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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mhm~ in a very... oddball sort of way, our whole trip right now is just us meeting some of her family." Rikke snickered warmly as she got into their cart "Dibs on the backseat!" she threw her backpack to seat and got into a good vantage spot not too far Janet "Though the problem is her 'family' consists of 5 succubi and one mean Daddy." she winked slyly to Mary likely spurring the girls need to hear more.

"Alright! Onwards!" Rikke quickly helped Ven and Willow up, making sure to keep the pup away from the hotpot and turned to the farm "Thank you so much for everything! We'll pay you back somehow! Promise!" she waved her hands happily as the cart slowly began to move [hopefully] and continued to do so till they were further away. Turning back to Mary "M~? What you want to hear?" whatever tale Mary wished Rikke quickly recalled, excluding or only giving a passing mention to the more sexy bits. Best not to hint that demons are a whole lot of fun in bed for a starting adventurer....
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke told all sorts of stories and Mary gobbled them all up with rapped attention. Wether or not they where all completely true was up to Rikke but it seemed Mary didn't care. After an hour or so of Riding they came to an old busted up sign. "Well this is it I have to let you guys go." Mary was silent a moment "Hey Rikke when you find your friend bring her back this way I would like to meet her." WIth that Mary watched Rikke and grew as they mushed on.

"Shes a cute kid I hope she gets out of this adventuring phase though... This world would eat her up." Janet looked over at Rikke to see what she thought. "Yeah to many bad people in the world." Venise looked on ahead watching the trees as they moved on.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke could only snicker at her companion comments "I dunno, everyone can become a hero. It just takes a right place at the right time." whatever impressions Rikke left they were all surprisingly honest... minus her succubus/lusty adventures. Mary heard the good and bad of each story the heroine told, the farmgirls fate was completely in her own hands.

"Besides there's a bunch of other heroes and heroines roaming around, just like the bad guys." she looked to her companions playfully "You two need to be a bit more optimistic." with a sly wink they were off! Hopefully to a clean, neat and peaceful adventure... then again the rogue knew better than to expect that.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rest of their trip lasted awhile before they stopped for lunch and reheated the soup that had been made for them. Watching Venise stir the soup Rikke caught sight of many vegetables and bits of beef as it swirled. "So Rikke what do you expect when we reach this temple?" Janet sat on a log sharping her blade as she spoke.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue sighed sadly "I hope we'll be able to talk things out with Amber. The ruined temple serving as a haven for demons, who lost direction and.. I dunno. Are friendly and not hellbent evil." she smiled at the optimistic thought "What we'll find is likely a evil infested ruin with a power-blinded woman at the helm."

Rikke gently placed her hand on her swords hilt "And likely a ambush. Especially if that angel bitch is anything to go on." Whatever the case may be, the demons from the mansion were far too gone in their ways... then again maybe it was because who held their leash "But there's always a chance for the unexpected to happen"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked over at Rikke after pouring herself some soup. "Well let me deal with the angel if it comes to it. She may have gotten the surprise on me last time but this time around will be different." Janet patted her blade before starting to eat her soup. Venise looked on slowly stirring her portion not feeling that hungry."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke nudged her own little bowl to Janet getting it filled aswell "If it does come back we'll take care of her together." the rogue looked to her servant girl "You've been awfully silent Ven? Whats wrong?" she gave the silent girl a warm smile and began her meal. The fresh vegetables making even the reheated soup taste divine.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ven pushed the soup with her spoon making little swirls. "I don't know mistress I just feel so useless..." She sighed "i can't fight and I don't know any magic." She pouted and rested her head on a hand squishing up her face.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue beamed a warm smile and quickly crawled to her servant girl wrapping her hands around her from behind "You may not be able to fight, but you're just as important, silly. You make sure our rest and return from battle is taken care of, mend whatever ails us." Rikke giggled lightly "Have you ever read the book about the knight attacking windmills? Well you're just like his companion, loyal, versatile and just as invaluable." with that the rogue kissed her on the cheek and moved back.

Incase there was something else, the girls would set up some basic alarms or watch duties and grab some rest. The temples corruption may extended to the wildlife... or worse.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully nothing approached them during the night at Rikke found much to her amusement several small chipmunks had popped open a bag of their food and where currently feasting on it. After a moment though as Rikke stirred Willow now awake saw the critters before chasing them off barking loudly almost ensuring that Janet and Venise awoke as well. With that excitement out of the way Rikke and crew made breakfast and gathered up their gear and supplies. Feeling the wind shift Rikke felt a very harsh chill and she knew that any adventures after this would have to wait for the thaw or they would have to head south to warmer lands. Still she had a mission at this moment and climbing back onto the sled she found herself snuggled by Willow who panted happily next to her.

Before long though Janet stopped the horse after looking at the map. "We should be close Rikke. Just over this hill I think." Cresting the Hill Rikke saw a rather imposing building in the distance. It was large and situated on a hill flanked by a now dead or twisted forest. From her position she could see at lest two wings in addition to the main section as well as an outer building near the trail up to the main temple.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogues eyes widened as she looked over the temple. She expected some small shrine like building one floor and one big hallway, but this was just "Silly me, here I was thinking they'd pick a humble temple to corrupt." from here it was impossible to tell if the temple was ruined or kept pristine, but the dead forest hinted that things will not go as the heroine hoped.

"Janet think we should travel on foot from here. It's best to keep our arrival a secret as long as possible." Rikke turned to the temple "Something tells me we don't want to see just how tight the security can get around here."

The rogue turned to her servant girl and smiled "Ven, I'll need you to do the most difficult task of all of us." Rikke took out her hearthstone "I'll need you to stay behind and stay vigilant incase things go awry. I taught you how to use the hearthstone, right? Everyday at midday I'll give you a sign from inside. If I fail to do so for 2 days in a row, know we're in trouble and get help. Tell the wargs."

"I know I can trust you with this." the heroine smiled and gave her hearthstone to Venise, before turning to Janet to see if she's ready.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ven took the stone and watched Rikke tears clearly forming in her eyes. "Just be careful mistress." With that Janet got out some white cloaks from a bag and handed one over to Rikke. "This should keep us disguised against the snow till we reach the forest... Then well we will have to hope luck is with us." Rikke felt her amulet heat up a little. "So your just going to walk in bold as brass humm? Daring and foolish just like one of your plans."

Addressing Joldra in what ever way she wish Rikke and Janet moved forward towards the corrupted temple. It would take a good amount of time crossing the snow with Willow trailing after them a ways sniffing and whining. As they got closer they took cover behind a rather large drift and took a better look. The first structure at the base of the wooded hill was simple most likley a basic shrine for those who merely passed by or at lest thats what it used to be. From her vantage point Rikke could clearly see lesser succubi in the chamber wearing defiled priestess robes and enjoying the physical pleasures that their numerous orc, human and even animal slaves that filled the small shrine. "Damn it Rikke thers got to be at lest four succubi there as well as two orcs a human and a corrupt wolf waiting for us...."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked at Joldras comment "Well it worked against the master... and you" the advance wasn't 'bold as brass' at all though, the rogue took great care not to be spotted and subtly approached the defiled temple.

And quite the welcoming party... "Fortunately they're too busy with each other right now to focus on us." the heroine quickly looked around for alternative ways to advance, perhaps a wall to scale. The wolf was a the true issue, if it smelt fresh girls lurking around... well. Things would go sour really quickly.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked over at the assembled group. "True but there are to many to take out in a surprise attack. Its a shame we didn't bring grenades with us. So what we try to make our way threw the woods?" Sadly there was no wall to scale but Janet was right about the woods. It would be rough terrain but it would allow them to avoid the outer guards.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled at Janet, the knight read her mind perfectly... though unlike the knight the rogue had a less violent grenade in mind "Looks like we don't have a choice. Eyes sharp." with that the trio moved onwards to through the woods. Hopefully their white cloaks helping their advance remain undetected.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Moving along the drift Rikke and Janet easily avoided the guards at the former shrine and considering they where all occupied with each other slipping into the woods was easily done. However this is where the cloaks became a liability. Janet tucked her's away in a satchel and drew her blade heading into the woods eyes focused on the ground and in the trees.

The woods themselves where a twisted mockery of what was probably a lovely stand of hardwoods. Those trees not killed instead became twisted and tainted several oozing foul sap that smelled of rot.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikked ditched her own cloak aswell, following Janets lead and keeping her eyes sharp "What happened to these trees?" the rogue looked over the deathly forest, the wood twisted into impossible forms, the top of each tree seemingly leaning over them as if a numerous menacing figures looking down at it's prey.

Still if the trees had such drastic changes to them, what about the wildlife? Could anything even survive in these conditions.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well what ever happened her was strong enough to twist the forest." Jane looked around concerned but far from nervous. "Any of the plants that survived have probably been mutated. That said its winter so they should be dormant we just need to watch out for the animals...." Jane moved forward slowly the ankle high snow hiding the ground. "So... how where you going to send Venise a signal?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well she'll only expect it tommorow." the rogue looked up thoughtfully "Maybe we'll find a towerbell or some explosives... maybe arrange some torches." she snickered "We'll think of something. Worst case scenario we have Willow to carry messages to her." was her pup even present?

The two continued onwards Rikke looking over the trees and looking for any passing shadows "Actually I had an encounter with lewd plants before... not too far from my summer vacation home even." she smiled warmly "And no~ Before you think it, we avoid that grove." the heroine grinned widely, likely the thought never even passed Janets head, but Rikke's been among succubi for so long assuming something pervy was just second nature.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Willow was indeed present though the usually playful pup was on full guard mode. Still everything seemed calm with Jane leading the way threw the snow it seemed they would reach the main building without incident which left plenty of time for Rikke to plan. The hill itself was fairly steep and slow going with fallen logs often causing the adventurers to change their route. Still after awhile Janet kneeled down in the snow to take a breath. "Damn this hill is steep." Janet looked back and smiled at Rikke her face flush from her effort. "Okay I think I can see the walls from here. Do you have some rope?" Willow on the other hand didn't seem to be in a sharing mood as he growled quietly in the direction of a thick stand of twisted trees.
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