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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke finished the pineapple and looked to Jessica firmly "Jess, can we really trust your sisters to behave?" she'd put the prickly skin aside and look to her friend in a serious manner "If we leave and after a few months they start terrorizing cities, even if they're your sisters... We'd have a responsibility to stop them."

It was a polarizing topic, but it's one that had been on Rikkes mind for a while now. She needed to hear Jessica input on the matter.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I want to belive it really I do. But Im not even sure what their goals are now. The master is dead well defeated they are free. I guess it all depends on what they want to do. Amber is the one to worry about she might convince the others to do something out of their nature. Or we could both be wrong and they live out their lives with out bothing anyone else."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke listened to Jessicas input and looked down briefly "They'll get bored, then they'll return to doing what they've been doing for most of their lives." the heroine to Jess sadly, but quickly placed a finger on her lips in thought "That is... unless they find a way sate their urges, that won't involve harm." a hopeful smile crossed Rikkes face "What do you know of your sisters, what do they enjoy the most."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess smirked "Ive had three long years to get reaquainted with them. I know them very well. Amber craves power and weath. She loves to show off both. Elizbeth just loves to sleep all day but party all night. Exotic drugs and drinks are her favorite. Vivi would be happy to design and give make overs to anyone she could get her hands on. Which leaves.. Ellla... she is a mystery even to me. The only one who knew her heart was Yenna." Jess frowned but it didn't last long as Janet and Mika made an apperance.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke licked her lips as a plan formulated in her mind "Well~ I imagine the master loved to hoard riches." she'd push off the table and stand "What if the sisters opened a inn, using them. Amber could take care of it's management, Eli would take of it during the busy hours. Large cities should provide enough for her needs, both drinks and drugs-wise. Vivi could open a luxurious saloon."

"It'd be similar to the Silken Princess. Only slightly less questionable." Rikke looked to Janet, who likely wanted to a fill in on the discussion at hand "As for Ella.." Rikkes spirit clearly dimmed "I'm not sure. She could have her own quarters, but I don't know how we'd be able to reduce her lonelyness..." while the idea of the inn itself seemed more like a dream scenario, it was either try and seek that or just hope for the best.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess looked at Rikke and eyebrow raised. "It would have to be a very well to do inn to make Amber happy. Im not worried about Elizibeth to much she can find just about anything she wants. I know Vivi would be happy to have a constant stream of vic.. I mean people to try her designs and makeups on. But having Ella near people might be bad...." Jess stopped and tusseled her hair as Mika ran and looked at all the strange things in the kitchen. "Ya know I think I heard something about Sasha wanting to expand the princess to other cities. Ya know set up a franchise of sorts.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked at the words as the ideas quickly added up in her head "Well with enough gold, I'm sure we can get the things rolling." she'd turn to Janet "And with Sashas help the underworld dealings should be significantly easier."

"If Amber wants a grandiose inn, she'll need to create it herself. I bet she'd even love making a palace of her own, to amplify the image of her power and riches." RIkke smiled mischieviously "Just let me present the idea... except..." the rogue looked aside briefly "We'd have one major problem. Why would they change what they do, if there's incentive to do so."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Im not sure." Jess looked thoughtfull staring off into the distance. "Easy no doubt this Master person had allies right. With him out of the way whats stopping them from claiming what was once his?" Janet sat down and grabbed a pear and began to eat it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke placed her palms on the table and looked to the group "Well there's only one real way to settle this. No need to theorycraft." the heroine turned to her succubus companion "Jess, can you arrange a meeting of all the sisters? If you must find a steel chair for Ella as well, this concerns all of them." Rikke leaned out with a confident smile "We should just hear what they have to say on such an offer."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah it shouldn't be to hard after all we have business to finish up. Ill get to it right now." Getting up Jess headed to her main room leaving Rikke and Janet with Mika in the kitchen. After an hour or so with just these girls as company Jess returned. "Rikke no one can find Ella... I think she went to her garden but the door is locked. My sisters don't like to disturb her but you want her at the meeting so your gonna have to umm break in. Jess had a small bag in her hands and handed it over to Rikke while the rogue thought on her decsion. Inside where cloths all a little outlandish. Apparently Vivi was responisble for dressing the sisters.

If Rikke decided to see this garden she would be brougth to a mightly oak door painted black with several written warning about leaving the occupant alone to her sorrows. By the looks of it the lock wasn't overly complicated and from what Jess told her the door wasn't warded.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would chit chat with the duo about what happened after she left, especially asking about the pods and Janets injuries, including their overall healing. Still it would be a fairly brief chat as Jessica returned fairly soon.

Rikke looked to the tacky-- modern clothes and smiled sheepishly "I'll be fine in this. Just need something in case the meeting doesn't go well. You know something to prevent the corruption just a bit." even if Jess didn't have anything on hand, Rikke would continue onwards with just her dark red bra and ever so wonderful leather pants.

The lock was fairly simple, it's been clearly aged, both in structure and design. It would barely take any time, before with a sly smile Rikke could enter inside "Ella?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With a simple click the lock opened and Rikke stepped inside. The garden itself was not full of live things as one would expect. Instead it was full of statues of live things all carved out of the same onyx like substance that the roses where on Yenna's grave. Each was delicatly carved or shaped implying a certain level of detail and craftmenship. Despite the artwork though the whole room was cold a mere mockery of a garden. Still Ella was no where to be found. Wandering a bit further Rikke found a small table and a note.

"My dearest sisters if any of you even bother to know Im gone. I have left on my own journy to find a way to bring my Yenna back to me. I doubt any of you will even read this or find it. Be well my sisters I do not think I will return."

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened as she read the message "Ella?!" she'd shoutout once more, though her voice would only echo across the onyx garden - noone there to answer "Damnit..." the rogue would grab the note and rush back to wherever Jessica agreed to meet her after. While Ella was a complete stranger, the sad tone of the note and especially her corruptive nature, even if it's not intentional may become a huge problem for... pretty much anything that met her!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rushing back to Jess who was helping Mika into a strange getup she showed her a note. Bringing a hand to her mouth Jess sat down. "My poor sister so alone. We have to find her or........ she could put herself and other in danger." Still what could they do. Ella had left at an unknown time and the meeting with the remaining sisters was close at hand.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well we saw her less than a day ago. If she left I'm sure there's still a trail we can follow." Rikke paused, keeping the rest to herself... 'Even if it's that of dead flowers and flora...'

"The other sisters will have to know, since we'll have Amber and Vivi together we'll inform them of this. I'm sure Ella will be found soon Jess, don't worry." the heroine approached her friend and placed a hand on her shoulder in a comforting fashion, even giving her a hug if Jess looked like she needed one. For the time being, they needed to wait out until the meeting starts...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was easy to slip into a hug and Jess seemed to apperciate it and returned the squeeze. "Right we better get this done while the sisters are in a thankful mood. Ill tend to Elizibeth while you head to the main dinning area. Mika and Janet stay here for now and do either of you know where Joldra went?" At this both girls shrugged their shoulders leaving Rikke to head to the meeting to await Jess.

Leaving the room Rikke found her self in a largeish hall with five doors. She had passed threw this area before but it was on the way down to Ella's garden. The grand staircase was in the middle and from what she could tell the room she saw where likely the sisters quarters. Heading down the grand stair Rikke found herself in a more sectioned off floor. Once she didn't get a chance to explore. Here she saw Amber enter a rather impressive chamber before closing and equally impressive door. Two hallways spread out from her location before flanking stairs lead back down to the first floor. These passages had numorous other doors and where likely the servent quarters.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No. You go to Vivi, something tells me Joldra got herself bound up with her. Literally, Eli should be easy to find later." Rikke smiled to Jessica "And thankful or not, they should know about Ella. Maybe Amber can track down the means she left." she'd nod firmly on that matter "As for the Inn. It's an offer to them, not a favor from them. This is not something we can force or coerce your sisters into."

"Stay out of trouble you two." With that Rikke followed through with Jessicas offer to quickly deliver the messages without the meeting date, the group would briefly split up. Rikke would head to find, who she deemed, the sisters leader - Amber, while Jessica should go find Vivi.

Following Jessicas directions it wouldn't take long for Rikke to find Ambers quarters... along with her servants. The rogue paused seeing the numerous doors, but steeling herself she'd head onwards to Amber. Jessica already told her about the servant girls here... it was best if Rikke not saw any more heartbreak here.

Closing in on the door Rikke would approach with great stealth and listen in whether someone else was inside or for sounds of anything out of the ordinary.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The door was thick and hid the sound well. Rikke could only her muffled voices that where far to distorted to make much out of. It seemed Amber was speaking with someone but Rikke couldn't tell who. Stepping back Rikke knocked on the door. A moment later a servent girl opened it for her to reveall the dinning room. In it was a grand table easily sitting 10 people. In here was Amber and Vivi as well as Joldra. Rikke almost smirked at Joldra get up but kept it concealed. Joldra was wearing a nearly no existant maids outfit made of a see threw material. Her face was decorated with some nearly garish makeup. "Oh is it not the savor of our home? Vivi is most pleased to see you agian." Amber just smirked as she watched Joldra's uncomfortable fidgeting.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"And why is one of the other saviors dressed in that?" Rikke did indeed smirk, but it was not aimed at Joldra. She'd be looking right at two, her voice ever so subtle shaming the duo even if in a playful manner. Still how ever they chose to react was up to them, Rikke had slightly more important matters to discuss.

With a confident sway Rikke approached the duo "We have a problem." the heroine took out the note and placed it for the two to inspect "Ella has run away from the mansion." for the time being this was the first piece of news Rikke wanted to share, keeping the inn discussion for second.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

If Rikke's words shamed them it had no outward apperance to do so. Looking at the note Vivi frowned while Amber had a hint of worry but it was quickly masked up. "Servant Joldra you are dissmised until tonight... You and I shall have some more playtime. You love it No?" Rikke could see Joldra struggle a moment before speaking. "Y-yes mistress." Leaving she blushed shamed by the smaller and probably in her eyes lesser demon commanding her. "Humm I knew Ella was a senstive girl but this is just.... out of the ordenary. I will begin to search for her with magic." Vivi actaully looked like she was going to cry. "I can't belive she would leave with you Vivi letting her dress her in a gorgous outfit fir for a queen." Rikke doubted that last part but it seemed Vivi was concerned just unable to express it in an appropriate manner.