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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled kindly as she approached the object, her hadn extending to gently pet the egg as she had done before... only for her touch to go through?! The rogues eyes widened as she quickly pulled her hand back, looking to it in shock, before reaching out to the egg once more with clear wonder.

As her touch neared the warmly glowing cocoon, Rikke felt her hand slip inside once again the gentle warm caress akin to those angelic and demonic dreams she had in past.

Her heart racing with excitement Rikke would reach deeper in, before suddenly feeling a pull?! With wide hopefully eyes the rogues amazement quickly turned to glee as she leaned forward and attempted to follow the pull in full.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heeding the pull Rikke closed her eyes as the warmth washed over her. Once she was fully in she could feel another figure against her warm and well endowed. Absently her hand traced down the familiar curve of Jessica's firm butt. Her head resting against the girls perky breasts where she felt the rise and fall of her breathing and heard the thump thump of the girls heart. She felt her own ass groped in response to her own efforts. Trying to speak she heard Jess shush her gently before pulling away a little. Feeling fingers lift her head up she felt warm lips against her own. Finally opening her eyes Rikke was almost blinded by the light inside the cocoon. It was painfully brilliant but warm. Once her eyes adjusted she could make out Jess before her smiling. Her lovers hair had turned into a reddish orange and flowed about as if in water. Her once pale crolian complexion had changed to a a bright white as if made of energy. It was completely real though her own hands told her as much. Jessica's eyes had turned completely blue almost like glittering sapphires. The other great change was her wings which seemed absolutely massive and actually forced to curl around her due to the cocoon. Their color matched her hair but their color almost seemed to flow like molten lava. Looking down Rikke could see her own body absorbing some of the light her skin slowly becoming like Jessica's. It didn't hurt or feel weird besides the effect of seeing one's own skin change color.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke felt the gentle touch slowly pull her in closer, though as she neared, the cocoons light grew more and more blinding forcing the rogue to close her eyes moments before she felt her whole body pass through the warm energies.

Just as the rogue passed the barrier instantly she felt herself ever so gently pulled onwards... and onto a something ever so silken and warm, in this case however there was little doubt - it was someone. A familiar visage came to Rikkes mind as she smiled gently, her hands sliding along the silken body before her. From the figures breasts, along her sides and to her ass. Every inch was well known, every curve all too recogniseable... here surrounded by the swirling energies along with her was noone else, but...

Rikke would smile tenderly as she felt her chin lifted and embraced the kiss fully, the rogues eyes slowly opening up to see Jessica, a tender smile all too clear on her lovers face. Though there was little doubt the red haired girl most certainly had a few changes about her, giving her a much more supernatural look... but Rikke couldn't care less. Her smile growing wider, the rogues grip on her lover grew stronger as she inspected her new appearance for just a brief moment, before returning to gazing to her mesmerizing eyes.

Whatever form she was, how ever she looked at that moment the spark in Jessicas eyes told the rogue far more than words could ever say. After hundreds of years... her lovely adventurer had returned to her.

Still while the two shared their locked moment, Rikke quickly noticed something odd about her hand? The rogue looked to her palm with wide eyes as it slowly lost its color and turned brighter and brighter?! Though the sight was unnerving she'd quickly look to Jessica for reassurance... this wasn't permament or dangerous... was it?
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jessica sensing the confusion quickly put a hand to the side of Rikke's face in a comforting manner. "Its not going to hurt Rikke and it isn't dangerous just a side effect from being in here with me. Your body is absorbing the light." Kissing Rikke again the girl quickly transitioned to a hug where Rikke felt soft tears drop on her shoulder and the swirling energies take on a mix of blue and yellow.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Above everyone else Rikke trusted Jessica. Relaxing visibly the rogue once more faced her lover and finally spoke up as well "Hey Jess." she'd keep a tender smile, exactly as playful and cheerful as Jessica remember...

Suddenly the rogue was once more pulled into a kiss, the heroines tender smile turning sly and mischievious as she leaned in and embraced Jessica fully. While Rikke may have sometimes been quite the promiscious girls, throughout her 'activities' noone kissed her quite like Jessica. Delicate, loving, caring... it was impossible for the heroine not to feel her spirits lifted in her lovers embrace.

Even as Rikke felt the tears slide along her shoulder, she'd not disturb Jessica hugging her back kindly in return, before... "Love the new look." she'd attempt to raise the mood.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Really? I haven't seen myself in forever." Jess would move to brush a stray tear away only for Rikke to note it glittered like a diamond. The mood seemed to shift back to a lighter one as Jess fawned over Rikke straightening her hair and seemingly just touching her to touch her. "Ive been missing you so much. After things happened I fell ill. The girls tried to get me to stay around but I wandered till I found this place and just kinda stopped. I felt so cold and lonely but then a warmth just filled me and as I fell asleep this formed around me. I slept a long time until Yunie found me. Or did I find her.. I cannot remember I just know we met and figured out that I had begun to transcend my old life. Still despite all the wonders I could do I still couldn't find you. I knew you where out there but I just couldn't reach you. It was like a itch you can't reach on your own."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Actually it was only just now that the meetings weight hit Rikke. She had not spoken to this Jessica since her arrival! Only Yunie provided whatever details she coud, but Jessica herself had always been mute.

Asking her questions whoever would prove a bit tricky due to Jessica actively straightened the rogues hair that seemed to float and shimmer from the energy all around them, her lovers touch brushing along her hands and shoulders without any other aim than just to feel her "So you just went to bed and turned like this?" Rikke blinked at the odd event... surely there had to have been something more, but the ages more than likely lost the full tale "So what happened next? How did you think up such a crazy plan?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"After meeting with Yunie a few times she told me the state of the world. I couldn't let that stand not the beautiful Jewel that we called home slowly die. So after a few tries I began to direct the energy that filled me into the world. Honestly the jungle surprised me and it surprised the first few visitors that found it. As time went on I and my energy's spread I could see the world change recover and grow. But... I also knew that when I faded away all the energy sustaining the world would fade with me. A permanent solution was needed and well after Yunie and I figured out a why we could solve the when, and find the who or rather the you." Jessica caressed Rikke's cheek feeling the soft skin and smiled. "If it works we will be able to be together again as if none of this happened."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke placed her own hand on Jessicas that rested on her cheek and turned her head to lean on it "I won't let you down, Jess. Not after everything you've done..." it was an absolute wonder just how exactly those two gathered this plan together, but then again they had a lot of time to complete it. Not to mention the likely magic talk involved in such an explanation would be lost on the rogue.

"So why not invite me earlier? Or exit yourself?" Rikke smirked with an all too suspicious, but familiar spark in her eyes. Suddenly shifting their position inside the fairly small cocoon soon enough Jessica would find herself on her back with Rikke ontop and walking her fingers up along the magical girls silken midriff.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jessica didn't fight it but Rikke didn't really force her down as much as feel the perspective of the situation change. She indeed ended ontop of Jessica but she wasn't exactly resting on the ground or a floor. As Rikke's fingers made their way across Jessica's silken skin she giggled. "You had that strange device silly but its dead now." Jessica pointed to Rikke's arm and following the finger Rikke saw a small blackish stain threw her skin. It was kinda bizarre. "These people always scanning this or that and not enjoying the wonders of the world as is. Do you know what happened when magic began to reappear? A whole mess of them freaked out and thought it was the end of the world. Panic in the streets and cults popping up everywhere." Jessica shook her head bemused at the events. Thankfully on a very few are attune enough to find their powers. They were easily found before they caused to much damage. A moment later Jessica blushed as she moved her hands to Rikke's hips. "Im sorry your favorite part of me was one of the first things to go when I changed. Though honestly he was a little needy."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Eh?--!" Rikke quickly looked to her hand and sighed deeply "Doh... I hate this place sometimes..." she'd rub the affected area trying to get the nasty muckus off. Though as she did Jessica briefly spoke of the world soon after the event, about the chaos that ensued... about the persecutions of those with lingering magic. The imagery of Jessica being one of those hunted would attempt to creep into the rogues head, though Jessicas touch shunned such thoughts aside...

"My favorite part..." Rikkes gaze didn't falter as she looked to Jessica, her gentle touch running across her lovers cheek "But I'm looking at them right now." she'd smile tenderly "Noone looks at me the way you do, Jess. Not lust, not envy, not even just admiration... yours have always been special. A special gentle spark. Every time you look at me." Rikke would lean in and kiss her lover tenderly, before leaning out and smiling widely "Though~ the cock was definedly a strong second." she'd wink slyly and laugh happily.

If the stituation allowed Rikke would linger with Jessica, listening to the tales the girl no doubt had, to her thoughts and plans. It was unclear how long the duo spent inside the egg, just chatting and sharing experiences... the tender warmth and shared cheer reminding both of times long since past, both of them gathered a shabby campfire in the middle of unknown lands.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As the duo talked Jessica pulled Rikke closer and closer till the girls lay chest to chest. Jessica told Rikke of the strange things she had seen and avoided the dark things that had always plagued mortal life. Instead she focused on the good and the bright. Still as they spoke Rikke slowly every so slowly felt sleepy and soon enough she was out like a light.

Rikke awoke later as cold water splashed on her and a very annoyed Janet looked down on her. "Rikke where were you last night. We had search parties out all over. Thank the gods I cam looking in here one more time." Janet sounded upset, and looking up she looked upset a clear annoyed look on her face. Getting up Rikke noticed that a part of her palm was still pure white but it was slowly fading fast. She felt renewed and refreshed despite the rude awaking. "Worst of all I hear you promised Kanna to show your I.S., and stood us up at the bar! Honestly girl is this how things got done in your time?" Rikke felt Jessica chuckle at the girls misfortune clearly knowing her role in Rikke's desertion. Though Jessica wasn't gonna save her this time.

Due to spending the night with Jessica Rikke gains Resilient: Grants the character an additional 30 max hit points. +30 HP, in other words.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With a sudden burst of cold water Rikke was jolted awake! "H-hey!" the rogue jerked up and wiped the water off, hearing Janets voice barate her about something through a still sleepy mist... Janet... no wait! The bar! Crap!

"S-Sorry." Rikke smiled sheepishly for the incidental trouble she caused "Would you believe I was sucked away into an pocket... realm of sorts?" though at first the heroine smiled ever so guiltily, at the possibilities likely dismissal the smile would turn much more knowing and confident... Rikke wasn't kidding.

The rogue stretched lightly, finally shaking off the last bit of drowsiness that persisted. As she grew more awake Rikke couldn't help but notice just how incredible she felt. It wasn't just due to a good nights rest or an aftermath of a very exciting night... this was more like her body itself just grew more energetic!

"Hey!" the rogue would inteject at the second accusation "And who's fault was that? Leading me from one amazing invention to another, ending with a controller for a huge towering golem. Hum?" the heroine would stand up and look around, giving a brief and sly look at the egg, before returning her gaze to Janet and smiling kindly "Sorry, I do owe her an apology for that. Just got a bit swept away." the heroine once more returned to her sheepish demeanor and innocently scratched the back of her head "My bad."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet eyed Rikke before sighing and walking away. "Come on Saul is back." Walking out Rikke saw the serach team returning giving her a dirty look though most seemed relieved. The first person who ran up to her was actually Saliena. The elf girl seemed to have recovered fully. "How... we already checked that area." Janet coughed to clear her throat. "She said something about being whisked away to another realm or some magic nonsense like that." Saliena threw Rikke a dubious look before falling in line. Next was Anna she came storming out a Vital and started yelling at Rikke. It was hard to make out but it involved something about armor and trashing the Widow by the end of it she was crying and hugging Rikke who had to half drag her along. The next few people she met where Sam, Kanna, Dianna, and her lovers from the resort. All gave her a wave as they sat around in the park getting some fresh air their hospital robes a clash of color against the green lawn. Still Janet pressed on not letting Rikke say to much to them before pulling Anna off and swatting her on the but and ushering inside the command center.

Once inside she found the place packed with wargs in the combat armor she had seen in the hanger. It was hard to tell who was who with the exception of Rhea who was in full armor minus the helmet. Upon seeing Rikke she smiled and ushered her inside the vault. Inside she found Venise, Ida, Saul, Rune, and a strange object. Saul was the first to speak after greetings. "Well here it is Rikke time for you to do your thing. We need to find out which of these is what we need." Pulling off the sheet Rikke saw a strange cone shaped object with a very dull crystal at its peak. It had two arms and two feet that seemed to be attached to recesses in its body. The two arms with small delicate hands clutched a single Su-Tu-Ka hand repeater. Both seemed to have magic radiating off them. The stone hands and gun seemed firmly attached as if made form each other. Reaching out Rikke could feel the magic touching the stone figure didn't spur any visions but it suddenly jumped to life. Its crystal dark burst into a blue light that cast around real quickly before starting to fade. Focusing on Rikke the thing dropped the gun and reached out with small hands in a hugging motion to the girl....
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

At the very least the rogue had clearly made quite a few friends here. From the suspicious she had when she first arrived, the longer Rikke spent among the wargs the more safe and at home she felt "I'm fine everyone!" the rogue giggled happily and waved to the likely previous search parties. Their efforts were nothing short of heart-warming... she did disappear without a single word afterall.

Though one of the more outstanding appearances had to have been Anna. While at first the rogue waved to the girl happily, as Anna neared slowly Rikke began to place together what she was saying... First about the 'armors' Rikke may have 'accidentally' trashed and ruined, which spurred the rogues wave to freeze up as a cold bead of sweat rolled down her face "O--Oh.." Then about Widow, the rogue recalling just how badly she 'stress-tested' its combat abilities in the field... which further made the rogue seemingly shrink down in preparation for a slapping, her smile lingering more to brace for or ease up the incoming punishment!--- only for Anna to give her a hug?!

The mechanic seemed to just be that sort of girl, all too caring and emotional. Rikke relaxed visible and hugged her back "I'm fine, really... just had a little magic trip in the dome." walking back, with Anna wrapped around her waist half dragging.... Rikke could see her other friends quite successfully recovering. As horrid as the attack seemed, peace was slowly creeping its way back into the military complex.

Soon enough the rogue was taken to the big prize, the huge find that Saul and his team had made! Giddy with anticipation the rogue followed Rhea, almost hurrying the kitsune onwards to show her the find! In the rogues mind for some reason she imagined a perhaps huge structure, maybe an acient golem similar to Widow... maybe a huge wall with ancient carvings.. perhaps even a huge hovering square sparkling with magic holding some secret inside! Reality however was significantly less grand...

"I..is this it?" Rikke blinked at the discovery, a hinge of disappointment briefly lingering about her, before she refocused on it and got to work. While no visions came, something just as interesting spurred to action! The small cone structure spurred to life?!

The tiny contructs light seemingly looked around the room, before the creation turned to Rikke and dropped the weapon... asking for a hug? "Eh?" Rikke raised an eyebrow and looked around just as confused as everyone "H-hello little guy?" the rogue smiled leaning closer noting the spread hands "You.. want me to pick you up?" well honestly what was the worst that could happen? Unsure at first, the rogue smiled kindly and attempted to pick up the construct.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The little thing was surprisingly heavy and Rikke felt its tiny arms hug her before going limp and become very heavy. Looking at the thing she saw the little crystal had gone dark again and the little thing go limp leaving only the gun on the ground. Setting the now lifeless object down Rikke looked to see her shirt covered in old black feathers. Picking up the gun Rikke got struck with a vision.

She was.. flying her wings beat fast as her and her Servo flew as fast as they could. Arrows and shots echoed and flew by them and she tried to move forward. She had to get away and lead them away from the others. Banking sharply to the right Rikke felt the wind rush by string her long blonde hair. It wasn't enough and a sharp pain exploded in her side causing her to buckle and crash threw the trees. Landing roughly she looked down to see blood on her hand. It was bad.. really bad. Looking to her right Sir landed next to her his small arms waving in a panic. Running up to her the little servo tried to use his mana before she stopped him. If he did that he would die for sure, and she couldn't bare that. "Sir only one of us is getting out of here tonight. Go hide and tell... and tell Riley I love her." Sir of course refused to budge until Jenny made it a direct order and despite even that he almost broke it until the mistress ordered him to go.

Reluctantly Sir left just as the first of the villagers approached her torches and weapons at hand. "I won't go quietly you bastards!" Reach up frost gleamed in the torchlight as several shots rang out. She watched as each flew true hitting their targets killing most instantly causing their bodies to freeze and shatter. Once more she felt her hands move to reload and let of another round of shots before the tell tale click echoed out followed by return fire. Their was a moment of pain then nothing.....

"Rikke?... Rikke!... RIKKE!" Snapping too Rikke looked around as she held the gun in her hand. The engraved writing still visible.. Frost.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What... Oh!" Rikkes gaze lingered on the weapon briefly, before she finally came to "Y-yeah... this is the artifact we need." she'd smile to her friends... so this seemed to be a weapon of a Fallen angel? No. Whoever the owner was she knew compassion and love, even her hair appeared almost divine... yet the black feathers? The rogue almost drifted off to thought once more, before being returned back to the present by one of her friends.

By all accounts this was the final artifact, while the rogue hoped it would provide answers how they all come together. It seemed to be yet another key, while the keyhole itself was still left undiscovered.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I guess its up to our benefactor now." Saul looked at Rikke and put a hand on her shoulder. "You should go tell her its ready. Ill start the final evacuation of the base. Once it starts I'm sure the enemy will attack." Looking around Saul began to give orders that all non essential personal were to leave on the vitals as soon as possible with the wounded going first. Rikke looked around. So thats why all them were in the heavy combat armor.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gaze would linger on the now lifeless construct... in her vission the little guy seemed far more than a single-minded creation. He seemed just like... a whole tiny person and a trusty companion. As Saul gave out the order Rikke didn't rush out quite yet, instead she knelt down and sat the tiny construct proper "H-Hey... could you get this fellow to Anna? Just tell her what happened here alright?" Rikke couldn't help the little guy, it was doubtful even Anna could... it was not technology that made him move, but at the very least perhaps Anna could honor 'Sir' to a proper rest.

'Not Technology...' the thought rang through the rogues mind as her eyes widened, no doubt whatever force gave him life was magical... "No! Wait!" the rogue quickly dashed up to whoever was to take 'Sir' away "Put him inside the dome, please? He's from my time, maybe a bit of the dome magic might make him active again." she'd look around hopeful that others would support the notion. Hopefully noone objected and the constructed was to be taken to the dome... perhaps the immense magical energies there could ressurect the tiny being.

"I still have a few things to check up on in the base. Mind if I take care of them first... before we start?" Saul would ofcourse allow Rikke her request, the evacuation and preparations would take some time, but if the girl wanted to see everyone she needed to hurry.

The rogue grinned happily and ran up to the man to give him a light kiss on his cheek "Thanks Saul!" with that she'd look to the weapon in hand and then to the company "I'll keep this on me for now. 'kay?" if there were some objections Rikke wouldn't mind separating with 'Frost' but otherwise she'd keep it as a temporal weapon.

Still with her limited time and people being evacuated she needed to hurry. First the girl would actually catch up with Venise and ask how was the recovery going and just what the heck happened to machine-Gravil... just what the future held for the relations between her and the wargs.

Next up, would be the hospital wing. If people were evacuated everyone injured would likely be moved out. At the very the rogue owed them a proper goodbye... this may be the last chance she'll have to do it. Kanna could be there as well, she wasn't going to leave before making right with the girl.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

At the sudden kiss Saul blushed madly but quickly paled as a very distinct cough echoed out. Rikke got a tiny glimpse as Rhea beaned Saul on the head before the door closed. Thankfully the two things she was looking for where together. Venise held Sir in her arms almost examining the small thing. Though from the looks of it she was being very gentle and careful. As she caught up she heard her mutter fascinating. Seeing Rikke the girl blushed and smiled holding Sir up to hide her face a little. She looked to be in good health her wounds from before being healed up very well. "Oh my brother.. he didn't make it one of those lizard things shredded him good. Its okay though I have a backup of him at home. As for the Wargs well....." Venise dug into her pocket and pulled out a patch. It was the shape of a wolf head howling. "They sort of adopted me. It was really strange the surprised me at the bar last night."

Saying her final goodbyes Venise Rikke soon made it to the area where her friends had been resting. They where all still their still rather beaten up but alive.