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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered at the spin and smiled earnestly "Well~ Should the followers adapt to their goddess's appearance, hum?" she'd smirk slyly, before just asking "Yunie... If I'm not mistaken, in this realm... a lot of years have passed. Are you okay over there? Worshipers or not, you've spend hundreds of years on the island?"

To some degree the event seemed to have ruined one of Rikkes own dreams for Yuna - the girls departure from the island and into the life of adventure "Why didn't you leave?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yunie smiled at Rikke before sitting down. "Well I did inherit your fair skin Mom, besides if someone did visit the island I would want to blend in not stand out like sore thumb. And for awhile I was lonely, until Aunt Jess found me. That did take some getting used to. Sense I couldn't gather enough power to leave the island physically I explored the lands like this. I know its not what you had in mind but what else could I do." Yunie sighed and Jess glowed a happy pink making Rikke feel energized and Yunie smile. "Shes happy your here mom. Look I haven't seen her like this sense we where able to bring back Janet.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would smile brightly and approach the egg, before gently placing her hand on it. There were things she wished to know about Jessica, but there was something else first "Hey! Yeah about that... why or how is everyone here? Rhea, Rune, Saul, Janet... even Joldra, DeGravil and Reggie." the rogue giggled lightly "Even the Silken Princess and the girls."

The heroine turned to Yuna, who effectively acted as the voice of the duo "I've heard stories about reincarnation, but this just seems... really odd."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well Aunt Jess is the reincarnation of the Phoenix. A spirit that is reborn again and again. She used some of her power to bring back the others. People she thought could help you. Though.. her control in the beginning was not so good. The first person we brought back was Reggy. Hopefully he chooses a different path this time." Yunie looked back and leaned against the egg. "It was a lot of trial and error and well she refined her skills on people who were not mission critical before risking Janet or Rhea. Honestly I'm not sure exactly how she did it myself. As for the princess well a good business is a good business." "The reason we didn't have to bring you back was well you where not dead Mom. It took longer to find you and we needed to have a certain amount of magic to do that. Not to mention the demon invasion made things rougher. We thought we had more time to get it right, as it is we rushed things and almost lost you." Yunie smiled at Rikke. "So to cap it off Reggy DeGravel and some of the others were guinea pigs so we could get Rhea, Rune, Saul, and Janet to help with whats ahead. You Mom where the hard one to get it took longer than we thought and we had to rush it but you came out just fine no side effects right!"
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well I guess I've got a team to reassemble once more." Rikke glanced to the blade she held "I wonder if the artifacts would recognise their owners." the heroine snickered "Though with this realms reliance on guns I doubt any of them can wield a sword anymore, much less to good effect." the rogue laughed lightly and drew the blade with a smile, giving it a few quick strikes before resheathing it "But my stuff and armor is in the museum? Did the stone move my stuff and not me?..and I was stuck in that magic vortex for hundreds of years?!" hearing out the answer the rogue could only sigh... talk about bad timing.

"Janet?" she'd raise glance to Yuna curiously "Is there something I don't know about her?" while a dear friend and great warrior, Janet seemed to be just a soldier... what made her so critical to the task at hand.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I think it had to do with your.. umm condition. Your quasi succubus nature was a random thing we can't account for. Your armor and weapon ended up with the rest of the group with out you. It was very distressing and with out magic no one could find you. From what I hear about it from Aunt Jess is people kinda gave up." Just as Yunie finished that and began to speak about Janet a high pitched beep echoed from outside the area. This caused Yunie to frown and Janet to glow a soft sad blue. "Looks like they are back... one of them isn't going to make it.. Can you do anything Aunt Jess?" The glow deepened and a wave of sadness washed over Rikke. Another set of alarms sounded this one lower oscillating in pitch. Overhead Rikke heard the roar like a hundred bonfires but whatever shield Jess had erected prevented her from seeing outside. A moment later a loud crash could be heard and shouting from outside the protected area. "Oh.. dear...."
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

They... gave up? Rikke looked to Yuna, her eyes slightly widening though as the rogue wanted to ask further about it an all too well known noise rang out "That again?" Rikke turned to the source and then to the duo, before without even needing to ask her suspicions echoed true "We're under attack?!"

The rogue drew her blade, Yunas first comment seemingly falling on deaf ears in the commotion "I need to check whats going on outside. Will Jess be safe in here?" Rikke turned to Yuna firmly and depending on the answer rushed outside of the protective dome.. or cursed silently "I'll just take a peek outside. Stay vigilant you two, 'kay?" and then rushed to check what was going on outside.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mom I think you..." Jess flashed a bright blue a moment causing Yunie to frown. "Right Jess will be safe I will keep watch." Watching Rikke run out Yunie sighed as her mother disappeared out of view with Jess glowing slowly. "Your right she dose need to see for herself but... this is not how I wanted her to."

Rikke quickly departed Yunie and Jessica running to the edge of the protective magic field Jess had erected around herself. Peaking out Rikke saw two massive suits of armor easily as tall has the building to her left holding a third between them. No other dangers seemed present. Coming from the main complex a large carriage with a flashing red lights was heading for the scene. Its sirens making the awful squealing noise. Looking back to the suits of armor Rikke saw the chest cavity of both open up. Two female figures in tight form fitting suits jumped out and ran to the third armor which seemed to smolder lightly. After a moment the strange carriage with a red cross on its side pulled up and two more people with a stretcher piled out of that vehicle. Together they managed to open the third armor's chest that had a limp female figure in it. Getting her on the stretcher and taking off her helmet. This caused Rikke to gasp as Cassandra's face and eyes met her own. She had blood coming from her nose and ears but before Rikke could do much she was in the ambulance and being sped away. Looking at the two pilots of the machines Rikke saw one remove her helmet and reveal Mary while the other kept it on and stared at the retreating ambulance.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Siege golems?! Rikke briefly looked to the absolutely striking monstrosities briefly... to think such a tall-tale would be a reality here. Soon enough the ones controling the golems soon enough appeared, thanks to her exceptional eyesight the rogue even at fair distance managed to make out quite a few details.

Cassanda... Mary... did those two bring back everyone they've ever met? Still from here there was little Rikke could do, but look on to the gravely injured girl, wincing lightly... still those three weren't the attackers. There had to be something else the rogue missed... or was it not an attack to begin with, but a emergency for the injured? Rikke would stand from her position briefly, looking on to the sight.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Eventually the two pilots got back into their golems and moved with lumbering steps back to the building on Rikke's left. Giant doors in the side of the building opened up allowing the two massive machines to enter dragging the damaged third between them. After that the doors closed leaving Rikke standing near the entrance to Jessica's protective barrier.

The small cart she had ridden in to get here was still present and besides a few people that came out to clean up some of the debris from the golem Rikke was alone.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Cass..." it wasn't a long run,the rogue wouldn't stand dumbstruck for long and ran towards the small medical carriage. Rikke would approach the carriage and try to check in what was Cassandras situation. Since there were no attackers here, clearly these three had just escaped a battle.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Running for the carriage Rikke was intercepted by the pilot that kept her helmet on. A voice distorted by the helmet echoed out. "Whoa stop the medics have her now. Its her only chance." The woman was taller than Rikke by at least six inches. She was busty too an easy match for Rikke and thanks to her skin tight outfit Rikke could feel the muscle tone as they made contact. Still with the helmet on she couldn't see who it was though in writing over the dark visor it read Knight. Mary or rather the Mary look alike seemed to have tears in her eyes as she placed her helmet back on. Her's read Cowgirl.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the medic before turning to the woman "She's a friend. I just wanted to see her." the heroine lowered her gaze sadly "It's just been a while, now next thing I know I see her gravely injured..."

The girl stepped back and regained her composure "But you're right, it's best the doctors work on her." Yunas words now reached the rogue, previously being pushed aside "Hopefully she'll be okay." the added comment rang out solemnly, before Rikke once more shook the dark thoughts off.

"I assume you two are her comrades in arms?" she'd glance over the suits and smile lightly "Or well, Sisters in arms."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The woman looked her over a moment before stepping back. "Yes you could say that, but you are in a restricted area and should leave. Cassy will be in the medical ward you should head there." Heading back the woman put a hand on Mary's shoulder before the two of them mounted back up into their golems and retreated to the hanger. A moment later a clean up crew came out to clean up the fluids and debris from the damaged golems.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Do random people wander all the way over here often?" Rikke smirked confidently and snickered lightly "I'm pretty sure I'm allowed here... Janet." as if the rogue could mistake her 'knights' voice for anyone else, helmet or no. Still they were right after a likely rough battle with a friend at the brink "I'll see you later, you two look like you need your rest." she'd give them a friendly nod and retrea back beneath the dome.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Walking back into the magic dome Rikke could feel Janet's eyes on her. Still likely the girl had other things to worry about and Rikke had her own things to deal with. Once inside she was greeted by Yunie who was focusing her lips mumbling silent words. In this place Rikke could feel energy all around and given her nature accented by this place she could feel a little bit of Yunie's life force leaving her body and flowing out to someone. Reading her lips Rikke could make out the silent words. "To many far to many no more not one more."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was quite a question what Janet throught of the stranger just appearing and disappearing like that, though one that would likely be answered in the near future. Returning beneath the dome, the rogue kept a casual walking pace only to catch Yuna doing the oddest ritual of sorts...

"Yuna?" the heroine approached after the act looking to her "I thought magic was nullified." she'd look to the girl firmly, whatever Yuna just did, if even Rikke could clearly feel the shift... had to have taken a huge toll on her.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yunie winced before collapsing to the ground her already spectral form flickering. "I-I can't to much..... need to rest." With that Yunie faded away. This left Rikke alone with Jess and while she was no doubt worried about her daughter Jess seemed not to worry and Rikke could feel calming waves of emotion pouring from the egg. With everything calm for the moment Rikke finally had a chance to relax and take in the scenery around her. She was standing on the strange stone that seemed to make up the surface of many cities in this strange world but it was cracked and crumbling as plants broke the surface. Already nature had reclaimed most of it with several small trees and bushes already well entrenched. Where trees and flowering bushes had yet to take ahold was green grass speckled with wild flowers. In the distance Rikke could hear a cascade of water over the birds and insects flying around. Truely this was a little eden surrounded by a fort.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Once inside the small dome Rikke almost felt Jess all around, the egg acting as little more than a core of everything all around "Saving the world eh?" the heroine snickered playfully and walked deeper into the eden towards the sounds of water "I thought we'd try to limit ourselves to a town or city."

As she went deeper the flora seemingly, leaned towards her, the fresh smells of the freed nature enveloping her "Have you seen the things that go on outside of here? Carriages that can carry dozens of people AND turn invisible, massive weapons easily the size of good few horses." she'd continue walking and recalling what she saw outside to noone in particular, looking for the water source.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke could feel Jess was slightly annoyed at the mention of the devices but it quickly dissipated. Walking along the now broken stone path Rikke found the source of water. It took a moment and at first an almost insurmountable tangle of vines blocked her. Though as she touched them they parted revealing a large pool absolutely filled with Moonlilies. That wasn't the only thing either one of the large armored suits lay nearby its cockpit open with hanging moss growing from it. For a moment it looked like a long sleeping stone giant half buried in vegetation. A faded but still legible script near the hatch read Lancer. Taking in that sight Rikke heard a bird splash in the water drawing her attention to a series of rocks that leaked the water forming the pool.