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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was late already? Rikke looked to the darkening sky with a fair bit of surprise " 'kay sleep tight. I'll stay up for a bit longer." still left alone and unwatched the rogue considered her options...

To sleep and just go to the meeting.... or to upset Janet and sneak inside the tower? The rogue lightly nibbled on her lower lip thinking deeply over the two options. It was just a sleepover, she could sneak in whenever later... then again catching the sisters possible discussion about her...

Tapping her fingers on the stone below the rogue kept looking to the sky, before taking the mirror and looking to Jessica. Maybe she was near the mirror.. if there was a time for a second opinion it was now.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Pulling up the mirror Rikke looked into it. Jessica was resting on her overly comfy and poofy bed. She seemed to be enjoying herself though as Rikke had caught her currently teasing her own sex. Well that was certainly sight or Rikke to see especailly sense Jess had moved her mirror to look directly at her bed. In fact if Jessica hadn't had her eyes closed she would be able to see Rikke at that moment.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue smiled slyly at the sight. At the very least Jess had some means to relieve her stress... but now was really a bad time! Rikke nibbled on her lower lip, both thinking of means of reaching out to her lover... and enjoying the wonderful sight.

Rikke considered her options, but without Jessica either finishing up or some sort interuption cutting her off, there really wasn't a way to catch her attention. The heroine considered leaving a fog writing on the mirror, but she needed to reach her now... not to mention keeping the mirror misty would---

A sudden thought crossed her mind. Perhaps there is a way to reach Jessica, perhaps now was the absolute best time to see the sensual sight. Rikke subtly glanced to Janet still napping, before standing up and moving away.

Blushing brightly, the rogue made sure to made sure to be some ways out of sight of the camp. Or atleast far enough for Janet not to hear Rikkes plans...

"Here goes nothing." the girl gave herself a pervy smile and loosened up her armor, placing the mirror with the mute sensual sight nearby. Moving one hand under her nudged down leathers and one beneath her upper armor, with a gleeful lick of her own lips began to tease herself in turn. The image of Jessica clear in her head.

Unless it wasn't clear <.< >.> '.'
Masturbate! \(^,^)/
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke slipped her fingers beneath her armor. Slowly she teased her sensitive nipples. Her thumb ever so lightly rubed over the senstive nub which had already started to harden from her peeping earlier. Her own soft touch felt almost foreign to her. How long had it been sense she had let her self relax in such a manner. Soon enough the tender attention she applied to her breast had forcced both her nipples to harden and pop with arousal. Her other hand found a diffrent nub to play with all its own. The heat of her arousal had already gotten Rikke damp allowing her fingers to slowly tease her outer lips with ease. Soon her clit made itself apaprent as her hand jolted to the aroused fleshed sending a spazem of sensation that caused her to gasp slightly. Sparing a passive glance at the mirror Rikke found Jess still going to town though it looked like she would reach her peak soon. It would be one of many of course as Rikke new her succubus lover could go on and on for hours if left to her own devices.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

By the goddess! Rikke gasped hotly with actual surprise as her expert fingers teased her. It really has been so very long! Licking her lips in delight the rogue would swiftly remove her upper body only to met her surprisingly excited nippies all too aching for attention. Looked like she was certainly mistreating herself and this was just the right time to right that wrong. With that lewd thought Rikke bit down on her lower lip and just to tease herself slowly slid her own fingers down from her bust and across her smooth silken midriff, her other hand teasingly sliding under her bountiful C's just to prolong the next sensation of touch.

Her breathing hot, right as her fingers began to descend near her treasure, she'd cast a glance to the mirror and close her eyes with the sight of Jessica still clear in her head. At that moment her fingers would tease her own senstive cunny even causing the rogue to squirm from her own touch, her other hand moving to her bust to treat her nippie with just as promising slides around the senstive nub.

Still soon enough, her whole body tensed up as she continued to please herself. Her leathers now off and her own body only dimly illuminated by the Moon and campfire in the distance, even so. The girls skin glistened gently, a alluring sexual sheen all about her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The cooling air did its own wonders as Rikke felt it carress her body like a lover. Fully exposed to the air Rikke arched her back slightly sending a few droplets of sweat into the air. Like glittering gems catching the moonlight the sparkled as the rose and fell. Her voice growing louder despite her attempts to shush herself. Her body trembled near peak as she stole one more glance at the mirror to find Jessica in a similar state. Her lover had rolled over and had her ass in the air her delicate fingers pumping into her own sex fervently as she sucked her own tail off. Rikke could hardly hold herself anymore. "Kyaaahhh!" She shuddered and heard Janet stumble to her feet the sound of a blade clattering agianst stone followed by a surprised EEK! and a splash. Breathing heavily she looked to the mirror and spotted Jess shuddering as well. Her lover seemingly looked over at Rikke and winked before her tail blasted her in the face with its spunk. This seemed to catch Jess of guard as well as it caused her to jerk back and fall of the bed.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

So caught up in her shunned sensation, Rikke wouldn't pause her teases even for a moment. Licking her lips delight, the rogue felt her head grow lighter and lighter as her body grew more excited until finally "Kyaah~~" her cry echoing with all too clear joy and relief, her expression echoing the same glee... until she heard the splash nearby!

Quickly catching herself Rikke still glowing post her orgasm would roll into the water as quickly as she could submerge. Her cheeks colored bright red from both her embarassment and still lingering arousal.

The girls face still only partly above the surface she'd wait for Janet to gather herself, only then she managed to cook up a excuse to the sudden cry "S-sorry, I stubbed my foot." she'd resubmerge once more keeping only her nose and bright eyes above the surface, looking at her knight sheepishly.

Seemed her tattoo didn't work this time... at the very least it was an all too pleasant failure.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

On instict Rikke rolled into the water shocking her system to the sudden cool. 'Aww we where having such fun peeping on Jess'. Janet stumbled out of the water her own breasts clearly seen threw her now overly soaked undershirt. Picking up her blade Janet was blushing to the moonlight showing off her damp form. 'Ohh look at that Janet is a naught dirty girl' Drawing her attention her inner succubus seemed to draw Rikke's eyes to a small metal ring hidden by Janet's normally covered panties.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes indeed locked on the ring. Strange, how did she not notice it before. The rogue was about to step forward, till she quickly stopped herself and looked back to grab the mirror. Jessica had to have seen her for sure now!

"One sec Jan!" Rikke would quickly reach out back onto the shore and take the mirror in hand, peering to see if Jess was there now.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Picking the up the mirror meant that Rikke needed to get out of the water, but that didn't stop her. Grabbing the silver mirror Rikke saw Jess getting off the floor and scolding her tail. Giving it a small wack which Rikke knew would only excite Jess and the tail her succubus lover turned to face the mirror. Rushing to it Jess reached out and touched where Rikke's face would be on her image. Pulling her hand away Jess looked right at Rikke and held up a note clearly writtne in her own hand. "I love you Rikke." Meanwhile Janet recovering herself moved away and out of sight likely changing cloths if the sound coming from that direction meant anything.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke didn't have a note handy so she'd just have to gesture the same affection in a fairly cute mute manner. Though hearing Janet nearby would quickly bring the rogue to the present, motioned for Jess to wait Rikke quickly picked up a stick and wrote down on the ground "Can I reach you?" turning the mirror for Jess to read before looking back to her.

Other messages:
"Are you okay?"
"I'll come."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The poor lighting made it hard to read but after figureing out the proper angle Rikke was able to get her message out. Using her own tools Jess replied. In the order of the questions posted. "I don't know" "Im okay but miss you." "Be careful."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well Jess didn't say no. Rikke motioned for Jessica to linger near the mirror for a bit longer as she drew out a few more question "What do the sisters use to get around?" the rogue looked to Jess hopefully, but likely the device or answer would remain unknown.

If that was the case Rikke would sigh with a smile and blow Jess a kiss, before mouthing the word "I. Miss. You." seemed Jessica was kept out of absolutely everything, thus leaving Rikke alone to figure out how to reach her... atleast how to reach her without the sisters permission.

Still if her communication didn't bring anything new, Rikke would return to camp and Janet for now. Maybe take a quickie nap.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Portals" sighing a moment Jess looked at the mirror before taking the note she had scrawlled on and igniting it in her hand burning the evidence away. Blowing a kiss back her way Jessica got up and went back to bed.

As Rikke headed back to bed she found Janet's undershirt and panties hanging on a rock to dry out leaving her knight completely nude wrapped only in her blanket.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With the answer Rikke would ask one final question before proceeding to say her goodbyes "Can I work them?"

Returning to camp the rogue smiled kindly and hugged her knight from behind "Sorry for waking you up, Jan. It was the only way to communicate with Jess." if asked Rikke would explain that indeed the sisters were using portals and whether Jess thought Rikke could use them.

"It's just a backup plan. I don't feel at ease, when we're only relying on the sisters not to backstab us yet." in fact, tommorows meeting may be far more dangerous than those before... Rikke did decline what they sought. Demons tend to always seek out what they want, if they couldn't tempt her with sweets... what will they do now?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sadly it seemed Jess didn't know. Returning to camp she gave Janet a suprise hug and good feel her knights nipples rock hard even threw the thick blanket. Janet did seem sleepy though so maybe it was best to tell her in the morning. Still she did get a nod from the sleepy woman though likely she would have to rexplain it later. Retreating to her own bed Rikke was left to her own thoughts before drifiting off to a sleep. For the most part it seemed like any other sleep though a part of her mind seemed restless. Giggles echoed in her head almost begging her to come to them in the darkness though the rest of her was being pulled into the warm embrace of sleep.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Whatever they were, they will have to wait. Rikke turned on her side, her inaction anxiety greatly relieved by her 'failed attempt to communicate with Jess'. With a healthy blush Rikke would float off to hopefully peaceful sleep.

She promised to Janet, she wasn't going to try her luck today. Though the promise did not extend to tommorow... with those final thoughts the rogue was whisked away into sleep.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke slipped into the peacful oblivion of sleep her mind untroubled by dreams. She awoke just as the dawn began to creep its way up from the east. Their location being elevated was still cast in early morning shadows and in fact Rikke could still see the moon sniking into the west. Jamet was still asleep though the knight had turned in her sleep letting the blanket shift revealling her pale breasts.

The coals of the small fire they had lit where still warm and it would be easy for her to start a fire if she wanted though they really didn't have much that needed cooking.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would smile kindly and fix Janets covers to include her breasts. There was no need for her to catch a cold like this. Still as the rogue approached on all fours towards her knight, she couldn't help, but feel a certain sense of mischief creep up on her. Janet seemed oh so perky, it would be such a silly surprise to wake her in a certain... other manner.

Still fighting the thoughts aside, Rikke fixed the covers and silently backed up before clearing her morning routine. If nothing of note happened the rogue would gather up whatever food they had left and a quick bath and breakfast, there was no more reason to delay.

The two should move back to the ruins and watch the tower for any signs of life. Last time was definedly a friendly meeting, atleast by demon standards... today may not go as smooth.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gathering up the supplies they had Rikkenoted that their food was dwindling rapidly. While not to big a worry for Rikke Janet on the other hand didn't have her altered body needs. It wasn't long till Janet awoke and got dressed lending a hand to Rikke before the duo headed back up to the ruins and on to the tower. "Okay Ill hang back in the woods like before and keep an eye out for trouble. Unless you want me by your side." Making that decision Rikke approached the tower to find Amber and Yenna already waiting for her. The table and chairs where present once more. As she approached she saw Susan from before set some food down before turning to hed back. The top of the girls outfit had a two slights that had little wings poking out from them. Watching her go only brifely she was greated by Yenna who flew over to her. "Rikke. I was ordered to return this to your person." Looking down Yenna handed over her short blade.