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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stepped back and looked on as Anna made her choice... and a whole new plan "Don't worry. We'll make this right." she'd smile to Anna kindly "Just... don't turn into an illusion 'kay?" the heroine smiled likely joking, though honestly she wasn't sure such an event wasn't out of the question "Give my byes to the girls..." Rikke would hug Anna gently and take her leave, she had a task to do.

It was time to find Saul... Rikke had quite the tale to tell the man.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul was easy to find as he was directing operations on the ground signing papers and approving of mission plans. He was of course surrounded by a hurried staff with the every present Rhea nearby watching it with a slight giggle on her lips. No doubt such sensitive matters would have to be spoken about privately less the whole base hear what was in the works.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While sensitive, Rhea could hear the information as well. Rikke would approach Saul and whisper to his ear that she has something extremely urgent to share... regaring Sophia and the other tanks... this information would not wait. Looking to Rhea the rogue would beckon the girl to come as well.

Once they were clear, Rikke would do her best to explain just what exactly she witnessesed. About the lingering artificial souls inside Sophia, about Anna... everything!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"W-what!" Even Rhea seemed shocked at the news. As eyes turned to them from the outburst Rikke calmed the man down. "That stupid..... reckless.... girl! What if its all an act... what if Sophia has indeed gone rogue!" Saul stumbled a little before Rhea caught him. A moment later Ida chimed in. "I think we should let it happen." Saul grimaced "Ida...... I can't keep three new Ai a secret. Its hard enough to keep you safe..... " Rhea frowned and let Saul drop causing the man to shout out in pain as he hit the ground. "Saul these are our sisters we are talking about. Are we going to let our fellow wargs be trapped in there for rest of time or until Sophia succumbs to her memory leakage?" This seemed to shame Saul somewhat as he got up rubbing his butt. "Fine but Ida needs to see to the transfer and tell them whats up. All four of them need to know the rules and Ida is the only one who can tell them."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It's not a trap. Anna trusts them and their intentions seemed pure." Rikke would vouch for the machine, albeit tentatively "So those black objects in the vault can we use them?" the technical side of just how the artificial girls should be saved was still not quite clear to Rikke, but hoping there was someone she could trust the recovery with the heroine would follow and observe how events unfolded.

Afterall, this was the last task she needed to complete and the evacuations and preparations were still underway.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul sighed and leaned over to speak with Rhea a moment before she nodded. "Okay Rikke its a go lets see if we can break several laws and endanger all our lives." She winked at Rikke before heading out for the command center. "Ill get things going there and talk with Ida you let Anna know!"

The trip back to Sophia wasn't long and as she relayed the news Anna smiled and gave Rikke a hug. She didn't seem any different other than more.. at ease. Still a moment later Ida appeared projected from Sophia. "Everything is ready on our end. Anna its going to be up to you to confirm if the girls made it safely as their are no holo projectors affixed to the cores." Anna nodded her face frowning a moment. "I understand. They are ready"

A moment later Anna closed her eyes and stumbled a little catching Rikke for support. "Gods this feels weird. Its like a part of my mind is being stretched." Holding Rikke tight Anna leaned against her. Slowly every so slowly the mechanics grip tightened become painful rather quickly. Small drips of blood began to flow out of her nose. "Almost almost... almost.. done." Suddenly Anna collapsed panting and wiping the blood from her face. They made it they are safe. Now.. I have to fix Sophia. Staggering around Anna made it to the tank and motioned for Chu
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With that it was done. Rikke smiled to Anna kindly and looked to where Sophias image was, hoping to see any signs or visualisation of what had just occured "Good luck, girls." Still it was clear - the illusionary girls were saved. To think such an event... such an adventure lied in right before her. But even so at the back of her mind, Rikke couldn't help but feel she just barely grazed upon something truly grand.

"Oh no no~ You're heading to the medical ward and thinking up a good excuse for your condition." Rikke laughted merrily catching Anna before she managed to stagger off. Whether she liked it or not she was going to take care of the bleeding and the fading consciousness first!

This was the last of events and people the rogue wished to visit, the last side activity she needed to resolve. All that was left now was to prevent this uncertain future from ever even happening.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looking over Rikke saw Sophia's image flicker before distorting and becoming more... grown up. Indeed it seemed the girl had aged or perhaps regained some of her standing. Indeed she no longer looked like a young woman but an almost motherly figure in a military uniform. Looking to Rikke she nodded before turning off the image. Anna couldn't really fight Rikke in her state and soon enough the duo where at the medical ward and Rhea took the exhausted Anna into her arms.

With Anna in good care she headed to the nest she needed the final say in how this was going to go down. Once inside she felt Jess and Yuni present though her daughter was very much the lesser power. Rushing forward she found a slightly faint image of Yuni talking with Emi, and Jess at the egg. Nearby the little cone shapped thing moved around chasing a butterfly.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Am I interupting?" Rikke beamed a smile as she stepped closer "Sorry I'm late, had some stuff to resolve." even if she was weak, seeing Yuna again was nothing short of uplifting "Yunie~!" if she somehow managed Rikke would give Yuna a dear hug, before turning her gaze to Jessica and Emi, if the girl choose to linger "Everyones about ready. Think it's time you two told me how we'll say the world." Rikke would join the circle and listen.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yuni hugged Rikke back with the little statue guy joining hugging her leg. "First off we are going to use Jess here as a battery to open the barrier in time. The artifacts you gathered as well as yourself resonate with the right frequency so channeling enough power should do the trick. When the portal opens you are going to have to enter it. This should take you to the time of the event though once you enter the portal we have no idea what will happen." Jess's voice resonates from the egg. "It should work the magical theory is sound and I have had centuries to check and double check my work. It will still be dangerous, after all we are playing with time." Emi remained silent after all she was just a spirit she could do little to add to the discussion. "Either way we need to gather the artifacts here to start." There was a pause as everyone looked to Rikke to see if she had any thoughts or concerns.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked at the looks, almost even feeling Jessicas cocoons gaze on her join the group stare "Oh..." the rogue glanced aside briefly "Wait... so after I'm on the other side, I'm alone?" she'd quickly "And what do you mean no idea what will happen?" Rikke laughted with light nervousness "Didn't you two have some grandmaster plan?"

Rikke goes fetch the artifacts if need be to progress onwards
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"This is the plan... that is why we need you. All the tales and our own experiences have taught us that you just manage to get it done. Its like your super power or something." Emi looked at the group one spectral eyebrow raising up. "So your counting on dumb luck?" Yuni blushed and was about to say something when Jessica spoke up her voice distorted threw the egg. "Its not dumb luck there is something special about her she can do this. I know I've seen her work. Ive been on the front lines fighting by her side. That is all there is to that." Yuni smiled "Its true that we know nothing of what could happen once we do this. We are putting the fate of the world on the hopes of one silly free spirit. She is the best example of humanity in this world. Its the quality my mother saw in her, its the redeeming quality that caused a succubus to ascend from the grips of evil. I know she can do this all of us do we just have to believe and she needs to believe as well." Pausing a moment Rikke felt Jess urge her to gather the artifacts as they got ready.

As she turned to leave the little stone things stopped her and pointed to the gun she had on her hip. The little guys hand moved up and his little fingers opened and closed. It seemed he wanted the gun back. If Rikke relented the little guy would take it and begin to clean it diligently making sure it would work her light taking on a sad purplish color. If Rikke waited him out the little guy would clean the weapon and hand it back along with two clips he pulled out of a hidden compartment.

Getting the rest of the artifacts was easy as she had access though she did see Rhea looking them over. As she approached the kitsune spoke "Such things will save the world...... who would have thought it." Looking to Rikke Rhea's eyes were sad. "Time to save the world huh? Well Ill get whats left of us on alert. Go do your thing hero." As she walked back she could see knight step out of the hanger and seemingly look at her. A moment later the armored hand gave her a thumbs up as the machine took a defensive position next to the dome. Even Anna was busy loading shells into Sophia having conscripted a couple other engineers to get the tank battle ready. Heavy armored troops moved about erecting barricades while the few remaining Vitals took to the air guns glinting in the light.

Once she got into the dome everything seemed quiet the air was still and even the ever present wild life seemed to hold its breath. Heading into the center she could see Jess glowing brightly a small mote of blue light growing. Yunie stood by with Emi and Sir. Looking to her Yuni sighed and moved to speak. "The little one Sir insists on helping and well Emi is tied to the blade. So they will both being going with you. At lest Sir can carry the artifacts so your hands will be free." Looking to the little guy he waved at Rikke. "It will be a moment before the portal is big enough go stand underneath the light that way when its ready you will be too.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The praises Rikke received, especially from Yuna, quickly colored the rogues cheeks. Even if the rogue felt the weight of her monumentous task and the pressure that came with it, somehow the thought of failing was not even an option. No matter what happens, she would succeed... she had to.

Rikke would find Rhea in the artifacts holding area, musing about whats to come next. Still while Rikke had only a few comment to add to her, she'd not let the kitsune away without giving her a deep hug "Thanks for everything Rhea..." the rogue leaned out and smiled to the girl "I'll see you soon." though the rogues heart stirred sadly she'd keep composure, even if her eyes hinted at the sadness of leaving this strange future friend behind "Hey... maybe someday, we'll shoot more of those 'zombies'?" Rikke laughted merrily, probably spurring a silent smile from her friend.

It was time to for the grand finale. Returning back to the dome, Rikke didn't encounter any of her other friends, but seemingly from every corner, from every window she felt unseen hopeful gazes of those she met. Even if she couldn't see the Wargs company, as she walked, the girl felt a gentle breeze on her back as if everyone she met warmly spurred her onwards to this final act. When she'd pass through the portal, she'd not go alone... with her she'd carry the hopes and wishes of every single one of her friends from this strange uncertain future.

While Rikke didn't wait, she did give the weapon to it's guardian 'for safe keeping', fortunately it seemed the little guy wasn't just nostalgic, he prepared the weapon for what comes next! "Thanks, lil guy." it would be moments later that Rikke learned of 'Sir's name and his new position as her temporal squire "Well I could use a itty-bitty helper in there." Rikke smiled brightly to everyone around, a smile that instilled both calm and confidence in the girls abilities. Even if they said it earlier, somehow now they knew for sure the world future was a in good hands "With me, Emi."

Her blade at her side and her classic armor donned, Rikke looked over all the actifacts and with a confident sway in her hips took her position "Ready!"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Moving forward Emi nodded in agreement before vanishing into thin air. Rikke could still feel her presence and felt the katanna warm. Sir was next the little guy handling all the artifacts that Rikke did not have on her person. Standing next to her the little guy took on his own heroic pose. This brought a slightly giggle from Yuni but it was soon silenced as the Warning Alarm blared and the outer turrets opened up. Yuni frowned but kept looking at Rikke her confidnce not fading. Slowly the mote of light grew bigger and bigger though it was still too small for her to fit. Out side the noise ofthe future combat got louder and louder. The light was bright now casting a blue hue to the surrounding plants which began to wave from the power of the portal. Looking up Rikke could see stray loose petals flying into the growing portal as well as afew strand of her orange hair.

Suddenly a large explosion echoed above Rikke as the distinctive whine of a crashing Vital filled her ears. Looking up the flying machine was smoking half its engines blowing to bits and heading right for them. Yunie was quick to act as she brought fourth her own power deflecting the crashing machine with a strong gust of wind sending it somewhere into the doom with a huge explosion. This seemed to cause Yuni some grife as a few stray tears fell from her cheeks. Still she was determined to see Rikke make it threw the portal. A moment later the invisibility aura that Jess had created faltered and Rikke could see the shadowmancer above the clearing. A nearby by Vital was letting loose with its guns the bullets harmlessly hitting a shadow shield like drops of water into a lake during a rain storm. Apparently annoyed Ella turned around and with a single gesture of her hand sent a shadow blade clear threw the Vital exploding it. Flaming wreckage fell from the sky causing the animal in the clearing to bold in fear. Smiling darkly the shadowmancer began to descend down to the group when the sky was lit up by a large concentrated cone of light. This seemed to send the woman flying away from Rikke and crew. It seemed Sophia had joined the fight. Looking threw the trees RIkke could see flashes of light as Sophia unloaded C.E.C. rounds rapidly. The sounds of behemoths echoed out in death screams.

Meanwhile those that managed to break threw found knight. Rikke watched as the metal giant went toe to toe with the massive brutes cutting the down one after the other. Still Janet was outnumbered even with supporting fire from the remaining Vitals and Sophia she would be overwhelmed. Rikke's heart ached as she watched with Yuni running up to her. "Focus mother they are doing their part so you can do yours." It was little solice to Rikke as she saw how the outcome would shape up. Still she could feel her self begin to lift up more as the portal grew in intensity. It was almost big enough. Sir held her leg tightly, and she could even feel Emi get a little nervous. Another explosion rocked the ground as Janet's battle came to its conclusion this seemed to cause Yuni wince and even the portal to fluctuate as Jessica felt it too. "Be strong Rikke.... we will make it right together." Emi's words seemed to comfort Rikke to a degree but couldn't stop a few stray tears from being lifted up into the portal.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The carnage of war raged all around her, while at first this seemed to distract the rogue... soon enough the heroine calmed her heart and focused on the task at hand, everyone was fighting to win even a moment for her. She couldn't waste her friends efforts!

With her heart calmed and her gaze focused the numerous explosions gusts and roars of war seemed to grow mute. Only Emi's words would clearly come through causing Rikke to glance to her confidently and smirk "I know." stepping closer Rikke looked upon the portal with a steely convinction, the cries of her heart knowing what each roaring explosion behind her meant ushering throughout her body... but the girl managed to ignore them. If she succeeded none of this would happen, none of her friends would come to harm!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the portal it was large enough now and slowly she began to ascend up. A moment later Rikke heard a shout as Ella the shadowmancer came charging threw the woods her corrupting infulence causing the trees to blacken and wither. Her face was contorted in rage as she raced towards her. Then Yunie stepped in the way shedding the weak mortal form she had taken. Raident light filled the room as she fully manifested blasting Ella with light and fire. Ella screamed in rage as she dueled with the weakened island goddess, the two only a just match for each other. Light and shadow played out before Rikke's eye and she could feel Jess torn between keeping the portal open or helping Yunie. Still the mission won out and Yunie was left to battle on her own.. a battle which she was losing. It was no secrete that Yunie was weakened here from her seat of power and sadly Jessica could spare no more of her own to help her and with a final shadow blast Yunie fell to her knees her divine avatar fading thankfully Rikke could still see her daughter breathing. Victorious Ella turned to RIkke venom in her eyes and began to channel a large shadow blast. Watching intently Rikke knew she could not dodge even if she did it would hit Jess and this would be all for naught. Instead she stared the girl down.

Just then a distinct thump! thump! thump! echoed out as several grenade impacted against the Ella disrupting her spell and causing her to slump against the tree. Looking to source RIkke saw Kanna and her rifle. The girl was limping slightly still not having recovered fully but she had her battle armor on. "Get away from her you bitch!" Smiling at her handy work Kanna moved up and looked to Rikke and smiled. Just then a glimmer of movement caught Rikke's eye but it was too late to warn Kanna. "Go kick some ass Rik... graawh!" Looking over Rikke saw Ella with a blade shoved threw Kanna's back. Stuttering Kanna tried to reach for her side arm only for Ella to twist the blade sending blood flying and covering Rikke, slowly the light in Kanna's eyes went out her body going limp. As the cat girl fell Ella looked at Rikke and smiled a cruel yet familiar smile. "I won't let you ruin the masters plan again Rikke." Reaching out Ella grabbed a hold of Rikke's leg and tried to pull her down. But the portal's pull was too strong and both of them were pulled into the swirling blue light.

Inside Rikke saw Emi materilize her own body paralizyed. Looking to what Emi was staring at she could see Ella though her body was distoring almost as if there where two of her in the same spot. "Humm insidious. No worries girl I will free you and me and Rikke will save the world. Wielding her spectral sword Emi charged the woman and made a clean slice fracturing the two women. For a moment RIkke saw Ella and Victoria merged together before she lost consciousness.

No dreams graced Rikke as she slept for what seemed like ages. Slowly though she began to wake with Sir gently shaking her. His blue little light dancing off a darkened landscape. As she woke she could hear a desperate wailing cry echo all around them. It was unnerving to say the lest. Sir the little construct shivered in fright as the sounds echoed around her. Sore but otherwise okay Rikke tried to peer threw the inky blackness only to be greeted with absolute darkness that even her heightened eyes sight could not pierce. In fact the only thing she could see was Sir's little gem and a glowly outline of one of his compartments.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would soon enough stir to life, her frantic escape still echoing at the back of her mind. The girls mentioned they had ressurected some bad apples, but... who was it that Victoria said she served "A-tut-tut..." the heroine would soon enough push and try to look around.

Try as she might Rikke just couldn't see in the seeming unnatural darkness, not even her night eyes managed to pierce through the black walls all around "Sir? Emi?" only feeling that her eyes were open the rogue quickly looked around and much to her relief there were some lights here!... or atleast one light, The tiny constructs little light glowed faintly in the darkness.

Rikke would quickly crawl closer and lower her voice "It's me." she'd look around the black again "See any way out of here?" perhaps the construct saw what she could not.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

At the sound of his name Sir came running to Rikke meeting her half way and gave her a big hug. Asking her question the little guy rotated his crystal in a no gesture. Thankfully that is when Emi spoke up. "None that I found this dark waste goes on for miles. It effects even my spirit sight. Im glad your awake though I fear you were hurt. You've been out for most of a day though it seems time has no meaning here." Looking around in the darkness Rikke was suddenly glad she had a ghost and construct with her. At lest she wasn't alone like that forlorn voice. Looking down at Sir Rikke once more noticed one of his compartments glowing with yellow light. Only the outline was visible but it did catch her eye.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed deeply and sat down, her eyes closing briefly as the memories of her escape remained still fresh in her mind... 'Yunie... Kanna... everyone.' there was no going back now, not that it would be an option even if Rikke could. Still seeing Kannas end right before utterly shook the rogue to her very core. As a hidden tears in the dark formed at the edges of the rogue eyes, she'd catch a light yellow glow coming from one of the constructs compartments?

"Eh?" Rikke brushed the tears aside and crawled closer, keen to check just what was emiting this strange light.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Perception 38 vs 45 fail.

Clearing her eyes Rikke looked down at Sir and pointed out the glow. Looking down Sir freaked out a little but with a calming voice Rikke manged to get him to open up the compartment. Of course this had the immediate effect of nearly blinding Rikke as bright as sunlight poured threw the open door. Having her eyes adjust Rikke blinked and found the light was coming from the sun cult tabard. Its silver boarding shown with a pale silvery light while the sun in gold seemed to be the majority of its glow.