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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed and faced Joldra, thankfully the wines haven't quite found her yet "[COLOR="Purple]She calls all demons 'stinky' and all demons in this place are dragged away by vines and crushed to death.[/COLOR]" the heroine looked to the demoness sharply "[COLOR="Purple"]I strongly suggest, getting on our hosts good side.[/COLOR]"

"And come on. There's no need to be rude or prissy, after all I did save both of us after all." Rikke giggled kindly and winked to the demon, patting a seat near her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Joldra eyed the seat Rikke padded for her with an all to uptight look. That quickly changed however as an rusty helmet crashed right next to her letting a skull roll out and away. Almost instantly she was in the cover of the house next Rikke. "Not a word to anyone."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would snicker subtly at the demoness "Perish the thought." she'd smile teasingly and turn to Janet and Mika "This is Joldra, she's an ally I've made a deal to defeat the Master with. Joldra, you've already met Janet, the holy knight of Venus." likely Janet wasn't too thrilled to have a real demon among them, but how she responded was up to her "And Mika, our lovely host. She's the one giving us shelter for a bit... and keeping the killer vines at bay." the rogue smirked at the last comment, clearly hinting that Joldra would have to behave around the wildling.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Joldra didn't seem to care for introductions and instead focused on what Rikke had said. "So he is defeated then. I guess that means our contract is complete. Smiling Joldra snapped her fingers causing Rikke to gasp as their bond broke. Rikke's necklace flared brightly before returning to its topaz color all hints of Joldra's connection gone. "Well then after we leave here we go our seperate ways."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke felt out her necklace and listened out to Joldras words "So no congratulations or I didn't really think it possible?" the rogue glanced down thinking, that it really was impossible for her alone to accomplish this... the enemy fallen angel the rogue saved, had not just returned her life in turn, but helped do the impossible...

"Well~ I could still use your help." the heroines smiled kindly "I hope the sisters will keep their word and release Jessica from her captivity, but if things go awry..." the rogue looked to her knight with a kind smile "The only one I can truly trust is injured, leaving the only other person I can trust - you."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Joldra smirked "If I didn't think you could do it I would have turned you over to the Master myself." At the next statment Joldra raised an eyebrow. "Humm the only one you can trust. Ha haha ahahahhaahaha"

"Not funny stinky!" Mika's face was flushed a deep purple growing in her cheeks.

Laughing still Joldra would eventually stop. "Well considering everything Ive done to her. It just surprises me that Rikke would even use such a term in referance to me."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would keep just a silent smile looking to her, seemingly not reacting to the laughter "Don't take too much credit, but between you and the sisters. You're an demon I know. You're not trustworthy, but right now I'd take your word over theirs." the heroine crossed her legs "Besides, I doubt you'd want me dead or worse."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well I will give you credit for that I don't want you dead but besides that I could careless what you do with yourself. Every bird needs to leave the nest, and while you might not have wings to fly yet. I don't doubt they will come eventually. But I do owe you for saving my life back at the castle so I will assist you in this as long as it humors me."

"Great......" Clearly Janet was not impressed by the offer. Still as injured as she was their was little she could do about it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke scoffed playful at the wings comment and crossed her hands "You wish." but after the agreement was made the heroine, uncrossed her hands and extended one of them "Hum~ Partners?" she smiled to Joldra kindly "Or should I say "Reluctant partners"?" however Joldra responded to the gesture was up to her, though in the end the heroine had earned her aid.

"So~ if you're going to travel with us, we're going to need to get a few things straight..." just as with Yenna, Rikke would explain the base rules of her group, mainly consisting of no harm to friendlies and no unnecessary trouble or ill-will antics.

Rikke would linger with Janet for a while, making sure to leave all their excess supplies nearby, including a hefty amount of fresh water "We'll make sure to send a healer as soon as possible, I need to attend Yenna funeral." the rogue would lean down and kiss Janet on her, then hug her, before turning and kissing Mika on her forehead "I'm leaving her to you, keep mommy safe until Rikke finds help, 'kay Mika?" with the wildling girls promise and goodbye to her knight done. The rogue and her nemesis were free to leave "I'll be back soon! Janet! Mika!" the rogue would wave goodbye with a huge smile and take off, her heart atleast a bit relieved at her knights safety. With the wines and how remote the location was, hopefully no harm would find the two until she got back.

"Before we go, it's best if you change into someone they'd not recognise. We'll say you were a servant girl I rescued." Rikke looked over Joldra before going any further.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Not wasting anytime Joldra's form shrank in height settling just under Rikke's full height. Her breasts shrank even further Settling on a barley B. The dark red of her hair softened down to a nice auburn while her eyes adopted a faint green color. Even her face changed to a plain but still attractive woman's features even adding a slight sense of being a little overweight. "There done What do you think?" Standing besides here Rikke swore the woman looked familar but it was hard to say.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked over the sight, though her memory failed to place the woman in her mind "Hum~ And what would the Master want with a simple farmer?" while the form was homely, it was difficult to place a position especially under the masters wings for a woman like this. Even if Joldra did change the woman from before would stick in Rikkes mind for some time...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humm well then..." Altering her features slightly Joldra took on a more seductive apperance. She was already dressed in a torn harm dress so the look seemed to speak of a sex slave. "This is the best i can do with out anouther outfit.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With the alterations and clear youth returning to the form, Joldra held a ever so light resemblance to the rogue herself. Though with the rogues absolutely dazzling appearance and exceptionally luscious features, hopefully few would spot the resemblances "Alright, better. Let's go."

By now Rikke suspected where the sisters forces could be, heading directly there and if need be checking on their route via higher ground. Rikke would hopefully find whatever remnants remained of Sisters army... and where Yennas body was taken away.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Navigating the fields of flowers Rikke could clearly see the path the goblin army took and its subsequet flight of terror. The ground around her was surrounded with discared weapons or helmets. Perhapse the creatures didn't desirve such fates but could Rikke really end the new life they would form into. Still no matter her choice the rogue and the succubus would head up and out. Finding scattered troops everwhere Rikke had her pick. Most wore the color's of the sisters while a few did not. It seemed the Masters forces where in a fight to the death. Still after an hour wandering and avoiding fights Rikke came to a small clearing tha had the look of a base camp. Here she found a tale pale woman with long black hair that seemed to dissipate into shadow that obscured her waist down. Before her was Yenna. The woman who Rikke assumed was Ella looked rather mournful. Clear tears rolled down her pale cheeks running dark makeup with them giving her the appearnce of crying black tears.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ella... Rikke narrowed her eyes at the woman, this was the sister responsible for turning Yenna into bloodcrazed psycho or an outcast hateful tool... though while mourning and next to Yennas body, the heroine couldn't bring herself to show disdain or hatred. Here they were all equals "I couldn't have done it without her. She fought like a true champion and died a honourable death." even if Rikke heavily disliked Ellas corruption, even going as far as asking Jess to keep this woman away... seeing the genuine tears cracked the heroines iron heart.

The rogue looked to the now peaceful angel and lowered her head in silence, her thoughts running back to brief memories with the girl, to her change from when they first met each other to the holy water incident and to how she died.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The woman only looked at Rikke a momentbefore turning away. "This your fault hero....." Her voice sounded pained beyound belief. Turnning about she would leave seemingly floating on a cloud of shadow the Rikke could clearly sense she was walking due to the sway of her shoulders. Before her laid Yenna addorned with crystal ebony flowers carved to perfection. They where beautyful and dark just as Yenna was. Clearly they where a gift from Ella the woman's touch probably death to most living creatures or plants.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would remain silent at the accusation, what was she to say... the heroine looked to angel sorrowful, but before Ella completely left she'd add "Ella. You're Ella aren't you? You knew Yenna longer than I have, you'd know where she should rest. She doesn't deserve to be kept in this gods forsaken tower." the woman was much different from what Rikke imagined her, at least at first glance.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I will see to it .... don't touch her." With that the dark woman would head off behind a tent and out of Rikke's sight.

Joldra would shiver slightly. "That one always sent a chill up my spine." Joldra looked at the fallen angel and smirked but kept her thought to herself.

With Ella gone the guards seemingly got closer and chatter began to fill the area again.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"She died pure Ella, free from your corruption. At the very least respect the girl she was." with a just as hateful final remark, RIkke turned away from the sister and to Yenna. Quickly growing sorry at the display, but perhaps it was something Ella had to know.

As the troops came closer Rikke would still linger for the time being, after asking for some privacy from Joldra Rikke would speak silently with the angel, even if it was silly and she knew the angel had moved on... the rogue just wanted tell her a few things, before she could move on "You know, at the barn and in the tower while you were.. doing your thing with Sam. I took you for nothing more than some demon elite... but when my blade reached you, I saw much more of you. From that moment onwards, I couldn't look at you the same way... afterall, we're both so similar, Yen." the rogue smiled widely a sad smile, her eyes watering up "I just wish... Wish it hadn't ended this way." wiping off the tears Rikke looked to Yenna and made one final promise "I'll find them. Faith and Hope. Whatever happened to them, I'll find them on your behalf. I promise."

Still with that done the rogue could only give a final goodbye to her companion and sadly walk away, fetching Yoldra the two could leave for the tower... unless someone had the balls to disrespect the resting angel.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Don't blame Ella for what happened to her or to Yenna it couldn't be helped. Its said that the kindest and purest heart can turn to the most darkest and vile heart the world has seen. Ella wasn't always so tainted Rikke. She used to be a sweet and loving maid. I should know I was training her to replace me."

Spinning around Rikke would see Jessica standing at the entrance to a glowing portal. She spoke threw it her bedroom on the other side of the magical oriface. She had tears in her eyes and smiled holding back her joy. She was dressed in a very slutty gown that struggled to hold a dignified and regal bearing. Her skin and hair perfectly done her nails manifcured to perfection.

"OH~ Jessica we are not done my lovely." Off to the right Rikke saw a woman dressed in a rather tight leatehr dress with lacy frills. She wore a tiny tiny hat with a single bright feather in it. Two little succubus wings spread out from her back as well as a little hint of pink horns. She had a long pink tail and blue eyes with blonde hair. Rikke noted hower that her breats where tiny compared to Jessica's or her own. She guessed about a A or AA.