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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With the final spurts of spunk unloaded Jess couldn't help herself, but hold Rikke down, the cock going down Rikkes throat as deep as it reached! Even if she didn't want to force it, she needed this... every single cell in her body cried out for this! Jessica cried out loudly as the cock engorged form the thoughts and spurred forth even more spunk right down Rikkes throat.

The heroine had her eyes closed through the ordeal as she gulped more and more of her lovers juices, until finally Jessica knew it was time to let go! It was not a moment too soon as Rikke clearly needed air, gasping loudly as the cock flew out. One final spurt of spunk landing on her face as it left her luscious lips embrace.

Coughing lightly as the cock finally slipped out Rikke broke a smile and wiped her lips of the lewd mix "Well, guess that takes care of dinner, for the both of us." she'd giggle in perverse delightful fashion and crawl closer to her lover on all fours, snuggling closer to her. Though the moment she cuddled against Jess, the rush from the sex had worn off, her exhaustion hitting head on. If she was going anywhere Jess would have to carry her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jessica quickly picked Rikke up and gently carried her to the bed that she had been using. Setting the rogue down Jess stripped out of her robe. She was feeling good really really good. Her lover with her and everything at peace Jess relaxed completely. Rikke had seen her as her true self well mostly true self and their was no need to hid it any longer especially here. Assuming her demonic form Jess crawled into bed with Rikke the only additions being two horns that curved back over her head. Kissing Rikke's cheek the succubus would wrap he arms around her and pull the rogue close while the tail ever mischivous slipped into the still damp folds of Rikke's sex. This in turn brought a gasp from Rikke and a frown from Jess who pulled the tail out. She knew that Rikke tended to like baths especailly after such ativities but Jess was tired and she loved the smell of Rikke's juices all over her. "Lets just rest for a moment we can clean up after we get up." Kisssing Rikke agian Jess snuggled close one crimson wing streched over them as a blanket.
Rikke gains 8xp for completeing this arc and may spend xp
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hum~ Well after all that I'm not sure it's coming off so easily." Rikke giggled warmly at her lover "Not that I mind.. I hear it's quite nice for the skin." she'd keep a smile looking to Jessica, indeed Rikke was certainly quite bathed, though with both of them absolutely alight after their extensively sensual joys neither seemed too bothered by the magnitude of mess they made. It was certainly quite the night...

"Love ya, Jess." Rikke would snuggle in closer to her lover and close her eyes. Just resting and enjoying the moment, she fought so dearly for. It would likely be some time, before either of them got out of each others embrace and the bed.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I love you Rikke." Jess snuggled close and drifted off to sleep with Rikke soon following. Unbeknownst to them the red rose and vine tatoo on Rikke's back grew dark and more vivid as the link between the two succbi grew stronger.

Rikke wasn't sure how long she was asleep but a yawning voice soon broke her light doze. "Umm I see that I missed the party." Looking to the voice Rikke saw a rather modestly endowned succubi with green hair and bright yellow eyes. She seemed to be wearing some rather comfy looking cloths that where tussled as if from sleep. Her hair was shoulder length and matted every which way. Two block little horns peeked threw the green mass as well as tiny little bat wings. "Don't mind me I was just looking for Jessica's pillow hers have always been the softest." Heading over to a pile the succbi reached and found one with a stary pattern umm humm thats the one. Pulling out Rikke saw it was nearly person sized with a stary sky background with what looked like firebugs floating in the air. The succubi looked at the pillow and then to Rikke and back beforet turning it to show her the other side. "Wow so its you who inspried this.. nice." Looking Rikke saw a rather nude version of herself embossed on the pillow. "My sister was always the crafty one." Yawning the succubus laid down and went to sleep resting on the pillow, the nude side up.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Hearing the yawn would finally wake the heroine, stretching in bed casually with a satisfied smile on her face Rikke slowly opened her eyes and looked to her lover "Jess?" Who was missing? Looking down her body and to the room would reveal a whole new figure skulking about. Who was this?

The heroine could only lightly snicker at the party comment, hopefully the walls absorbed some of the sounds from the room... otherwise the whole darn sisterhood heard of the festivities earlier "Pillows?" Rikke rubbed her eyes briefly as she got near the edge of the bed and knelt down on the silks. While the new girl seemed friendly, the yellow eyes and oddly colored hair raised a number of questions, she didn't seem the usual succubi-fare.

While the pillows nightscape design was indeed quite beautiful, it just faded the moment the succubi turned the pillow to show the rogue herself embossed on it?! It was a picture of her 'lieing' on the nights sky, her legs brushing against one another, with her thigh covering up her treasure. At top one of the rogues hands would teasingly slide down along her body while the other just as alluringly played with her hair. Still the centerpiece of the meticulously detailed piece was more than likely Rikkes face, Jess having caught that pervy mischief glint and seductive smile the rogue bore all too often.

Still... it was nothing short of a body pillow.. an erotic body pillow with her! Rikke blushed visibly "I er---" though she really felt the akward sweat drop the moment the girl flatout lied right on top of her! Having lost words, Rikke paused briefly before shaking it off!

"Hey, we haven't met. You know Jess?" Rikke smiled in friendly manner to the girl.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girl opened one yellow eye at Rikke and frowned. "Ssssh Im try to sleep. But yes Jess is my sister and Im Elzibeth." Seemingly done speaking the girl turned her head and snuggled against the blanket more. Still while that seemed kinda rude Rikke's perceptive ears picked up a soft voice echoing from an adjoined room. Looking in that direction a small puff of steam wafted out of it. No doubt Jess was preparing a bath.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke had grown used to the natural springs and waters, but a bath with likely incense and towering soap suds sounded just heavenly right now... especially after last night. Still that would have to wait a bit longer, the heroine looked back to the sister and smiled "It's okay, you can rest, but it would be very rude to both steal a pillow and ignore a guest." her voice clearly hinted she didn't mean it, but it was a fair point.

"Well, I'm Rikke. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Eli." she'd snicker kindly "So I take it pillow theft is a habbit of yours?" she'd lean forward with a teasing smirk.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Elizibeth sighed again and turned her head to look at Rikke. "Its only stealing if you take it from its place." Elizbeth smirked at Rikke and scooted over to the rogue. Getting face to face the succubi stopped and looked at Rikke. "Its very nice to meet you too Rikke. Never thought I would see Jess in her true beautiful form ever again. But you seemed to have brought it out in her." The sleepy looking woman leaned up and kissed Rikke quickly bringing her hands around to prevent the rogues escape. It was deep, forceful, and full of lust. Breaking away from the kiss the woman leaned on the pillow again. "You do taste sweet no wonder Jess likes you. Good night Rikke and thats how the sisters greet each other properly." Smirking the succbi layed on the pillow again.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The sleeper leaned forward her eyes seemingly, though just as she was seemingly about to fall to Rikkes lap asleep, in one swift movement the succubus locked lips with the heroines own. Rikke jerked straight from the sudden kiss, though feeling the hold she knew escaping would actually take some effort!

Even if brief the kiss did not lack passion, the opposite, if she wasn't as tired and the kiss was not so sudden, Rikke would've likely even returned it proper. Just as quickly as it began, the embrace ended with Eli letting Rikke go, a final comment escaping her lips "Oh... that may not be entirely only my er... taste." Rikke blushed brightly and smiled in a sheepish manner.

"I'll go join Jess in the baths shortly, I just wanted to ask one more thing." the rogue smirked "It's fine you can stay in your comfy position as you are. Just I wanted to ask... how is Jessica, among you sisters? Like when she's with you girls."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Elizibeth yawned as she made her self comfortable. "Jess is always Jess but she was fairly lonely here. Now don't get me wrong Rikke she loves us and we lover her she just missed you." Rikke thought a moment before a soft snore escaped the succubus. Clearly Eli took her naps seriously.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled lightly at the girl, before silently getting off the sheets. The rogue didn't know what hour it was, nor how hard the day for the exhausted Eli was... they'll talk after the nap.

Tip-toeing to where Rikke assumed the baths were, keeping a mischievious smile the heroine ever so slowly opened the door and peeked inside.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Creepying past the succubus easily. Rikke peaked in on the bath. While not the towering mountains of suds she imagined the smell of scented soap and steam filled the room. The warm air quickly tamed the rogues wild hair as it absorbed the humidity causing the brighht locks to cling to her face. Waves of steam wafted threw the air making it hard to see but making it super easy to sneak up on the occupant. Moving in Rikke picked out the smell of Lilac and strawberries. Heading deeper she could feel the damp tiled floor under her feet. They where smooth and would be slick if she tried to move any faster than a casual walk. A light giggle echoed threw the steaming mist. Just how bloody big was this bathroom? Rikke soon had her answer as she saw a small clearing and spotted Jess who was partially nude and in a much more typical and familar form. Currently she was rubbing the shoulders of a blonde haired girl. "Ouch Jess... Im still sore take it easy."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke raised an eyebrow at the sight, for the time being she was likely still unseen. Seemed Jess wasn't alone, another unknown girl was with her. Pausing briefly, a quick thought to eavesdrop ran across the rogues mind. This could be chance for some added insight what went on during those three years Jessica was here...

"Echo~" The rogue approached with a casual sway, even not really trying Rikke was just a sight throughout "Morning, I think." choosing to be open about her presence Rikke approached the two with a kind smile.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess looked up and smiled "Hey~!" The blonde haired girl turned to look at Rikke as well. Janet smiled back. She was still brusied and battered but she was here. Suddenly a giggle echoed from nearby as Mika slide by on the damp tile giggleing her glowing skin a strange and mysterious sight in the steam. Getting up Jessica approached Rikke and greeted her with a deep kiss. "I need to speak with you about something when we get a moment." The tone was whispered and held some concern but it didn't seem to pressing.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Janet!" Rikke quickly move to Janet, though feeling the slippery ground it woudl quickly turn into a slide. Giving the knight a deep hug, would squeeze out a few 'Ow's, but nothing major. Post-hug, Jess would have her own greet for the heroine, whispering request to her right after "Mhm, after the baths." she'd smile to her lover and turn to Janet with a huge smile "How did they get you up here so quickly? Are you sure you're okay?"

The girl smiled earnestly listening to her knight, though her second question would quickly be answer by gleeful cries from nearby as MIka enjoyed the bathing area in her own manner as well "Hey Mika." the rogue waved to the girl in a friendly manner as she slid by at fairly dangerous speed.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey RikkEEEE!" there was a loud crash and mumbled oww but no crying signaling that Mika was okay. "Such annoyances....." That voice brought a frown from Jess and from Janet. Looking as the steam parted slighly revealed Joldra in the form she adopted to disquise herself on their way up. Still she was in the bath as well a glass of wine in her hand as she closed her eyes and leaned back. "Well after the healer got done with me she had us all ported back. Thankfully Jessica was the one she called to do it." Jess moved to sit in the bath next to Janet. "It was no biggy Im sure my sisters would have let Janet and Mika threw with out harm but... Joldra might have been sent to Vivi." Rikke saw a slight twitch from the succubus but that was all.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Joldra?" Rikke turned her head curiously at the sudden arrival, seemed the whole crew was in here. Joldra paused as she looked over Rikke and with a ever so subtle smile "I take it dinner went well." she'd smirk to Jessica, before sitting down nearby "At least, you have the common courtesy of taking a bath after." at first Rikke wasn't sure what the demoness was talking about... until she remembered her previous 'bath' not too long ago.

"Oh er..." blushing brightly Rikke would look to go clean herself off a bit "Why are you here anyway, Joldra? This place seems like the worst place for you to be, if you wanna avoid Vivi."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humm while she is here its far safer than wandering around by myself out there." Sinking into the water Rikke found it to be rather hot and caused her skin to tingle. Looking up she could see Janet's bare breasts her nipples slightly popped and a slight flush to her face. The same went for Jessica and even Joldra. What type of soap did they use? The only one that didn't seem effected was Mika but she looked mostly dry or at lest bath free.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well whatever soap they used... while the hot water at first was a bit too much, slowly Rikke got used to it and dipped inside "HAaa..." she'd smile in relaxed fashion and sink a bit deeper. She'd sink to her nose ever so playfully looking to her two companions before looking to Janet.

"m!" she'd pop out of the hot water, the fumes alluringly curving around her wonderous D's and exceptional forms "Janet! The time in here moves way way slower than outside. When we arrived here Sam only just now reached Venise." it would certainly be quite something, by the time her allies rally Rikke would walk out already victorious... a thought that gave the girl a fairly cocky smile.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet shared the smile but Jessica didn't. "Rikke if they come here they will want to purge this place. I don't want to put my sisters in danger." True Rhea wasn't one to let such things slide and while they had time here to do something about it they couldn't delay to long.