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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet was no novice knight... Rikke placed a hand on her hilt and approached her friend, her eyes a tad sharper "Really what is it?" the rogue would join her knight and look to wherever she directed, before looking back to her a brief moment and raising a finger to her "And we're not using Mistress. Rikke. Not mistress." she smiled casually.

Combat stats are up, better check :D
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 33/45, Status = starting to get hungry
Janet (using Grace as a template) Hp: 85/85 Ep: 47/47 Pp: 48/48 Status = charmed
Rikke perception vs Stealth: 38 vs 35 success!

"Yes Rikke sorry." Janet bowed her head in a submissive manner that gave Rikke a slight tingling sensation. Moving up Rikke scanned the area as well. Bushes birds, giant spider, squirl.. wait spider! The spider was white in color its eyes big and black and it sat perfectly still not moving. It seemed to be watching them intently. Though for the most part it seemed to be hiding and not in a threatening pose.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Spider... SPIDER?! A cold chill absolutely shook Rikkes body as she froze up looking to the absurdly sized spider "J-J-Janet... Over there. Don't... move..." by the goddess what now?! Attack? Run? Is it a scout? Or the first of many? Another chill ran up Rikkes body as she ever so carefully stepped back and in a silent voice spoke "Spider... What do we do?"

The girl hand moved to her poisoned blades... did they even work on insects? And which eye to throw the dagger at if it charged!

Full-Defense. Wait...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 33/45, Status = starting to get hungry
Janet (using Grace as a template) Hp: 85/85 Ep: 47/47 Pp: 48/48 Status = charmed

"H-h-humans AH!" The spider looked to Rikke a moment and seemed to sigh. "Dosn't feel to good now dose it? As for what to do I don't know and I'm not sure. You could ask Mama though?" With that the spider just cocked its head waiting to see what Rikke would do. "You look pale please don't pass out please?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Okay that's it! Rikke quickly ducked behind Janet "It's talking!" she cried out looking from behind the knight and then all around including up... just incase.

"N-NO! No mama! Please!" She ducked out from behind Janet then right behind her. Keeping behind the knight the rogue silently mumbled to her friend "Why is the overgrown spider talking..."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"And why not my Mama is the most sweet and nicy person ever!" The spider had a clear annoyed tone in his voice. Janet looked at the spider and looked to Rikke. "Im not sure Rikke though he hardly seems dangerous." Still Janet stood guard before Rikke not letting the spider get to much of a visual on her. "Thats right listen to your friend. Im not dangerous unless your a demon."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With a certain child grumpyness Rikke ducked out "...you're the enemy of demons too?" it was a talking spider, by the sounds of it a baby no less... of such size too. Meaining the broodmother was... not a thought Rikke indulged in at all "We've come to save our friend from the demons, just let us pass in peace please~!"

There was one ally that Rikke, no matter how useful they may be, refused to have. And that was giant hairy spiders...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I have to tell Mama that people are here. Its dangerous for people. Stop being a stupid head and see Mama she can halp." The spider took a cautious step out of the bushes revealing more of his form. He was indeed a giant spider though not as hairy as Rikke thought he would be. His entire body was white and his eyes big and black. Eight large segmented legs stepped in their crazy movement. "If you run away than my big sisters and brothers will find you. That won't be fun and someone could get hurt."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm not following you to your nest!" Rikke growled out "And we will defend ourselves if we're attacked! We mean you no harm!" the rogue stepped out from behind the knight a tad aclimated to the utter horror she felt at the creature "I've had horrible experiences with spiders... mostly with their mommys trying to eat or feed me to their young." the heroine crossed her hands, even if it was a lie and based on other people stories, these were spiders...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The spider shook his head and sighed. "Then I bring Mama to you so you can talks." With that the spider trundled off into the woods leaving Rikke and Janet in the small clearing. "Rikke he seems friendly and do we really want to risk a group of giant spiders chasing us?" It was of course Rikke's choice though Janet had a suspicion of her choice.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"WHAT?! That seems like a horrible idea!" Rikke could even clearly feel cold sweat run down her body "W-What if something happened to her just because she wanted to chat. We'd never forgive our-ourselves." the rogue smiled sheepishly.

"Do you really want to go to a spider broodmothers nest?" Rikke gave Janet the look, a look that all too clearly hinted at how impossible that choice was. She'd sooner mount the masters cock than go to a spider broodmothers nest... Rikke paused at the thought and shook her head. Such a wierd comparisson to spring to mind... at any rate it was not happening. Her gaze made it all too clear.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mama will be fine stay there she will want to talk to you." With that the unnamed spider headed off into the woods. Janet just looked at Rikke a moment and waited for the inevitable dash in a direction.

Run away?
Taking the opportunity to run while the spider wasn't looking Janet would follow after. Soon they had crossed a lot of terrain while keeping mostly in the direction they where heading. Still it would probably be best if they scouted out their path again.

If Rikke was brave and waited it would only take maybe half and hour for the spider to return. Behind a larger but not to much larger spider would come out with a rather attractive Nymph wearing a spider silk dress riding it. "Hello my little one said you are humans who need help?" She was fair skinned with whitish strands of hair and pointed elfin ears. She was well endowed and had a pleasing form.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that was an easy choice "I bet it's an arachne of some sorts... or just a really huge spider with eggsacks across it's..." Rikke shuddered visibly "Let's hurry onwards." it was hardly a mad dash, but the duo under the rogues lead would absolutely not waste any time there and move onwards vai their previous path.

"No. No. No. We are not waiting for the Broodmother. No way, no how." even if Janet didn't ask Rikke would continue "If you see something really big approach we run." the rogue turned green by the imagery in her mind "Gods I bet it'd be corrupt too!"

Either way, without rushing away Rikke knew the path to the odd structure meaning the duo would advance onwards.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet offered no resistance other than a shrug. "I bet he is gonna be so sad and his mom will be upset when she find us not there. I do hope she doesn't punish him." Keeping a steady pace little changed in their environment. The birds still sang their songs the insects chirped. Soon however the light was starting to fade. "Rikke we should make camp for the night I shall stand watch while you sleep."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No way. Not until we find a clearing." Rikke rubbed her shoulders lightly "That thing mentioned brothers and sisters that may follow. I am NOT gonna get cocooned and dragged to the treetops by those things. Let's go!" by now it was clear, when she was young someone had to have told the rogue some particulary questionable stories about spiders... be it for better or worse.

"But let's get some torches ready just incase." Rikke easied up a tad "Wandering in the dark would be far worse..." either way, with the torches set the duo would press on until they found a clearing or atleast a area they could properly protect themselves. A clear hope that the spiders will just leave them be clear in Rikkes actions for now...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Its funny Rikke the first thing that hasn't tried to kill us or rape us in this place we are running away from it." Janet quickly got a makeshift torch ready and looked to Rikke. "Humm how are we going to light this?" Janet looked slightly amused at the situation. Still after lighting the torches the duo headed out and deeper into the woods. Eventually things started to look more dark and dreary. No more flowers or birds echoed their calls and the only insects where nasty little flies that bit them seemingly threw their armor. Still it wasn't one of the big nasty ones. Finding a relatively dry clearing Rikke stopped. It was elevated so the chances of water seeping up in them as they slept was unlikely but the clearing was exposed. "I think this is the best we are going to do Rikke unless you want to march threw the night? So make your bed I will keep watch."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm pretty sure the only talk we'd have with a spider broodmother would be" the rogue caughted and fixed her voice to be as wicked and dark as possible "Welcome to my Parlor, said the spider to the fly." the heroine smirked and nodded to her friend, taking the torch in hand.

The alternative not seeming an alternative at all, the duo would continue onwards until finally they reached the clearing. Sure they almost completely out in the open, but with spiders their only worry this would work fantastically! "Mhm~! This will do!" the rogue grinned happily and would set up a few torches away from the camp and near the entrances to the jungle. If something scittered out of there the light should show it... not to mention keep all the bugs attracted away from the camp.

"We can change shifts, like half-way through the night" Rikke would get their makeshift camp in order, even if it was warm outside whatever sheets she'd use was more against the bugs than anything else "Remember we're both trying to get through here." she smiled kindly pulling one of the sheets over her still in armor body "And if you see or hear any scittering wake me up, right then and there."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 33/45, Status = prone
Janet (using Grace as a template) Hp: 28/85 Ep: 47/47 Pp: 48/48 Status = charmed, HURT!
Janet Perception vs Stealth 40 vs 48, 39, 39, 36, 36, success vs all but 1

Tg1 48 vs 50 Miss!
g1 auto hit 16 damage on Janet (after armor)
g2 50 vs 50 hit 14 damage
g3 59 vs 50 hit 14 damage
g4 59 vs 50 hit 13 damage

Janet vs Tg1 77 vs 45 hit for 40 damage after armor!
Tg1 is dead! Janet cleaves g1 67 vs 35 hit for 35 damage after armor.

Rikke easily slipped off to sleep her encampment safe from spiders and her knight on watch. Little did she know their trek threw the woods and drawn the attention of a tribe of goblins. Beady little eyes watched the two females from the shadows. They would make for fine breeders once they had been caught. Cowardly as they where however they waited till they had the advantage to attack.

Janet watched her mistress keeping a eye on the camp. Things seemed off she had never seen her so scared of anything in her life. Still it was not her place to wonder just to obey. Moving her eyes back to task Janet caught glimpse of the beady eyes watching them from the swamp. "Rikke!" No sooner had she called out than the surrounding area burst in to a frenzied charge. Immediately Janet was hit from behind, the goblins advanced scout having slipped by her watchful gaze. After taking the telling blow Janet spun sword clearing her sheath as she moved to intercept a large goblin moving for Rikke.

Rikke woke with a jerk as Janet called out her name in a panic. Her eyes darting open she at first thought the spiders had come back. Only the cries of the goblins charge brought her back to focus. It was a strange sight the goblins had little wooden masks on panted in the likeness of skulls and they wore makeshift leather armor and used old table legs as clubs. A sound of wood on metal drew her gaze to Janet taking a rather nasty blow from a rather lithe goblin. Turning quickly Janet headed over in Rikke's direction and brought her sword down on another larger goblin. However they two seemed to meet each other at the same time. The goblin however was the worse of the encounter as Janet wrenched her blade free to hit the goblin that had struck her first. This however was met with more of the smaller one's beating Janet with their sticks.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

They came! Driven by the brust of adrenaline from the imaginary spider attack Rikke would clear her bedding seemingly instantly her blade already drawn and ready to slice the creepy scitters apart!

Though these shadows and silhoulletes they were't spiders? Goblins! Rikke heard all too clearly the not-so tiny stalkers beat on her friend. Thanfully their stick smashing mainly against her steel. The ambush was right next to her and seemed the goblins focused all their attacks on the knight before them, turning their backs to the heroine. A choice they'd swiftly learn to regret, in a lesson only taught once.

Without a word Rikke would tense her body up and attack. Only 3 powerful slashes tells of her movement, each bearing a silver flash as if lightining.

Sudden Strike
Lightining Strikes! 3 random targets if sudden strike works.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 33/45, Status = prone
Janet (using Grace as a template) Hp: 28/85 Ep: 47/47 Pp: 48/48 Status = charmed, HURT!
Rikke sudden strikes paired with Lighting strike!
Stealth vs Perception 59 vs 44,44,38 success!
3 hits vs 3 targets double damage before armor. 109, 99, 89
g2-4 die

Rikke was up and out of her bedding right quick her shinning silver blade glinting in the pale moonlight. Three flashes of glinting steel like lighting against a dark sky. The first strike was threw a goblins heart killing the creature instantly. The next was a decapitation as Rikkke pulled her blade free. The third goblin having caught a sight of his friends fate turned to avoid the blow but proved to be to slow Rikke pierced his heart as well. Janet meanwhile was attempting to get the blood out of her eyes as the last goblin ran off into the woods holding a bloody stump. The skirmish was over Rikke had won. Janet meanwhile sat on the ground. "Im sorry Rikke I should have seen them sooner." Janet sniffled and Rikke could swear she was crying.