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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Too slow! The rogues eyes sharpened as she absolutely zoned in onto the hunter! Without further ado the heroine let loose her signature attack a trio of devastating slashes! First strike aimed at the hunters legs, while the other two capitalising on the position to end the beast!

Catch up and...
Sudden strikes + Lightning strikes! Or Sudden Lightning strikes if you will :D

Stats to work with:
Dodge down to [52]
Stealth check:
d20 + 33

Sudden Lightining:
Hit: d20 + 52
Damage: 3 attacks - ( 2d6 + 2d10 + 20 )

If stealth success double the damage done with each strike
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Easy all to easy, clearly this hunter had far to easy prey and didn't even realize who he was dealing with. Catching up quickly Rikke lashed out with her attacks catching the fleeing hunter Rikke ended its miserable life with three devastating slashes. Crying out the hunter went down its momentum carrying into the wall with a wet thud. Panting Rikke eyed the creature before cleaning her blade and heading back to medical.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked on to the hunters final fall, the crash into the wall echoing along with a sickening crunch. The heroine looked to the beast with sharp eyes before flicking her blade clean of it's gore "That's for all the innocent you've slain, freako." even after all the killing it was actually looking to get into the secured area for more... the heroine would give the beast another hateful gaze before returning to the medical quarters and the locked door.

"Kimiko, think you can get this open for me?" hopefully Sauls gift was still active and eager to assist the rogue. Without any clear locks to pick, she'd need to rely on the tiny mana statue.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Returning to the door Rikke found the alarms still flashing but the noise had ended. "Rikke Ill open the door for you." A moment later the door to the right opened up with a hiss. Passing threw the door closed almost immediately. A moment later an armed guard came around a corner with a strange device on his head. "All clear no other heat signatures." Leading her on Rikke found Rune in a white apron gown thing spattered with blood. She had a thin mask down over her neck and she looked exhausted. "Glad you made it back Rikke. We thought the worst when Yenna's Vital went down. Where you the only one to make it?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Eh?" Rikke looked to the familiar voice, before the door opened up... she was watched the whole time? making her way onwards the heroine soon enough found Rune! "You could've warned me about the Seve-kin in that room, you know." the rogue smirked lightly, before breaking into an earnest smile and giving Rune a huge "Thank goodness you're okay."

"Yeah my whole crew is fine, but Sam and Kanna need urgent attention. There's around a dozen people back there. I went ahead to clear the way." Rikke nodded firmly "With Stalky dead, I didn't see any other enemies on my way here."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We couldn't see it and I didn't want to divert your attention." Rune returned the hug earnestly before pulling away. "More wounded?" Nodding Rune began to organize a group of soldiers to clear the area to make room. "How did the battle go outside? I thought I heard a tank opening fire?" Rikke didn't really have time to answer before a litter baring same and Kanna came rushing to the medical center. Tiff was with them and she directed Rikke to meet back up with Venise at the checkpoint. Once there after any other questions Rikke found the girl crouched down behind some cover. "Rikke I think we have the main floor secure but Ive lost contact with the turret control room. We need to get those up and running. Which means I need you to make contact with Saul and Rhea. Just follow these stairs up two floors that should lead you to the command center."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Even with all wounded and more or less the whole floor remaining in shambles, they were taking back the area bit by bit "We also might have a wounded pilot outside. Could you send someone to check up on the situation there?" the heroined mentioned Marys state just as she saw the much more obviously injured Sam and Kanna taken care off.

Still with the medical staff and guards working the rogue had little else to do here, the story of what the heck happened would have to wait as well " 'kay stay out of trouble, Rune." with a firm nod Rikke rushed to Ven who'd give her further directions.

Saul and Rune... if the demons had a special ops, no doubt they'd be aiming for those two "You can count on me." Rikke smiled confidently and rushed to the stairs, keeping an ear out for any hints of trouble as she ascended.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Moving up the stairs Rikke found them full of dead demons. No wargs had died defending this place. Moving up Rikke stepped over body after body. Maybe they had been forced back.

Reaching the first landing Rikke saw bold black letters near the door. Research and weapon storage. Looking at the door itself it was sealed tight with a heavy metal security door the remains of some poor demon squashed underneath his legs sticking out. Moving up further Rikke saw a warg leaning against the stair well quite dead. Looking at his wounds she could see they were gunshots not slashes. Well that was a bonus no Sevekin this way at lest. Reaching the next landing Rikke found her goal. The door to the Command and control was blown open with some form of explosive rending any stairs up impassible. Grunts and groans could be heard from a head as well as the occasional heavy weapons fire.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gunshots... while the rogue was apt at guessing the paths shot bullets took, dodging them without dipping into her supernatural nature would be difficult. Still whatever the case may be, the heroine dashed onwards and towards the conflict area!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully the gun shots seemed deeper in allowing the rogue some respite from her every present and growing hunger. Stepping into the door way was a wounded demon solider his arm having been shot. He looked unarmed but was the groaning she had heard earlier. She could of course pass him by and move one if she wanted.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As the rogue moved onwards she'd soon enough find the source of the sounds, while the gunfire seemed to have settled in the distance... there was a demon here, all wounded and alone. Perhaps he could share a bit on the situation on this floor... perhaps he could also do much more. A sly smirk crossed the rogues face as she most certainly didn't walk past him.

Rikkes eyes sharpened as she faced the demon "Caught a bullet have you?" the rogue would adress him and draw her blade, her eyes scaning up and down the demon for any other armaments and his overall state.

Though unlike her usual entry to combat, the rogue didn't take a stance nor rush the demon. Instead she'd slowly approach him. Even as her blade gleamed menacingly, just as much of a eyedraw was Rikke herself. For someone dressed as a victim, both her stature and attitude seemed far different...

From the crash the rogues sweater was nothing short of in-tatters, while the upper part hugging her cups bore only numerous cuts and tears, the lower part was absolutely missing revealing her exceptional midriff in full. Her jeans shared a similar fate with numerous tears scattered through. Surprisingly the battle-damage seemed to actually accentuating the rogues already dazzling beauty.

"Where's your squad, big guy?" she'd smirk in a surprisingly dark manner, the heroines eyes all too clearly colored in a dark purple hue. She approached each step placed infront of the other, all too clearly adding a far too alluring sway to her hips.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"S-stay away from me succubus!" The demon tried to crawl back his wound on his dominate arm slowing him. As far as weapons he seemed to be helpless though he did seem to have wicked looking fingernails. Perhaps his wounded state or the fact he seemed to sense what Rikke wanted but the demon didn't seem all to keen on being with Rikke.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

And what exactly did he think she wanted? Even calling her a succubus of all things! "Succubus?" Rikke smirked slyly "Is the fighting back part of this fantasy you have?" she'd raise her blade and point it to him "You're the enemy and I'm letting you live, I suggest you act a bit more politely."

"Now... let's try this again. Where is your squad?" there were few things that could compare to the thrill of demons, but this one... Rikkes eyes would glaze over her seemingly featureless victims body... this one seemed almost too sad to... well.

"Honestly, a demon who'd run from a succubus. What strange realm this is..."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't want my soul ripped from my body Succubus please just kill me or let me go! Damn kitsune bitch why did she not get a kill shot." The demon kept trying to crawl away from Rikke his dark blood staining the ground as he dragged his useless arm along. As Rikke watched she felt a stirring of a predator watching wounded prey. Much as Kanna eyes had done during the chase, the rogues eyes took on a predatory almost feral glint.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sharpened her eyes and rapidly stepped closer to the demon!... he wasn't worth it. Quickly turning her blade around, the rogue would slam her pommel into the pathetic demons chin, knocking him out on the spot.

The heroine sighed deeply as she leaned away from the wounded soldier "Well that was disappointing." she'd sheath her blade and dust herself off "I thought Snu Snu would be a demons dream way to go." the bleeding and scared soldier wouldn't have sated the rogues hunger even if he didn't have a choice in the matter.

Still a bit disappointed RIkke would leave the soldier unconscious, he was already defeated there was little point to do anything else with him. With her choice made, the heroine would carry onwards towards the sounds of conflict.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading to the scattered sounds of gun fire Rikke found various wargs in defensive positions firing at their opposite number in similar states. It seemed like everyone was in a stand still and with the demons in full retreat it would only be a matter of time before the demons were eliminated. Rikke could of course choose to engage the scattered pockets or she could move on to find Rhea or Saul.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ofcourse it was just a stalemate, giving the rogue ample time to en--- the heroine shook the idea off and looked to the situation in more detail. Without using her magic, she could not dash into gunfire! Not without substantial risk atleast...

Rikke would quickly scan the area for any chances to perhaps flank the enemy and swiftly eliminate or disable them. If the layout didn't present any of such chances, the rogue would slide to one of the wargs in safe cover and ask about Sauls and Rheas whereabouts.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Flanking was an option but in all necessity time was of the essence. Sliding next to one of the boys Rikke found him patching a wound. Seeing Rikke he jumped a little but settled down once he saw who she was. "Hero, we have the enemy pinned down they are not going anywhere. The command center is just down the hall password kickass."

Nodding to the solider Rikke headed down to a large steel door with bullet scuffs. A nearby blinking screen stated the door was in manual lockdown. Wailing on the door got a muffled "Password!" Speaking it Rikke heard the door creak and open with Rhea pulling her in. The kitsune had a bandage over one eye that was stained with blood while Saul sat at a screen clicking away at a keyboard.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well at the very least it was clear who came up with the password... "Kickass!" upon uttering the correct answer Rikke would soon enough find herself tugged inside the heavily locked down office! "Thank goodness! It looks like the whole base has been through hell and back."

The heroine smiled kindly to Rhea and looked to Saul, noting he didn't carry any too obvious wounds "You two okay?" if Rhea asked Rikke would give her own report of what happened and their current hold at the medical bay.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah Ill be fine. Ill have a nice scare to show off but Ill live. Thankfully Saul managed to get here and lock the base down before their assault team could breach safe area with the artifacts. How about you Rikke you look a little beat up." Catching Rhea up the kitsune nodded before sitting back down. "It seems all is in order. Also we found our spy." Rhea pointed to her eye "He gave me this as a reminder. Who new shadows could live and breath. I got him good though or at lest I think it was a he. Oh you might want this back." Rhea reached up and brought a dagger that suddenly shifted into Janet's longblade. and tossed it to Rikke." I was looking over the artifacts when the attack happened.