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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

So it wasn't either of them... Rikke would relax in joy, but her current condition didn't quite allow her to do it just yet. As Ven left, Rikke would wait a fair bit longer, looking whether Degravil was still active.

Still only when she was sure the coast was clear, the rogue would stand up and stealthily make her exit. Looked like she could trust both of Degravils, but then the question remained... who was the spy?

Still the question would have to wait until Rikke finally slipped out of Vens room unnoticed and went right back to Sauls office. It was best he heard the news.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The trip back was quick Rikke rushing along at a brisk pace. So much had happened and sadly very few questions had been answered. She found Saul leaving the admin building his eyes red though they seemed to ease up as she approached. "Find anything?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke beared a smile as she approached the man, perhaps easing his stress a bit "Only good news." she'd look to his office "I'll tell you inside." whether he liked it or not, they'd need to carry this conversation to a place much more private than the hallway.

"We can trust Venise and her brother fully." Rikke started with that "They're working for the King and doing their best to support our efforts here." she'd smile to Saul widely, though the technological secret would remain safe with her "I've overheard a report they were making back to her majesty and some other personal notes." Rikke gave a firm nod "They're definedly our allies, Saul."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After entering the office and hearing the news Saul relaxed visibly. "Thats good but... its also bad. Now we have no lead to explore." Saul moved over to the window and looked out. Following his gaze Rikke spotted what he was looking at. The window had a direct view of the officers quarters and of one particular building. "Well until we have a lead we are stuck. Might as well get some sleep. I suggest you do the same Heroine."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well hey. One step at a time, right?" the heroine smiled to him kindly "At the very least we know for sure we atleast have allies with Inteligence.' though from Vens conversation seemed the girl found out about a possible spy... just now from the unit itself. Perhaps inteligence worked differently in this realm.

The rogue noted the mans locked gaze "Something on your mind, Saul?" she'd lean closer with a raised eyebrow.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Just how tired I am." He would smile faintly before heading back out. As they walked the man looked up at the stars. "When this is all over I'm going to resign from the military and marry Rhea. Maybe we can make a few kitlings to keep her busy. Saul nudge Rikke with his elbow in a buddy buddy manner. Still unless Rikke had more to say Saul would part ways heading for the officer's quarters leaving Rikke alone. In the distance she heard shouting. It sounded angry and came from the direction of Jessica's invisible magic dome.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue smirked at the man as he nudged her and shook her head playfully. Honestly, Rikke had considered a certain kind of celebration of her success. Just her and Saul in private, but he was just... Rheas "Hum~ Well with magic back in the world, things will be a whole lot less dull."

She'd smile to him "Even settling down won't be quite as boring." Rikke looked to the man briefly, her eyes coloring purple though a blink later returning to their green color "Sleep tight, Saul. We'll have quite the busy days after Rune finds the next artifacts."

Looking to the source of the scream Rikke knew exactly near where it was coming from! Was someone disturbing Jessica?... maybe something stepped out of the dome?! Her eyes sharp the rogue quickly dashed in to investigate.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Running to the location revealed a short red haired woman in greasy overalls and a big wrench yelling at something hinding under the large metal machine from earlier. Nearby the tore up hulk of the kart lay as scrap. "CHU! I told you stop cutting the lock on the door. I can't spare any parts to fix this relic!"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I take it he's been at it for a long time?" Rikke stepped closer with a smile, not hiding from the two "What is he trying to rebuild anyway?" the heroine looked to the machine of this realms past, before looking to the girl. The Kitsunes only prayed to it, but Rikke never did learn WHAT this thing was.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girl jumped as Rikke called out her hand brandishing the oversized wrench with ease. Eyeing Rikke a moment the girl relaxed and offered up an apology. "S-Sorry m-my name is Annie. Y-you s-startled me." Taking the initiative Chu quickly scrambled out from under the machine and hid behind Rikke quaking his display showing T_T. Switching to the machine the girls voice regained its composure. "Yes hes been trying to repair Sophia for a four years now." She placed her hand on the machine. "I used to help him before the budget was cut." Annie looked to Chu and sighed. "She is the sole surviving example of the Titan MBT." Anni looked to Rikke seeing that she was lost. "Main Battle Tank. They were beauties and they only made 30 of them due to cost. Sure she looks like similar to every other MBT out there but what makes her special is the A.G.I.T.E.A. The first and only AI placed in a war machine. Too dangerous especially after what happened to Sophia here.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Surviving' was a generous term for the old machine "Well by the looks of it this things purpose was to be dangerous." Rikke glanced over the machinery "What pushed it over the edge of too dangerous?" perhaps the rogue could learn more without seemingly absolutely lost on the terminology used.

If she was going to save this world, she may as well learn a bit atleast of it's war efforts "And if they're not using these er... Main Battle Tanks. Whats the warfare out there right now?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Anni looked at the tank and sighed. "Sophia here is the first Agitea unit. Agitea stands for Artificial Guardian Intelligence Threat Elimination Assistant. She worked by networking her crew together in a VR environment. As such Sophia could show her sensor input to her crew and improve efficiency. Sophia also received detailed reading on her crews thought patterns so she could anticipate their likely actions. In away they became linked Sophia's program grew as did the other Agitea units. What the designers didn't know is how tight knit this bond got. When the first casualties happened the crew and their units went a little crazy. Sophia here lost her crew before the wall was completed and held off six brutes before some dark energy struck her. What ever it was it slowly killed the crew but they kept fighting and fighting even though they were told to retreat. This was her last action station before her crew finally died but they held off the brute from reaching the nest. The rest of them are out there still rusting in the jungle." Anni patted the tank with her hand. "Ever since then all AI have been limited in their function. If they could disobey orders what good would they be and how dangerous would they become. Honestly Sophia here is dead no one has heard from her since the battle ended. Chu tries to fix her though with out an active Agitea unit is just a hunk of metal. They tried to haul her off for scrap but the troops refused they say she brings good luck and they honor our fallen here." Anni points to the numerous dog tags hanging from the barrel. "I wonder who will hang mine if the time comes....." Shaking her head Anni headed back a tear in her eye.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Wow." Rikke looked to the battletank with far greater reverement than before "To think such things..." the rogue silenced the last part and after a brief moment of silence smiled to the girl "Thank you for telling me this. It's... quite the curiousity."

Truthfully, for how curious Rikke was the future warfare wasn't on her priority list. She had never been interested in wars or means of fighting them "I'm Rikke by the way. It was a pleasure to meet you." she'd smile kindly to the girl and look to Chu "Well why not let the lil guy do his thing? He may be better at it than one would think." especially considering that he did actually managed to, if briefly, return whatever controlled the machine back to life.

Still if there was nothing else, Rikke was slowly getting tired. Perhaps it was time she too retired for the night.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke's last statement halted Annie who turned around to look at the machine. "N-no way." She looked to Chu and to Sophia shaking her head. "It can't be Rikke shes dead. No one has been able to bring up her program. Its there but it won't function. I replaced the parts myself she's dead Rikke you must have imagined it." Even more tears filled Annie's eyes and her lips trembled before she ran further away and into the new hanger. Feeling a tug at her pant leg Rikke looked down to see one of Chu's claws making a shhs motion before he clambered back up and into his housing.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Eh? No, I'm certain about it." though as Rikke added the last comment the girl seemingly couldn't take the news and just ran away. The rogue turned to Chu curiously only for the mechanical crab... spider... thing to shush her? "If you want help, you're going to have to show her. Even if it's just a glympse." the girl smirked to the mech and sighed casually.

While Rikke considered trying to help the tiny bot... her mission was significantly much more important, not to mention the technological marvels, while mesmerizing to probably every single engineer in her Crolia... they just didn't resonate with the rogue much at all. There was just something... off about it all.

Rikke was about to leave, though just as she turned around she'd pause "Chu... if there's ever anything. Find Rikke Daleru." she'd smile to the device, at the very least the rogue wouldn't turn down a desperate cry for aid... even from a spidercrab.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Chu nodded and climbed up on Sophia before snuggling himself in to his housing. This left Rikke a few choices she could say go say good night to Jessica or head back to her room she shared with Kanna. The choice was hers of course.

If Kanna
Choosing to head to her room Rikke would find the lobby completely deserted with all the lights low. Making her way to her room she would find Kanna fast asleep the strange machine still playing and displaying the false stars. Crawling into bed she would fast asleep soon and wake up to a gentle shake from Kanna. "Hey they said your needed at command."

If Jessica
Heading into the invisible dome of magic Rikke could feel the air humm with power once more. Brightly colored plants and insects illuminated the area in a fluorescence similar to Mika's home but far less deadly and stinky. As before Jessica's egg glowed brightly in the middle offering little chance to sleep due to her brightness. Birds chirped as Rikke walked in and placed a hand on the egg only for Jessica's hand to reach out to touch hers. There seemed a sigh that was felt more than heard as their hands where blocked by the protective shell around her.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would sigh happily and look around, her gazing locking onto Jessicas dome nearby. The heroine glanced to the dull looking building once, before turning to move onwards into the dome... somehow it just seemed far more like home in there.

The girl would indeed make her way through the lush flora, the wonderous little lights moving aside to let the heroine pass through. Their numerous bright colors seemingly creating a small archway for her to enter "Hey, Jess." Rikke placed her hand on the warm egg with a smile "Mission successful. We've got Janets old blade and an young sorceress necklace." the heroine smiled brightly to the egg, even if it would not be seen.

"You'd love it..." Rikke would take out the necklace and inspect it "It's this silver pendant of a succubus holding a red gemstone." she'd smirk slyly "A succubus and red... whoever could that remind me of." the rogue giggled playfully and gave the egg a sly wink.

"I've got a room in the barracks, but it's like..." Rikke sat down a nearby rock, perhaps part of the road that was once here, jutted up "It's so colorless...so... lifeless. You look out the window only to see more plain dull colors." she'd harumph lightly "Oh and I think I know why you hate their technology so much." Rikke continued speaking her mind "You know how we had guns right? Like rifles?" the rogue subtly shifted her sitting position to face the egg "Now imagine a gun, the size of royal carriage, with armor atleast three times the thickness of a demon knight... and an artificial soul to command it." she'd shudder visibly.

For the time being Rikke would remain in the dome, not keen to leave any time soon.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke felt a wave of happiness as she entered and spoke her mind. Finishing her rant Rikke handled the necklace again. However Rikke felt the magic take hold once more as her vision shifted. This time she wasn't watching from a far she was the girl.

Her breath was ragged, her heart pounded. She could feel the acute loss of energy and knew she wouldn't be able to keep casting spells for long. An orcish below echoed from a corner. Bringing up her hands she felt the energy. She hated using this spell and she hated the fact she had to. Releasing the energy at the orc warrior caused him to scream out in agony as his body distorted his flesh warping and splitting before falling silent and dropping to the floor. A click from elsewhere caused Rikke to turn her head to see an orc with a rifle. A loud concussive sound echoed out amplified by the tight confines of the stone hallway. A burning pain flared to life in Rikke's chest as she flew back from the hit. Looking up as her eyes began to fade she felt a massive burst of energy build up in her. She would not let these orcs hurt anyone else. A sudden flash and then darkness.

Blinking Rikke looked at the necklace again. This vision was stronger than before. Still it seemed little time had passed.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gasp as the vision faded and looked around, she was still under Jessicas dome... not battling orcs. The heroine looked to the pendant curiously, her eyes scanning the object "Odd..." Was the object more potent or did Jessicas magical nature empowered the artifacts?

The rogue looked to Janets blade at her side and took a deep breath "Let's try..." with that she'd try touching the blade as well, bracing another glympse to it's past.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Holding the blade Rikke Rikke tried to focus and brace herself. She could feel the magic start to take hold but it seemed stymied by something. Looking at the blade Rikke Relaxed and felt the magic grow stronger. That was the key she had to let the visions happen. Soon enough the magic took hold and her vision shifted.

The hallway was dark with a smattering of torches scattered around. Looking about Rikke's eyes land on her adoptive mother. She seemed so peaceful almost asleep. Of course it wasn't the case. Her hand stretched out and touched Janet. Looking up she saw Rhea nod at her trying to comfort her. Next to her the priestess of Venus placed a hand on her shoulder. "Its okay Mika everyone's time comes. Janet lead a good life we couldn't have secured Endus without her." The words where little comfort but she knew they were trying their best. Reaching the tomb area they group fanned out and each of the companions had something to say but she couldn't bring herself to mention anything. Tear's rolled down her cheek as she took her mothers blade and placed it to rest with her."

Blinking Rikke was back to the glade. A trio of butterflies rested on her in various places and Rikke could feel a sense of worry coming from Jess.