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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked as the knight began to lean in to an embrace "M~ The Vines weren't enough eh?" the bra still unclaimed instead Rikke would throw it around the knights back and pull her closer using it ever so slowly and carefully not to actually tear the wet clothing.

Though just to tease her, as the knights warm body slowly pushed down against the rogues, Rikkes leg ever so gently sliding up Janets own, the teasing girl would keep a bare minimum distance from the kiss "Hey Jan, could you help me?" her voice now carried an unmistakeable sensual echo "Could you toy with me for a bit?" Rikke smiled in a pervy fashion and bit down on her lower lip looking to Janet, before leaning into a shallow kiss.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet plays with Rikke (foreplay) doing 21 pp damage not including any bonuses

Janet tried to kiss Rikke but the rogue playfully pulled away. Pouting a little Janet heard Rikke out and smiled nodding in shy agreement. Moving into the kiss Janet held Rikke close letting their lips lock for a good while. Breaking away slightly Janet smiled her face flush. Taking the bra she tossed it to the shore before moving around Rikke and pulling her close. From this position Rikke could feel Janet's sweet and warm breath on her neck. Bringin her hands around Janet slowly slide them up Rikke's side her touch ever so light against the rogues skin. Reaching the senstive tit flesh Janet brought them around and traced the swell of the breast before her hands made firmer contact. Slowly Janet began to message the tender orbs in a circular fashaion. Feeling her body react Rikke felt a bit more ergized and not to mention Janet's work at the brothel and subsquent training with the priestess had great effect.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes puckered her lips curiously as she watched Janet move behind her, before feeling the knights powerful tug pull her closer. Soon after Rikke felt a gently brush against her elbows as Janet slide her hands in position, making the heroine move her hand aside not to disturb what was planned for her.

The rogue shivered lightly as she felt Janets palms slide up along her smooth sides, the skillful touch even just on her simple skin feeling divine "A-ah..." a short gasp escape Rikke as the hands moved under her cups, before pushing up and sliding over them a clear jerk of the rogues felt against Janets body.

Soon after Janet got into a steady rhythm, her years in the brothel making sure she knew exactly how firmly to hold and how rapid her motions should be "H-Haa~" each looped motion would cause Rikke to relax more, her upper body arching forward ever that extra bit more for the knight to more easily play with her bust. Her face crossed with blissfully perverse smile the rogue would only indulge her hands half squeezed on either side as she just leaned back and enjoyed the expert touch.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet continues dealing 24 pp making Rikke cream herself
Rikke is stunned

With Rikke leaning in to the caresses it was simple for Janet to apply slightly more preasure to her senstive breasts. Soon enough Rikke felt her body tighten up as her body reached its peak. 'How.. just from touching.... OOOHHH' the voice in her head hit a climax just as Rikke did her body suddering slightly from the effort and the rush of energy. 'Ohh shes a keeper....'
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Was it Janets skill, or Rikkes utter need for it, but it would not take long for her Knights touch to reach it's goal. As her body reached blissful release Rikke bit to down on her lower lips attempting to muffle her cry, only causing her body to jerk and Janet to amplify the sensation of the climax even more. The knights fingers pinching with just the right amount of pressure, her hand holding the rogue enough to feel herself utterly controled by her friend "Ahhh~~~"

As the climax passed Rikke couldn't help, but keep a huge smile on her face. It was over all too quickly, but she needed it so badly "T-thanks... Janet." she'd rest her head on the knights shoulder, both of them still in the water. Shortly after Rikke leaned closer and kissed Janet on her cheek in a cute manner. It was time to clean up and go to bed once more.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke felt good as if a deep spiritual wearyness had passed. She was still physically tired but after all the fun she had there was little doubt she would have a great night. Janet of course blushed at the kiss and Rikke saw that she was a little more turned on than she would admit. "Ill join ya in a little while Rikke. Im gonna relax here a moment longer." With that Janet settled out of view letting Rikke do as she pleased. Laying down and thankful that the area around them was warm rock Rikke quickyly passed into sleep the faint sounds of Janet pleasing herself echoing her into a peacful undisturbed dream.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The night would pass without incident, thankfully the limited flora of the area was just enough to create passable beds. The calming rush of the waterfall and the occasional escaped moan from Janet whisking Rikke to sleep.

Today was the day, Rikke gently opened her eyes and sat up yawning casually, way up here the air was an absolute joy. The waterfalls added humidity giving each fresh breath a reinvigorating property. If Janet still slept Rikke would not disturb her. Instead going to the stream to wash herself up and smartly set up whatever supplies they had for breakfast.

Today, they'll finish the climb.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed ever thing felt right today. Streching and smiling Rikke looked about their rather sparse camp. Janets armor lay on a nearby boulder drying in the sun while the knight her self was still curled up next to Rikke nude. Free to explore a little Rikke found their little cave was only a measly 15 feet from the top of the ridge and in fact a rough hewn stair led the rest of the way.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogues eyes light up as she looked to the fairly short and neat distance, with a huge smile she'd hurry back to her friend and finish preparing breakfast. Telling Janet of the find once she awoke.

The duo would eat up and refresh, before finally setting out of the fairly lush kingdom of spiders and goblins. Off to wherever next the strange tower would take them "Shall we?" Rikke smiled at Janet looking over the short climb.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Getting ready while Rikke got some food around Janet was soon battle ready again. "Ahhh feels so good to get out of my armor for awhile." Smiling Janet headed up first scouting while munching on an apple. The sight that greeted them was one of ruin. Before them lay a burnt out town the remains of a defensive wall having long ago succombed to age and wear. The town itself seemed of Baridian design though with the aged looking burt lumber it was hard to tell. "Ahh yes one of the few towns the slaves built. Its a shame the master leveld it when the sisters rebelled."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to Janet sadly and gave her a firm nod. They'd be crossing it, perhaps some unfortunate victims took shelter here. The rogue drew her blade and would walk first "It's a town built by the slaves, keep an eye out for survivors or enemies 'kay." if Janet had a confused look on her face Rikke would only mutely point to her necklace.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet simply frowned at the necklace but drew her blade and moved in. Steping over a crubling wall Janet looked about the ruin. Most of it was burned out leaving no place to hide. Withered and charred corpses lay all about left to rot in the sun. Most of them where woman and though it was a sad sight there was nothing Janet or Rikke could do for them now. I don't think anyone made it Rikke. "You don't say stupid bimbo. Why do you keep her around Rikke? There are so many other girls you met that are much more fun."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sheathed her blade looking over the sight with clear sadness and spoke silently "These girls shouldn't be like this..." the rogue clenched her fist and checked the ground "I'm sorry Jess..." Rikke looked to Janet "Noone should be left like this. Help me with these bodies, they need a proper resting place."

"Let's see if we can find some sort of tools." she looked to Janet firmly "We're here, so let's do what we can for them. Please." it was likely a grueling task, a thankless one at that, but even if need be Rikke would urge Janet to linger for the day and bury the dead. Even if the graves would not be as deep as they should.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Finding what tools they could Janet and Rikke went about the task and by the time they where done both where sweaty and tired. "Thats all of them Rikke... and don't worry Jess would understand." Joldra remaind silent threw out the task not having spoke a word sense her rude comment about Janet. Though now that Rikke thought about it. Joldra seemed to have an issue with Janet ever sense they met. Either way the sun was still high in the sky and they could make some more ground or refresh themselves back at the spring.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The grim task would take most of their day. The duo continued their work, each switching between using be it plain and fairly aged gardening tools, their weapons, at times even their armor to dig up the graves, with collecting the girls remains. Most had been dead for far too long to make out the cause of death along with most of the victims features. Though the bodies had not aged enough to crumble or worse.

Neither of the girls had eaten much and thankfully, the cadavers were free of any foul features. That day was not spend in a pleasant fashion and by the end the two met scents they wish they really hadn't.

Though as the sun set, the two girls placed the final stub of wood on the final grave as its gravestone and stepped back. Both Janet and Rikke could only smile silently to the sight. The final ray of sun gently caressed to the freshly made grave site, the slaughtered village seemed to finally be able to rest. Along with it's citizens.

Rikke looked to Janet with a silent smile, it was a horrid task, but the two shared the same smile of a certain pride and peace "Come on, let's go wash up Janet." the rogue spoke in warm fashion looking to the knight, before they'd head out.

The duo would go back down the stairs to the waterfall. It was a good place not only to wash, but to camp for the night. Even if the bodies were untouched, who knows what may stalk the upper floor. It was best not to find out, while exhausted or during the night.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Both girls where sore and tired, thankfully Joldra had left her alone during the whole endevor. Resting a moment Rikke saw Janet enter the water first naked. "Ohh thats nice if a little chilly." After a moment Janet would begin to wash the dirt off before leaving the water nude. "We did a good thing Rikke.. I know Jessica would be proud." With that said her knight went to her bedroll and began to sleep. Rikke herself took care of her needs and after a while she was left to herself with Janet's regular breathing letting her know the girl was asleep.

Rikke gains 4 xp for her travel threw the tower and a bonus 2 xp for acting in character in the town above
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would of course join in clean up, but anything pervy just seemed completely out of the question. Not after todays activities.

The rogue lied down to her own makeshift bed near Janet and would look up to the darkened sky. A distant look in her eyes and a nostalgic smile on her face. How long has it been? The memory was just far too strong to ignore, when she found the ruined barracks in the manor. Gods she was still just a fledgeling thief back then.

Rikke turned her side, her memories continuing. All racing back to when she first met Jessica, still in her maid garments. The things she did with that strange maid... the heroine giggled silently and sighed happily. And with that note and a huge smile on her face, would fall slowly drift away to sleep.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was warm almost to warm. Moving she felt the soft flesh of another holding her tight. A familar tightness seemed to hold her at the waste as crimson wing lay over her. Two pefectly tanned hand held Rikke's cups their nails painted a dark red. Blonde hair lay mingled with her own purple locks. Moving slightly the person behind her muttered "Rikke..." Adjusting every so slowly Rikke turned about to see Jess holding her tight in their typical sleeping position. Though that wasn't wall out of the corner of her eye she saw Janet wave to her, wink and fly off with golden wings made of light. "Rikke I miss you hurry please hurry.... Dreams only last so long." A single tear rolled down Jessica's face.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"J-Jess?" the intial shock would quickly be replaced with clear joy as Rikke fully leaned back against her lover "Jess... you're okay!" somehow the rogue could guess this was a dream... or well what seemed to take place instead of dreams in this blasted place.

"I'm in the tower Jess. I'm almost there. Just wait for me a bit longer..." the heroine smiled kindly and lowered her hands feeling Jessica lace her fingers with the rogues own.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This seemed to bring a smile to her lovers face as the fingers tightened their grip. "Rikke I miss you so much.. please hurry." Jesses tail tightened around Rikke pulling her close. "Its so dark with out you." Lookingi at her lover it was apparent that she was the dream invader this time around. All about her was a well appointed chamber with several beds and pillers of similar color to the ones she had encountered in the mannor. The only exception was a new bed set next to Jessica's one of deep deep purple. Jess herself was in good condition and just as radient though her clothing was far more skimpy than what she usually wore.