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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hm? It's not poisonous is it?" she grinned happily, still taking care of the affected area. Her touch even on the bruises sending not just shivers of pain through Mary. The adventurer had a touch unlike any the farmgirl experience, gentle, soft... and so very skilled.

If it wasn't poisonous Rikke would take a taste, perhaps due to questionable relations to an even more questionable substance and would react appropriately before laughing merrily "The downside of having such a glorious place... some darn raiders will always try get their 'due'." the rogue sighed lightly finishing her application on the shown affected skin "There we go, that should take care of that."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't know but I wouldn't try it just in case." Feeling Rikke's soft touches made Mary lean into them despite the pain it caused. "Thanks Rikke its been a treat in more ways than one." Winking at the rogue Mary started to get dressed. After that was complete she would kiss Rikke on the cheek in a very chased manner before leaving slapping a hand on her ass as she walked out.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled at the sight and cleaned her hands off the ointment, it was hardly poisonous, but it stank was warm and gooey... a recipe to be sick, not to mention even if it felt like it, it wasn't it.

With that out of the way Rikke would walk around casually, looking for trouble a hand she could lend. Not to mention there was talk of dinner! Did she end up misisng it?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Leaving the bathroom Rikke was nearly bowled over by a small horde of children giggling as they played some game or another. Checking on the rest of the house Rikke found Ma and Pa sitting in the living room chatting about this and thats. Aaron the brother with a broken leg was sitting near the fire a knife in his hand as he whittled something. Heading down stairs she soon found what game the children where playing. Poor Willow was dressed in all manner of cloths from a straw bonnet with a pink bow to a pair of patched children's overalls. The poor dog was leading the kids on a merry chase and Rikke noted her we was being careful not to make it to reckless. In the kitchen she found the other woman folk minus Mary a working and cooking. Pleasent smells had started to waft from the room and when Rikke entered they merry chat they had been having got silenced.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Akward... "Hello" Rikke smiled brightly to the girls "Need a hand with anything?" the rogue looked around noting Venise oddly enough didn't seem to be here too "I could fetch my chambermaid to help with the cooking, she's quite the expert" the girl winked slyly to the odd company of girls, keeping a warm smile on her face.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

One of the older woman eyed Rikke up and down a moment. "Thats okay guests shouldn't have to cook." With that the woman went back to work as if Rikke wasn't even there. "Don't worry about it hun they have their own little group and don't much like competition. Especially if its more attractive then they are. Rikke heard Mary giggle before pulling her away from the kitchen. "Come on Rikke I go the girls upstairs to play a game." Mary pulled on her arm trying to lead Rikke up the stairs.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"But--" Suddenly Rikke felt Mary whisk her away "S-sure. Let's go." the heroine beamed a smile, but it seemed odd that neither Janet or Venise were around. Hopefully they weren't just laying around and just like Willow, found something to spend the time in relaxation.

"Say Mary do you know where my companions are?... Minus Willow." she giggled warmly following the farm girl.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Silly didn't ya hear me I got them to play a game and we need one more come on." Mary led her up the stair and into what she assumed was Mary's room. It was fairly spacious and rather girly despite her outward appearance Mary seemed to be a girls girl. Posters of a famous bard where on one wall while a large bed with pink blankets and pillows sat unoccupied. Several dolls obviously no longer in use sat on a window forever locked in a tea party that would never end. Janet and Venise where in here as well sitting on the floor with a deck of cards present with Venise shuffling them like a pro.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh I thought you meant your other sisters." Rikke snickered warmly and quickly followed Mary up to the sight of the perhaps too girly room and Venise shuffling some cards like a hardened veteran, her fingers flipping and sliding the cards with exceptional grace... something say DeGravil used to be a fan of card games.

The heroine snickered warmly "Hey~ I thought you two were going to be useful around the ranch." the rogue looked to Mary and approached the duo inviting her to follow aswell. A card game? Well it was most certainly ages!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We wanted to Mistress but the mean woman downstairs wouldn't let us." Janet nodded at this statement but said nothing. "Mistress? something tells me thats a very interesting and sensual story..." Mary was close almost to close but then she pulled away and took a seat. "Okay girls lets play some poker of the naught kind humm. Okay We'll start the pot off with our socks. Only shirts, pants, bra's, and panties count as clothing for this game so any armor or coats have to go. Chop Chop and Deal!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ha~?!" Strip Poker?! And right off the bat too? Venise ofcourse grinned like a cat all too happy with the offer, oddly enough even Janet had a hint of pervy smile on her "Hm~ Well... why not.." Rikke snickered warmly and took a seat, hopefully this game won't the way of her truth and dare games... or maybe hopefully it will.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Venise shuffled the cards a little more before dealing five of them to each person. "Okay Anty up!" Each girl placed their socks in the middle of the pile before looking at her cards. Bringing the well worn cards up to her hands Rikke saw she had Two kings one of hearts and one of diamonds, The queen and 10 of spades and a 9 of hearts.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that was most certainly an amazing card! Rikke looked over her collection... a flush or stay with a high pair and try risking a trio. Well best to play it safe at first. Rikke took the queen, nine and ten and placed it away replacing the cards. Hopefully her Kings will carry her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke placed her cards down with Venise quickly dealing her three more. Next Mary handed in two quickly followed by Janet handing in three with Venise following suite. Checking her card Rikke got a two of clubs, Eight of Spades, and six of diamonds. "Well then any more bets?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Kings high it is then... "I'm good" Rikke smiled at their dealer, she really should've went for a flush!... then again King pair was fairly good-ish.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mary looked at her cards and grinned. "Im good as well." Janet sighed and set her cards down removing her socks and throwing them in a pile which was soon followed by Venise. This left Mary and Rike staring at each other one would be a victor the other would be in bare feet. "Well I get one pair of queens aces high. Rikke smiled "Kings beat Queens she grinned her first victory."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

She didn't even need to bluff or the like! With her first victory a clean sweep Rikke looked over the pile of sock and removed them aside "Hum~ a good start if I do say so myself." she winked slyly.

Rikke awaited for round two and watched over what each girl placed to bet, the rogue herself still with her socks "Oh and perhaps no matter what card you can't fold alright?" she grinned slyly. In other words after each round the other girls will lose some clothing no matter what.

In her lil' perverse though Rikke looked over to the door she left not quite shut and giggled at the thought of possible peeps, though made sure no other girl would notice it... "Alrighty deal em"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Venise got back to shuffling before dealing the cards. Looking at her hand this time around was slightly disappointing. She had an Ace of Clubs, Queen of Dimonds, Jack of Spades, Nine of Hearts and Two of Spades. It wasn't a very good hand to start with but who knows maybe the other players suffered a similar fate.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It could be much worse. Rikke took the nine and two, placing it aside. High flush or nothing. Looked like the girl once more relied on a kingly man to appear and save her "Let's do this then." she giggled warmly waiting for the other girls to throw away theirs and see what fate held.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemed everyone this round was a bit more happy with their hands as each only turned in two cards. Gathering the new cards in hand Rikke looked to see her fate. A four of hearts and a six of diamonds. "So any more bets?"