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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly stood in between Janet and the icy woman "Are you responsible for all this?" the heroine looked down to the numerous undead still writhing and moving "We mean no harm, my friend told me of this place so we came to investigate." with Rikke in the open and Janet more than a tad tired, not to mention both girls surrounded by the undead... things weren't looking so good if it came to conflict. Hopefully it won't.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh dear me no. I would never waste my time on such things." The strange woman walked on the snowy roof clearly unhindered by the snow. Willow had begun to wine his tail between his leg as he stayed away from the strange woman. "Smart dog." Heading to the edge the woman looked down. at the assembled mass of undead. "Not bad for a holy warrior had this area not been sapping energy she might have been able to defeat them all."
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the impossing, but exceptional woman. The heroines body making sure to keep the woman away from her drained companion at all cost. Each step the icy woman took left not trail, her robes gently floated along the snow as if being one with it. Whoever she was, she was hardly anyone Rikke could cross... or question.

The heroine kept her gaze on the woman defensive of her companion, but showing little hostility. What did she want from them... who was she to begin with?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke watched as an icy bridge formed from the woman and she began to traverse down it freezing any of the undead that got in her way. When she cleared the bridge it crumbled as if it never was. Looking about the woman's gaze drifted to the center of camp before a gust of wind obscured her and she was gone. Rikke found it much easier to breath noting the Beauty had collected an nice coating of frost even her armor was caked in it. Looking down to where the woman was Rikke noted only 5 of the skeletons standing about.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Just like that the woman was gone, her appearance a mystery the rogue may never solve. Even if there were only 5 of them left it didn't mean the rogue would jump into the fray.

Brandishing her revolver the heroine aimed down and would add an extra breathing hole for the undead. Right between it's eyes.

Why spoil the high-ground.
Kill a few undead with a revolver.

IF the undead can climb up and attack.
Defensive fighting x10
Lightning strike the brave idiots! [to death and move on]
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The sound of Rikke's revolver echoed threw the air blasting the skeletons apart. When it was all said and done Rikke stood on top of the building free and clear. The bones of her foes resting now scattered and broken. Janet after awhile stood up breathing hard. "Something in this area is sapping energy we shouldn't stay to long.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Oddly enough Rikke did not feel any such effect. Perhaps it was only affecting holy magic users... or perhaps there was something more to this place than meets the eyes "Come on." Rikke would hoist Janet up and move her away from the energy sapping area.

"I'll go check it out, it doesn't seem to have an effect on me. Willow, protect Janet." with that the rogue would slide down the snow and return to the camp. Whatever was here it was strong... and it may be of great use in battle ahead.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet still flushed in the face stood with Willow both of them looking a striking pair as Rikke went forth. Oddly enough Rikke moved to where Janet was when the attack started which was almost dead center of the camp. Here she felt something was off. Looking down much as Janet had done Rikke saw a black stone nearly burried under the snow. It glowed with a faint purple light. It emanated a foul corrupting aura and Rikke wasn't sure she wanted to touch it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

She was most certainly sure she didn't want to touch it... not without gloves or the like. If this artifact was here, there had to be some sort of way it was stored. Perhaps some enchanted silk or maybe a box.

Getting this strange artifact to Rune may prove useful, but the question lingered... why wasn't Rikke affected by this item. If her search failed the rogue would take off one of her glove and with double thick leathers protecting her from the orb would pick it up.

"Think I've found the source of the corruption!" while it seemed like a bad idea, something this powerful if reverse engineered or the like. Might become a weapon unlike any other!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke resistance from gaining a mutation 32 vs 30 success

Rikke reached down with her glove to pick up the cursed stone. As her fingers wrapped around it she was hit with a shock that threatened to overwhelm her. Dark voice's called out to her seductively to let them in. She felt her self slipping deeper till she called out "NO!" Pulling back Rikke was instantly aware that Janet and Willow where staring at her as she sat on her but in the snow the black purple auraed Crystal pulsing in her grasp. "What foul magic is that?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Just as she thought this was gem of immense darkness... could she even bring such a item to Senas domain... it's very glow would likely kill any and all plant life around it "Don't touch it!" she cried out to her companions looking to it "It's something--- No." the rogue looked over the cristal "It can't be..." the heroines thoughts tan back to Venise "Ven should not approach this stone at all cost..." could it be, succubitches soulstone?

"Janet could you enchant one of the boxes to contain this thing. We'll need some major enchantments to hold it" Rikke would place the object on some higher surface, not keen on keeping it in her grasp. When they'll want to move it the rogue will just push it in with beauty or the like.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet shook her head "Sorry Rikke Im a knight not a mage." Placing the stone on an old barrel Rikke eyed it. The pulsing had stopped as soon as she let go and at the moment it looked like a black gemstone with a purple aura. "We should just leave it or contact the church to dispose of it." It was a good idea as neither of them knew what it was though Rikke did know of someone who might know after all it was probably her who sent them this way.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was just a chilling and enraging thought, there was only one way to find out the purpose of this place and of this gem. Ask their 'guide'... "Let's leave it here for the time being..." the heroine looked to her knight briefly "Have I ever told you how I met Venise, Jan?" the duo slowly moved onwards, if need be Rikke would remind Janet of Venises previous corruption by succubitch, but would leave DeGravil out of the story completely.

"This succubitch has a rune on Venise and likely still has influence on her... it's how she knew of this place. If we're going to find out what that stone is - we'll have to ask her." Rikke paused briefly "I know you're a mage, but you're still a holy knight of Venus. When the succubitch returns to Venise, I need to be sure she'll alright and we can banish that whore back away."
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet winced but nodded. The adventures soon crested the ridge spotting Venise cheerfully brushing the horses main with a comb. Looking up she smiled at Rikke and ran up the hill the rest of the way. "Mistress! your back I was so worried but then I remembered my Mistress always wins!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly at the comment and hugged her servant girl upon nearing her "Thanks, Ven~" she leaned out with a smile "We've found some very dark artifact down there... we need your help to find out what it is, hun." the heroine kept her hands locked around Venises waist.

"In order to do that I need to wake a succubus that's dormant in you and ask her, you'll feel dizzy or faint, but I promise you it's only for a few moment." this was one of the moment Rikke truly winced at Venises very submisive nature, if only the girl could ever speak her mind truly!...

Still if Venise agreed Rikke would attempt to find the engraved rune once and more talk to her hated 'ally'...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The who?" Venise had a confused look on her face not knowing what Rikke meant. Her confusion only deepened as Rikke explained what she needed to do. "Okay Mistress I know you won't hurt me." And like that Venise's top was off and her back turned to Rikke. The mark this time was easier to spot and as Rikke touched it Venise suddenly jerked and began to float in the air. "By the goddess!" Janet stood stunned and Willow wined and hide behind Rikke.

Venise's eyes once again glowed with menacing light. "Damn woman couldn't you have picked a warmer place?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Stop your whinning." the heroine threw venises top to the demoness "Now put it on, I don't want Venise to get cold. Why did you bring us here? We found your artifact. What is?" the less Rikke got to talk to this foul creature the better "Speak." there was no friendliness or warmness in Rikkes voice, the rogue made sure she made it clear just how distasteful she found these conversations.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Artifact.... what do you mean..." Venise got a puzzled look on her face as her eyes went distant once more. "Oh I see clever girl a bit of your old personality remains. Guess I didn't do a through job cleansing it after all." The vile voice chuckled. "The fool always grabbed for power never realizing it would burn him. As for the artifact... I will only tell you if you promise to free me from the masters grasp." Venise turned her head to an unseen noise. "Quickly now you don't have time before we get interrupted again."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What use would I have for your petty dark stone. If it can't help me fight the Master or free Jess, then why did you even show it to me in the first place..." Rikke crossed her hands as she looked over the demoness... whos old personality did she have in mind? "If you don't tell me I'll just leave it here to rot among the ruins."

"Tell clearly what it is, otherwise it's not worth the risk." it was a simple command and Rikkes words spoke the absolute truth. Either the demoness told her what this thing was and why she should care, Rikke would just leave it and mark the location on the map. Perhaps calling in a special squad of priests to sweep the area.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Venise seemingly glowered at Rikke. "Its a crystilized form of corruption that draws energy from mages, spirit users, and eventually warriors. Those that die from the effect become undead. The real power of the stone is its energy sapping ablities though."