemingly worn off by that point, as he was no longer sporting an erection under his robes, but the man at least didn't seem revolted by the idea when she made the attempt.

Alone then with her favored lover (save for the pile of unconscious bodies lying off to the side of the bed of course) a few moments later, Nala had Violet giggling softly and nodded in her agreement about the inconvenience of their timing. With the elf's robes pooled around her feet, Violet made no attempt to halt Nala's efforts to reduce her to a similar state of nudity while she made good on the opportunity offered to her. One of Violet's hands flitted over her bare stomach, which had only just recently been bloated with the potent seed of the hellhound that Nala had tamed, and came to rest on her hip while Nala began prying at her garments. The assassin's other hand, however, took a much more active role. Starting at her bare shoulder, Nala felt it slide down her front to the breast that Nala herself had just so tantalizingly grasped in order to repeat the motion, closing over the soft orb and squeezing while her palm rubbed over the tip until it was fully risen.

"I do armor myself from you so, don't I?" her assassin purred softly following Nala's colorful description for her choice of garments. "So hard for you to peel away the cloth that lies in your path.... And so little time for us to enjoy ourselves once it's done too~"

Violet squeezed Nala's breast lightly, and as she peeled at the layers of Violet's clothing, quickly half-revealing the human's more modest bust and a portion of her hip, the hand that had rested upon Nala's bare hip began to trail up and down. Her back arched as Nala's lips followed after her hands, sighing with pleasure at the touch of the elf's lips against her freshly bared skin. The light brush of Violet's fingers was tantalizingly suggestive compared to the pleasurable groping of her breast, but she offered no further stimulation while listening with a coy smile to Nala's impassioned prattling about what she wished to do to the human woman. "Oh my.... So dirty today!" she cooed after a light chuckle, "I think the beast might have left a longer lasting impression than you might have thought! Just what am I going to do with you, hrm?"

Offering no resistance to being pushed back onto the bed, Violet slid back slowly but smoothly as Nala pressed her, gradually stripping her of clothing along the way and drawing more sighs from her lover. The hand on her breast had moved to Nala's shoulder as she pushed Violet down, but once she was resting against the headboard and Nala was pulling aside the last scraps of clothing protecting her from the lustful elven witch who was so energetically pursuing her, leaving a slight tear in her panties from her most energetic efforts. A soft, breathy moan passed through Violet's lips just before Nala's sealed over them and let loose the sinuous beast that was her tongue.

Violet was no virgin herself, however, and as Nala's warped tongue coiled around her and slithered down her throat, an act that never even caused the assassin to gag, her own mutant appendage coiled around Nala's and slid down her throat in turn. Violet lacked her ability to control her form, of course, but the elf's magics had allowed her to guide the general direction of the mutations that Violet gained from their lewd acts, and that had produced a tongue that was nearly the equal of her own when put to the proper use. She gave as god as she got in that first aggressive kiss, and when Nala moved to pull away her tongue trailed out after the elf's escaping appendage for a few inches before hesitantly sliding back into its home.

"I think I'd like to lose my mind again.... But only for a little while~" she purred once Nala began her impatient demands, and the hand on her shoulder started back down her body, passing over her breasts this time to flit over the elf's taught stomach. "I want to break again," she continued breathily, "or rather... I want you to break me! I want to melt in your mouth, to feel you kiss your way down my body and lick me until I scream for you. I want to feel something big and hard and you in my mouth, and to know what it will be doing to me after when I'm ready.... And more than anything, I want to be filled with fire~"

Nala suddenly found herself flipped onto her back, a maneuver that the more muscular and more deft woman managed with ease, but she had little time to react before Violet was straddling her and pinning her hands above her head and rejoining the kiss. This time she was more aggressive, her tongue swirling forth and quickly pinning Nala's just as surely as she had her hands, if only for a few seconds. The elf would find it easy to escape if she really wished to, as Violet's kiss was only aggressive and not utterly domineering, and even if she didn't opt to break free and respond in some manner the assassin wouldn't maintain the embrace of their mouths for any longer than Nala had. When she did, she opened her eyes again and gazed down at Nala with only a few few centimeters between, and hung there panting for a moment, her supple breasts heaving as they pancaked against Nala's from above.

"I think you ought to hurry.... I don't think we'll have time for you to tire me out before Grabbik gets here... And I'd hate to let the goblins claim my womb without giving you a shot first~" she purred airily after a brief pause, a challenging note hanging in her tone.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

The witch elf had been seeking this kind of familiarity. The soft touches, the feel of skin on fabric and then suddenly on the exposed flesh of a lover - all of it a prelude to a state of being that had long been an old friend of the deviant sorceress. She could feel the rush of adrenaline, the impatient, needy desire welling up inside of her, and she welcomed it. She let it suffuse her mind, shunting out all of the negative events of the past three days, and especially the last hour of heated battle. She took the time between tugging and stripping the armor off to look her lover in the eye. Violet was to be her world for the next twenty minutes.

Her world felt good, tasted salty and sweet, and was in a word, beautiful. Her body moved sinuously in response to the hands on her hip and breast, enjoying the skilled, subtle touch of the assassin.

"I shouldn't allow you to be so clothed.~" She murmured as the armor was at last unraveled and slid to the side. "I shall make you dress like a Celesian dancing girl, and have you lay your head on my lap when we receive emissaries. Let all admire your body, lust after it, but know that it is mine."

Nala said this with a smile before changing tack, kissing the assassin several more times before offering Violet the chance to ask for a reward. Usually it was the witch elf who determined the proceedings in their play time with one another, but Nala was feeling like mixing it up, making this moment stand out.

The next words that her lover spoke filled her heart with joy. Her assassin had agreed to losing her mind and breaking once again, becoming Nala's plaything. The fire of lust spread throughout the witch elf's body, so much so that she almost missed the second part of Violet's request.

Something long and hard and Nala. Filled with fire. The night elf immediately knew what the pretty brown haired human was requesting. She had thought about it herself on more than one occasion. Now that she had mastered shapeshifting, she could do it properly, without harm or fatigue befalling her lover.

She opened her mouth to speak, to say that she would love to do this to the beautiful bodyguard, but suddenly she was flipped and found herself underneath Violet, who had always been submissive by choice, not by nature, to Nala. The elf's arms were pinned above her, her hips straddled by the muscular woman's legs, their warm bodies pressing nicely against one another. A surprised squeal of delight was quick enough to escape Nala's lips before that way was eclipsed by the human's insistent tongue.

Their mouths joined and tongues entwined and what ensued as a long, deep kiss, with Nala in a position of submission. The normally dominant elf moaned lightly and then let the assassin direct the rest of the action, her body relaxing and her bound wrists offering no resistance. Nala arched her back and pressed her body upwards to meet as much of Violet's flesh as possible. Their breasts pancaked against one another, Nala sensing her erect, lavender colored nipples slipping against Violet's hard, brown nubs.

When the kiss broke, the two girls breathed quickly and hotly against one another. Then Violet made her full intent clear, and the witch elf cooed, slipping free a hand to cup the assassin's chin.

"Your womb is mine, Violet. All of you is mine. Understand? And your child will be mine as well. I promise this." Nala's words were quiet, but carried a rare weight in them. "Since you want me to break you, I shall. Since you ask me to take your mind, I will. You will be my toy, my pet, my display piece, for a short but fulfilling while. And I will give you exactly what you want inside of you, my lovely Violet, because I desire it too."

Gently, the witch elf began to shift herself downward, kissing Violet on the nape of her neck, then further along her collar and chest. Both hands wrapped around Violet's tight, round butt and simultaneously squeezed and drew it closer, moving the straddling woman higher up on the elf's body. This broke the short series of kisses as Violet would be forced to straighten her back.

Nala glanced up at her with a coy smile. "I believe the first request you made was to melt, yes? I think I can manage that." The whip tongue curved out and ran along Nala's upper teeth, then lips, before retreating back inside. Nala's hands pushed Violet's tush up again, bringing her lover to the point where her flower was hovering above Nala's face.

"What a lovely sight," she cooed. "Violet's pussy, shamefully wet already. Now be sure to moan as much as you like.~"

Without further preamble, Nala pulled the assassin downward, kissing her cunt with eager lips before opening her mouth and letting her skilled, experienced tongue do the work it had been warped to do. The extremely long and versatile lingual muscle slid hungrily across Violet's wet folds. The night elf wasted little time with light licks, as there was still much to do before the goblins arrived. She delved deep inside of the assassin, noisily slurping and smacking her lips against the juicy peach, glorifying in the scent and wetness of her lover. Her unnaturally long tongue snaked simultaneously along Violet's clitoris and along her labia before slithering inside her vaginal tunnel, seeking and finding her G-spot with knowledgeable and clinical precision. Nala had been with many men and women and knew the secrets of pleasing them all, but she had come to be extremely familiar with Violet's own specific 'combination,' and in the interests of time, now did her best to make the girl cum and melt as quickly as possible.

And when she did, the witch elf would put her first hook onto the assassin's soul. After all, she had asked to lose her mind, and so Nala would take it for a while. As Violet's first orgasm arrived, Nala would also take the opportunity to shapeshift, forming what she estimated to be just the right size of cock for her lovely pet, something that would fill her up and make her scream.

Gently nudging the quivering assassin off of her face, the witch elf would get up and face Violet on the bed, both of them kneeling in front of one another. Nala's new member would be standing erect and proud in full view.

"And now for the second part of your request, my lovely Violet. You're going to suck me nice and deep, and then, when I'm ready, I'm going to fuck your mind away.~"

She stared at Violet expectantly.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

Nala’s ideal choice of garment for Violet drew a giggle filled with mirth and delight from the assassin, an image that she would undoubtedly be able to imagine with ease given her upbringing in the city mentioned. She had never spoken of it much, but she had mentioned often in passing that she was from the grand city, now a ruin controlled by the spawn of Hell that they had repelled from Kyederon on that very day. Later, when her chin was cupped and Nala laid full claim to her in her entirety, the human woman grinned and smiled coyly, her only response being a brief but sultry quip; “Oh? Then take it!

Violet continued to smile at Nala as she kissed a trail down the nape of her neck, though she did tilt her head back to provide the witch with easier access to her soft, sensitive flesh. Her chin tilted back down as Nala trailed downwards, allowing Nala to hear an excited gasp delivered directly into her pointed ear, which Violet briefly took between her teeth and nibbled on before she released it as Nala got close to leaving the comfortable reach of her mouth. The trail down brought the Amazonian beauty’s breasts within easy reach of her mouth, their tips hard and eager for some attention, but whether or not she paid them more than a moment of lips service Nala’s goal was drawing near. The assassin’s taught stomach passed shortly, Nala’s skilled lips able to feel the eager tension running through her as her journey drew near, and as she placed her hands upon the pleasant softness of Violet’s backside she would feel that anticipation through the tension present in her muscles there too. Violet’s bottom only grew tighter as Nala trailed down over her mound, drawing closer to her flower with every second that passed.

A grin passed over Violet’s face at Nala’s quip once her tender pink flower was before the elf’s face, her thighs resting on either side of Nala’s head and her arms braced against the headboard of her massive bed. “Shameful? In front of you? Never!” she cooed, but the laugh that followed quickly turned to a moan filled with anticipatory arousal when Nala’s lips made their first touch against the assassin’s petals. Violet was indeed quite wet already, her clitoris already partially free of its protective hood and perfectly vulnerable to Nala’s predations. She would know from her extensive experience with the assassin that her jewel was her greatest weak point, particularly when Nala’s tongue was involved, and there had been times when it took her mere moments to push Violet to her peak when assailing it if she preceded it with the proper foreplay.

Now was one such time, her initial tongue-work getting the Amazonian woman to start shuddering and emitting light moans before her lingual muscle slithered over her love button and made those light noises rise to outright moans. The wood of her headboard creaked under the strength of Violet’s grip on it as Nala’s tongue made its initial barrage, and the muscles of her thighs tensed and relaxed with every burst of pleasure, a familiar guiding star by which Nala would be able to guide Violet right to the edge. The assassin only began to move in time with Nala when her tongue finally slithered past her petals and into the other woman’s depths, finding and attacking the highly sensitive rough patch within with a technique that Nala had had plentiful opportunities to perfect.

The more Nala squirmed her tongue around, the more Violet quivered and danced under her influence, her hips slowly gyrating back and forth and causing her petals to grind against the elf’s lips in turn. Whether she opted to keep assailing her g-spot or went for the assassin’s greatest weak spot, Violet was soon writhing in carnal rhythms under Nala’s dedicated attentions, and it wouldn’t take long at all for Nala to bring the assassin above her to the heights of pleasure. Producing a moan loud enough that at least half of the village was likely able to hear it, Violet’s love honey gushed into Nala’s mouth as she brought her favored lover to a powerful orgasm, the first of what would undoubtedly become many throughout that night. Nala’s spiritual hooks sunk in without meeting any resistance, latching with ease onto the feelings that Violet already held for her.

Her body shuddering with pleasure as she leaned heavily against the headboard of Nala’s bed, even in her afterglow Violet was able to move to accommodate Nala’s shifting into a kneeling position in front of her, slowly climbing off of her face and turning around to face the night elf and the cock she now sported, perfectly sized for the assassin’s body. Opening her eyes once more after her ecstasy had caused them to close, Violet still had the presence of mind to offer Nala a questioning look for a moment. Her will was ensnared to Nala’s now, however, and the look of confusion was brief before Violet’s expression became a sensual smile and she leaned forward to kiss Nala on her chin.

As mistress commands~” she purred in response to Nala’s expectant stare, leaning up to press her lips against Nala’s in a brief but hungry kiss, her tongue coiling out to taste some of her leftover juices in Nala’s mouth if she offered the assassin a chance to explore her. Whether the kiss was accepted or not, Violet then followed the same trail that Nala had made on her in exactly the same way, kissing her way down the beautiful elf’s front as she slowly bent over. Her only pause came once she was level with Nala’s bounteous chest, taking one of her lavender tips between her lips and drawing on it succulently as her tongue flicked circles around the sensitive nub of flesh. She stopped suckling on Nala after a only a few seconds to continue her journey, however, and as she bent over to kiss her way down Nala’s stomach and past her navel, the elf would feel soft, dexterous fingers grip her newly formed cock. Violet’s journey slowed as she neared the object of her attentions, lowering herself onto her hands and knees as she sidled backwards and simultaneously stroked Nala’s length, making every motion seem graceful and deliberate.

Her trail of kisses continued when it met the base of Nala’s shaft by trailing kisses only the top of it, all the way down to the tip. Her lips parted a little bit more over the head in order to take it between them and start suckling, her tongue rolling twice over the dome shaped tip before breaking the suction with a quiet pop. Her kisses trailed down yet further, Violet moving more quickly now as she proceeded toward Nala’s female sex while leaving a trail of smooches, suckles, and licks along the underside of the night elf’s manhood. It was only when Violet finally reached Nala’s pussy that her journey ended, giving a few light licks against Nala’s flower while her hand returned to a steady strike of her shaft before one long lick went from the base all the way to the tip, the assassin’s elongated tongue flicking repeatedly against the highly sensitive spot located where her shaft met her tip.

After licking for a moment Violet opened her mouth and swallowed Nala’s length down to the tip, suppressing her gag reflex as her tongue, warped just as Nala’s was into a perfect organ for causing pleasure, wrapped slowly but steadily around Nala’s length. Her hand fell away to be placed upon the bed, and once Nala was wrapped in the heavenly embrace of her tongue Violet simply began shifting back and forth almost as if bucking back into the thrusts of someone behind her, save that the brunt of her motions involved the steady bobbing of her head onto the elf’s member. Every time she drew back, Nala would feel her tongue constricting as it was dragged backwards, contracting around her length almost like a pussy, and every time she bucked forward Nala would be welcomed back into the tight warmth of the assassin’s mouth and throat as Violet deepthroated her.

The motions were inventive and immensely pleasurable but also very consistent, the steady milking likely to induce a strong but uninventive orgasm in Nala if she were left to them long enough, and after a time Violet began to spice things up. Her head tilted from side to side, differing with each bob and prompting her tongue to tighten differently around different parts of Nala’s member, squeezing near the tip when she tilted left and near the base when she tilted right. Another few moments later she pushed her mouth onto Nala’s length and held there, her tongue squeezing even more tightly progressively until Nala would feel the tip rubbing against her petals, at which point she maintained her position while her contracted and relaxed, resulting in rapid licks against her pussy and a steady stroking motion against her cock.

The alternative efforts would be brief, done to keep her acts from getting boring, but every one of them was immeasurably pleasurable and would likely have had a normal man like Demetrius at the end of his stamina within moments. Violet’s moans of eager pleasure only added to the physical sensations, the vibrations against her throat reminiscent of a simplistic spell that Demetrius had at one point found a very inventive use for in a rare display of adventurousness in the bedroom, and the longer it went on the more often she moaned. Breathing through her nose, unless stopped by Nala before her stamina ran out Violet would continue her efforts until the elven witch surrendered the seed that she seemed to crave so. If Nala permitted Violet to make her cum, the human would let out an eager moan as the first spurt of Nala’s seed went down her throat before pulling back, still moaning with raw lust, and taking the rest of the witch’s release right into her mouth while her tongue rolled repeatedly over the tip of Nala's erupting cock to gather it all up, swallowing her sperm down in gulps whenever the volume threatened to spill out of her mouth. Not a single drop escaped Violet’s thirst, and once the well was dry she pulled free of Nala’s cock with the loudest pop yet and leaned back to display her mouthful of seed, eyes sparkling with pleasure. Once Nala had gotten an eyeful of the assassin’s tongue playing in the thick puddle of white goo present in her mouth, she would watch her semen swallowed down in one big gulp.

Whether she had allowed Violet to get her off or stopped her beforehand, a moment after her mouth was no longer full of dick (or cum if Nala had allowed Violet to swallow her first load) she would sit up slightly and say; “Mmmmm… Is it time yet, mistress? Please say yes… I want to feel you inside of me so bad…. Please…. I’ll let you take me however you want! I’ll bend over and raise my ass high…. Or lie back and let you pound me into your bed as hard as you please! I’ll ride you so hard we’ll both break, or take whatever position you can imagine! Just take me! Now!
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

The sounds her lover made were music to Nala's ears. The lovely gasps, the luxurious moans, the sharp inhales of breath, all of it formed the notes of a symphony that had obsessed Nala from a young age: the sounds of rapture and indulgent sex. Nothing made her feel so good as to have brought this capable Amazonian into her bed, to number among the long list of her amours. The scent of Violet's womanhood was musky and sweet, and her taste was was intoxicating to the horny elf, who buried her face deeper between her human lover's thighs. In the final rush, when Violet's voice was getting higher and her hips had begun to instinctively push up and forward as her back arched, Nala chose to focus entirely upon the girl's gem, polishing it with utmost intensity until the rewarding splash of Violet's love juices coated her lips and tongue. Even then, she continued to lick, to slurp, and to flicker, allowing the trembling assassin to ride out her orgasm to its maximum length.

As Violet's body relaxed into her afterglow, Nala knelt up and admired her work. Perhaps it was a part of her personality, or maybe it was due to the intrinsic necessities of her particular brand of sexual magic, but the witch elf had found that she could garner as much joy from bestowing sexual release as she did in receiving it. She considered the work and training that she had put into her craft to be validated in every orgasmic cry and squealing of delight. Violet's satisfaction was a testament to Nala's capability and dutiful care as a lover, and as a mistress. The witch took her responsibilities towards her bodyguard very seriously, and it was because her recklessness had endangered Violet so greatly that she felt obliged to fulfill the girl's wishes.

The elf watched as Violet closed her eyes and leaned against the headboard, breathing in deeply, her pleasing bosom heaving, her gorgeous body curved and resting while her pussy dripped honey down the sides of her inner thighs. The sight alone was enough to make Nala ravenous and eager to take advantage of her new shapeshifting abilities. This had been only the first of many peaks that her darling pet would summit before the night was through, and the next one, Nala intended, would be an ascent to remember.

Nala focused on the succubus magic as she had come to understand it. She was now so in control over the warping mutations that were inherent to supernatural beings that she could rapidly summon and dismiss them onto her own person. She was in effect, a changeling, and could use this ability to her advantage in many ways, but most effectively as she was about to do.

She allowed Violet a perfect view of her transformation. Inside of her, a new system of organs grew to accommodate her new function, while on the outside of her body, just above her clitoral hood, at the apex of her female genitalia, a mound of sensitive flesh formed, bulged, and then morphed into a deep purple, veined, sturdy-looking cock that had been brought into being with Violet's familiar love tunnel in mind. The knowledgeable elf had studied the folds of her assassin's inlet for two years now, and could gauge the perfect length and girth needed to stimulate and penetrate her just right.

"Just for you.~" She said, smiling down at Violet, letting her partner take in the sight of her phallus. The commands she issued now could not be refused by the ensnared human, and it merely remained for the kneeling night elf to fall back a little, propping herself up by her arms while Violet crawled on top of her to kiss her passionately and at the same time sharing in the juices of her own flower, suckling them off of Nala's tongue, lips, and chin.

The assassin began her slow, trailing descent down the night elf's body. Nala kept her eyes on Violet the whole time, arching her body up towards the girl for ease of access and encouragement. Her lavender nipples hardened until they were like pebbles awaiting the caress of the human's warm, wet tongue.

"Mmhm~~ Gods yes, Violet.... mmm, lower... go lower.~"

Nala's hips pushed upward as her head leaned back, letting her hair spill downward as her chin pointed at the ceiling. Her emerald eyes closed and let the wonderfully tense seconds pass as the tactile clues of Violet's descent kept her abreast of how close she was to feeling her twitching cock slide into that welcoming hole.

She would have to wait for that though as Violet astutely bypassed the cock with her mouth, save for a few introductory smooches from her soft lips to the underside of its base before her tongue concentrated on the moist flower beneath it, which was still every bit as excited about having this human girl pleasure her as the other sex organ was.

"Mmm! Ah... why hello. That feels nice. Your tongue is amazingly gifted my pet."

Wasting little time, suddenly Violet shifted her head up wards and with her hand guided the entirety of Nala's shaft into her mouth and down into the sweet confines of her lower throat. Nala took a sharp intake of breath before moaning out sweetly to let the assassin know just how appreciated this act was. She could feel the long, cord-like tongue slowly corkscrewing around the cock, slickly running over the dark flesh and veins, tightening the pressure and creating sensual friction all along the penis, from head to base. Her lips sealing and creating a vacuum at the base was the perfect final touch.

Violet was on her hands and knees now, mimicking a motion as though some invisible man was taking her from behind and thrusting her into deep throating the elf. Nala had to grin, thinking that such a position would surely not be too far away once the goblins arrived. For now though, the night elf pushed her body up to meet the oncoming bobs of Violet's sweet mouth. The consistency of her approach and the expertise with which it applied such amazing pressure and tightness, was enough to start Nala bucking needfully as she felt her orgasm build up much quicker than usual.

"Oh fuck yes, Violet! Mmmm! Gods it feels so good... Ah!"

Her compliment was interrupted as Violet pushed herself forward and held herself hilted at Nala's pelvis, her tongue slipping out and licking at Nala's petals while her throat contracted, relaxed, and contracted again upon the throbbing member.

"Fahh! Nynnn! You greedy girl! Ff-fine then! I hadn't intended to feed you so quickly, but since you're so eager to please and you have lips that angels would die for, hnn... you can drink it all down."

Nala took a grab of Violet's brown hair and held it like a horse's reins as she began to buck her hips against Violet's face. Moment's later, she felt the rush of semen and the point of no return being crossed. As her pussy began to drip with juices of its own, her first load jetted out of her cock, splashing straight down Violet's throat and into her stomach before the assassin pulled back a bit to let the ensuing gooey bursts to flood her mouth properly, cascading over her tongue and filling her oral cavity up before she swallowed it all down with audible gulps that sent the elf into further shudders of intellectual pleasure. How could she not love this girl?

The pop of Violet's mouth retracting off the tip of her wet, well-saliva'd cock signaled the end of the first blowjob Nala had received in quite some time. It was not the first, due to some experimentation with the demonic spirit power she had acquired from Corinni two years ago, but Nala had found that she did not especially like to use that power, for it was always an exhausting experience for whomever she had chosen for her lover and she had especially liked to remain as a pure female when coupling with Violet, as for her it was a more honest and natural state, appropriate for when she made love to those she cared for and trusted the most. She was only breaking her long held rule now because, she felt, this was a special occasion. Violet had asked to be filled, and filled she would be.

"Mmm, now show me that you've swallowed it all. Mm, very good," Nala said, cupping Violet's cheek and brushing it with her thumb, staring into the eyes of her lover. The requests from Violet for a new position piled up and Nala gave this some thought. How should she begin?

"Yes, my pet. Yes, yes. It's time for me to be inside of you now..." Nala said, moving closer, until they could once again kiss deeply. The witch elf was curious to taste her own spunk off of Violet's tongue, wanting to compare her salty flavor to that of other men that she had been with. She would have to consider her diet going forward, for she wanted to taste nice for Violet whenever they did this again.

After peeling away from this latest kiss, Nala smiled and stood up on the bed, but signaled with a hand for Violet to remain where she was. Nala's eyes glowed green with power as she first raised her own magical abilities with a spell of power. As she did so, the magical threads of nature worked their way through her body, augmenting her body's processes so that she would be able to perform again without delay. Her cock stiffened instantly, bolstered by the fact that she still had Violet, naked, hungry, and horny, kneeling at her feet.

"We are going to go through all those positions and more tonight, my pet, but let's start with you turning around on your hands and knees and showing me your lovely ass. I'm feeling positively demonic, and I just want to tame you more and more. Fufufu.~"

She motioned with her finger in a circular motion, pointing downwards, until Violet obeyed and spun around, showing off her beautiful rump and sopping wet cunt, shaking them on full display for Nala's benefit.

"Oh Violet... I'm going to fuck you silly..." Nala breathed, before lowering herself back onto her knees for a moment. Old habits died hard, and the witch could resists tasting Violet a little bit more first, spreading Violet's labia between two fingers in a V figure and then launching her elongated tongue inside of her, lapping up the pussy juices hungrily. "Mmm, nnngha, mm *slurp*, lovely~ Okay Violet, get ready. I'm putting it in."

With one hand placed firmly on the human's rump, squeezing the flesh of her bountiful butt, the other gripped hold of her own cock and guided it against the wet, sensitive folds of Violet's flower, rubbing the tip up and down across it, teasing her for just a few more seconds, feeling the heat and anticipation build in her lovely sub.

Then at last, Nala pushed forward, sinking first the tip, then the rest of her cock inside with nearly no resistance - Violet's pussy practically swallowed her inside of it, clamping down and tightening instinctively just as Nala herself would have done. Nala let forth a deep moan, soaking in the moment of being inside of Violet. Then with a grin and a crackle of amethyst energy, she cast a luck dampening spell on Violet, while the poor girl was on her hands and knees with her back turned, instilling inside of her sub the inability to resist pleasure. The sensory pathways of her body would flow in a path of least resistance to the pleasure center of her mind, making every touch against her body an exquisite experience, let alone the feel of Nala's perfectly fashioned cock sliding right along and tenderizing her G-spot.

Laughing as her spell's threads wound through Violet, Nala took a firm hold of the girl's hips and pulled her ass towards her, impaling her cock deep inside of Violet - kissing the tip of her cervix.

"And now, I'll make your mind melt!~"

Her hips began to move, back and forth, thrusting evenly and powerfully, determined to efficiently work herself to orgasm and trusting in the combination of her magics and the feel of her cock to push Violet into a series of multiple orgasms. She envied Violet the simple bliss of being helplessly thrown into inescapable pleasure, and smiled as the girl would begin to babble and moan and melt beneath her. She even petted Violet's butt a little as it happened, but then would fall back into her determined thrusting motions, letting her own body work itself up into a lather as she heaved into her lover, determined to fill her with the fire she so desired. She knew she had little time before the goblins would appear, and she needed to have as many chances as she could with Violet before the little demons would need to be rewarded.

Tensing her whole body, Nala closed her eyes and went within herself, concentrating on the rising tide within her, feeling the onrush building up to its zenith. Beneath her, she could feel and hear the Amazonian cry out as another orgasm washed through her, and seizing upon it for inspiration, Nala increased the speed of her thrusts to its maximum, until at last she felt her cum release inside of Violet in a momentous explosion.

"AahAHH! Yesssss! Ooouuh....Oh yes, Violet. Hnn... haah, haah..." Nala's purple and lavender body was glistening with exertion as she stirred herself around deep inside of Violet's cunny. "Very nice for round one! Are you ready for round two, my love?~"

Whether or not Violet had the ability to respond coherently at that point, Nala would summon her magics to her once again, summoning forth a series of snaking vines that would surround Violet's naked form and haul her body upwards, suspended from the ceiling of the chamber. The vines, guided by Nala's will, would slip around the various limbs and around the waist and breasts, tying themselves into knots at various places to offer support and to prevent loss of blood circulation. Nala had done her research on bondage from a very early age, and a brief affair with an emissary who had once been a sailor had taught her a variety of knots that were useful to know in a bedroom environment.

In the end, she had Violet suspended from the ceiling, with her arms tied and twisted together above her and one leg brought up high, wit the knee tied up above her waist while her other leg had its ankle bound to her thigh, forcing it lower. Violet was in a helpless, pitiful position with her flower completely exposed and her breasts bound tightly together. Nala put a hand on Violet and twirled her around, admiring her handiwork, before kissing the girl again, once on the lips, and then once on each nipple.

"Trussed up as my very own sex toy! You look adorable like this... mmm, but you're leaking all over my bed from down here..." She prodded her pussy, which was drooling out a bit of Nala's spunk, and then brought a bit of the juices and semen up for the assassin to view betwixt Nala's thumb and forefinger.

"Guess I'll just have to plug you up and refill every bit that was lost!"

With the aid of a couple more vines, Violet's body was turned more horizontal - though still asymmetrical - position that allowed the witch elf easier access to fuck her. In effect, Nala had improvised a sex swing, and soon set about using it to full effect, rocking Violet back and forth onto her cock, which had never softened since it first appeared. Already, the act of putting Violet into such a humiliating and helpless manner had turned the night elf on, and she could feel a second orgasm building. Determined to ride it out, she slowed her thrusting, focusing on deliberate, sensual fun with her new toy.

Only when the sound of voices just outside the doorway came to her ears did she realize how long she had spend just enjoying the sounds of Violet cumming over and over again. She sped up her thrusting, until for the second time she unleashed a torrent of baby batter into her lover's quivering flower.

As Nala recovered from this release, she let her body rest on Violet, swaying on top of her as if she were a human hammock. The sight of a few demonic eyes in the window alerted Nala to the fact that her time was almost up, but she was determined to have one last quickie with Violet before this became a proper party.

Unraveling the vines and dismissing the spell, she let Violet's used body fall to the bed with a great *thwump* and giggled as she saw how out of it the Amazon was at this point.

"Don't worry Violet, it's not over by a long shot. And you get one final round with your mistress before the goblins use your lovely body as well. This last time though is going to be special too. I'm going to take you in the best way possible to get you pregnant with my seed.~"

As Violet lay there dazed, Nala turned around and grabbed a pillow from the head of the bed and then lifted Violet's legs high above her while she was on her back, with her head towards the foot of the bed, facing the entrance to the outdoors. Nala tucked the pillow under Violet's butt, causing her flower to be pointing at a higher angle, with her vaginal canal on a nice downward angle towards her womb.

"Now when I cum inside you, everything will naturally slide right into your womb where that egg is waiting," Nala said. "You're going to be an obedient pet right? You're going to get pregnant by me and not a goblin right? If you don't, I'll have to spank you.~"

Nala grinned and then with tenderness that had been absent from the two previous fuckings, she lowered herself inside of Violet and began to thrust again, with easy hip movements, allowing Violet to adjust herself for comfort before lowering her body over her bodyguard and kissing her as they grinded against one another.

It was at this time that the goblins, no longer able to simply watch from outside, began to shuffle forward into the chamber. When Nala noticed their presence inside the room she rose up and addressed them, but did not stop thrusting into Violet as she did so.

"My brave goblin servants. Your Mistress is so pleased by your loyalty and effort tonight. I have called you hear to reward you, just as I am rewarding my human servant here - with pleasure." She grinned and winked at them. "But as I am finishing up with her needs, you Mistress desires that you bring inside this hut the three demons bound in spidersilk just outside the door. You can put the male demon at the head of the bed here, while the females you can line up here at the foot of the bed. I'll be with you all in just a moment..."

As the goblins set about obeying her request, Nala quickened her pace, driving Violet to this one last orgasmic conclusion that would be just between them tonight. As she did this, she would send more hooks through Violet with each orgasm the human experienced, until finally, with great effort and surge of nature magic for emphasis and good fortune, Nala came inside of Violet a third time, her eyes flashing a large glow of green energy as she did so.

"EEeeyyyahhhh! OOouhhh.... oohhh.... Ahh... There you are my pet. Did you enjoy your mistress? Was that the reward you wanted? Tell all these goblins how much love being covered and filled with cum.~"

Whether or not she answered, Nala would continue with a grin:

"Mm, your Mistress likes it too. Nothing makes her hotter than rewarding loyalty and punishing those who wrong her. Isn't that right, Grabbik?" She searched out the familiar goblin, and when she found him, she would crook her finger and beckon him up onto the bed with her. "The rest of you will know Grabbik. He was the one who convinced you to do what was best for all of you - to follow your new Mistress, and live here in Kyederon. Here, where so long as you follow your Mistress' rules, you can live in relative safety and freedom, without some demon knight or lord treating you like dirt every day. How many knights and lords have ever deigned to let you touch them, or even look at them with lust? Mm? Not a lot I would guess. Even the succubi probably held their noses up at you all.

"That's not the case with me though. As your Mistress, I will show you just how appreciative I am of your service. Right Grabbik?" As she said this, the night elf's fingers slipped down into Grabbk's loin cloth and grasped around his shaft. Nala giggled and began to stroke him. "Grabbik's going to demonstrate just how well a loyal goblin can be rewarded, right here in front of you all. But don't worry, I have plenty in store for each of you tonight. In front of you, on their knees, bound and helpless, are a demon knight and a demon lord. I give you each permission to use their bodies however you wish, just so long as you only use them to warm yourselves up for the main course."

Nala pointed between herself and the still prone Violet who had Nala's cock still hilted inside of her.

"The two of us are feeling nostalgic for goblin cum. Your reward is to decorate us tonight. Sound good?"

Laughing as the goblins undoubtedly voiced their enthusiasm for this plan, Nala withdrew her messy cock from Violet's pussy, which was doing a good job of keeping her seed inside of it, since gravity was forcing it all into her womb while her hips were in the air. She used this opportunity to cast a very basic spell used to diagnose basic properties in the body, one of which was pregnancy. Nala was very curious to know if any of her recent efforts had been successful. She held her hand over Violet's womb and an amber glow surrounded her hand as she cast her basic spell, raising her eyebrow at the results.

As Grabbik dropped his loincloth, Nala dismissed her spells, conserving the remainder of her energy. She also dismissed the cock, returning to the fully feminine form that she preferred, and turned to Grabbik.

"Your Mistress was cruel before the battle, getting you all worked up without a release... you have permission to punish your Mistress for being such a mean bitch. Why don't you make her your bitch now?" With a lewd grin, she'd prepare to let the goblin have her in any which way he wanted.
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

While she sometimes acted rebelliously to rise Nala’s excited ire during their couplings, today it seemed as if Violet felt no need to do as much, as she spun about and raised her finely sculpted behind high into the air, her thighs only slightly apart and her calves crossed. The assassin was a lithe and athletic subject, and also one of the most flexible women that Nala had ever had the pleasure to meet, ensuring that even the minor rolls of her hips that she made were a sight alluring enough to break the patience of any man whom Nala had witnessed her coupling with. Nala herself was possessed of sterner stuff where sex was concerned, of course, and when she knelt down to take another taste of her favored lover’s flower she earned a sound that was a mix of a charged moan and a disappointed whine.

The assassin wasn’t to be kept waiting long, however, and her motions came just shy of ceasing completely when Nala moved to place the tip of her shapeshifted manhood against her petals. For the few seconds more that Nala teased Violet, she would feel the woman’s petals rubbing delicately over her tip, and the flow of sexual energy would be made two way as the sensitive nerves on that domed head were stimulated by the subtle suction of those dripping outer lips. “Tease~” Violet would sigh, and then that exchange grew from a static crackle to a bolt of sexual lightning as Nala’s perfectly formed cock was swallowed and then gripped by Violet’s equally perfect pussy. Her partner pushed herself back eagerly after that initial thrust, swallowing ever more of Nala’s cock into her tightly gripping folds, grinding herself against the elf’s cock until her lips were wrapped around the base of that cock, and her cervix was rubbing against the tip.

Mmmmm! So big~” she moaned, but then Nala’s spell coiled around the assassin’s being and drew from her a long gasp of surprise… And excitement. She glanced back, her mouth agape to speak, but all that was to come from her mouth then was a loud and passionate moan as Nala ground her length against the human’s inner walls. The elven witch would be treated to the ever delightful sight of her sexual magics at work on her favored lover, of Violet’s eyes rolling up into the back of her head and her mouth going wide to allow the sounds of her lust pour forth. As the elf began to thrust following her declaration, her lover did indeed begin to melt before her, her body pushing back into Nala’s motions with equal if not greater strength and causing the plump roundness of her upraised bottom to jiggle delightfully with each joining of their hips.

Stamina the assassin had, to be sure, but in the face of Nala enhanced with her magics and with her own body primed both by stimulation and by sorcery Violet was doubtlessly on the losing end of their sexual exchange. Her pussy contracted vibrantly with every thrust in an effort to milk out Nala’s release, but by the time that was anywhere near close to happening Violet had already gone through three long, loud orgasms at Nala’s hands. As her own climax and Violet’s fourth since the penetration began drew near, Nala was able to enjoy her lover’s lustful ramblings as the assassin felt her shaft throbbing inside; “Oooohhhhh yessssss! Do it! Nnnnnnn~ Ahhhhh, yeah….. Cum…. Cum for me! Ooohhhhffff…. Knock me up! Mmmmmnnnnnn…. Please…. Cum inside…. Get me pregnant!

The return bucks of Violet’s hips grew more insistent as Nala’s first attempt at granting her bodyguard’s desire drew nearer, and when the elf finally bottomed out in the midst of Violet’s next climax she felt her lover push back to ensure that her seed was ejected as deep into the human as it could go. No further thrusts were needed to keep Nala on her own climactic high, as even during her peak Violet manipulated her inner muscles to milk the semen right from the thick elven cock pouring into her as effectively as if they were still rutting like wild animals, her cervix dilating and jerking back and forth to draw every bit of potent cum that it gathered right up into Violet’s womb.

Afterwards, Violet was left paralyzed in the aftermath of their mutual climax, her body still thrumming with wild pleasure, and though she would mumble something in response to Nala’s query it wasn’t anything intelligible. Lifting the assassin into the air and tying her up in her summoned vines would inspire not even a shred of resistance from the human woman, and her skillful inner workings would ensure that only a thin line of Nala’s seed escaped her pussy even in her hanging position. By the time Nala’s ministrations in guiding the vines into their proper position were through, Violet was of sound enough mind to breathlessly quip; “I didn’t…. Let out…. Much~ And you’ll have to… Do better… Than that… If you want to make my…. Mind melt!

The magically conjured sex swing proved most effective in its designated task, and Nala was soon back to her joyous sexual union with Violet, the human assassin crying out her passion in ways that she would likely find no less enjoyable despite having heard them countless times before. Bouncing the assassin back and forth and bringing her through another string of shuddering orgasms, once Nala switched to a slower motion she would sense a desire building up within Violet. Still wracked with pleasure and exhausted by their wild coupling, her struggles against her bonds would be utterly fruitless unless Nala allowed them to be successful, but if she were in a mood to grace the assassin with such a favor she would find Violet’s lower legs wrapped around her back as she leaned forward. Nala’s mouth was quickly pressed strongly against Violet’s, and the steady thrusting that Nala had employed would be replaced by a slow, sensual grinding motion that had their forms gliding against one another, lubricated by their passionately garnered sweat. The carnal motion would be no less pleasurable for either of them given the eroticism produced by their bodies being so tightly pressed together, and her sub’s clitoris sliding against her hairless mound as they pressed together adding on to the pleasures that Nala was already inspiring and prompting Violet to go through a near constant stream of powerful orgasms. The constant stream of soft clenching felt incredible around her stiff cock, and should Nala allow Violet to make her cum in this way she would feel that delectable sucking of the assassin’s inner walls once more as they sought to milk her dry, drawing every drop of baby batter surrendered by Nala’s pulsating shaft into her deepest depths and holding it there.

One way or another, Nala would soon disentangle herself to find her union with Violet now viewed by an audience of dimly glowing crimson eyes, and down to the bed the exhausted assassin went. Violet was a woman of impressive stamina, but the stream of orgasms she had gone through would leave any woman tired, and the lack of rest between rounds likely wasn’t doing much to boost her stamina. Unable to form full sentences, Violet was speaking in wordless moans and grunts by that point, and would have happily basked in her afterglow until she passed out just then had it not been for what Nala did next.

Her bottom raised and her domme on top of her, Violet’s eyes slowly opened again, and she tilted her hips up to allow Nala’s cock to slide into her with ease, she managed to speak coherently one last time for that night; “We’ll see…. Whether or not… But… I think I’d take that spanking… Anyway~” And then, her body bent such that her knees were beside her head, Violet and Nala engaged in their third round for the night, the assassin catching her second wind and returning that tender kiss with as much energy as she could muster and as much passion as she had ever displayed. The interruption caused by the entrance of the goblins that Nala had called for simply prompted Violet to be heard letting out deep, passionate moans while the elven witch delivered her short speech, and her orders were responded to with a few soft frowns but universal consent, and soon enough the three silk-cocooned demons were brought in and laid out as she had instructed. Their conclusion followed shortly after, and for one last time Nala would feel Violet’s inner walls clenching as they drank in Nala’s potent fluids before the human would veritably collapse beneath her, panting heavily and quite thoroughly satisfied following another pair of orgasms, one occurring in the middle of their third round while she’d been talking and the second just as they came together.

Her vocal promptings towards the woman would only earn Nala a wordless moan, and after pulling out she would find her lover staying in that exact position, putting her in a poor shape to be on display for the viewing pleasure of the diminutive demons that were to be their next partners. When Nala turned her attention to Grabbik and his cohorts, however, she would find the lot of them hard regardless, the sheer sexual energy present in the room highly contagious even to them, and her demonic lieutenant stepped forward in turn and demurely said; “Yes… I am here, my mistress!” The adoration present in the thoroughly enthralled goblin’s voice was impossible to miss, and Nala would note some askance looks between the other goblins before her words caught their attention. She would quickly realize that these were a sharper lot than the goblins she was used to, and after Nala had slid a hand under Grabbik’s loin cloth to find him as hard as stone beneath the straining fabric, the goblin would rather blankly supply; “These… Ahhh… Are the… The chieftains… And the underchieftains… Of the tribes, my mistress!

Though it was obvious enough that they weren’t quite fully sold, the presentation and offering of Esmerala and her knight as toys for their enjoyment began to sway the goblins to her more fully than Grabbik’s words had, the display Nala had put on so far obviously quite familiar to what they were used to. As such, the goblins let out a chorus of cheers and chuckles as their attentions turned to the two bound demons that were to be allowed to them, and at that point Esmerala barked out a quick word that was obviously meant for her cohort in a language that Nala couldn’t understand. Some of the goblins obviously did understand it, however, as many of them chuckled again and one of them quipped; “You’d best hold to your former mistress’s words, slut. You ain’t the first stuck-up demon bitch some of us have broken in, and we’ll know it if you don’t. You won’t like what happens after that.

When Nala pulled out to dismiss her cock and the various spells she had used to put her bodyguard into what was close to a sexual coma, Violet’s pussy proved its durability by issuing a brief pop, its tightness such that it didn’t seem to want to release the elf’s cock from its crushing folds. The simple spell that followed confirmed that Violet would need to find some other way to earn her spanking, as no goblin seed would take root where Nala’s own already had. Violet had already conceived her child, likely having done so some minutes ago judging by how progressed their daughter already was, their mutual warped nature ensuring that the ensuing pregnancy would be brief and would produce a strong, healthy child that would mature quickly.

A moment later Nala had other concerns, however, as Grabbik looked to her as a child who had been taken to the candy store and told that they could have whatever they wanted might at her generous offer. The diminutive demon’s affections for her went well beyond mere enthrallment by that point regardless of the appearances made by his display in front of his kin, and to be permitted to do whatever he liked with her was an incredibly rare treat that he took some moments to ponder as his hands explored what portion of her body they could reach from his place beside the bed. As the wide-eyed Grabbik pawed at her, the other goblins took to Esmerala and her companion, leaving the male demon alone at the head of the bed…. Until a female goblin appeared from their ranks and climbed on top of him, sitting on his lower abdomen while her hands coiled around his length and began to stroke him to full hardness, a task that did not take the disgruntled incubus very long despite his present state. “Yah put on a good enough show for them, but yah could use a few pointers afore that lot descends on ye lass!” the goblin would say in a thick accent similar to the ones Nala had heard used by travelers from some parts of Crolia, the words clearly directed at Violet.

The goblin squadron would, in their primitive and pragmatic way, start on the two bound demons that were theirs to enjoy as well. Both women would be turned onto their sides and lifted slightly, their lower holes lubricated with saliva and brief teasing while their mouths were forced open and promptly filled with goblin cock. Neither demon seemed any more happy with this arrangement than the incubus with the goblin woman sitting on him did, but neither did they have any real way to protest against it, and after a few moments the goblin who had taken Esmerala’s mouth let out a moan of contentment as the succubus began to bob. A few moments later the one who was pistoning into the demon knight’s mouth did the same, but by that point the two women had a goblin cock aimed at each of their lower holes, the angle awkward and requiring some maneuvering but allowing them some short penetration regardless.

Grabbik, in the meantime, had seemingly decided on what he wanted to do while fondling Nala’s chest, and so he stutteringly began; “I… You… If it would please the mistress… I would like it if…” He paused, and then jumped up onto the bed as if about to simply show her his desires, but rather than take her right beside Violet he plopped down with his legs hanging off the side of the bed and, in a far more confident manner, said; “Mistress has been a naughty bitched indeed! Grabbik agrees that she must be punished! Mistress should get on her knees on the floor, for starters, and clean Grabbik’s cock with her naughty tongue! Then, she should use her…. Her boobies! Yes! After she has licked every drop of Grabbik off of her dirty, beautiful skin, mistress must turn around and bend over so that Grabbik may punish her properly!

Assuming she had no problem with the goblin’s demands, Nala would find that he had done as she had demanded and bathed, the only taste that she found on his cock that of his usual thick musk and the salty taste of his precum. He was never one to have much stamina, particularly when Nala herself was involved, and she could draw the first load from the goblin’s swollen balls with only a few light touches if she placed them correctly and employed a bit of her magic. She could just as easily draw it out, however, and judging by the eager expression he wore at having Nala all to himself for the moment that was likely what Grabbik intended. Even so, he could easily put out more than one shot, even doing so in fairly quick succession at times, and even in his faux dominant position Grabbik would go along with whatever Nala did with a look of blind bliss.

(Will put in text colors later, and may edit in descriptions for some of ye goblins and/or more stuff. If you’ve got any requests no that added descriptions front, just lemme know via PM or somesuch.)
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

She could feel her heart aching for her gorgeous, brave, and nubile lover. Just seeing her moan and twist and submit to Nala's every whim was like supping of the finest bread and honey, or imbibing the most heady of wines. The witch elf could lose herself in Violet, and for a time, in each wondrous moment of orgasmic bliss, she did just that. Her seed, the only viable way that the night elf could pass on her genetic material, flooded into her submissive bodyguard again and again, rutting with her while on her knees, bound in vines, and tipped head over heels beneath her. And to think that even as she was overcome with all this pleasure, Violet had the wherewithal to throw in little bits of talk back, small shows of defiance, juxtaposed with her incredibly seductive begging to be knocked up.

Her actions threatened to cause Nala to forget her practiced discipline and go into a sexual frenzy. It was only with the knowledge of what she must do afterwards, and her own duty to make these moments drawn out and pleasurable for Violet that she did not give into her desire to cum too quickly.

By time she had finished bottoming out in Violet for the third time, Nala was already panting and feeling fatigued. It was only with a wash of invigorating nature magic that she steeled her otherwise fragile physical frame. This she did after having diagnosed her pet human's condition, and discovered the good news: Violet would bear the night elf's first humanoid child. This knowledge threatened to make the mage tremble from the wash of emotion running through her. She patted rather than spanked Violet's lovely rump and leaned down to whisper into the human's cute round ears.

"You've done very well, my pet. We are going to be quite the odd pair of parents, I dare say.~"

The pats moved to Violet's as of yet still flat and toned stomach, though Nala knew that this would change rather rapidly. Both she and Violet were well and truly warped by the supernatural corruption that she had so readily welcomed into her being. Already her daughter was growing inside of the mother, growing and developing with the aid of raw magic. Nala would have it no other way. Her offspring would be a force of nature, just like her parents, and she would be beautiful. Of that, Nala had no doubts.

Her temporary desires for Violet sated for the moment, Nala turned her attention on the crowd that had gathered in her private chamber. Discounting the seven unconscious men and women in the corner of the room, there were three demons and a good dozen and a half male goblins working their way around the room, surrounding Esmerala and her female sidekick. She noted that Esmerala seemed to be giving instructions to the demon knight, no doubt ordering her to maintain her calm and accept what was happening. Nala figured that the demon had the potential to escape her current bonds and perhaps start laying about her with indignant savagery. It would have been interesting, but unfortunate, to have that happen, as it would pretty much end this experiment between the demon lord and herself.

The goblin who spoke up would probably be one of the more eminent goblin chiefs. She noted who he was and put it in her mind to make him the first one she greeted after she was done with Grabbik. She did not intend to underestimate all these goblins. Likely, if she did not ensnare them with her sexual imprinting, they might consider enslaving her and the demons together, and she would have no patience for that.

The witch was surprised at first to see that a female goblin had come along with the group that Grabbik had selected, and the elf laughed lightly as even the male demon would be made to sully with the lowest of demonkind. She wished the little goblin strumpet well with her enjoyment of the incubus, and listened with curiosity to what she had to say to the well-fucked Violet.

"And what advice would you give to my human pet, my fine gobliness?" she asked while Grabbik began pawing at her chest, deciding on just how he would take her offer of doing whatever it was his horny little heart desired. Depending on how long Grabbik took, Nala might answer the female goblin back, but eventually that conversation would be called to a halt as Grabbik made clear his demands.

"Mmm~ Oh my..." Nala said, letting her eyes go wide in mock surprise, even though on the inside she was trying to contain her mirth at seeing Grabbik attempt to be so dominant. She couldn't really blame him for having trouble, enthralled as he was to her and having learned from the minute they first met exactly who was truly in charge.

She slid off the bed and onto her hands and knees beneath the goblin, with her head lowered to his dangling feet, where she turned to look up at him.

"Like this? You want your mistress groveling for your cock like this?" She struggled to give him an innocent, cowed look, but the effort required was too much for her, and she broke into a sultry smirk instead, and raised her head so that it was level with his waist, and her lips poised just in front of his throbbing hard cock, dribbling with precum. The idea that this was degrading in anyway did not enter Nala's mind. Rather she felt empowered by this, showing how she could play with her servant's desires as if they were strings upon a harp.

"Mmm.~ It's so big," she moaned, taking his cock into her hand at the base of the shaft and rubbing the head softly across her lips, her eyes focusing on it as though it were the most precious object in the world. "But so dirty... Mistress will clean it all up, so be sure to let it all out."

Her tongue slipped out and lapped away the first beads of his precum, before swirling around his cock's head and drawing it into her mouth, tightening her lips around his girth as tightly as possible, before beginning to bob up and down, lowering herself further down upon him with each descent, wetting his cock with her tongue so as to lubricate it thoroughly. With practiced technique, she easily timed her breathing and relaxed her throat muscles so as to be able to take the well-endowed goblin fully into her throat. Her hands, which had been massaging his inner thigh and tickling the base of his cock now moved to cup his balls and press and stroke the tender area of flesh just behind the sac, massaging the goblin's prostate into action - speeding the build up of his cum. He was asking for a lot of things from his mistress, and she intended to take advantage of his propensity to be a quick shot. She would make him spill his first load quickly, downing it in great big gulps.

After that happened, she would withdraw her mouth from his shaft with a slurping pop, and then allow the last dribbles of his orgasm to fall out of the corner of her mouth onto the front of her breasts. Collecting the small remainder of cum between her mashed up orbs, she rubbed them together in front of Grabbik, letting him watch as she coated the valley of her cleavage in the thick, slimy cream. When it was spread out to her satisfaction, she pushed herself forward and sandwiched his cock inbetween them, slipping it up and down along her body. The tittyfuck worked its magic, and soon she saw the tip of his head strengthening and re-engorging with dark goblin blood, letting her know that the goblin was ready for his second round.

"Mistress has done her very best to clean Grabbik's cock. But she's such a horny slut, she went and dirtied it again. I guess you'd better clean yourself off inside of her, huh?"

Provided that Grabbik played along, she would stand up and languidly bend herself over onto the bed, sticking her rear up behind her. Looking over her shoulder, she would gauge exactly how Grabbik was going to punish her and accommodate his approach. As he proceeded to have his wicked way with her body, she would start to eye the other goblins again, and make indications to them that they should come closer and start to enjoy Violet and herself. She would have them enjoy Violet first, but the vocal chieftain she had made note of beforehand she would beckon over personally.

Her pussy contracted and milked Grabbik's cock, actively drawing him in and making an insistent demand for his cum until he surrendered. Touches of helpful magic would further speed along the process, until at last he had bottomed out in her, much to her selfish delight. Once she had obliged him in this, she felt free to address the chieftain goblin, resting assured that Grabbik would not feel slighted, for he had had his alone time with the mistress and had finished inside of her twice in a row. It was more than any goblin servant that had once attempted to rape her could ask for.

"I understand that you are a goblin chief," she said to the new goblin. "I hope that the demon lord Esmerala was to your liking. But before you go back to enjoying her, I'm afraid that I'll be rather demanding of your impressive cock.~"

She made a show of licking her lips and eyeing it as it was pressed near to her face.

"I intend to show you just how much I value your efforts.~"

With that, Nala would take him in her hand and begin to stroke firmly and with growing rapidity as she aimed the green skinned knob directly at her full lips. She tried to estimate how far away from cumming he was, assuming that he would be quite ready to explode after having used Esmerala's body for a couple minutes. She intended to take advantage of all the goblins, by getting them just before they reached their peak and then finishing them off at the moment of their climax. That was when each of them was most vulnerable to her imprinting. Her strokes became faster and harder, and her tongue began to join in as well, licking the tip of his cock and then dipping below to slide against his salty, large balls. When he seemed ready, she would bring her face up again and open her mouth, letting him look down and watch as rope after rope of hot, sticky cum fell across her face. As his eyes rolled back, Nala used her magic to pounce upon his soul and ensnare him.

"Oooh... it's so warm. Mmm... and it tastes so good. Fufufu.~"

She looked to the other goblins now. More of them had brought themselves to the edge and were now waiting to take Grabbik and the chieftain's place. Nearby, she saw that some of them had started in on Violet. This didn't bother Nala at all, now that she knew that her daughter was safely growing inside of Violet's womb.

"Come on, you lot. You'll all get your turn," she said with a grin, crooking her finger at them and then patting herself on her butt. "I can take three of you at a time, and maybe more if you're not fussy about crowding in."

She raised her hands to make two 'holes' with her fingers and ran her tongue across her cumstained lips. It was going to be a long and exhausting process, but she intended to have all of these goblin leaders loyal by the end of the hour.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

Violet, despite her evident exhaustion, would let out a soft chuckle at Nala’s proclamation following the spell that told her that her bodyguard was pregnant with her child. The assassin offered no verbal response, but it likely wasn’t necessary at that point after all the effort they had just gone through to get the beautiful Amazonian pregnant.

Moments later, when she briefly offered a query to the sole female goblin after her comment to the comatose Violet, the goblin would turn to Nala with an even broader grin and reply; “Oh, only that if you’re supposed to be on the bottom, you need to squirm more~” As if to demonstrate her point, the workings of her hands began to cause the incubus knight to squirm beneath her, her fingers grinding harshly over her the head and the portion of the underside nearest to it on the helplessly bound man’s length. The longer it went on the more he squirmed, and soft grunts began to come forth through his gritted teeth.

Nala would have time to reply to the gobliness, but after that Grabbik would grab the majority of her attention with his lewd requests, and Nala would characteristically go about trying to fulfill them in ways that brought awe to the lewd little demon that had requested them. His length was twitching visibly as she knelt down and put her lips so close to it that her breath washed over it on every exhale. Those first rubbings of her lips over his tip drew out a lewd wail of pleasure from the diminutive demon, and he belatedly declared; “Y…Yes! That is what Grabbik wants!

A moment later her mouth was on his dick, and the world could have exploded without him noticing it after his eyes rolled up into the back of his head. An expression of blind bliss on her servant’s face was her immediate reward for her efforts, and the deeper she took him the more obviously he sunk into the ecstasy of her pleasures. Wordless groans and grunts were constantly emitted from the goblin’s widely parted mouth, his lips turned high in a desperate grin as his length began to throb. By the time Nala had gotten her lips down to his base, she would feel his length throbbing inside her mouth, feel his sac tightening and his prostate pulsating against her fingers, and would know that it wouldn’t take her long at all to get the goblin’s first load.

And then a few bobs of her head later, Grabbik would shiver and let out an ecstatic moan as his first spurt of hot cream erupted down Nala’s throat. Wave after wave of the goblin’s spunk spewed into her mouth, swallowed down by the night elf in great gulps, but the last of it was allowed to dribble down onto her breasts after she popped him from her mouth and left him there to recover. Or at least, that was what the goblin thought was to happen, but then she went and rubbed the portion of his first offering that she hadn’t gulped down onto her breasts in front of his eyes, using it as lubrication before sandwiching his length between her breasts, prompting him to give her that awed look once again.

It barely took any effort on her part to get the goblin ready for more, the diminutive demons barely possessing of refractory periods in the first place, and for Nala Grabbik would be ready to perform on command right up until he passed out from exhaustion, or at least near to that state. Just before she could pull away to get on with the next portion of her private session with the goblin, however, she gave one pump of her breasts over his length that proved too much for Grabbik, and he let out yet another loud cry of relief as his manhood once again erupted. Not contained to her mouth this time, the goblin’s cum spurted up into the air to rain down upon the elf’s breasts, coating them in ropes of his pearly white goo.

Mmmmmm, that looks yummy~” Violet would say suddenly, and Nala would find the assassin lying on her back and playing with herself as she gazed over at her, specifically at the load of demonic baby batter that had been covered in her chest. “Come over here! I want to lick that all off~” she would add in a husky purr, prompting Grabbik’s jaw to drop and the female goblin to let out a bark of appreciative laughter. When Nala sought her goblin servant’s permission, she would receive after a moment’s hesitation born of pure disbelief more than anything else, but after he nodded his permission Violet would beckon Nala over until the elf and her cum-coated breasts were hanging over her. The assassin’s mouth came up and sealed over the tip without a second’s hesitation, her tongue flicking out to gather up Grabbik’s semen and then coil around that sensitive peak to tug and twist on it. Those attentions lasted for only a few seconds before she moved to sucking and licking the orb clean, however, and soon enough Violet had a nice big mouthful of goblin sperm that she happily played with visibly in her mouth just like she had Nala’s a short while later.

The human assassin was quick to share that bounty, engaging Nala in a sloppy kiss that would allow her to gather up as much of that portion of Grabbik’s second load as she wanted to take from Violet, and that was enough to get the source of that sticky baby-batter moving again. As Nala and Violet were engaged in their kiss, the elven witch would feel something on the bed stirring just before a cock was pressed against her petals, and without further adieu Grabbik let out an excited groan and pushed himself into Nala until his balls were pressed against her clit. Hands on her lightly plump backside, Grabbik started humping her from behind rapidly and energetically, and once Nala was disturbed from that kiss by those rapid pumping thrusts Violet quickly switched to cleaning off her other breast, starting with a long drip that had fallen from it towards her. Loud wet claps would issue from the impacts between Nala’s ass and Grabbik’s hips, each thrust pushing his length deeper and deeper into the elf’s sex until his tip was rubbing against her cervix, where he would no doubt be putting as much of his load as he possibly could.

Her beckoning toward the other goblins would prove unnecessary, as one was already climbing onto the bed to take a position over Violet, who was in the same basic position that she had been in for her and Nala’s final round. “Mmmm, human slut’s pussy was used…. Let’s see if she has an elf or a goblin in her belly after tonight, eh?” the goblin would grunt as he rubbed his engorged cock over her pussy, and the assassin would briefly break from her suckling of the elf’s ample bosom to moan out; “Ooooohhhh yes! Come on… Fuck me! Do your best to knock me up!” The goblin, needing no further prompting, slid his cock right into her and started pounding into Nala’s already impregnated lover, the rapid pumps producing a clapping sound similar to the one that Grabbik was producing as he fucked Nala.

Ooooohhhhh yessss~ Harder! Fuck me harder while you fucking breed me!” the assassin moaned beneath Nala and the goblin pounding into her, who went from a rapid pace to a furious one at her lewd demand, the assassin making her words sound genuine despite the forced wording by the passion with which she spoke them. Spurred on in turn, Violet continued after swallowing the remainder of Grabbik’s baby batter, leaving Nala’s chest glistening only with her saliva; “Yesssssss! Ffffuuuucccckkk…. Fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckmeeeeee! Aaaaaaaggghhhh! You’re gonna make me cum! Yeah… Nnnnn…. I’m gonna cum on your big dick! Nnnnmmmmphhh…. I’m gonna cum while you knock me uppppp!!!” The more she egged him, the harder Violet’s goblin pistoned himself into her, and after a few moments she was screaming in pleasure as he groaned in climax, his cock throbbing visibly and his sack shriveled against his body as its contents were poured deep into Violet’s already filled pussy, pouring rope after rope into Violet’s womb and adding to the cream already filling her. Basking in her afterglow, Violet still managed a bit more dirty talk for her first demon of the day; “Nnnnn… So good….. If you got me knocked up… Aaaahhhhnnnn…. I’ll be your bitch for the rest of the month…. You can breed me as much as you want~

Grinning at the assassin, the goblin smacked her on the ass as he slid his filthy length out of her well used pussy, and said; “Heh, you certainly know your place~ Be my bitch, and I’ll breed you three times a week at least! That pussy'l never be thirsty again!

Grabbik, in turn, would have fucked Nala no less furiously, and would have bottomed out and surrendered himself to the undeniable demands of her pussy well before the other goblin came inside of Violet. The difference was, after Nala’s womb had taken the half dozen ropes of his thick baby batter, he just kept on going rather than pulling out, ensuring that she would get another load into her pussy. She would soon have the other goblin’s cock in her face, meant for Violet to clean, but Nala could help herself to some of that if she wished to, or she could move her attentions over to the goblin chieftain she wished to ensnare first and beckon him over while Grabbik enjoyed his second turn with her pussy.

He had been thrusting eagerly into Esmerala’s pussy at the time, but turned to Nala with a grin and pulled out to approach the elf at her beckoning. “I am… And she was. Woulda tried to knock the traitorous cunt up if I thought she would let it keep too,” he would say with a broad grin, and gladly press his cock against her cheek at her demand and add; “I’m all yours, lemme see if that mouth is as good as Grabbik there claimed!” Her estimations upon starting attentions pegged him as having a good bit of stamina, the sort to revel in the feel of soft flesh squeezing around his length and a partner squirming beneath them for a long while before spilling their seed. His balls were heavy and hefty, promising an impressive release when she finished him, and the diminutive demon would prove her original suspicions true by lasting long enough for Grabbik to pump a second load into her womb and pull out, at which point Violet would call out to him even as she straddled another goblin and stroked a second; “Grabbik! Get over here and fuck me up the ass! Your mistress wants a turn with everyone!

Not needing to be told twice, Grabbik gave Nala another soft smack on her ass as his cream leaked in thick globs out of her pussy before heading over to the assassin, and moving to fill her lower hole without needing any sort of preparation. While he was hardly as enamored with Violet as he was with Nala herself, the goblin had been made to enjoy her treatments a few times since they had settled in Kyederon and they had known each other long enough to become familiar. Besides, any goblin that could hear such a command and refuse would be a rare specimen, at least in Nala’s experience, and Grabbik certainly wasn’t one to be an exception to that expectation even after he had already reached climax four times. Violet was quick to move the one she was stroking to her mouth after her demand was fulfilled, leaving her without a single orifice without a goblin plunging into it, a fact that likely couldn’t have made the assassin happier judging by how she started moaning as they established their rhythm.

Her lower holes weren’t to be left unfilled for long, however, as Nala would soon bring the goblin chief before her to his peak. He was the largest of the goblins that she’d seen, nearly large enough to be mistaken for a runt orc, but when he let out a pleasured grunt and exploded over her face she would have the unmistakable taste of goblin on her tongue as some of his cum dribbled onto her tongue. The majority of it was spurted in long, thick ropes across her lips, nose, forehead, and cheeks however, leaving her face quite thoroughly sullied after her first load over it. The diminutive demon proved quite potent, pumping such an impressive amount onto her, but his size and his potency wouldn’t stop Nala from implanting her spiritual hooks into his mind. The magic she used, while it might have been similar in many respects to the enthrallment used by demons, was of a more subtle bend and thus seemingly went by the goblin’s mental defenses unnoticed. That, or he simply didn’t opt to complain while in the afterglow of his orgasm, when he was so unsteady on his feet thanks to their presence on the bed.

Hehh… And there’s plenty more where that came from if yah want more!” he would say, but then it would be time for Nala to make it clear to the rest of his kind that no part of her was off limits. Those who had been waiting in the wings or who had grown bored with torturing Esmerala and her knight would jump on the chance for some satisfying stimulation of their own. In only a few moments she would find herself lying on her back with her feet planted, keeping herself from crushing a goblin as he slid his cock deep into her ass, and another was squatting over her pussy and plunging into it with strokes that alternated so well that they might very well have practiced this sort of thing before. Two cocks pistoning into her at the same time at her present sexual high would usually be more than enough to get Nala going, and unless she opted to keep herself from reaching orgasm the night elf would find her orgasm just as both goblins started cumming into her simultaneously, flooding her bowels and adding to the mess of Grabbik’s sperm that was floating within her womb and staining the walls of her pussy white. At the same time as she was being fucked she’d have two cocks prodding at her cheeks and demanding some attention of their own, free to use her mouth or her hands however she liked while the goblins supported her upper half, and it wouldn’t be much longer before they were made to cum for her as well, shooting their loads into her mouth or onto her body as she pleased. Her own pleasure would hardly be a barrier to using her mind-controlling magics on the lesser demons, and each would be ensnared one by one as they came for her.

After those four it became a cycle, with Nala pushed into a variety of positions and used for the pleasure of three or four goblins at a time. She was rolled over with one beneath and one behind, a third pushing his cock into her mouth until he was pumping himself into her throat, while two more stood within easy stroking range. After that, she was put onto her side, with one between her thighs and another behind her as the third allowed her leeway on how she wanted to suck on his length, and again she would have a fourth to use a hand on if she wished. The goblins covered her and filled her with their potent seed, pumping her womb full until it would have been practically guaranteed that one of them would have gotten her pregnant were it not for her own infertility; filling her bowels with their cum; covering her lower back and ass in the leftovers of some of their shots; spraying their seed over her chest and face until her violet skin was covered in the thick, pearly white goop; and spurting onto her tongue and down her throat until her stomach felt full with their liquid gift. By the time the goblins were finished with Nala, she would be an utter mess of their cum, and each of them had been made to cum multiple times, allowing her to strengthen her hold, albeit none of them got as much as she had been able to put onto Grabbik over the years. It wouldn’t be made permanent easily, not unless she brought each of them to climax personally at least four times, as task that would be a bit much even for Nala’s sexual endurance to ask for, but it would be possible.

Violet’s presence certainly helped with that if it was a goal that Nala went for, as she took nearly as many partners that night as the elf herself did. The human received load after load in and on her, and kept up the encouraging dirty talk whenever her mouth wasn’t full of cock. Whenever such as possible given her positioning at the time, she would send one of her partners to Nala to gift the night elf their seed, allowing Nala to finish them and work her dark magic. The only goblin kept exclusive to Violet by that point was Grabbik, as after allowing a second goblin to flood her womb with his sperm she would plant the goblin under her and keep him there, riding him energetically and milking the dregs of his semen from his manhood until, after cumming for the seventh time (the second time he came in her pussy) that night, the diminutive demon would tap out and crawl out from beneath her as his erection flagged, after which he would relax in the background and watch his elven mistress and her human bodyguard be gangbanged by his kin with a dazed and contented look on his face. His retirement allowed Nala and Violet to concentrate on ensuring that the others were thoroughly enthralled to her, however, and by that point nearly all of the goblins had had a turn with Nala herself at least once.

At about the same time she would be on her hands and knees as two particularly vigorous demons pounded into her, filling both holes and hitting her sweet spots with unerring and practiced accuracy as they drove themselves towards their own orgasms. Three more goblins would stand arrayed in front of her, and as if on command all three goblins would reach orgasm at nearly the same time, one of them spraying her face with waves of his cream while the other two targeted her breasts, the three of them dousing her quite effectively in their baby batter. Moments later she would be brought to orgasm by the practiced rhythm of her partners whether she liked it or not, and a few moments later Nala would feel them pumping their cum into her holes.

From there she would be flipped, and as one stayed in her ass for several rounds the rest would take turns fucking her thoroughly fucked pussy, including the largest of the goblin chieftains who would, after pumping her womb full of his semen, would grin and grunt; “Wonder which one of ‘em he’s gonna look like!” He would hardly be the first of the demons to put forth a futile effort to impregnate her, and by the time she was on her side to enjoy the attentions of another vigorous pair she had taken a load of sperm from more or less every one of the goblins chieftains… Save one. The female goblin remained alone, torturing the poor incubus with her hands and her mouth and occasionally grinding her pussy over his face, remaining apart from Nala and untouched by her control. She wouldn’t be able to dislodge the female while under such assault from the males, and if she wanted to do something to fix that it would be up to her own initiative and inventiveness to make it happen.

Regardless, after that was done Nala would again be on her hands and knees, there to stay with goblins plunging into her and cumming on and in her until the demons were finally satisfied. Nala would be left exhausted by the encounter just as she’d expected, and Violet unsurprisingly looked to be in a similar state of tiredness. The goblins, while tired, weren’t quite so much tired as they were contented after dirtying Nala and Violet to the fullest, many of them having reached climax up to seven times themselves if Nala had egged them on to the point that they were fully enslaved to her will. Esmerala and her female companion hadn’t been given any of the demon’s seed unless Nala encouraged the goblins to gift it to them, but they had been used quite thoroughly regardless and looked none too pleased about that fact. The male knight, in turn, had been the female goblin’s plaything, and had been forced to cum four times for her amusement, but she had taken her own pleasures only from his tongue rather than from his manhood, and her sex remained unstained for the time being.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

There was no small amount of pride in the night elf's eyes as she met the glance of her Amazonian lover just after she'd shared the news about the pregnancy. It made only perfect sense that she should sire a child with her favorite companion, and despite the two of them being what many would deem sexual deviants, she was certain that they would be excellent parents for the child. No matter who it took after, the baby would be an amazing creature, just like its two mothers.

Moments later, the female goblin's explanation caused another grin on Nala's mischievous face. She could only agree with the sentiment. There were unspoken roles in sex, and it was best when everyone did their part. As an experienced domme, Nala knew that a certain submissiveness existed in everyone to some small or large degree, but even those who were eager in being the receiver did not always understand the finer details. Fortunately, Violet was one of those natural talents who did. It all amounted to a certain look, the way you moaned, the way you reacted and twitched and attempted to struggle, but not enough to deny yourself and your domme the pleasure of the act. The female goblin put it well enough in her own crude way, and displayed an excellent dominant mind in the way she handled the male demon knight's helpless body, making him squirm with a mixture of pleasure and discomfort. A lovely display to be sure.

She had a few moments more to admire the gobliness' work, but no more, as Grabbik needed tending, and she was obliged to give it to him. The reactions he gave to her, the look in his eyes, the wet lips, the quivering of his lips and of his cock, all encouraged the witch to perform at her highest level. Soon enough, she would squirm for this minor demon in the same way Violet had for her, and she'd make the little fiend cum his own brains out trying to satisfy her. She made a pleasurable moaning laugh sound as her lips were wrapped tightly about the goblin's shaft, letting herself enjoy each moment, each bob of her head and twist of her tongue around the tip of his swelling member.

His first big load came only seconds after it, and her rhythm slowed as she concentrated on relaxing her throat muscles more to let the first jets stream down her gullet, filling her belly with his hot spunk in long gulps. The last milked out spurts she saved for her next lewd display, as a lubricant for her cleavage, which would be the next mode of her assault on Grabbik's cock. Taking it between her soft purple orbs, she mashed and heaved and grinded her delicate, silky dark elf skin against the goblin's wretched, slick tool, dipping her body into a perfect rhythm. Up and down she went, her gaze searching upwards to her diminutive 'master' with a look that suggested she was all his and only hoping he'd be happy by her performance.

Perhaps this sight was too much for her little lieutenant as with one final undulation, the tittyfuck overwhelmed him, and his awed visage twisted into an orgasmic exhalation. Moments later, Nala's front was covered in ropes of white spunk, some of it hanging in threads from her chin, connecting down to her neck and the line of her collarbones.

This got a rise out of Violet, who suddenly was demanding that the night elf come to her for a clean up. This request made the lavender pink flush across Nala's cheeks and her body seemed to her as if it had steamed up a couple extra degrees, she was so turned on. She looked back to Grabbik with a hopeful, moaning expression.

"Please Grabbik, may your slutty mistress get cleaned?" As she said this, her hand wrapped around his cock and stroked it, as if trying to convince him of the promises of more pleasure that would follow so long as he just said yes and allowed her to perform more lewd acts right in front of him. Predictably, there was no objection forthcoming and she got the nod she was looking for.

With a smile and a thank you by way of another kiss to the tip of his cock, she crawled across the bed on hands and knees to her beckoning human lover. She hovered her body over the prone human and tossed her head back with a high pitched squeal of pleasure as Violet began to clean her body with her mouth.

"Doesn't he have just the strongest taste?~" She cooed as her body swayed with her ass shaking towards the goblin behind her. Violet saw this as a sign to share the flavor of her mouth's contents, and soon the two were swapping Grabbik's cum back and forth in a messy kiss that would be a masterpiece spectacle to watch for any goblin in the room. It proved to be enough to spur Grabbik into action, as soon enough, Nala would feel the pressure of his member pushing against her soaking nethers just as she had begun to draw back the kiss, leaving a spaghetti strand of cum between herself and the assassin. She grunted and gasped as he slid into her easily, only to tighten her pussy around his cock once it was embedded into her and then bucking hard against him even as she lowered herself down to kiss Violet a second time, still swapping around the cum she'd just been given, wanting to prolong the heady-tasting tongue dance just a little bit longer.

There was only so much delay she could create before the kiss was broken by Grabbik's energetic thrusts. Finally she had to lift her head up and start her squirming in earnest as she gripped the stained sheets beneath her with both hands, and moaned lewdly as her inner tunnel was pounded repeatedly. Violet wasted little time, her tongue licking along the night elf's swinging breasts, cleansing the rest of the spunk off of her with eager diligence.

By this time, several more horny goblins had joined them all on the bed, and one bold one hand spread open Violet's legs and had dipped two of its fingers inside her dirtied flower to inspect Nala's previous work and remark about the possibility of breeding with her. Violet's ensuing enthusiasm could only make Nala bite her own lip and wince as a wave of pleasure passed through her. Seeing Violet acting with such sexual liberation made the witch elf want to cum right then and there, and she could feel the knots tying up inside of her as Grabbik's throbbing cock tagged her cervix again and again with every wet slap of impact. She tensed her muscles and began a series of squeezing clenches designed to force Grabbik to his first climax inside of her, just in time to coincide with her own release.

"oh fuck, oh fuck. oh fuck. fuck. Fuck. FUUUUUUuuckk-k-k!~" Nala howled as she came to her first shared orgasm with the goblin. Her body shuddered as the warm explosions inside of her began to fill her barren womb with goblin baby batter.

When she opened her eyes again from the pleasure, she was looking down at Violet's eager face, hearing her scream out encouragement to her own goblin, who was pumping her with every ounce of energy that he had in an effort to make good on her promise.

"Violet... hnn... you're such a slut for goblin cock. Hunn! Gods, I love that look on your face right now! Ooh, fuck her more! Make her cum!~" She said, hoping to peak the two copulating deviants all the quicker.

She didn't wait long as the goblin grunted and groaned moments later, and Nala knew that inside of Violet's already well-used pussy, another flood of cum was pooling inside of her. Selfishly, Nala gloated silently over the fact that her seed had claimed Violet's belly before any goblin had, but she applauded his attempt. Violet looked like a good little bitch right now, and thankful for the experience to boot.

Through all of this, Nala's body had never stopped its rocking, and her breasts continued to sway heavily back and forth as Grabbik soldiered on through his first climax inside her pussy, still thrusting deeply into her, his seed leaking out a little each time he pulled back, dribbling down her thighs.

Violet's goblin, having smacked the assassin's amazing ass possessively had now come around to have his cock cleaned by the human, but her mouth was positioned not far from Nala's and the night elf was feeling greedy. With a plucky grin, she extended her tongue and started to lick the shaft side to side along its length, tasting the heady flavors of goblin and Violet both on the veiny green flesh. Her human pet playfully wailed at this affront and leaned up to envelop the cock in her own mouth, which Nala let her do with a pout.

Leaving Violet with her goblin lollipop, Nala looked around for a fresh one of her own to toy with. Her gaze settled on the goblin chieftain and beckoned him over. After hearing his words, she arched a brow and spoke back with he lips already brushing the tip of the massive meat stick.

"Grabbik told you about my cock sucking? Mmm.... hnn! Ahh~" She let herself squirm some more under Grabbik's eager treatment, fucking her from behind quite powerfully, so that her whole body shook. "I'll have to be extra good now, won't I? Come here then.~"

Her fingers laced around the cock, taking it aggressively and starting to stroke it as her tongue danced about along the underside vein and her hot breath steamed over the tip as it hovered at the entrance, swelling in anticipation of her elven lips closing upon and sucking at his demon cock. She locked eyes with the chief as she sank her head down upon his shaft, reaching beyond the middle point before her lips touched flesh and slowly, sensually, drew back upon him, her tongue snaking along it tightly as she withdrew. From that point on, she settled into a steady, long-term cock sucking approach, knowing that the easy build up would lead to an intensely satisfying explosion.

As she began this, she felt Grabbik speeding up until yet another orgasm leapt forth from his loins and into her thirsty pussy, which instinctively milked at his cock for any drops he might be involuntarily holding back. She wasn't prepared to join him in this particular orgasm, as she knew she had to pace herself if she was going to get through imprinting herself upon all of these goblins tonight.

Violet generously called to Grabbik and invited him to go and have some fun with her bottom, letting Nala in turn have access to some more goblins that were not already enthralled to her. She would have thanked Violet right then and there for being so level headed, but she had the chief's cock buried in the back of her throat at that moment, so couldn't even spare a glance right then. Instead she continued on, now using her off hand to grope and lightly massage the chief's heavy balls, anticipating the amount of fluid they would provide her as a drink. As well, she was sizing up his own soul energy, testing his resistances in the moments of extremely blissful sucks and slurps.

Eventually, all her bobbing and massaging and sucking began to show the telltale signs of paying off, and she readied herself to receive his load, pulling back and off of his knob with a slurping pop and then, kneeling in front of him and looking up at him, she stuck out her tongue beneath his tip and opened her mouth wide. Her hand pumped his slick cock furiously, until at last his body could hold out no longer. There was no doubt that he was the chief, as his balls emptied their contents across her face, eyes, nose, lips, chin and cheeks, as well as getting a nice pool of his cream built up in her mouth. Nala seized that moment to put her spriitual hooks into him without detection or complaint. By the time the last beads were deposited on her eyelid, she knew that she had been successful with him, and that she would have nothing to fear from the biggest goblin.

"Mmm... So good.~" She moaned, lifting some fingers to her cheeks, wiping a smear of the goo onto her middle and forefinger, and then sucking the cream into her mouth to be swallowed along with all the other goblin sperm that had been caught in her throat.

"Oh, I want more," she went on, but now it was loud enough for the others to hear. "I want more from all of you. I want you in my mouth, my pussy, my ass... I want you to fuck and fill me with cum! Come on! Don't be shy!"

She turned herself onto her side and spread her leaking pussy with her fingers to display it for the goblins to see. "Everyone of you needs to be rewarded. I won't take no for an answer!"

What ensued thereafter was a cycle of goblin cocks, pushing, prodding, and most often, penetrating the night elf in every hole and crevice they could find. Relentlessly they attempted to breed their new slutty mistress and eagerly she sought to satisfy each one, for every orgasm they presented to her offered up an open soul that she could ensnare. It wasn't that she expected to enthrall any of them completely tonight - her brand of magic was too subtle for that. What she did expect though was to buy herself time to establish control over them. Each goblin she satisfied tonight would have only fond and eager memories of being with her, and a desire to obtain that same bliss in the future, without aggression. For obviously, why aggressively take what was apparently offered willingly?

She would give the goblins no reason to think of seizing power for themselves, for a mistress this generous who was powerful enough to destroy and imprison demon lords would be a dream for them to serve. This was her purpose for the orgy in the first place, with the rampant pleasure of it all coming in a close second.

The goblins kept coming, turning her about, using her roughly, as if she were their plaything, and gladly did she indulge them, so long as they did nothing that was truly harmful to herself or Violet. The one notion that was off-limits in her mind were the unconscious females resting in the corner of the room. If any goblin got it into his mind to touch them, there would be a break in the fun as a black arc of lightning would find its way dangerously close to the offender's head and a stern reproach given. The message would be clear, have fun with the Mistress, the way the Mistress wanted to have fun.

The goblin chieftains would continued to fuck her, with one enjoying her ass for several rounds in a row while the others formed a line and each had a go at pumping her cunt full of their seed. All the attention and build up meant that Nala would be helpless to not cum several times throughout the constant gang bang, but her practiced magics meant that the ambient sexual energy would reinforce her mind and body enough to maintain her concentration through those cresting highs and she could still imprint herself upon the goblins even as she physically surrendered to them time and again.

A particularly large chief stretched her pussy well enough and bruised her cervix with the powerful effort of his pounding, releasing enough baby batter inside of her that, when combined with all the previous ejaculations, caused a small bump in her belly to form - so copious was the amount of liquid within her womb. He boasted about how Nala was surely pregnant with a goblin whelp by this point, and she hadn't the heart to tell him that such a thing was impossible. She would not be able to know the joy of birthing naturally from her womb. The strange nature of arachne reproduction was the closest she would come, surely. At the very least, demonic succubus magic made siring a child a possible option, and for that workaround, she was grateful.

After this particular chieftain pulled back, she noticed that she was at the end of the line, and had now been with each of the goblins in the room, save for the female. She wasn't sure if the female goblin was in fact a chieftain, but she had been brought to the room for a reason and she supposed that was enough to want to attempt to get a turn in with her.

"Hey~" she said, lying still with hot goblin seed slowly leaking into a pool from her body. "I don't suppose you fellas would like to see your goblin sister and your mistress fool around for you?"

She looked over to the girl goblin. "You're so good with that demon's cock, honey... do you want me to squirm for you too?"

If the gobliness showed any signs of interest, Nala would weakly beckon to her and add that if she really was only interested in cock, she could form one for the girl-chief to play with. She'd even encourage the gobliness to ride on it while the male goblins watched.

Regardless on whether this happened or not, Nala would find herself on all fours again, in the middle of her bed, satisfying multiple goblins at once, until she was exhausted, and even then, would probably have her tired body used a bit beyond this by goblins who still had more to give.

Eventually, she would declare that the evening's festivities were at an end, but not to worry. There would be plenty more opportunity for fun in the days ahead. The goblins would then be asked to go and set up their own lodgings if they hadn't already done so, and were given strict orders to not take advantage of the human and elven population of Kyederon. Sex with the former prisoners of the demons was only allowed if it was completely consensual. Rape in Kyederon would be met with swift and lethal justice. She was certain that Grabbik could tell stories about just how serious Nala's warning was.

After the goblins left, Nala would discover that her legs were like jelly and her body could barely move. It was all she could do to cast a nature spell to rejuvinate herself and then crawl over to Violet, where she cast the light spell again upon her.

She then cast the same spell on Esmerala and the female demon knight.

"I hope for the three of you, that you don't consider this a violation of our agreement. But if you do, then I can only say that you all deserved it. For whatever reasons you may have had, you still imprisoned me and mine under the earth and raped my town. There's no undoing that harm. You say there was no other way, but I'm not convinced that's true. We'll never truly know, and after all that's been done, it doesn't matter. It's like ripping the feathers out of a pillow and letting them fly away in the wind, only to regret it later. You can't gather up all the lost feathers. They're gone. All you can do is pluck a few more birds, get out the needle and thread, and make a new pillow.

"Maybe one day soon, you'll find a way to earn my trust, Esmerala. Because I very much want to trust you, and for you to trust me. We'd be able to do such great things together... You were my first true demon, you know? I'd dreamed about you before I'd ever met you. You were everything I'd imagined you'd be, and then moreso, to my great disappointment. But still, you and your two cohorts are so beautiful, so smart, so fuckable... just like my Violet here."

Nala stroked her human lover's cheek, turning her head and attention suddenly to the assassin. "I adore you, Violet. I'm having a child with you... I'm devoted to your comfort and pleasure, and I know you're devoted to mine too. That's why I don't need you to be anything other than yourself."

Saying that, Nala proceeded to sever every thread of control she'd placed on Violet that night. Her assassin didn't need any of them, it had just been done for the rush and thrill of power, like handcuffing Violet to her bed, only on a metaphysical plane. Now that tonight's game was done, the manacles could come off and she could just enjoy her lover's caress once again on equal ground.
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

Goblin girl smut, unfinished:
"Oh? Is that an offer girlie?" the goblin asked, momentarily leaving her attentions to the demon left squirming beneath her on autopilot. "I'm not into other people's little flowery bits, so you'll have to grow somethin more to me tastes if ye you're lookin fer a turn with me~:" The automated nature of her present attentions was something that the demon below her took advantage of, as Nala would watch her steady strokes suddenly cause his cock to fountain without so much as a warning throb. The gobliness was quick to grow annoyed with such, however, and after only two spurts her grip would tighten on his shaft and on his balls that his groan of relief would turn to one of pain, his orgasm ruined without even her even looking at him with the frown that she had briefly adopted. "This one will need to recover for a bit before he's of any use to me again," she began with a sigh, "yah think yah can entertain me until then, eh? Lesse what yah've got."

"Oh... I think I can arrange a flavor you like, my fiesty little demon," Nala said, though she did so half out of breath and only in a moment of temporary respite from the goblin chieftain currently inside of her, who had just bottomed out in her, filling her with yet another hot wash of cum and exposing yet another soul's defenses for her to subtly erode with a few well placed hooks of sexual magic. Like an addictive drug, the memory of her coupling was inside of the goblin's mind, caressing his memories as if she were the most wonderful woman, let alone lay, that he'd ever come across. He'd drop off of her with a smile on his face, leaving her pussy to leak a tiny bit of his seed and dribble it down her thigh and onto the balls of the other goblin who was still beneath her, pinning her well and truly up her tight ass. That one had been in her a while, long enough for her to accommodate to his size, girth, and overall motion. Her body was sore, but like a seasoned athlete, the pain was a good pain, and she did not mind him at all staying inside of her like that.

A purple skinned hand moved down her own stomach and brushed against the top of her mount. The fingers traced a mystic symbol of demonic power, and she let loose her succubus skill once more, creating a similar cock to the one she had impregnated Violet with, except this one's shaft had more ridges and ripples along with it, putting it more into the realm of a proper monster cock,

"Are you not entertained?" She cooed at the goblin female as she moved her legs languidly upwards, stroking another bystander goblin's cock with her foot absent-mindedly as she awaited the female.

Her would-be partner quirked an eyebrow at the sight of the member that Nala opted to conjure, the ripples along its length marking it as a tool meant for a single obvious use, and after a moment she rose to her feet while licking cum from her fingers and mumbled; "Well, ain't ye ambitious?"

Sauntering over, the goblin finished her efficient cleaning before kneeling down in front of Nala and gripping her conjured shaft, the goblin beneath her bucking up into her ass all the while. The one who had moved into range of her seemed to quite appreciate her initiative, as he was content then to simply leave his cock there for her to stroke with her foot while the rest of their kind (or at least those not busy taking advantage of Violet) idly stood by and watched. “Yer thinkin yer gonna get this in me, ain’t yah?” she asked with a quizzical look, but her hands began to glide over Nala’s shaft, and the goblin continued before she could respond; “we’ll see about that~”

It became clear very quickly that this wasn’t the sort of thuggish, simplistic goblin that she was used to from the likes of Grabbik and his tribesmen. Whether it was a trait native to all female goblins or simply a trait possessed by this one, her hands began to glide up and down with the skill of a courtesan rather than with that of a common whore as might have been expected. It was a sharp contrast to the motions of her kinsmen, the sort of slow but strong sensation that Nala knew would put a person on edge quite quickly but keep them there for as long as the user might like, much as the goblin had done to the demon before her. Tiny green lips sealed over the tip of that length, and a tongue quickly started drawing slow circles around the head as their owner watched Nala’s reactions.

Nala grinned in spite of herself at the gobliness' quizzical and dubious attitude towards the shaft she had conjured up for the petite demon to play with. No doubt the goblin girl enjoyed teasing and dominating, as was evident by the way she'd handled the demon knight, but given something like this to play with, Nala knew that she herself would be at the very least curious to see what it might feel like inside of her. Of course, Nala was more daring than most when it came to putting things inside of her, she granted.

"It's up to you, sweetie. It's your reward~ And a part of their's too." She glanced around with a smirk at the male goblins who were watching this interaction, casually stroking themselves. "But you know it'll feel good. I'll make sure it does."

Her breath caught in her throat as the female goblin took hold of her newly minted cock and stroked it with the care, poise, and dexterity of a skilled courtesan. Nala didn't hide her surprise at this, though she didn't seek to flaunt it either. She merely began to tilt her head back, and move her body in time with her strokes and the thrusts of the goblin still beneath her, taking her up her rear hole. A few moments passed as the night elf shifted her body slowly around, getting used to this creative mouth before her before eventually leaning forward again and meeting the cocksucking goblin's eyes, seeing the cunning there and returning it with a twinkle of merriment and a knowing look.

"You're gonna make me work for it, huh?" She said, attempting to predict the goblin's intent. Her hips pushed up a bit, moving her cock up further slightly into the female's mouth. "Go on then... I'm ready for what you've got.~"

“Heh… No yah ain’t lass,” the gobliness said, having pulled her mouth away the moment that Nala had issued her first buck against her lips and not returned there save for a few tiny licks and kisses before Nala issued her confident proclamation. That pattern of teasing continued, and after a few moments Nala realized that she was barely even feeling the pumping coming from below compared to the sensations issuing from her length. Even if she made an effort to shift her concentration from one organ to the other, the elf would find her flow of pleasure stymied, leaving her almost unstimulated for a full minute before the gobliness opened her mouth and took the elf’s cock between them once more.
And down. And down. And down further, until Nala could feel the tight squeeze of that throat around her shaft, those muscles controlled no less expertly than her own might have been as they tightened and relaxed, and her tongue running up and down over the ladder of highly sensitive nerves and veins that made up the underside. Those unreadable indigo eyes gazed up at her, hints of mischief and something more showing just a tiny bit in them as Nala searched for the diminutive demon’s intent, but then Nala would be left awash in bliss much like her own goblin partners were when coupling with her as the female began to bob.
It was, at least on the level of pure stimulation, easily the best blowjob she had ever had. It was crisp and efficient and bereft of the wild passion that Violet would put into such a task, but the signals sent by her nerves were no less powerful for those facts, and at that steady bobbing just went faster and faster Nala would begin to feel the demon below her once again. And then it would feel better, far better than it had any right to given his simplistic and rapid thrusts into her ass, a shadow to complement the mouth threatening to suck her dry…. Until it did, inevitably unless Nala demanded that the demoness pull away.
Perhaps to her surprise, the female would let her finish, swallowing down her release exactly as she had done to Grabbiks, in great gulps that left the elf quite thoroughly fulfilled in her release. Once her length was reduced to its dry heaves thanks to the powerful suction provided by those taught lips, Nala’s would-be tormentor pulled off, swallowed, and said; “Yer wantin tah get this into me, yeah? You ain’t the first, ye won’t be the last… And a few magic tricks ain’t gonna be enough tah earn that~ Ye wanna fuck me, yah’ve gotta prove yer worth it first.” And then she went right back to her teasing licks and kisses, and even though she’d gotten a fresh load of cream pumped into her ass sometime during her orgasm the goblin beneath her would just keep on plugging away.

Nala quirked her brow but said nothing in return to the goblin's own cocksure attitude. The teasing and light licks and kisses that followed were pleasurable, but nothing quite as much as she might really desire. More startling was the lack of sensation she was now feeling from the other goblin beneath her, and immediately, even through the haze of this long orgy, Nala's mind began to teeter into a realm of wariness mixed with curiosity. Was this goblin much more than she seemed? Was there some new sexual technique to be learned here?

The lack of stimulation began to build up a large swelling of frustration, and Nala tried to buck a little more, trying to edge her cock along whatever small bits of tongue, mouth, or finger the gobliness was offering her. Still, nothing came, and the night elf's mouth twisted slightly. Still, she wasn't ready to wail like a baby in its crib just yet. She bided her time until the indigo eyed goblin sank her mouth down, down, all the way down on her shaft. The lips closed vice-like along her monstrous cock, and the sudden stimulation made her moan, and begin to buck once more, sucking in air through her gritted teeth as she let the ecstasy channel its way inside of her. She took note of the excellent measures by which this little one had denied and then supplied her with a sudden wave of pleasure.

Then the male goblin below her suddenly became noticeable then... much more noticeable. His efforts, like those of the gobliness, seemed magnified somehow, and Nala was absolutely certain that it had to be some form of magic - succubus magic.

"Hah! Ahhh! Ahh! It's... It's too good. So deep~ Oh, by all gods dead and miserable, YESSSS!" Nala raised her rump and hips high, clenching the male member tightly with her anal muscles and practically lifting him up with her as she gave into a shuddering orgasm. It was an amazing high, and so startlingly vivid as it stood out among the several she had already undergone in the past better part of an hour. Her seed shot out into the gobliness' mouth like a torrent, as the summoned cock had been designed to do, but still the female goblin swallowed it all down, hungrily and with great, greedy gulps.

She breathed raggedly, her green eyes piercing into the goblin succubus' indigo slits, listening as the gobliness assured her she would be getting nowhere near the creature's own flower.

"You're a succubus." Nala said after a time, letting herself be pumped and teased all over again, still coming down off the high of her highly satisfactory orgasm. "Nothing is that good without the use of magic or spiritual essence. Your technique is amazing, but... hnn... am I supposed to take your words as a challenge? Up until now, I've simply been offering myself as a means to your pleasure. But if you're only going to get that by me using my powers, I can... hahh... I can certainly try giving you what you want. But tell me your name first."

“Can’t happen lass~” the goblin replied simply while a quirky grin split her lips at one corner, “we goblins can’t be born that way, and we can’t be made into ‘em like some can either.” She accentuated her statement with a lick that relieved all of the leftover tiredness from the elf’s length, putting it standing tall and proud again, before adding; “And not all of us need magic tricks to be good in bed~ Just because you’d have to do it like that doesn’t everyone has to!”

Another long round of kissing and teasing, and if Nala checked she would find no signs of any structured magic on the part of the goblin who was taking her mouth to the night elf’s shaft. A kiss here, a lick there, a round of rapid pumps that threatened to turn into a quick milking of another orgasm, and Nala would feel that ocean threatening to wash over her until her head was again beneath the waves. “That’s not to say I’m without my tricks, mind you~” her partner would add, and suddenly the stimulation would end briefly as the goblin turned herself about, a plump bottom replacing the goblin’s head against her cock.

There was to be no penetration immediately, however, as the goblin watched over her shoulder as her sex was made to grind back and forth over the underside of Nala’s shaft, the tip occasionally rubbed as well but never taken past those silky petals. “Try your tricks, and you’ll get nothin’ further outta me,” she said calmly despite the blush on her face, “an’ if yah want me name, it’s Shiara.”

Impossible, Nala thought when the gobliness told her about a goblin's inability to acquire the stigma of the succubus taint. She can't possibly control me with that level of precision just through her muscles alone. Could she?

"Is that mockery of magic? Or jealousy? Mmm... doesn't matter I suppose. Your lips I think would qualify as a magic of their own.... Oh... OH... OHHH ggg-odssss... ahh... ahh... aahheeeiiiieah!"

Nala was suddenly pulled into an undertow of exquisite sexual skill, and her summoned cock was like a lightning rod in a storm of a century. The knots twisting inside of her built up, built up more, and then suddenly the mouth was withdrawn, only to be replaced with a tight crevice of the female demon's curvy ass.

"Janis' tits!" Nala swore as the pleasure dipped and fell off, changing into something still pleasurable, but designed to draw it out. "Ah, You tricky little one. I'm starting to like you and hate you all the same."

Still, despite the disappointment, Nala had the good wherewithal to laugh throatily as she said this, letting the female know that the techniques she was putting to use were truly being admired. If all goblins were as skilled and clever as this one was, it would be a wonder to the night elf why they had not taken over the world.

"Shiara, huh? Nnfff..." Nala grinned and then put her hands on the girl's green hips and began to move them, timing her pulls and tugs on Shiara with the male goblin who was still riding her below. "I wonder if you've any idea the tricks I have at my disposal? Maybe you'd not tempt me to use them so much. But you're putting on such a fine show, let's not stop now."

Nala's hands fell to Shiara's rump and grasped the flesh of her butt firmly, helping her roll up and down on Nala's cock, without trying to interfere if Shiara wanted to change up the pace or position. Nala did her best to hold on as long as she could and to pace herself, using mind over matter to maintain pace with the gobliness. Still, she had a growing desire to pleasure the little one back as much as she herself was getting pleasured, if not more. Perhaps Shiara didn't have a particularly good resistance to pleasure once it had started?

Nala's hand began to roam further afield, attempting to reach along Shiara's thigh, stroking it gently.

"What if I offered to put something else in you first, hmm?"

Nala would receive no answer but a smile for calling the goblin’s lips magic, but when she spoke of the goblin’s tricks Shiara’s smirk was joined by a brief quip; “I guess we’ll see where you lean when I’m through with you then, eh?” Her threat of using her own tricks drew a similar grin, and the goblin merely smirked and replied; “I’ll bet you have plenty! Tis why I’m not about to let you use any of ‘em!”

By that point her hips were gyrating, her rump sliding up and down as Nala’s cock slid between those taught cheeks, and just as before the teasing seemed to make everything else feel numb in comparison. Those motions didn’t change in the slightest when Nala’s hand descended to grip that soft flesh, the goblin’s bottom more muscle than flab but still possessing a bit of appealing softness for her to toy with in her palm. Indeed, the more Nala pressed, the slower Shiara would move, her grin growing wry whenever Nala pushed too insistently, and all the while it was just enough to keep her wanting more but not enough to offer her any satiation.

“Oh? And what might that be then?” Shiara inquired after Nala’s suggestion about putting something else inside of her first, but before Nala could respond the goblin would complete one of her painfully slow ascents only to do something that she hadn’t before. Her thigh’s tensed at the apex, and suddenly the goblin’s bottom was just a little bit higher and more taught as her petals were left hovering over the tip of the elf’s conjured cock. Anticipation might easily give pause to Nala’s voice, but whether or not it did she would be able to conjure not a single intelligible word as Shiara descended, and those folds parted to admit Nala’s specially crafted rod.

The goblin was soft inside, as any woman ought to be, but was so undeniably tight than even the young arachne that she had seeded would have been put to shame. And, unlike that one, Shiara knew what to do with it, every push downwards allowing her inner muscles to flutter around Nala’s shaft. Once more she would be subjected to that sudden satiating spike of pleasure, her ridges or her partner’s skill causing the goblin’s folds to clamp and relax delightfully, and the peak that was threatened might have risen all too soon if Shiara didn’t rise up again until only the tip remained…

Only to fall right back down, sheathing Nala within her tight flower and displaying no signs that she held any particular weakness to receiving pleasure either. Any draw upon her partner’s soul would cause all pleasure to cease, and earn Nala a long period of more infuriating grinding before that pleasure would be hers again, but if the elf behaved herself she would feel Shiara begin to buck back against her in ways that were far more pleasurable than the wild humping that her ass was taking from below, though even those would serve as they had before in the shadow of this goblin’s abilities.


Nala continued to admire the goblin's capacity for domination, though the witch elf was not convinced that the goblin would be able to stop her entirely from flipping the tables. Not many knew about her abilities to strengthen her arcane skill through orgasm and penetration, and perhaps that was what Shiara was counting on when it came to preventing the witch elf from using her magics.

In any case, Nala made no verbal comeback to Shiara's quip and simply continued to let the little green strumpet slide that taut ass up and down along her conjured meatstick, enjoying whatever pleasure she could out of it without teetering over the edge too soon. The squeezes on Shiara's rump were just to let the goblin know she was there and into this, despite the apparent domineering nature of the situation. The insistent pushing was unavoidable at some points, as Nala would just want to feel that much more at a particular point in her build up to orgasm. The end result of course was more expert denial and a slowing of her partner's movement.

Just as Nala was about to show rather than tell Shiara about what she had in mind, the goblin rose up and shifted position suddenly, falling down and impaling herself upon the elf's cock so quickly and intensely that Nala had no time to react with anything other than a silent, open mouthed freezing of her facial muscles, locked in a moment of pain and amazing feeling as the tight folds of Shiara's tiny honeypot wrapped around her shaft.

She was tighter even than Wiste had been, but with so much clear experience by the way the muscles moved and fluttered around her shaft. Shiara rose again slowly, hovering there with only Nala's tip inside, leading the night elf to assume that this was just the beginning of another denial, only to have the goblin dive back down, hilting herself on Nala again, evoking a groan out of the purple-hued mage.

Nala did not draw upon the girl's soul, she had no need to drain energy the way a succubus would, and she did not want to use magic on the goblin, seeing as she had agreed that this was to be Shiara's treat. The result of her good behavior was immediately evident. Shiara continued to hump her from above with amazing muscle control and body discipline that Nala could whole-heartedly appreciate, having trained herself to execute the same techinques through psychosomatic training.

"Ahh, Shiara, yess... hnnh,.. you're brilliant... ahh ahh...amazing..." The witch elf grinned and tried to let herself be lost in lust, hoping that this wouldn't be spoiled by yet another tease at the end. Not wanting her to slow down, Nala let her arms and legs rest to the side, and just let the gobliness do her thing.
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

(The actual post bits. Nala gains 6 exp for dealing with yon goddess and 4 more exp for ye victory orgy, and you may spend exp now.)

The whole of Nala's post-battle orgy could most definitely be considered a resounding success. Every chieftain and under-chieftain - save one whom she had earned the loyalty of through other means - had been enthralled to her will, Grabbik and Violet had been satisfied, and the assassin had been impregnated with Nala's own child. Esmerala and her demons had been punished for their transgressions against her, and the goblins had never necessitated any reprisal from her for going towards the unconscious people who had been left in the corner of the room. After all, with an eager and willing Nala and Violet on the bed, and two demon nobles bound for their amusement, why would they even want to bother with a bunch of limp, unconscious humans?

Once their instructions had been received, the spent and enthralled goblins picked themselves up and filed out of her chambers, and Nala could be sure that none of them - not even the non-enthralled female who gave a comical bow before striding out with her clothing over her shoulder - would offer harm to the people of Kyederon. After that, a spell would allow Nala to move her limbs once again, albeit not restoring her to anything resembling full mobility. It would take more powerful magic than any person she had ever met to keep her legs from wobbling after what she had just done.

Violet received the same, and opened her eyes as she'd been seemingly about drift off to sleep to give Nala an annoyed look. The assassin had had as rough a time of it as she over the last few days, after all, and Nala would know that there were few things that she liked more than drifting off to sleep after a particularly good lay. The spell that Nala used had the side effect of filling the subject with restless energy, and ensured that it would keep both her and Violet from their rest for at least a little while longer. When she came to Esmerala and the female knight, however, she would find it largely unnecessary, as neither appeared particularly fatigued by their abuse. Demons were known to oft be possessed of immense sexual stamina, a fact that Nala had seen for herself, and neither of them had seen nearly as much attention as Violet or Nala had.

That wouldn't stop her from doing so if she still wished to under more careful examination, however, and either way the two would respond the same, the knight with stoic silence and a scowl and Esmerala with a grimace and a single brief reply; "I am a good deal more than you imagined, you will find... And we will see what the future brings." Her response was fairly sure, and she offered no further comment unless Nala turned her attention back to her following the shift of her gaze to Violet.

The human assassin grinned slightly, and ran a hand over her own taut stomach before replying; "It will be a while yet before we know whose child I carry.... Or not long at all, if it is not yours." Her adoring caresses were returned in kind, and Violet sat up and brought Nala into deep, open mouthed kiss after a few moments, holding herself up on arms that Nala would know felt like jello. The human's lack of surety was likely not surprised to Nala, as the spell she had used offered not even a single sign to an outside observer that it had been cast at all, the results perceived through the brief opening of a sense that was only possessed by Nala in those rare times when she was making use of it. Just as with that particular sort of magic, the threads of control that Nala had lashed around the assassin's powerful soul would be severed without any apparent notice on Violet's part, as she had acted at all times in the night elf's interests that night anyway... Or at least, had acted in her own interpretation of them, given her own enthusiastic efforts to see herself seeded by the goblins that had taken their turns with her after Nala had started the night by fucking the sense from her.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Goblin girl smut, finished:
Nala’s enthusiastic complement drew nothing more than a grin from Shiara, at least initially, and for a few moments the goblin simply bucked herself up and down. The slow rise of pleasure was as traceable as the building pressure of her own oncoming orgasm, Nala driven closer and closer to that steadily rising peak. Just as before, the more Shiara moved the better all stimulation against her felt, but it was left to do little more than support the crushing suction taking place around her ribbed cock. Artfully crafted to cause pleasure as that shaft might have been, Nala would find herself winning the race to orgasm quite handily despite the excited drooling and fluttering evident in her partner’s inner walls. The male goblin could be felt throbbing into her ass again, drooling as he plunged into her again and again without mercy or thought about anything beyond his own pleasure, though that wasn’t to say that he caused none of his own.

“Am I now?” the gobliness cooed belatedly, her unusual accent adding a delightful purr to her words, and her pumping hips would slow suddenly until they were pulling up and down at a painfully slow pace. That expected denial came, but it came in such a way that Nala was left writhing in ecstasy quite near in power to the peak she might have achieved had the gobliness simply continued and allowed her to cum inside. Finally, after one painfully slow upward buck, Shiara slid up until the elf’s cock pupped fully free of her and was left standing in the air, pulsating and stiff.

“Yah still think so now?” she asked curiously, but then a continuation of the rubbing that had occurred before happened again, the underside of Nala’s cock stroked by Shiara’s petals again and again. Left so near to her orgasm, she would be finally released from the goblin’s teasing again just as the male beneath her started spurting his load up into her ass once again, and the gobliness would soon have her rump coated in Nala’s release as the elf erupted. Her mind would again be overwhelmed by relieving bliss, stronger but less primal than the climaxes caused by her coupling with her male counterparts, and after a few moments she would have her length released and be made to watch as the gobliness began cleaning the seed from her backside one fingerful at a time.

Nala's moans and enthusiasm continued throughout Shiara's stimulations, and it was all the night elf could do to keep her limbs busy by clutching the bedsheets tightly with her hands and digging into the mattress with her curled toes as her body was pummeled by both the male and female goblins who were using her lower body as a double-ended sex toy. Nala's mouth fell agape and threatened to drool as her tongue reached out into the air to taste the musky, humid jungle air. Her whole body was slick and glistening with sweat and sexual fluids, and she could do nothing else but look forward to her impending orgasm with the joy of a sex addict.

As sure as rain in a darkening sky, the gobliness began her denial and teasing, but the eroticism she displayed in doing so allowed Nala to continue onto her peak, only at a slightly slower pace. Unable to help herself, Nala squirmed and bucked shamefully, moaning and whining for obvious release. Perhaps a primal part of her wanted to bottom out inside of Shiara, but the more knowledgeable part of her, and frankly the stronger part of her simply wanted to appreciate this whole long display with a rewarding climax.

"Yes! I still think so!" Nala said in a whine as she squinted her eyes shut, feeling the primal thrusting inside of her ass speed up, delivering its own sort of pleasure that kept the elf nearing to her own edge. She let the desperation that Shiara wanted to hear enter her voice and her gasps and unintelligible sounds, until at last she was driven beyond her barrier and her cock erupted in time with her ass being refilled with male goblin spunk. Her own fluids shot up to splatter across Shiara's ass and decorate her outer petals.

She let the orgasmic power overwhelm her and drown in the majesty of the moment. Each climax to the witch was its own little miracle of magic, powerful enough to form a gateway into the soul, even into her own. Caught up in the sacred mysticism of the moment, it was only many moments later when Nala came back to herself and noticed Shiara cleaning up her rump slowly, one finger at a time.

"Let me help you with that, Shiara," Nala said, running her hand along the goblin's leg and leaning forward to extend her own tongue to Shiara's rump, willing to lick away her own sperm to clean the gobliness if the accented little demon was inclined to allow it.

"Mmmmm, and give up my treat:?" the goblin replied, but then Nala was presented with a face full of her backside anyway, and then would be allowed to lick the girl's backside clean. Any attempt to get near to her petals, however, and Shiara would pull away suddenly and give the elf another wry grin.

The elf licked away some of the goo from the goblin's rump, and would eventually see Shiara pull away as Nala's tongue flicked just near to the goblin's petals. The wry grin would be met with a mocked up look of innocence.

"Problem, Shiara? Don't you like me?" The elf asked, then grinned devilishly and licked the excess cream off her lips before rising herself up and off of the male goblin and then kneeling in front of Shiara, so that she was on level with the gobliness. "Not too keen on your own pleasure, hrmm? It seems such a shame, me getting all the attention. And such wonderfully controlled attention it is...~"

"I don't like not being in control," the gobliness replied simply, and she tilted her head to give Nala a knowing look after turning about and sitting on her still partially dirty rump. "And besides, I've got plenty of play out of you already!" she added as the male goblin that Nala had just dismounted climbed up and sidled away, the others looking on eagerly as they sought to take their own turns with the elf's body.

"I can sympathize with your view, little one. Being out of control requires either trust or stupidity, and it's rare that someone gets to indulge in that. So a girl like me who enjoys her pleasures really needs to take steps to ensure that she can trust those around her. Can I trust you, Shiara?"

The elf returned the knowing look now, playing out the idea in her mind that the gobliness was onto Nala's game. If so, then this was a serious question, and she hoped that if Shiara was clever enough, she would recognize that the elf was being serious, even among all this debauchery, with a new group of goblins approaching her for their turn.

"I don't know.... Can you trust a thing that you don't fully understand?" Shiara shot back innocently, hr wry grin held in place still. "Ye can trust me as far as yah need to... For now. I'm as practical as the next goblin girl, after all, I just know how to get what I want a little bit better than most~ If yer wanting any more surety than that, yer not likely to get it in any way ye'd find me agreein to, or any where yer gonna find me useful after. What say you to that then?"

"I believe you can trust something you can't comprehend. I've done it before with the Godslayer, and with three goddesses... sometimes one has to take a leap and trust in fate alone. But as for what you're wanting to hear from me, I would say that I need as many clever minds about me as I can get, and you sound like you're clever. I also say that I've no need to demand surety if I know what it is you want, and can provide it. And I'd also say that it's far better to have me trust you than the alternative, if it be your intent to stay in Kyederon."

"Indeed?"Shiara replied, grinning, and for a moment she sat there and stared back at Nala curiously. "You've got business to attend here lass... But for now, I suppose I can work with you. We can talk more tomorrow... Once you and your pet have got yer legs working again~" The male goblins all looked on eagerly, eyes filled with lust as they prepared to descend upon Nala once more.

Nala grinned and waved Shiara off then, lounging back and nodding to the goblin men with the faintest of acknowledgements.

"Tomorrow then. When I'm done having my fun."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

When at last the goblins were filing out and Nala was left to simply lie back upon her dirtied mattress and soak in the after tremors of her sordid and enthusiastic debauchery, the witch elf was at last able to feel something like her old self again. Being at the center of such a large storm of sexual energy had reinvigorated her on a spiritual level. What others might find revolting, shocking, or shaming about her activities with the demons, she reveled in and felt empowered by it.

Shiara had been a gem to find as well, the night elf thought as she stretched her sore limbs out upon the sheets and cooed to herself as some people might do after having taken a mouthful of decadent chocolate cake.

Her body had been taken to task so much however that she knew for sure that she would not be able to sit up properly or have any hope of walking without a spell to envigor her, so she cast her nature magic and restored herself, Violet, and the two female demons who appeared not greatly in need of the restorative.

Esmerala's reply was confident and not at all cowed in the way Nala might like her to be, and required the smallest of shocks just to let her know that the elf was not to be disrespected. Using a lightning cantrip, she sent a slightly painful, but ultimately harmless jolt against Esmerala's backside. Enough that she might jump, if she didn't somehow sense it coming.

"What the future brings, Mistress. I've been holding off on the obligatory breaking-in training so far, try not to rush me to it will you, Esmerala dear? As for being something far greater, well... perhaps you are. But for the time being, I'm not in the mood for backtalk."

The Amazonian seemed annoyed with being revived, but that annoyance could soon be remedied with affectionate kisses and the pressing of their dirtied bodies against one another. To this, Nala had no objections. When she noted the fatigued assassin trying to prop herself up, Nala brought her hand down and poked at it while gently putting more of her weight upon Violet until the arm folded and Violet lay down again upon her back with her elven lover atop of her. Moaning happily at this, Nala continued to kiss the human for another minute before letting her make known her doubt about what sort of child she was carrying.

"Oh, I know for certain what sort of creature is growing in there. Would you like to know?" The night elf asked mischievously. "Or would you prefer it to be a surprise?"

Nala's finger traced gingerly around the assassin's abdominal muscles and then further down over her womb where her hand spread out to cover it palm side down.

"Either way, it won't be too long. You and I are quite saturated with the 'warped' essence, and as you say, goblin seed is known for being quite prolific. So what shall we do while we wait? Hmm?"

Those green eyes still glowing slightly from her recent use of nature magic came to rest on the exposed male demon at the head of the bed. With a toothy grin she started to crawl slowly across the sheets, tugging Violet to come with her. Soon enough, the two of them would be staring across at each other with the demon knight's semi-hard cock resting between them.

"I know we're tired from all that goblin fun, but it's not too late to start thinking about the next course.~" Nala said, bringing a finger to the underside of the demon's cock and tracing along the thick vein there.

"I promised Divinar that she and her daughters would get their turn with the finest prisoners. It would be a shame if we didn't enjoy them first. After all, with a strong cock like this, I'm sure my arachne will be lining up to take this seed. Hm hmm~"

Nala's tongue stretched out and began to lick along the cock's surface, and her eyes would catch Violet's, silently offering the girl the chance to join in. She didn't know if Violet would refuse, but she wouldn't stop no matter what the human chose to do. Her licks grew slower, flatter, and covered more surface area, traveling from belled tip to musky base, even slathering some saliva over his ball sac while she was down there in an effort to get this demon once again hardened fully.

When he was again good and hard, Nala smiled and pulled back her lips.

"So what's your name then, sir knight? I recall you were of the opinion that I should have been killed or simply enslaved. Maybe I can change your mind on that, hmm?"

Whether or not he answered her immediately, she would begin to stroke him lightly and then soon enough begin to go down on him, sharing time with Violet if she had elected to get involved. This would be more than a fun way to wait until sleep as far Nala was concerned, it was also a way to test the resistance of these demons and what sort of defenses they might have against her art of sexual domination.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 51, PP = 75, EP = 84, Status = Fine

The shock she delivered, contrary to Nala’s desires once more, didn’t even cause Esmerala to jump considerably as it flashed against the helpless demon’s perfectly sculpted backside. Whether it was somehow sensed beforehand or if she had been expecting some reprisal for her lack of humility, Esmerala gave nothing more than a quick shiver at Nala’s harmless little jolt, and following the elf’s reply to her statement she didn’t say a word. Not unless Nala opted to try to prompt her to, at least, at which point the demoness would offer whatever reply was merited depending on Nala’s approach.

Violet did indeed try to rise during their vigorous and passionate kissing session, but true to her nature as Nala’s subordinate she would easily lay back down onto her back at the urging of the elven witch. There she would lie, though not content only to kiss as she brought her hands to Nala’s shapely rump to kneed and fondle her soft flesh. Those molestations were to slow but not stop when Nala broke the kiss to deliver her teasing question, and in reply the assassin would grin knowingly and give a roll of her eyes while she replied; “Oh, do you? Always cheating and ruining the surprises~ You may keep your secret to yourself this time, my love. With this much seed poured into me, some of it is bound to take root, and I’d rather it be a surprise whether your head start beat out the goblin’s numbers!

Violet’s gaze inevitably followed Nala’s, but when the elf began her crawl there were hints of hesitance in her bodyguard’s motions and some hints of distaste in her expression as she followed along. Just as Esmerala had been the one to leave Nala helpless when the demons had betrayed them and taken Kyederon, this particular night had been Violet’s partner in the seemingly innocent sexual encounter that had led to their recent trials. Once they were on either side of the bound warrior’s shaft, however, Nala would find the assassin grinning mischievously while examining the abused length that laid between them.

Oh I’m certain they’ll make good use of him,” the human said in agreement following Nala’s assessment of what the arachne were to do with him, but if the demon was nervous at all he didn't’t show it. Shiara had abused him to the fullest, keeping him on the edge for extended periods but forcing him to cum several times as well, but the traces of her finger against the vein running along the bottom of his shaft would begin to tease that tormented organ back to life. The feel of her tongue along its surface, licking up what little of his seed had escaped the goblin’s own cleaning of her victim’s shaft, only forced it to harden further, and Violet was quick to add her own whiplike tongue to the mix to help it grow back to full firmness all the more quickly.

Violet would follow her every move with motions nearly as expert as her own, the sexual training of her order ensuring that she could do so with ease even as exhausted as she was from the recent orgy. Her attentions were either flawlessly in line or followed only a single step behind Nala’s at the very most, her tongue flicking against that vulnerable flesh of his shaft right beside Nala’s, and her mouth sealing partially over one of his balls to suckle on it even as Nala flicked her tongue against the other.

All of this produced a firmly erect shaft for them to play with and a grimace from their bound partner, who would respond to Nala’s request for his name by saying; “I’ll give you my name when you've earned it from me, elf. I said that you ought to have been dealt with permanently, and I stick by that belief. We have endangered ourselves and thrown aside all of our former allies for nothing more than-“ He had built up from his stoic grunt to very genuine frustration, but it would be then that Esmerala would cut her servant off mid-rant; “Enough, Mikaeus. Keep your tongue guarded, or you will only make things worse, both for yourself and for us.

He followed Esmerala’s order without question, albeit with a momentarily grudging expression, but whatever reaction Nala might have to that, it wouldn't stop her from spending the time before fatigue took her in testing the knight’s mental defenses while sharing him with Violet. He was perhaps not the most responsive of partners, barely offering so much a gasp even at her most enthusiastic efforts, but Violet was there beside her to help make it somewhat more fun. The assassin took her revenge largely by emulating Nala’s own actions, licking and kissing at first but quickly building up until she was bobbing up and down on the demon’s length. She just as easily contented herself with sucking at her victim’s sack when it was Nala’s turn to bob up and down, and even as hard as he seemed to want to keep himself from enjoying this it wouldn't be long before their combined efforts inspired their expected reactions.

A single grunt would pass through the man’s gritted teeth when the throbbing of his manhood suddenly intensified, and a few seconds later (assuming that she didn't deny him) Nala would feel a rush of hot cum spurt powerfully into her mouth, a sensation that she had experienced many times before that night alone to be sure…. But then, the goblins hadn't been delicious. Not merely better than expected, for Nala had undoubtedly acquired a taste for cum by that point, but literally delectable to the point of being irresistible. It was sweet in just the right way, the taste and texture flawlessly tailored to her tastes, and with every drop she swallowed Nala’s lust would begin to rise anew, his seed seemingly acting as an aphrodisiac in a very literal sense.

If Violet got a share of the bounty the human’s eyes would bulge in surprise at the taste, but she would still manage to share the demon’s seed as they normally would. Once Nala had swallowed it all down or finished swapping the demon’s cream back and forth and swallowed her portion, she would be able to concentrate more fully on testing the demon’s will, and when she did she would find herself hitting a wall. Again, quite a bit more literally than one might think. The demon’s will was like a wall of slid iron, offering no place for her hooks to penetrate or sink in, and as she took measures to work around that it would simply shift, changing suddenly into something akin to an eel. Slimy and slippery, she would feel the demon’s mind slip from her grasp, and just like that every manner in which she tried to ensnare him would be thwarted by another artful shift.

Nala and Violet were free to continue their efforts, offering the elf another attempt, and then even another, but each result would be the same and the more of his seed she drank the more addicted she would become to it and the more her arousal would return. Cumming repeatedly wouldn't reduce his definitively impressive volume in the slightest either, giving her and Violet plenty to share, but by that point if she had resisted the siren call of contact that would be more pleasurable to herself Nala would feel the fatigue setting in once again, and Violet looked to be feeling the same.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

The failure of her shock to get a physical response out of Esmerala was slightly frustrating, but not to any significant degree. Her target had been a demon lord and she had deliberately used a very low powered cantrip. Perhaps some inner resistance meant that she had hardly felt the spell. Nala would have to ask about that later when she had rested and she could finally get some time alone with the demon to really work out their differences in private. For now, she didn't dwell upon it.

Violet was waiting for her, and kissing her human pet, friend, and lover was sheer bliss, even if the two of them were all mussed up and exhausted. It was just so nice to melt into the soft, yet strong form of her bodyguard, letting her weaker form be enveloped by the human's arms and legs, becoming a purple and white swirl of flesh.

"Mmm.. then my secret it shall remain, my love," Nala said, returning the affectionate descriptor, feeling in her heart that what she felt for Violet was indeed a strong bond of love and mutual need. "I think the look on your face shall be priceless either way."

When they had moved over to the male demon, Nala made an effort to make a game of it between herself and Violet, using the cock between them merely as a play toy, something for the two of them to lick and suck on in between sharing more sultry kisses and tongue dances. In an effort to encourage her further, Nala's free hand moved down to in between Violet's legs, and began to work her magic fingers upon the human's well-used pussy, hoping to eek out one final orgasm, later on, before the two of them slept.

Working in tandem on the demon, it wasn't long before the two experts in oral pleasure got the reluctant male rock hard again, forcing him once again into a pleasure hell. His grimacing words were about in line with what Nala expected from him, though she did inwardly frown at the way Esmerala cut him off. Her mouth temporarily slid away from his manhood with a wet slurping pop and she knelt there above him, considering her own response.

"I don't feel the express need to prove anything to you, demon. But seeing as we're going to be getting to know each other a bit better, you should make an effort to not be a dip shit to the woman who isn't going to sell you out to your former master."

The night elf lapped at his length once more, slowly reaching the apex of his head and breathing heavily on it before pulling away again.

"Now, try to relax and just enjoy this."

After that, Nala would return to her efforts to get the unresponsive demon to cum while at the same time playing with the infinitely more enjoyable Violet's soaking flower. She took this on as the first step of a long project, which would be to break down Mikaeus' defenses. As she did so, she thought about how uncomfortable the gap of trust was between herself and Esmerala, how the demon's own agenda was a clear issue that was preventing this from being the happy surrender that she wished it could have been. It was only Esmerala's willingness to surrender to her that had prevented Nala from exacting a well-deserved revenge. She couldn't help but think that Esmerala had some grand plan to make use of the witch elf, and that whatever it might be, she was willing to allow harm and trauma to come to Nala's people in order to see it through.

Nala couldn't let that stand. She needed to get Esmerala alone somewhere, she needed the demon lord to come clean. And she needed to be able to trust what Esmerala said. She could think of only one way that might happen.

The night elf pushed these thoughts to the back of her mind as she felt Mikaeus' cock begin to throb with the telltale signs of orgasm. Releasing her mouth from around his cock, she pumped firmly up and down on his shaft with her left hand while schlicking Violet with her right, until at last the demon came and doused her face with his sweet-smelling, addictively delicious sperm.

It took only a moment of touching her tongue to the white globules smeared across her lips to notice the aphrodisiac quality, and Nala forced herself to stop tasting, lest she open herself up too much to the demon. She had to be strong still at this point. Activating her sexual magics, she sought out the demon's exposed soul, but found it slippery and difficult to pin down. Perhaps it was the pheromones within his seed that made catching him difficult, or perhaps it would require significantly weakening his resistance before trying again, but for now, imprinting him would have to wait.

Leaving him alone and wiping his cum from her face with her arm, she returned her attentions back to Violet, inviting the human to play with her in a similar manner if she had not already done so. Nala had already planned out what her next move was going to be regarding the demons, but if she was going to risk it, she needed to do something first - and that was to make certain that she and Violet had one last mindblowing orgasm together.

"Cum with me Violet. One last time. Together. Mmhmm... yes... keep going. Yes, yes, yes... Nnnfff... yeah you like that? Ahh, I know... I know. Ghh... yes... more, more, more! Go go go!.... yeeahh..... oh yes! Oh yes! Together! Togetheeeeer!"

The two lovers fingers were racing inside one another, each woman knowing just what the other liked and wanted. Pressing tightly against one another, they both reached their peaks, and as they did so, Violet's soul was exposed one last time that night, as was Nala's own. Sending out her magics, Nala attempted something that she only knew might be possible in theory - just as she imprinted Violet's sexual needs onto herself, the witch also imprinted her own needs onto Violet's soul, creating what she hoped would be a two way bond powerful enough to not be dimmed by other magics.

Whether or not it worked, that last mutual orgasm would be the final straw for Nala that night, as after that she would collapse against Violet and begin to fall asleep.


The next morning, Nala would rise with a plan in mind. As was usual with the kinky night elf, it was a reckless one.

Provided that she was free to move and that nothing was dramatically different once she had awoken, the first thing she would do would be to check on Violet, to see how far the pregnancy was coming along. She desperately wanted to be there for the birth, but figured she had some time yet before the assassin was ready to deliver the baby. Assuming all was well on that front, Nala would cast a strengthening spell upon herself and use the revitalization to force herself up from the bed and over to where Esmerala lay upon the floor at the foot of the bed. With either a handy nearby dagger or with a spell, Nala would split the bonds of webbing that forced the demon lord's ankles and thighs together. Then she would help the demon to her feet.

"You and I need to speak. Alone." Nala said, guiding the demon forward and out of her private quarters.

Outside, she would attempt to flag down any of her arachne daughters or someone that she could readily trust to follow her instructions and tell them to arrange to move the two other demons in her chamber to separate rooms, under constant supervision. They were to be washed up and offered food. Also, a large breakfast was to be brought to the humans and elves and Violet who were still inside her chamber, and the sheets were to be taken and washed.

After setting those affairs in order, Nala guided the blindfolded and bound Esmerala to any spot in Kyederon that would allow them to talk privately for a while. Once they got there, Nala would sit Esmerala down, remove the webbing from her eyes, and then sit across from her with a serious expression on her face.

"It's time for you to come clean. Why did you do all of this? What is your end game? How much time do we have before your demon king attempts a reprisal?"