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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heavier armor was absolutely not the rogues style "Sam, maybe you can use this?" Rikke leaned out of the room and called her new aquintance over. Whatever Samuel choose or didn't choose, the thief meanwhile would walk over to the two chest. Flipping open the book on top and glancing it over if its something of note, before checking the chests for anything of use.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sam lookd over the armor and shook his head. "Uhh no thanks its girl armor. Ill just keep watch." Looking over the Journal it appeared to be written in demonic but as Rikke stared a moment it swirled into something legable but she didn't focus to much as the locked chest she was working on popped. Looking down she was disspointed to find nothing but cloths cloths and cloths. All various kinds men, woman, large, and small. The secound chest was easily opened and containd similar clothing.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Girl armor' Rikke gave the girl a strange look before leaning forward and returning to her investigation. Unfortunately she didn't have much success, but at the very least she could take the journal. Sooner or later she'll have to run into someone who can read this gibberish "Alright lets head out."

The guards may decide to switch shifts, by then they had to clear the tower by a fair amount. All that was left was to check the right room and the roof.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading out her infiltration seemed to have gone unnoiticed as of yet. heading into the room Rikke found a set of stairs leading up with a wooden hatch. The rest of the room contained boxes and barrels likely supplies for the tower. Testing the hatch Rikke found it open. Peaking out Rikke found it clear besides a flag pole with the tainted symbol fluttering in the breeze. "That pole looks sturdy enough we should be able to tie the rope and get down from here. So whos going first?" Sam had a point Yenna was in no condition to climb on her own and would have to be lowered down. Sadly Janet seemed to be hiding rather well or the cover from the trees prevented Rikke from seeing her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm armed and I'll get away if need be. You go first. If you see a human girl in armor down there -she's with me." Rikke looked around cautiously and would tie the rope in accordance, though first making sure that the side they were using was the one where the rogue knocked the guards out.

Honestly by now if Sam wanted to, she had plenty of chances to try and betray Rikke. At the very least Rikke could trust her with this "I'll lower her after you're down there."

If things go well, Rikke would also take the flag with herself
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Getting setup took a fair amount of time as they had to get the ropes together and figure out which side would be best. Thankfully Sam seemed an able climber and she was soon making good progress down. The more diffcult challenge was Yenna as the way she was bound was complicating matters. Still after that she lowered her down with Sam waiting for her at the bottom. Next came Rikke taking the tainted flag down she rolled it up and stuffed it inher pack. Starring down her self Rikke go to one of the windows only to be greated by a demon cock and a surprised guard. For a moment the guard looked at Rikke before he yelled. "Intruders!" This seemed to cause all sorts of ruckas in the tower with Rikke staring right at the man who called her out. Still she hadn't been seen by anyone else but him.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was her turn next. Rikke would quickly cut or otherwise remove the flag and stash it away before taking the rope in hand and climb down ever carefully. Well she got the outposts leader, some documents and was never even discovered by enemies even mid-day in their HQ. The rogue grinned proudly to herself, looked like she didn't just still have it. She improved quite significantly!

Just with that though a sudden gust of wind would blow the rogue lightly off course, but she got her footing set right. The rogue looked down if everything was alright before looking forward, much a unpleasant surprise.

She had been blown to one of the windows with two completely fumbled demonic eyes looking to her, mirroring the rogues own shock at the sight. The demon stood silent for a brief moment as if gauging was this actually real, his dick still in hand as he looked to the flatout gorgeous heroine infront of him.

Rikke glanced down to his hand and then to him, giving a brief sheepish smile. Oh crap...

Soon enough both parties shock passes as the guard howled out about the intruders, much to Rikke to swing her blade in arc upwards to slam her sword into the demon males weakest and most susceptible spot! Thankfully she either used her blade still in the scabbard or via the side. Meaning the demon would 'only' keel over in utter pain at his likely cracked jewels.

Whatever the case it was time to go! NOW! Subtelty to the wind Rikke would quickly descend down! The moment she reached the ground she'd meet up with Sam and look around for Janet. Hopefully the knight would not charge the outpost solo or atleast saw the two escapes... or not the missing flag.

Either way, Rikke and Sam needed to head away from the outpost! If the sparse vegetation persisted Rikke would lead Sam to the only spot that could provide cover as far as the rogue knew - the ruined town. Otherwise they'd need to head onwards to a much more lush area of the floor!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly repelled down the rest of the tower an aboslute clammer of voices calling out. This only increased as the soilders found their fallen fellows and with the one guard unable to speak about the esacape Rikke soon had Yenna in hand though much to her dismay the fallen angel was very heavy. Still as Rikke and Sam cleared the wall they found Janet rushing out of the woods. "Seriously Rikke!" Janet gawked at the fallen angel before taking the heavy woman and running for cover. Free of her burden Rikke was able to make better progress and lead her small band to where she wanted to go. Thankfully the demons would be on foot as well and with the utter confusion Rikke had bought herself some time. Following the dried river bed Rikke soon saw the walls of the city come into view.

Her companions had kept quiet for now and once Rikke had them in some cover for a break is when the questions started. "Okay Rikke what where you thinking and who the hell is this?" Janet looked to Sam a moment and frowned. "Sorry I mean no offense." Sam nodded before speaking. "Its okay I understand. Im Samuel by the way. Also I have to agree with your friend here Rikke why did we bring that along." There was no question of the that of which they spoke.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

For the time being the coast was clear and the demons without their leader would likely scramble quite a bit before doing something unplanned and stupid. Hopefully they'd be safe "This is Samuel, a prisoner I've found in that tower and that..." the rogue looked to the fallen one "Is probably the commander of that little outpost." the heroine would continue leading them into the ruins if only for the excellent cover and spotting chances it provided.

"Because I want to talk with her." in full honesty it was just a panic of the moment choice, but still... if Rikke wanted answers this would be a prime catch "Besides, we both agreed we'd need to catch someone of higher rank to interogate or demand trades." the rogue smiled sheepishly to Janet "Just we need to keep her bound and weakened... she's a bit strong."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With that comment Janet hushed herself letting the air go still between the three woman. Picking up her burdan once more Janet sighed and headed into town. Thankfully the ruins on this end of the town where mostly intact and left them plenty of places to hide. Settling into an abbandoned house Rikke, Janet, and Sam stood in the room. Watching the fallen one. During the vigel Samplaced a sheet over the nearly naked woman while Janet tended to Rikke's wound. "Ohhh.. its happening......" Looking up Janet and Rikke watched Sam grab her sides and bend over as her body began shift and change. "But I was having so much fun!" Coughing Sam's body began to shift and swell and shrink. Slowly her body took on a more masculine apperance as she grew taller and her bust shrank. Eventually the ill fitting cloths filled out properly so that a young man stood before them. Taking out a knife her cut off thet long blonde hair before sitting down. "Phew back to my old self."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The trio picked out a house with 2 floors with the second floor facing the forest. Thankfully besides odles of dust, the house was in manageable fashion. Taking a room with fair structural integrity the trio set down and relaxed for a bit. It was best to settle in before the fallen one awakened... however there was alteast one more surprise in store for Rikke today.

Whatever Janets reaction was, Rikke just looked in silence at the sight. Clearly more than a little surprised at the sight "W-Well... that explains the name?" she looked to Janet utterly confounded with Samuels sudden change. Someone had some explaining to do... "Want to share something with us, Samuel?"
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Blushing Samuel put a hand behind his head and rubed it. "Well I used to be a treasure hunter ya know a freelance aquirer of weath. Well lets just say I tried to aquire a certain item from a very vengful alchimist. I got to cocky and got caught. So yeah she expermented on me and now when ever I get aroused I turn into a girl." Janet just raised an eyebrow at this and looked to Rikke a glint of toruble in her eye.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke returned the glance to Janet, just as unsure as she was. That would explain why she... he... Samuel was such a 'prize' for the angel. Someone with such a strange side-effect was indeed a rare beast "Oh... alright." the rogue smiled wryly "Well... this is Janet and I'm Rikke. We've arrived to the tower to save a friend from the sisters. Jessica." the girl smiled warmly "Maybe you've heard her name dropped around the tower?" Rikke cut-off her question suddenly "And whos forces are they?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't know.. I was just captured.... so.. huh.." Samuel stopped Just as Janet took off her armored top. Looking at Samuel she leaned over and pulled Rikke into a kiss. Needless to say this caused Rikke a bit of shock but it seemed to bother Samuel more. "N-Not againnnn ahhh!" Suddenly Samuel's body shrank down slightly in height as muscle mass seemed to evaporate slimming down his body which suddenly begain to swell again in the hips and chest area. His hair began to grow rapdily lenghtling out to the small of her back. "Your so mean..... uhhhh" Imidiatly a hand went down to her sex as Sam began to play with herself. Breaking the kiss Janet watched almost facinated almost missing the dark look Rikke threw her way. "What I needed to find out if it was the truth. After all she could be a trap." "YOur so mean... Im so horney now Im stuck this way till it wears off." The girl Sam continued to plunge her finers into her rapidly soaking sex as her free hand grabbed one of her generous tits.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The confusion just kept on pilling up! One moment they were discussing who Sam was. The next Rikke was kissing her topless knight and the girl they just rescued... the prisoner they just rescued began to pleasure herself right then and there!

"Hey! Stop it you two!" Rikke growled lightly and pointed to the fallen one "Omnipresent fallen angel right there, remember?" honestly it was hardly Rikkes role to be the buzzkill, but this was the absolute NOT time for this! "Sam you... er... finish it up or help us out with her. Janet, sated now? Sam had plenty of opportunities to backstab or betray me."

Looked like Rikkes question would have to wait after Sam calmed down. Though Rikke had to wonder, was it because she was unsated from before. Or was the shape-shifter this insanely exciteable at all times?

Either way, with Janets help Rikke would recheck the angels binds and place her at the corner of the room. Making sure the wings were restrained and the tail was now actually all tied up to the angels legs. If she wanted to fight, there would be quite a few bonds and knots she'd have to undo.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet frowned and put her armor back on before helping Rikke with the angel. Thankfully Yenna was still out of it or was a marvilous play actor. Still that settled for now both girls turned to Sam who finished herself off with a sigh. "Thanks Im so inhibited in my male form." Sitting down Sam licked her fingers clean. "I get to have fun for a awhile longer now." Sam smiled and looked over at the girls."Are either one of you packing a little extra.. ya know?" Sam made a clearly phalic gesture. "I prefer the natural feel if ya know what I mean?" This caused Janet to blush before coughing and watching Yenna leaving Rikke to deal with this.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke crossed her hands at the nympho, but instead of a frown smirked wickedly "Hum? Aren't you a guy? Wouldn't..." the rogue mirrored the phallic motion "Feel a tad wierd?" still even if now wasn't a time, Rikke wasn't hateful or rude. So right after her comment smiled casually "Well either way, you mentioned being caught?

Rikke would keep an eye on Yenna for a bit, until Janet would signal an all clear "Jen, she almost disabled me in one hit. Be really careful." after a firm nod, Rikke turned her attention to Sam for a conversation.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well not really its like my mind switches a little. I love cock but Sammy boy loves giving not reciving if ya get my drift. As for being caught I was travaling with Ella and Phillip when this crazy succubus attacked us with tendrils. As I recalled she said something about adding one of the Masters projects to her collection. Im not sure what that means but she deffinatly went after Ella. Me and Phillip fought hard and managed to help her get away but I got caught and well Phillip Im not sure what happened to him. His rage got the better of him and ended up chasing some demon dogs into the woods." Giving Janet her warning the knight nodded and kept a watchful eye on the fallen one.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The Masters experiments? Rikke shuffled closer to hear out the rest of the tale "I see... I assume she's one of the Masters agents then?" the rogue glanced to the angel, only to pause briefly and reach into her pocket and read some sort of piece of paper "D-Did you say you were traveling with Ella?"

Rikke would hear out the answer and hand over the note she found near Yennas room:
"Yenna your orders have changed. We want the orange haired girl alive. She is the key to brining Jessica back into the fold. Oh I delivered a present to you she should be waiting in your room."

"Mistress Ella"

"Mistress Ella..." Rikke accentuated the part "Unless Yenna had a box with a bow tie on it. The present was..." the rogue kept her eyes on Sam to let the girl gather the rest herself.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sam blanched at the note "What a damn coicidence they are not the same person I can assure you. My Ella is an angelic warrior while this Ella... the one who captured me is some crazy shadow succubus thing...." Sam looked at Rikke and the note and frowned. "Ella did say she had been cursed in her dreams by a demon so Im not sure if thats what the succubsu meant by experament."