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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would place her fingers on the bottom of the glass as the girl reached for it "Excuse me, did I say I was done drinking?" the rogue looked sharply to Amber and removed her hand from the glass "Things you give or offer away, should be left to the other party, Amber." whatever happened to the glass next Rikke didn't really care for.

The rogue looked over the tower "Truly? Demons are not the cleanliest or the most aromatic bunch. Well... atleast grunts. If this barrack-like building is the only thing on offer, I'd prefer to stay outside.." Rikke kept her legs crosses and looked to Amber "Only one floor? The sisters only have one floor?" Rikke would look to the tower "Not to mention these ruins are a farcry from the class I expected a coven such as you to use."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I said safe from the masters troops, unless you like sleeping in war zones." Amber shrugged. "Military buildings are built for function not apperance. Take it or leave it Rikke. Im not going to let you into our palace for many reasons." Getting up Amber called Susan over to her. "Come Susan tonight you get to sleep with you Mistress." This seemed to put a spark in Susan's step. "Unlike others you appercaite the gifts given don't you." The two would walk up to the tower and enter leaving Rikke sitting where she was. Yenna however moved over and grabbed the fruit tray and wine. "I suggest you grab your glass Rikke and sit up." If Rikke did not a moment later the table and chair would dissapear sending anything on the table to the ground. Soon after Yenna walked over and handed the wine and tray to Rikke. "I hate seeing things wasted even if I have to give it to my rival."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke wouldn't wait until the table disappeared to fix her seat. She'd get up the moment Amber seemed to have finished their business. Though now she knew the Sisters did indeed have a manor. The question was, what was inside that she'd not want Rikke to enter and see...

The rogue would accept the tray with a smile "I'm not your rival Yenna. I don't really even wish to be your enemy." the heroine looked to where Amber disappeared "So did she vollunteer to come or was she the one closest?"

Incase Yenna wouldn't be feeling chatty Rikke would offer the wine to her, before she left "Amber, kinda killed the wine for me, but it would really be a shame to waste it."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"She's the one who crafted the mirror and would have been the one to alter it if the negotions had gone well." Yenna turned and started walking back to the tower. "Keep the wine for your friends they look thirsty as well." Yenna paused on a moment longer. "If your not with me your against me Rikke."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I see..." Rikke picked up the mirror, though before taking a glance at it "Then I hope Amber and the sisters are reasonable. I'm not against you." with those words Rikke would turn to leave as well. The two would likely seperate in silence with Rikke joining up with her crew.

The inevitable question of how did it go would ring out soon after "Well they didn't attack, but seems they've taken my dismissal of joining them in ruling hell a tad bitterly." Rikke smiled widely to Janet "She went back to discuss it over with the other succubi."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sam sat a moment and thought. "Are you sure you got their motives right? From my time with them it seemed they want to just leave." Janet was first to respond. "They why haven't they?" Sam shrugged not haveing an answer for that. 'Because like me they are bound here till the master is dealt with.' Still Rikke and her crew would head back to where ever they wanted to stay before Sam ground and fell to her knees. This time the change was much slower and seemed to cause her/him some pain, but eventually Samantha became Samuel again. Immidiatly he threw a look to Janet. "Don't even think about it." This of course caused Jaent to frown.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Dunno, I didn't catch that wibe." the girl looked to Janet "The whole negotiations was just a pitch for me to join their demonic ranks honestly."

Rikke would in fact not go anywhere "Did you two see that. Amber didn't leave the tower." the rogue looked to Janet and Sam "She mentioned that she was going back to the Sisters mansion. So~ If my magic knowledge is correct... something tells me the means to reach it is inside that tower." Rikke smirked with a clear plan in her head.

"Sam." the rogue approached the girl and looked to her firmly "This is important, before you reached Yennas room. Tell me everything you've seen and or felt."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sam now stood at his full height being a fair number of inches above Rikke. "Well I was in bad shape during most of it. I vaguly remember the palace cellar or dungeon. There was the shadow tendril lady and she was talking to her sister.. I think." Sam stopped a moment to think. "I can't remember to much I kept passing in and out but I do recall them saying something about waiting for me to be well for the portal." Sam frowned... "Yeah the rest was spent as Samantha being abused by that fallen angel." Listing in Janet spoke up. "So they are using a portal to go back and forth. Do you recall seeing a room with one in it Rikke?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What about stairs after they mentioned the portal?" Sams condition was still more than a little wierd, but with a plan buzzing in her mind Rikke didn't linger on it "m? Well assuming I entered the second floor, it seemed to be the barracks for the grunts. The third floor was mainly Yennas suite." the rogue looked to the tower "So that means the portal is likely on the first floor or below it."

Rikke licked her lips subtly looking at the tower "I need to get inside that manor." the rogue looked to her company ''Amber didn't want me there, "due to certain things inside"... I'd rather find out what are the sisters up to, before letting them watch my back."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sorry Rikke I just can't remember." Samuel frowned but turned his attention back to Janet as she spoke. "Are you sure thats wise Rikke? What if your caught? Not to mention we don't even know if the portal is open all the time or activated. Seems rather risky." 'I agree with the knight slut for once. Its far to Risky. Then again its not like you listen to my advice at all.'
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well then whats the worst that happens?" Rikke looked to her party "I'd rather find out now, on my terms. Then find out the sisters dark secrets when we're all weak after combat and surrounded by their troops." the rogue would answer to both her Knight and Joldra at once.

"If we're going to ally ourselves to them, even if I'm caught they should cause harm or lock me up. I won't hurt or steal anything of grand importance, just some sightseeing." the heroine smiled with cute feign innocence.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet walked up to Rikke and thwopped her on the head with two fingers. It hardly hurt but the gesture was neigh universal. "Rikke if they catch you they won't give you up. I doubt they will let you go after walking into their spider web." For a moment their was silence as the trio stared at eanch other in thought. 'Ya know you could send Sam... he is good at sneaking and if he gets caught well.. its not a big loss.'
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke mentally frowned at Joldras words "Joldra, I've just met Sam and somehow I doubt you even know who she or he is." Still the rogue wouldn't let it go "Well we'll need to trust them, they're not giving up Jessica unless we flatout declare war on them. Only way I'll get to see Jessica without fighting them, is fighting with them."

Rikke would cross her hands looking to the two "When fighting with them, they'll have more than enough chances to capture us at our weakest. All of us." she'd pause to let her view on it sink in "I'm good at sneaking, heck I've caught their commander without anyone even knowing I was there in the first place. Me going on in there is actually less risky than just blindly trusting 7 them, just based on their word."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sam nor Janet had much to say and even Joldra had gone quiet. All that was left to do is to sneak back in and decide when to do such. Setting up the most basic of camps in the small forest Rikke had choices to make and hopefully a plan as well.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the silence, smiled and nodded firmly "Then thats that." the rogue turned to the tower to check if the usual guards were back "Think this time I'll go in after dark. Should cut down on the number of guards on patrol inside." Rikke turned back to her company "Besides there's something I need to discuss with you." 'You included, Joldra.'

Now the group could head back to their camp, now with a complimentary tray of fancy fruit. Unless someone objected to it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Choosing to put some space between her and the tower for now Rikke headed back to the holy water spring. Here the girl and Samuel sat and snacked on the fruit with Janet filling small cup with wine and sipping it. "So what did you want to talk about?" Janet had slipped out of her armor and was lounging in her undercloths. Thankfully Samuel was looking away tending to something on his own.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to Janet silently and would make sure everyone was sitting nearby comfortably before breaking the topic "The worst case scenario." this would likely cause a pause or bring silence on the conversation 'Joldra, this is important to you too.'

"When doing something this risky we need to talk things over. Since you're right, Jan. I'm going deep into the spiders web. If you suspect I'm caught or I don't return for a long time. I'll need help." Rikke glanced to Sam then back to Janet "You two will not be enough, however... Venise and Willow likely called for some support. If things go awry, take Sam and meet up with Joldra. She should be able to help you two reach outside or get our allies inside." 'Right Joldra?'
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So you want us to run....." This seemed to upset Janet more than the thought of losing. 'I could probably get them out if it came to that.' Sam seemed lost in thought. He couldn't really add much to the discussion anyway. Frowning he spoke. "I still think this is rather a foolish effort. The risk is not worht the reward."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Not run, get reinforcements. If we're all captured then noone of our friends will know anything we've learned about this tower, nor where we are.​
" Rikke paused looking to Janet, before looking aside 'Speaking of which, Joldra. Whats the situation outside, I've had a friend stay back and call my allies here as well. Any signs of them?'

Rikke crossed her hands at the clear protest and sighed deeply "Alright, how about this... I'll be meeting Amber again tomorrow right? I guess we can delay this plan until after it gets resolved. Who knows, maybe she'll just tell me how she zips back and forth."

"Be it, risky or not worth it. We either find out more about the sisters darker part this way or personally experience it." Rikke gave Sam a sharp look "I'll take a wild guess and say, we don't want to experience the later."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'The winterstorm is still blowing no one's scouts can see anything.' Turning her attention to sam who looked away blushing from shame and embarrisment. Thankfully nothing else happened to him. "I... know Rikke its just.... I came here to protect you.. not.. let you run off and sneak into the heart of the enemy alone..." Janet seemed to be getting more upset at this. After a moment she got up and headed up the stairs. "I need some air."