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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

There was little other choice now! 'F-Fine!' she opened her eyes a purple swirling in her gaze only to eclipse her eyes fully. A bright gleam of her magic igniting in her eyes for a brief moment. Though the embrace of the demonic influence even chipping at her resistance to refuse Janets lusty offer...

"Janet." Rikke spoke up her tone far different from before, her voice seemingly echoing across the lusty girls body "That's quite enough, no?" she smirked playfully with surprising confidence considering her current predicament.

Use Charm!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke uses charm!
27 vs 26 (geeze the RNG hates you lately) success!

The echo of Rikke's voice reverberated threw Janet as she shuddered from two competing mental effects. At first Rikke wasn't sure tapping into her innate powers had worked but as Janet shuddered some more her yes opened only to reflect Rikke's purple glow. "Mistress I am at your command." Janet sat still holding Rikke down but it was no longer a dire situation. "By the hells its about time you start using your gifts." 'Oh dear we are still talking with queen bitch?'
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed with relief and smiled at Janet "Alright, off you go." it was temporal solution, not to mention a solution Rikke would have rather avoided. With Janet obeying her command the rogue sat up and quickly fixed her armor "Jan, could you..." she blushed cutely subtly hinting at the cock "Ofcourse Mistress." suddenly Janet began to lean forward and gripped the base of the cock, aligning it t--- "I-I meant cover it up!" with wide eyes Rikke quickly cleared out the misunderstood hint and relaxed. Though her eyes wandered to cock that almost 'pleased her under command' before shaking her head free of the thoughts.

'She never left...' Rikke thought to herself 'You mean the side-effects from you?' while effective, the rogue knew the nature of these 'gifts' was everything, but pure... using them may have a hidden cost yet unknown to her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke felt a humph over the mental connection. "Just my luck an ungrateful daughter. Well now that that fun is over with lets figure out what happened." Rikke thought Joldra had muttered something but the demon blasted by it in a rush. "Dose Janet have any wounds or bites? If so she was probably infested with a lust fly. Nasty little buggers, their bite carries their larva into the victim where they feed on each other till a hand full of them are left and then they start feel on the energy of the host. If they run out energy they make the host develop a vampiric cock to drain more energy. One they consume enough they leave the host and fly off." 'Ewww grosss Janny has worms!' They can be very painful leaving so better find em if she gots em. Your dagger should be enough for the task."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue really, really, REALLY hated swamps right about now. Shivering at the description absolutely matching Jodlras words she turned to Janet "Jan, turn around real quick." only to pull her dagger out and approach the clear bite location.

"Y-yeah... she's definedly bit, by likely one of those..." Rikke turned green very clearly, but steadied herself "O-okay... tell me what I gotta do..." the details of the following actions, none too pleasant Rikke would follow them absolutely by the book and meticulously. Utterly grossed out by the actions, pitying whoever would have to even imagine the task she had done.

Still with her task done and looking over the wound once over, Rikke pulled out a healing potion and poured some of it on the wound to heal it or atleast stop the bleeding "T-T-that should do it..." a bit dizzy from the disgust the rogue sighed deeply 'Back! I just decided to blank this part out, did I miss anything.' ever the innocently and teasingly her inner voice echo'ed out. Perhaps to atleast a cheery and humorous tone to the grim task "I hate this place already..."

The rogue reached forward to the charmed and likely not in her right mind girl, making sure she'd see her fingers "When I snap this, I command you to snap out of my command. Three... two...one *snap*"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The task was not fun and more than once Janet owed in pain. Once the last of the parasites was removed however Janet suddenly went limp and fell unconscious. "Well she will need to rest that just leaves me and you. Though you should probably make camp and sort out your issues with using your powers. They are yours now and you better come to grips with them." Once against Rikke felt the mental connection with Joldra slipping but not before a few trailing words drifted across. 'Who's she calling an ungrateful brat!'
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sight in a bemused fashion as the voice faded "Says the demoness that ruined my life and wanted to take over my body...." 'By very questionable and quite juicy means." the rogue looked to her faint friend and smiled kindly. Atleast on one thing Rikke agreed with Joldra, a camp would be useful.

The heroine knelt down and picked her armored friend up, wincing lightly at the weight pressing down she'd drag her over to a softer or dryer spot near a tree and look around "Okay then..." there were numerous trees and after her sandy beach and tropical island adventure Rikke had learned how to make decent shelter with bare minimum.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Getting a camp ready was an easy task as the tree's above sheltered them from the rain if any. The air was warm so no need for a fire which would just draw attention to them anyway. That only really left finding a dry place to haul Janet. That task proved simple enough though moving her unconscious and heavily armed friend was by far the most laborious thing she had ever done. 'Man Janny needs to go on a diet. Though if we remove her armor she would be lighter and would probably sleep better.' A small giggle headed off that thought as Rikke slowly dragged Janet to the spot she picked out.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'And give the bugs even more juicy Jannet to munch on?' Rikke gave herself an inner look. There was no question about it, comfort or no. The swamp housed way too many unknown threats for the girls to get comfy.

Placing her companion in comfortable stop Rikke herself leaned down against the tree and sighed with relief. A kind smile on her face, before she looked over herself and fixed her armor up "I'll find you soon Jess." she smiled distantly and relaxed until Janet awoke.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'We're no fun anymore. I know we want some Janet to munch on ourselves.' Rikke easily ignored the voice in her head and looked out over the rather peaceful sight. Fire flies danced in the dim light much like they did on her first night at the manor. Gods it seemed like an eternity sense then. Janet moaned a little in her sleep causing Rikke to look over and see the cock that had grown slowly shrink away as the effect of what ever had bit her was waning. 'We didn't even bring Venise along man this dry spell is getting out of hand.' Her inner succubus sounded grumpy but Rikke had her mind set on one girl and one girl alone.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke growled silently at the overly active voice, but she was right. By all accounts she had been ignoring part of herself for quite some time, but sex or other such indulgences just seemed to take second place so long as Jessica was gone.

The rogue looked down over herself, as a particular thought crossed her mind. She was alone, Janet was out cold... and she did indeed start to feel her body urges a bit more than usual. Perhaps the shock of what could've happened stirring the dormant unmet needs.

Rikke gently licked her lips and blushingly, looked around, one of her hands moving to gently clip her lower armor, while the other would slide to her bust---

She suddenly ceased and stood up! 'Not right now, someone might see! We might get stung! NO!' she blushed strongly at the actions considered 'I know~ That sounds like so~ much fun!' 'We're here on a rescue, not an adventure.' 'So if it was the later, it'd be okay humm?~' the rogues blush ignited at the caught thought. That wasn't what she meant!... was it.

Rikke would sit back down mirroring the childish grumpyness her other side, displayed not mere moments ago. Like it or not, they were all too similar...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Your probably right though. After all Janny may be pretty but Jessica.' Rikke felt her own body heat up as her inner succubus sighed. 'Oh remember that little trick she dose with her tail? I miss the little guy hes always got such vigor! And those sweat sweat breasts we could hug them all day.' Unbidden Rikke's had dipped a little deeper under her armor. 'Ya know we should ask her to give us a good fucking while shes flying one day. Just think about how fun it would be!' Rikke felt her hand slip even deeper.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You're not helping!" Rikke cried out with a sharp blush, as it echoed across the forest. Only to realise the slipped thought, the rogue would quickly push up from the tree and look around. Unless she got busy, the rogue may start doing questionable things...

Still it was a decent height tree and if the two saw the strange structure from the entry way, spoting it from a tree top would be all too easily. It was time to see if they were on the right track and where to go next!

With some oomph in her steps, all that extra bit empowered by her embarassment and excitement the rogue would swiftly try to climb the tree and scout around. Hopefully Janet will regain presence of mind sooner than later...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Climbing the tree was simple as it had numerous branches to hold onto. Reaching the top and poking her head out of the canopy of the tree revealed a lovely sight. Colorful birds flew across the tree tops and a waft of fresh air followed them stirring the leaves with a rustle. The swamp was so different above the trees. Looking about she saw the strange structure from before. Indeed it seemed to be a broken staircase that lead up to a high cliff that had water running off it forming several falls. Eying the sight Rikke guessed it was about a day away.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Talk about being bigger on the inside... Rikke sighed casually and looked around once more. Taking note of any out of place activities or perhaps clearings. If they're gonna have to march for a day, at the very least they could do it via the least swampy and obstacle ridden route.

With her observation done, the rogue would swiftly climb down and check in with Janet. Until the knight wakes they're not going anywhere... which may mean a full-improv camp may be in order.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Climbing down the tree Rikke found Janet up and moving her face flush. No doubt she remembered to a degree what had happened. "Mistress let me help you down." Janet's eye still had their slight purple glow. 'Last chance for us to get some sweet Janet loving. After all shes our willing toy for a whole day it would be criminal not to take advantage of her hot ass!' Undoubtedly Rikke managed to ignore her sluttier side and got down. Telling Janet the lay of the land the charmed not nodded and lead the way her twohanded sword at the ready. They had some time to talk if they wanted or they could merely focus on leaving the swamp. No matter the choice they would soon leave the wet and damp area for more dry and and lest stinky terrain.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke could only mentally sigh at the whispers 'Stay classy Rikke... stay classy.' One thing was clear, her other sides return was only beginning sooner than later - she'd form fully and act accordingly, just hopefully not agresively... the rogue allowed Janet to help her down "Call me Rikke, 'kay? Let's not encourage the habbit" she smiled kindly at her knight. Whether she liked it or not, she had a absolutely obedient companion at her side now...

"The area ahead clear up a tad, let's get out of this swampy place." she smiled at Janet and would lead her towards the dryer and more jungle-ish lands "Thirsty?" Rikke would casually check up on how was Janet faring post-bite, helping her out whatever way she could.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yes Rikke may I take a drink?" Janet spoke in a reverent tone as she answered Rikke. Though mildly off putting it did give the rogue a chance to see how her friend was doing. Janet seemed well rested and the bit on her neck looked mostly just to be an angry red bump that would likely fad away soon. Her eyes however still had the slight shimmer of Rikke's power in them. For a good hour or two they duo walked the birds and bees echoing around them. 'Ya know for being a demonic realm this place seems fairly lush and pretty.' Walking a bit further Janet suddenly stopped and held up a hand scanning the jungle.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It is Mistress--- Rikke" Janet agreed and smiled sheepishly at the choice of words, much to Rikkes surprise. The previous thought was actually her own words? "Y-yeah..." the rogue smiled wryly, before looking around, her expresssion changing to an energetic grin. After they got past the murky swamps, this place has become quite the sight! From the lush fauna to the numerous birds echoing their songs all around, to even the splendid colour pallete all 'round. Bright flowers and juicy green leaves began to more and more prominent, giving the 'swamp' a much more Amazonian jungle feel.

"M? Jan?" Rikke stopped and turned to her companion curiously.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet perception vs Stealth. 22 vs 35 Fail

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 33/45, Status = starting to get hungry
Janet (using Grace as a template) Hp: 85/85 Ep: 47/47 Pp: 48/48 Status = charmed

"Mistress Rikke we may not be alone" Janet continued to scan the surrounding bushes and trees trying to find what was stalking them but after a moment gave up. "Sorry Mistress I must be hearing things." Indeed the air was alive with noise of birds and other more friendly insects. Still Rikke could check herself of keep going.
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