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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke pressed the light and!!!... nothing? The rogue relaxed from her braced position and looked to the object, almost disappointed "Eh?" it wasn't a button at all actually. Infact, this... whatever it was didn't seem to have any way for the rogue to interact with it.

Looking over the others would reveal that they were all similar unknown objects, clearly related to one another, but just how had escaped the rogue "Odd..." now much more brazenly the rogue inspected the objects, but besides looking strange they didn't seem to be anything. This was likely a mystery she'd need to ask Rhea about...

Well the rogue surely wasn't going to touch any of the more clearly weaponized objects on display here and slightly puzzled she'd need to take her leave. The mystery of the objects lingering in her mind.

Next stop - Sophia and then the dome!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Leaving the vault was done rather quickly the strange objects sitting in the girls mind. Such was her thought on the matter that she hardly even realized she had left the command center until cool breeze rustled her hair. Looking around Rikke could see the stars bright in the sky the moon shimmering casting its pale light on the base. Heading for Sophia Rikke had a decent walk no Wargs where present and her only companion seemed to be Chu who was busy inspecting the tank. Well she was here now what would she do.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey, Chu." Rikke waved to tiny thing with a smile, unsure if it remembered her "Chu, I wanted to speak to Sophia.... could you, try and reach her?" the rogue had actually heard the AI's voice before, even if it did seem to come a fair price at the tanks integrity. Still with Anna and everyone starting to take care of their relic, perhaps Rikke would be able to speak with the creation "She can hear me, right?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

At the sound of her voice Chu seemingly freaked out and ran under Sophia and hid though his green interface was hardly a stealthy feature. Kneeling down Rikke was soon able to coax the frightened repair bot out. In answer to her question Chu gave this face ^_^ before it was replaced with Processing. A moment later Rikke heard a crackle before a much clearer image than the one she had seen before appeared. It was still fuzzy and flickering but Rikke could make out who Sophia had materialized as. She had chosen a short woman with long dark hair tied into pigtails that hung off the side of her head. With the limited display of the projector it was hard to tell colors but the girl seemed to be wearing a military uniform of sorts. "Hello?" The voice was distorted badly but there she was talking to her.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke beamed a smile at the display "Hello, I'm Rikke. I was er... commanding the crew inside the Candence. Never got a chance to thank you." the rogue kept a kind smile. So the girl was indeed still alive... living in this derelic ruin of sorts.

"You're Sophia, right? Ida told me and the wargs told me about you." it was best to see just what sort of mood and disposition the girl was in, before anything else.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Agitha #1 Sophia reporting!" The girl would salute Rikke sharply or as sharply as her display allowed. Hearing Rikke out the girl raised an eyebrow. "Ida? that must be the foreign program trying to access my data. No worries I have remained vigilant and even ordered Chu to weld my access hatch no one shall tamper with my core." There was a strong flicker and Sophia's image distorted. "Stop not now its not safe." The girl had looked to the side as she spoke before realizing she wasn't alone. "My apologize some of my systems are not behaving. Its putting a strain on me. Your welcome Pilot Rikke it was good to fight again." Once more the image flickered violently and Sophia's image distorted to another figure a taller woman who looked around and spoke. "Hey its a person a real live person girls yo...." Just then it went silent.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Eh? No, wait! Sophia? Who is this?" seemed sealing the hatch may have not protected the girl from outside influences... or was this something else entirely "Hello?" Rikke would try to get in contact once more with whoever would respond honestly, they needed to know Ida was not malicious... not even close!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Talking to Sophia didn't stir anymore messages and Rikke was left to her own devices. Even Chu had retreated to his nook and had powered down for the night. It seemed Rikke wouldn't be able to talk with Sophia. However she did know for sure that the A.I. was alive and kicking inside. That was a start, meanwhile Ida waited for Rikke's signal.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hello?" Rikke asked once more only to left completely alone... what the heck happened? While recluse Sophia didn't seem the kind to act in such a way, Chu seemed to shy away as well "Strange..."

The rogue stood up and attempted to contact Ida "Ida. Are you there?" if successful the heroine quickly recounted what she just saw. Sophia was alive, but her communication seemed to be flickering madly... but more importantly someone or something had shunned Sophia aside, right before the rogue lost contact.

"Sophia also mentioned that she considers you er... malicious. You have any way to dispel that?" honestly from here onwards it was up to Ida. With everything cleared up Rikke was free to move onwards to her second goal...

The girl turned to the dome and smiled lightly, remembering the spirit eyeing Jessicas resting place with clear interest "Sure hope you two didn't do anything stupid..." with that girl turned and went onwards towards the dome.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ida answered promptly and heard Rikke out. "Humm that is strange. You said someone else? Can you describe them for me." It was hard due to the flickering image but Rikke could recall some details. She was tall and of light of hair if the projection could be trusted. She was wearing some sort of jump suit that Rikke had never seen before. If she had to say her features where Crolian. Other than that the image was too distorted to make out exactly. Sharing this with Ida the girl thought a moment. "Ill see if I can check any online profiles for a match. As for Sophia... maybe an old access code will work proving that I'm not a malcious program. Im not sure though. Ill have to think about it. Thanks for trying Rikke."

With that done the two said their goodbyes and Rikke moved into the doom. Entering she felt the same peaceful feeling that was always present. Though this time something was added a another presence. It had to be the spirit but this time it wasn't so oppressive. Heading to the egg Rikke felt eyes on her though it was more than likely the spirit from before and upon reaching Jess she found the egg glowing softly as if at rest.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke entered the dome with little to no concern, her hips swaying in a casual and relaxed manner "Hey Jess, I'm back." she'd smile her eyes subtly sharpening as she felt the other presence inside the dome as well "I assume you met our guest we met?" the heroine would keep walking until she reached her usual spot near the egg. The same spot she heard the initial plan from Yuna and learned the truth about Jessicas current fate.

"It's safe here. I think we should talk properly now..." just then the rogue took a light risk "Emi." she heard the name in the vision from the past, while the rogue couldn't quite see herself, the spirit being the original owner of the sword just made sense.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke spoke up Jess brightened and the feelings of warmth and love reached out to the rogue. As she called out to the visitor she got a slightly annoyed feeling form Jess maybe even jealousy. Looking the girl appeared faint and spectral in bloodstained robes. She eyed Rikke hand reaching for a weapon that was no longer present and frowned. "Is it safe?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It's a key to saving my friends." the rogue smiled kindly "It's safe." she'd walk to sit down. Jessicas reaction did seemed a bit strange "So I'm right. You're Emi, the swords previous owner. A samurai from my time." judging by the bloody robe, seemed Rikke indeed saw the honorable warriors final moments.

"I'm Rikke, a..." somehow identifying herself as a rogue, trickster or thief... seemed like a horrid idea "Traveling adventurer." Rikke gave the samurai an earnest smile "And our host all around is Jessica. I assume you two have already met?" the question was actually a whole lot more interesting to the rogue, than she let on... could ghosts speak or interact to Jessica as she was now?
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Emi bowed before speaking. "Well met Rikke. I must warn you however its is no mere sword. It is my bond to this world the vessel of my soul." The warrior looked to Jess and bowed. "You are a very gracious host Jessica. Im sorry that my presence has... disrupted your time with Rikke." Rikke felt a wave of embarrassment flow from Jessica. "No need to apologize my Lady it is I who is intruding." Standing up right Emi turned to Rikke and spoke again. "Now tell me how is my soul going to save your friend?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered at the apology, while there was little doubt Jessica most certainly missed the rogue every moment she was away... a bit of company was always fun. What was un-fun, was exactly how lost on the whole 'Save the world' plan the rogue actually was...

"Oh... that. Well Jessica and Yuna are in charge of that, for now I focus on collecting the items they'll need." Rikke stood up with a smile, remembering an announcement she wanted to make "Infact, when Saul comes back tommorow we'll have all the artifacts we need."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I see so you have no real goal." It was said in a manner that sounded as if Emi was giving it great thought though the tone did kinda sting. After all its not like they didn't have a plan. Still Rikke made her announcement which brought a bright glow from Jess. Excitement and joy, it was almost overwhelming as flowers spontaneous bloomed and the once soft grass was dotted with a rainbow of flowers.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well I don't have a plan, but I'm not the planner." Rikke tried to calm the warriors spirit down a bit... they weren't doing it just for kicks. Yuna clearly had a plan, a plan she unfortunately didn't have the chance to elaborate on.

As the sweeping bloom rushed throughout the area as if a wave, all manner of petals took to the air. Rikke couldn't help, but laugh at her lovers joy as she herself was swiftly surrounded by a warm wind effectively enveloping her in absolute dizzying fragrances "Now now~ Early celebrations calls bad luck." Rikke beamed a smile at Jessica widely clearly joyous at the news herself.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Even Emi's spirit seemed to relax at the show of joy. The whole area felt more vivid and alive. It was a shame Yunie was still drained and couldn't make it. Though with Jess here she had as much companionship as she needed. There was just one interloper. Seemingly sensing the mood a moment Emi put up a hand and walked away. Rikke still felt her presence but it was distant almost an echo. With the spirits departure Rikke felt the warm winds wrap around her teasing her in places winds wouldn't normally go. They seemed to pull her towards the egg.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Though Emi left without another word, the calm she left hinted that even if Rikke was more or less without a clear plan... somehow she just seemed absolutely trustworthy.

Rikke wouldn't notice the samurai girls departure, so caught in the thrill all of the girls worries, concerns and plans were shunned aside just to enjoy the moment. As the warm winds swirled around at first it was just a gentle caress across her whole body, the surging wind having a certain softness more akin to a warm river stream running across the rogues body... though as Emi departed the winds grew a dash more precise, as well as perverse.

Rikke suddenly felt her shirt lightly baloon up as the wind eagerly surged beneath it?! The warm stream would quickly slip between the rogue ample and perky bust, coiling around and almost squeezing the luscious orbs, a certain glee and energy echoing through the act... All the while growing, albeit subtly, ever so colder. As the winds surge continued from being warm and barely felt, the winds grew coulder and sharped, almost creating a clear presence beneath the poofed up shirt.

Even if a first Rikke didn't notice the pervy intents, having her bust caressed was particulary hard to ignore... The rogue puckered her lips as she felt the winds rush along her supreme body beneath, almost squeezing her cups and chilling her nippies "H-hey~!" Rikke bit down on her lower lip playfully suddenly pushing her shirt down and forcing the winds out from beneath! "Perv!" she'd giggle holding her shirt down, her chilled nippies all too clear through the chilled fabric.

Now adorned with a blush, Rikke looked to the egg all too happily and followed the beckon with an alluring sway to her hips... curious to see just what else Jess was going to do.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke drew closer to the egg it glowed brighter and brighter illuminating the small glade with a soft glow. Rikke's shadow danced along the foliage as numerous little animal eyes watched the glow reflected in their eyes. As Rikke got closer she was able to touch the cocoon and while it was hard at first she felt it slowly give way the not soft egg allowing her entry. Of course there was a slight warming sensation that washed over her skin. With one hand completely inside Rikke felt another take it and pull on her gently.