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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

They can't beat her in close range, so they'll use ranged weapons?! Rikke frowned darkly and looked to any possible routes via the floating magic debris to the wasps or atleast a wasp. By now it was clear the wasps just flew where directed... no matter who the rider was!

A clear plan came to Rikkes mind, but it was solely relaint on her finding a route to get on one of the wasps... otherwise, she still had her poison blades. They may not kill on impact, but the fall would surely do the trick!

If there's a possible route, lightining strikes the rider and take the reigns! [if possible]
If there's no path use poison blade throw one of the riders
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke jumps to wasp 55 vs DC 60 fail.. T_T

Of all the low down dirty tricks! Looking quickly Rikke spotted a nearby wasp buzzing in place its rider having died after a rather cutting blow. For the moment it just hung in mid air unsure of what to do. Its shiny black and orange carapace gleamed in the false sun its overly large eyes staring off into the distance. Its legs covered in a light but course fuzz and its mouth opening and closing. Still she needed a way to combat the flying goblins. Sucking up her pride Rikke jumped up to another set of the steps getting into position. Taking a deep breath she ran forward sprinting making a leap!

Rikke soared threw the air her target right in front of her. She was going to make it she was going to make it. Suddenly the wasp moved off a little deciding to head for home. Rikke's heart froze as gravity a cruel mistress began to assert itself. Rikke's stomach sank as she began to descend. For a few frightful moments she fell her thoughts her own a slight scream coming out of her mouth. This unfortunately broke Janet's concentration and from Rikke's position she could see her knight get overwhelmed by a pack of goblins their sheer numbers bringing Janet down. Spinning out of control Rikke saw the ground coming only to stop in mid air as 6 legs wrapped around her and the buzz of a wasp filled her ears. This joy however was short lived as she felt several sharp pokes causing her to go limp unable to command her arms or legs to any action.

From her position she saw that Janet was being carried away hog tied to a stick as the goblins hooted and cheered. Not long after she was dropped off and stripped of her weapons only to receive the same treatment as the goblins toted them threw the jungle and to their massive encampment. Rikke couldn't see much as her and Janet were sent to a tent and left hanging from their stakes. “Well that didn't go as planned Rikke... any ideas?”
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A un-manned wasp! Such luck! Rikke would quickly move to the required position and take a deep breath, it would be a steep and long jump, but nothing she can't handle. Doing her best to ignore the actual height she was already in... the girl leaped forward! Only for her only platforming deciding to 'check out the flowers over there'

As the wasp moved aside a particular gut-wrenching sinking feeling ran across the rogues body... mistakes were made "Wua-AAAAAAHHH~~~!" of all the rotten luck there ofcourse was nothing to break her fall below and only now with her cry all too clear could she actually make out where Janet was... in the mass of green "JAANEET!" Not like this! Rikke would quickly reach for her top, using the time she was falling she was not going to die in such a absurd way--

Only to suddenly hear a loud buzz behind her and spindly legs to wrap around her waist and with a sudden tug stop her fall?! She was saved! Only for the something sharp to prick at her body seemingly freezing on the spot? Her body held in place Rikke could only watch as soon after Janet was overwhelmed aswell. On the brightside, they were both alive... on the darker side - to what end?

Soon after the wasp landed and dropped the rogue off, it's spindly legs flipping her on her back by accident only for Rikke to see the clear gleam in the goblins eyes around her, their faces turned into a exceptionally huge smiles and grins as they looked over their trophy. Her muscles not responding Rikke could only look on to the goblins silently not even able to speak!

The goblins seemed preficient in removing gear as they quickly disarmed the rogue, taking all of her weapons some grabbing her more prized tools and instantly running off in clear joy, but others made their other intent far too clear. Their primal gaze looking over the absolutely unbelievable female before them, her juicy cups, round ass, long legs... and skin more smooth than anything the creatures had ever seen.

Rikkes eyes widened as their hands neared her only to swiftly begin unbuckling her armor and removing it. With a strong tug her naked body was soon exposed for a resounding mix of hoots, cheers and even laughter to echo around her!

The rogue would share Janets fate as she hog-tied to massive branch clearly one fo the two ready for them in advance. As she was carried quite a few goblins seemed to follow them, their head lightly lowered showing little restraint in their inspection of their trophies. Only after awhile would Rikke be able to speak and reply to Janet "C-Can't... move." she turned to Janet with sorry eyes. For the time being, their fate was in the goblins greedy and needy hands...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked a little upset but it didn't appear to be at Rikke. "Hang in there we'll get this sorted out soon enough."

After a very bumpy walk the duo was finally set down in a smallish hut made of mud and straw. "You behave and no bash in head." It was a large goblin who grinned at Rikke and Janet before cutting them loose. Falling with a thud Janet quickly righted herself but to no avail as the large goblin had already left the hut. "You okay Rikke?" Janet moved over and helped the rogue to a sitting position. For the most part she was okay though most of her body was still numb. Already though she could feel the little pinpricks of her limbs waking from their forced slumber.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh~~ My head~" As the paralysis poison began to dissipate slowly, btu surely Rikke slowly began to regain her body control. The feeling coupled with the poison making her slightly woozy.

The rogue seemed to almost not hear Janet until she raised her hand infront of her and just barely clenched and it released it a few times, a sigh of relief escaping her "N-not there yet, but I'll manage." she turned to Janet with a smile and scooted to the side of the tent to rest against it "I hate wasps..."

She snickered sarcastically and looked around "Just give me a moment." and curled up, more from the woozyness and numbness than anything else.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet frowned but let Rikke scoot to the edge of the hut. "Well we are in a pickle not sure what they are going to do with us." Janet looked out the door way and held up two fingers. "I sure hope they don't eat us." Janet crouched down and made a cutting notion across her neck and nodded at Rikke.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked confused to the motion, before shaking her head more to get her bearing together the poisons side-effects starting to dim down "If they wanted to kill us we'd not be here." she looked to the knight firmly, before finally uncurling and relaxing "But whatever they're planning let's not linger long enough to find out." she finally smiled at Janet.

"Now, let's see whats our situation." in her dizzy state Rikke only knew she was dropped inside some sort of indescribeable tent by a goblin everything else seems to have slipped her mind. Her sense returned the girl looked around the area looking for an exit and at any objects inside the tent... not to mention it's size.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet frowned again and mothed some words. Her head clear Rikke finally made out what Janet was trying to tell her. Two guards outside should we take them out.

Looking about Rikke saw the hut was mostly bare just a couple simple mats for sleeping and a whole mess of smelly rags likely from privious tenets. There was one exit and from what Rikke could make out there where a whole mess of goblins out side.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue quickly hatched a plan in her head and smiled crawling closer to Janet and whispering in her ear "You take the left one, I'll take the right one. Drag them inside the tent."

It was a subtle and efficient way to get them downed and gain weapons without having the horde come down upon the duo. Though it was strange, who'd just drop their captives without any restraints what so ever into a lightly guarded tent. Especially when both of the opponents showed supreme skill in battle. Goblin stupidity perhaps.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet quickly moved to her appointed side waiting for Rikke to give the signal. Meanwhile Rikke got into place allowing her a good look at the compound. It seemed to be a hap hazzard fort made of felled trees. Literally dozens of armed goblins roamed the grounds. No wonder they where left unbound if they tried to escape they would simply be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers before them. Looking around even more Rikke spotted a nother tent where several goblins stood that where far larger and tougher looking than the others. They seemed in deep coversation with a much shorter figure that Rikke couldn't make out.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Whatever they were discussing the duo would not linger to find out. Rikke turned to Janet to see if she was ready and motioned a countdown from 3. Grabbing the gobling by the mouth and dragging him inside! Janet taking down her own side hopefully.

Sneak attack!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet nodded and waited for the count down. At the silent three Janet moved fairly quickly and grabbed her foe and pulled the goblin in. In single combat neather gobin was a match for either of them and soon enough both goblins where held down moths gaged with dirty rags. "What should we do with them Rikke?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The answer was swift and simple, Rikke would suddenly let loose a kick to the goblins near her jaw, effectively knocking him out on the stop. She'd smile apologetically to him and turn to Janet hopefully following her lead in whatever way she'd choose to knock hers out.

With both down the duo would first look over any weapons or other items they had. Time was short so they had to make it fairly fast. But for the next part of the plan any edge they can get may prove invalueable.

Knock em out and loot
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet however was not so brutal in her efforts. Nodding she simply held the goblin by the neck till he stopped moving and set him down gently. Looking over the gear they found two sets of moldy leather armor far to small to fit them as well as a battered makeshift club and rusty shortsword.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue searched over her knocked out goblin in question, her hands feeling up the foul creature to find any in the particulary dim lighting. Though her hands rapidly went lower and lower, her lips puckering as they went to the creepy creatures hips and--- to find a weapon!

Rikke eyed the club reluctantly "Er..Here!" she offered the makeshift club to her knight with a sheepish grin, while she herself took the blade. It was rusty and not near as sharp as it should be, but it had a pointy end and a sorts of edge. It'll do for now.

Without further a-do the rogue approached the back of the hut and looked up "Give me a boost, we'll take the backdoor outside." she smiled mischieviously with the blade in hand. With the knights help Rikke swiftly made a hole in the cloth roof and pulled herself and over, looking around to make sure the coast was clear before giving Janet the go ahead sign aswell.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet easily boosted Rikke up to the place in question though cutting the thick tent material would be harder than it should have been due to the poor condition of the blade. Still they managed with out to much diffculty. Hopping down and quicklly followed by Janet the duo found them selves in a foul smelling area of the camp. "Oh goddess please don't tell me ...." Foul ickiness seeped between their bare feet and it looked like Janet was gonna hurl.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

On the brightside there were no scouts to see their escape, on the bad side... Rikke didn't even look down. It was cold, smelly and they slowly sank in it. For some gods knows reason the goblins dumped their... 'natural residue' behind the huts!

Even if the stench was horrid, Rikke was much less of a town girl than Janet seemed to. Especially not at such times! One hand on her mouth and squeezing her nose Rikke turned "Grass... let's head to the patch of grass over there now." the rogue most certainly didn't wait till the 'particular mushy smelly' material got too much on her.

Reaching the grass likely both girls begged the goddes for dew, but either way they'd swiftly clean up and look over the camp in better detail. Their weapons and gear were still there... but where. Like two prowlers the girls a decent distance away from their clean up would look over the sight from the tall grass or ducking near some trees.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The camp/settlement was far larger than Rikke thought it would be. Looking about it was organized in a rough circle surrounded with wooden palisade to defend it. For the most part several rough towers guarded the encampment each with a goblin archer looking out and thankfully not looking in. To the south of their little hut was a wide area left to the wilds though after their escape they wouldn't bother going their again. To the west across the primary encampment was the vast majority of huts where numorous goblins sang and cheered. To the north was the same group as before talking infront of a much larger structure that actually looked solid.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked over their patchwork structures and then thoughts back to the weapons they found "They're scavengers." she whispered to Janet and extended her hand pointing to the solid structure "Our weapons will likely be in their leaderships hands." she glanced to her knight and smiled "Meaning that's where we're heading."

Even if the duo could escape there would be no rescue without their gear or supplies. With their target picked Rikke would lead Janet across the camp, going from cover to cover and keeping as low a profile as possible.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully the camp was in a joyous uproar over their victory and no one noticed the duo make their way to the main building. From their hiding spot which used to be some sort of grand table Rikke could make out a grouping of structures close to the main building. From the looks of it they where cages though if they where occupied it was hard to tell. Then again why would you post guards? Looking back to the group of people before Rikke spotted a cronish looking goblin female talking with the big males. Looking at this group figured they where the elders of the tribe as none of them where at the fight.