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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

...what if the call wasn't from here? Rikke looked to the blasted lands absolutely not keen to enter it, before blinking as something just hit her. The necklace! While the mages memory showed only the girls final moments, the memory also left a certain fragment at the back of Rikkes mind - the necklace dulled or completely nulled heat. This would allow her to walk through the inferno without any issue!... in theory.

Practice however required some testing first "Sir over here!" Rikke beckoned Sir, who kept flying around her sometimes nearing to give Rikke some leverage or give her a very light bump if she risked losing her balance. With Sir nearby Rikke would take out the necklace clip it on "Alright... hope this works."

With that Rikke would attempt to brush her hand across the heated land to check hwteher the necklace had any effect.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Putting the necklace on Rikke waved her hand threw the heat only to feel nothing. Instead she saw a red glow come from the pendent. Seems she was sheltered from the heat. Stepping forward and into the blasted lands further Rikke felt the blade behind her give way. Diving forward Rikke recovered fast enough to watch Janet's sword fall reshaping into its standard form with a twinkle of magic before being swallowed up by clouds. There was no turning back now. Landing next to Sir ran up and grabbed her leg shaking as if scared. Ahead she heard a growl of anger or loud hissing flames.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke reached out to try and grasp the blade, though it was far too late. The heroine looked to the magical weapon regain it's usual shape and with a final twinkling reflection disappear into the clouds below. There was indeed no going back now and the rogue was not keen to test whether the amulet had a limit. She would need to move and fast.

Looking to the area before her Rikke could hear the flames hiss at her, almost voicing their displeasure at the girls immunity at it's rage. The rogue however was not so easily scared off... something a little someone didn't quite share.

Rikke giggled at the tiny construct, he certainly didn't act like a normal construct at all! "Hey it's okay, Sir. Just don't get burnt alright?" the heroined turned forward. Honestly though she was brave, Rikkes own heart stirred nervously looking around... trailing the blazing inferno, even if it was a fairly trying experience.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sir seemed to take a little comfort in Rikke's words as his crystal bobbed up and down. Still as Rikke moved forward she could feel the little construct hold onto her leathers nervously. Thankfully with the necklace the heat would not harm against Rikke. Though as Rikke moved she could feel the necklace spurring something to life in her, like a long dormant side of herself string. A vapid giggle echoed in her head 'I'm coming master.' Suddenly their was a pain in Rikke's head like she just bumped into a corner of a cabinet. 'I don't think so bimbo!' Seeing Rikke jerk Emi raised an eyebrow but let it slide. Feeling much better after that Rikke continued until she stopped at the crest of a hill. Below her walking fire strolled about shouting their anger at the sky. Nearby a bright glowing sphere of blue light pulsed.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that was certainly a stray few thoughts... Rikkes eyes shifted to their purple hue as she took the necklace in her hand and looked over it. The succubus figure wasn't just for the looks its seems, the amulet was demonic in nature or atleast infused with some sort of demonic essence.

The heroine snickered subtly as she put the amulet back "Not even in his darkest dreams...", while the jokey announcement was nostalgic the rogue had overcome that part of her life awhile back.

Another hiss from the flames would bring Rikke back to the present. Somehow she actually managed to forget she was standing in a burning inferno! Giving Emi a silent nod that she was okay Rikke would quickly dash onwards and deeper into the flaming island.

"Hum?" Rikke would approach the out of place sphere and inspect it. Surrounded by the raging flames a bright blue light most certainly stood out.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The oddiity noted Rikke moved only to have to dodge a moment later as a giant flaming fist slammed down. The fire beast roared at Rikke which sent Sir scurrying for the hills. Only for him to turn right back around as several more of the beastly flame monsters appeared. Each one in turn roared letting lose gout's of flame into the sky. It seemed she had a fight on her hands.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was mere moments before the rogue heard the tell-tale sound of something massive coming her way! Thinking quickly the rogue dodged back only for a huge fist to slam down where she previously stood! The hissing may not have just been the fire afterall...

While Rikke couldn't quite make out the creatures details at first glance, she all too clearly heard movement all around her. The creature had brought company "Well it's been awhile. Let's cool you hotheads off." sometimes even a few puns escaped the rogue, but thankfully it was a fairly rare occurence. Still fighting these creatures she had 2 options, her blade or weapon 'Frost'.

For now Rikke would bet on her ability to dodge and Beauty. The handgun had limited ammunition, if she could it was best to save it!

Quick Draw!

Activate Defensive fighting! [+10 dodge, counter on each dodge!]
Use Lightining strikes basic as a counter.

Activate Desperate avoidance x5! [5EP for +10 dodge]
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Flaming Minotaur attacks 34 vs 88 miss!
Rikke counters! with lighting strikes all hit! 10 damage?
Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 40/45, Status = Fine

Regaining her footing Rikke watched the beast finally catching a glimpse of the creature. It seemed to be a man with the head of a bull except he was on fire all over. Snorting flame the beast bellowed again halting the others. Snorting again he moved to strike Rikke. Of course Rikke was ready for him her practiced eye knew that this strange beast relied on brute force to solve its conflicts. If she stayed nimble their was little chance she would be in danger. Feeling the necklace warm in her hands Rikke easily moved out of the way of the flaming fist. Recovering quickly Rikke once again felt the necklace warm as her hand guided to strike more effectively. Lashing out in her trademark attack Rikke could tell each strike hit. However beauty seemed to pass threw the creature with only the electric sparks causing the beast pain.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh?" Rikke smirked her stance already set, these lumbering beast should be all too easily to dodge... but lumbering beasts are usually not on fire, it was best to go full out "You think you can take me alone, big guy?" the rogue flipped her blade in a flashy manner and prepared for the attack!

The attack was absurdly easy to read, clearly the beast rarely if ever fought actual combatants. With the telegraphed hit clearly laid out it was only a matter of easily dodging aside and letting loose!

All three of Rikkes hit clearly, silvery trails all too clear in the blazing red inferno... though as the marks lingered, they'd soon be engulfed by the flames! The beast seemingly took little to no damage?!

Seemed normal attacks would not work, fortunately... Rikke quickly sheathed her blade and drew Frost! While the rogue wasn't used fighting with a firearm at such range it shouldn't be too hard "Daw~ Did ya miss?" the rogue commented in a cheeky tone, taunting the beast to strike again!... and open itself for an all too easy hit.

Defensive fighting! +10 def/attack on counter
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Minotaur attacks! 49 vs 68 (88-10 due to ranged melee) miss!
Rikke counters with frost! 45 vs 25 (55-10 due to ranged melee)
Memory's of frost activate!
60 damage! (30 x 2 due to vulnerability)

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 40/45, Status = Fine

Rikke easily taunted the beast into another strike his massive bulk easily dodge by Rikke. Thankfully she was shielded from the fire by the mage's necklace as blast of heat washed over her scorching the ground and causing her cloths to steam slightly. Wither her opening Rikke jumped back and took aim feeling lighter than air a moment as her hand was adjusted by another before Frost kicked into action. "There now shoot!" A loud crack echoed from the weapon as a blue streak left the barrel and hit the beast dead on. The creature howled in pain as a good part of his flames were extinguished. With a distinctive flap of wings behind her Rikke seemed to slow and regain her footing a spectral black feather drifting on the breeze before fading.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Something had awakened in the weapon during the battle, Rikke felt her movements grow more precise and almost guided. With the rogues agility and Frosts guidance the light blue trail all too easily pierced the beast!

This time however it clearly did massive damage as the wound seemed to cool the impacted area and kept the healing flames at bay!

Not pausing her attacks, Rikke wouldn't wait for the beast to recoup as she aimed down and let loose another shot at the hulking beast! By now the rogue had her rhythm in check and burly beast proved an all too easy target to hit.. the fight wouldn't last much longer!

A confident smile on her face, Rikke would pull the trigger once more and aim to finish off the first of the beasts.

Basic attack with Frost.

Rikke is fighting defensively: -10 atk roll to +10 dodge
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke shoots! 50 vs 25 hit!
Memories of Frost activate!
76 damage! (38x2!)
Minotaur attacks 32 vs 58 miss

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 40/45, Status = Fine

All to easy taking aim Rikke let loose only to feel her hand guided again to hit a vulnerable spot. Once more Frost let out a crack and a thin blue line streaked to its target impacting the beast. Once more it howled out in pain and in its rage charged Rikke! Rikke paled as the beast seemed to not die. "Move!" once more Rikke felt as light as air as her body dodge the beast its powerful blow cracking the ground. Regaining her footing once more Rikke saw the beasts flames were almost out.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Cool it, hothead." so confident that Rikke couldn't even resist striking at the low hanging fruit for her final line. One eye closed the rogue would pull the trigger once more letting loose what would likely be the final blow of the battle!

Even if the sheer resilience the creature had was fairly intimidating, she'd just need to keep her speed up and there was little the minotaur could do.

Coup de Grace ze minotaur!
[basic attack with frost]

Keep defensive fight at -10/+10
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Memories of Frost dose not activate
Attack 41 vs 25 hit! 36 damage (18X2)

Grinning Rikke pulled the trigger on Frost sending the final shot threw the beasts head dropping the flaming bullman. She didn't feel any guidance this time or the presence of the former owner. All around her the bullmen bellowed. It was hard to tell what exactly was going on but for the moment they seemed to fight among themselves.

"I suggest we get going before they figure out who is top dog. Sir are you coming?" Emi turned her head to look at the small figure. Rikke's eyes followed as well only to catch sight of Sir holding a spectral hand and looking up at the winged woman from Rikke's vision. She was smiling and knelt down to the little guy whispering. Sir's blue light turned to Rikke and then to the figure seemingly torn. With a little pat on the butt the ghostly figure urged Sir towards Rikke. Hesitantly the little guy moved forward getting halfway before turning back and running for the woman shaking his little crystal no. "It seems he made his choice Rikke... Lets move on." Looking at the little guy a moment Rikke felt frost get super heavy. So heavy in fact that Rikke had to drop it. Looking down at the weapon she watched as it began to rust away before her eyes. Looking one last time to Sir she found him gone.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Bellowing or not, the minotaurs could fight among themselves, but the supreme figure right now was without a doubt the strange creature they had encountered. The strange creature that completely devastated their leader.

Rikke smirked and spun Frost in her hands, before resting it at her hip "There should be something here we still need to do. Sir---" the rogues words were cutoff as a spectral figure with black raven wings stood besides Sir, while Rikke saw through the girls eyes there was no mistaking it - this was Frosts and Sirs original owner.

It was then Rikke watched Sirs choice. Still watching the hesitant steps he took, the rogue could only smile gently and take a step closer just as the tiny fellow stopped "So I guess this is goodbye." the heroine crouched down some distance from Sir looking to his blue orb "Thanks little guy. For everything." she'd wave him goodbye, letting the construct make his choice with a light heart.

Sirs gaze lingered on Rikke briefly, before he turned to chase after his former master. And with his leave, the weapon grew heavy, before slowly it evaporated in the rogues hand... all she had now was only the necklace and Emis sword.

The heroine stood up and looked to Emi with a smile "Let's go find out what this realm wants of us." honestly there was only one way left to explored - deeper in to the blazing inferno. The Minotaurs hopefully recognised Rikke as a superior figure... just hopefully not a queen.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke began to walk deeper into the flaming lands Emi raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going? Its this way I can feel it." Looking to Emi Rikke saw the girl approach the blue orb that she had seen before. "Yes threw here." Waiting for Rikke Emi stepped threw with her. Once Rikke entered she felt a deep cool wash over her as she was assaulted with multiple colors that swirled until they snapped to a hazy scene. All around her Rikke saw a stone room massive in scale with the walls just barely seen before the light of the orb she stepped out of faded. Everything was still almost frozen in the moment. As her feet touched down the floor seemed to give way almost as if it was made of smoke. One hazy figure in a robe was chanting the blue light casting his shadow against the stone. Oddly enough the shadow was not of the man but of a familiar demonic shape. Even in shadow form Rikke could hardly mistake the broad shoulders and massive horns of the Master.

A scream echoed out as Rikke was rushed by Victoria the woman grappling her in a surprise assault. Tumbling to the floor which dissipated like smoke only to reform a moment later as the girls struggled. "You have cost me everything! The masters favor, my sisters loyalty, everything!" Victoria clawed at Rikke's face but by far she was the more agile of the combatants and easily avoided the razor claws. "You could have been a queen and I would have adored you!" Once more Rikke managed to avoid the claws. Tumbling about with out either one of them gaining an advantage Rikke noted a small swirl of darkness getting bigger and bigger drawing the insubstantial room slowly into it.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The thrill of victory and the touching goodbye seemed to have distracted the rogue quite a bit, though it only took Emis words and seeing the blue light to remind Rikke of what her goal here was! "Oh.." she'd blush subtly and smiled "Come on, lets go!"

As she passed through Rikke found herself in a most peculiar chamber. This was by far one of the more surreal realms the rogue was put into - the floor itself seemingly dispersed under her feet, the whole chamber seemed absolutely devoid of sound and above all else a familiar figure stood not too far away.

Rikkes eyes widened, before growing sharp though just as she reached for her blade a piercing cry echoed out from behind her! Victoria was here as well!

"Victoria?" Rikke had already found her footing, her speed and agility allowing her dodge or otherwise avoid the girls frantic attack... Victoria, the most fallen of the sisters, Jessicas cruel torturer, the Masters favorite and the only sister Rikke had to eliminate for good.

"A Queen? How can you trust that freakish demon!" Rikke spoke up, her stance fully on defense "You whipped your own sisters, corrupted or killed innocent people, for what?" for now the rogue would remain on defense, what was this place to begin with?!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"He made me more than a slave, brought me up from servitude. I was his favorite!" Victory once more tried to claw at Rikke but the rogue's agile nature made such efforts almost pointless. "Even when you came and took his favor from me I was happy. I was happy knowing that he found his queen even if it wasn't me!" Victoria's tail came spinning around in a slash its bladed tip severing a few hairs from Rikke's head which were immediately pulled into the now child sized swirling vortex. " Then you defied him! He chose you to be his queen and you defied his will and banished him. I can never forgive you for that!" Once more the bladed tail came around its reach a bit more than Rikke had anticipated as small trail of blood opened up on her cheek.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Even the small fleck of blood seemed to be instantly be sucked into the nearby ever growing vortex! Whatever this place, whatever was happening Rikke knew defeat here could mean a devastating end!

"His 'favorite' puppet! To manipulate and throw away!" Was conflict really the only way to end this? The rogue lunged forward now turning to attack Victoria herself! "You know it's true, I have no doubt you've seen it!" her attacks would rapidly fly out aiming more disarm than to cause major injury "Ofcourse I defied him! Whats the purpose of a title if I'm bound down by chains! And for what? Power? Rule?"

"I don't need forgiveness for doing what was right. How can you willingly serve under a murderer and rapist, a power hungry egomaniac." The heroines eyes sharpened "Do you not even realise that he'd have snuffed your life and soul out, the moment he was to manifest?!"

"Look to me as I am now, Victoria. Strong, loved, surrounded by allies and friends. From a whole cities to even goddesses. And throughout it all I kept my freedom! I am still who I had always been." Rikke continued her fierce assault "Force and subjugation are tools for those desperate and meager! Such as your ex-master!"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Victoria seemed to fall back under the onslaught of blows. While she was unarmed the blows seemed to knock her back causing her to retreat. "I need him! He is all I got left!" Not relenting one bit she kept falling back under Rikke's attack. All the while the vortex grew and grew becoming a swirling mass that exerted a noticeable pull.

Eventually both of the woman ended up next to it their struggles heated. Both girls were surprising enough tired but the battle was more telling on Victoria. With a last desperate lunge Victoria lashed out at Rikke the girls clawed hands latching on to the necklace that Rikke wore. Seemingly tired out Victoria fell to her knees her hand still wrapped around the pendent.