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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well then her actions were self-explanatory. The heroine smiled at the sight outside and with the potions jiggling lightly would get their last passenger woken up and on board.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gently woke Venise who blinked at her confused. "Mistress what happened why am I in the bed room." A glint hit her eye "Did Mistress want to play again?" Rikke quickly explained it was time for them to go which brought a frown but inspired action. Stripping out of the maid uniform Venise soon had her travel cloths on while the servant girl looked at the dress lovingly petting it before they left the room once more.

The trip by horse was much faster and thankfully Janet had some experience in leading such an animal and was in the middle of teaching Venise how to do such as well. This left Rikke time to think on her departure from the manner. It was no rushed dash into the night like last time and they had received a full send off with several scouts escorting them a good ways before they broke off leaving Gloria and Loria to wave to Rikke as she left. Still as she twirled the purple flower Lil Rikke had given her she gave no indications on her current thoughts keeping her own consul.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This was her second time the rogue departed deeper into the her quest, first from Endus. Now from the mansions, it fel like the rogue was truly heading into something far grander than before. The heroine spun the flower in her hand smiling warmly... she couldn't help, but wonder if the little girl would learn just who the mysterious rogue that came visit truly was.

Rikke quickly approached her two riders, the wagon just barely rickety as the snow provided a clear and flat surface to ride "Well girls we're off..." she smiled brightly to her two comp--- *woof* three companions. Willow resting on the bench in the wagon, though the scent of dried food alluring his canine nose perhaps a tad too much.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet was dressed in more casual attire the bumpy ride not so nice when wearing full plate. Her cheeks were flushed from the chill her nose a little red as well. "Yes off to adventure and Glory!" Janet smiled a happy glint in her eye while Venise kept her eyes on how Janet was handling the reigns though Rikke could tell the servent girl was getting more than just driving knowledge from watching Janet. Rikke could tell the perverse glint in her eyes as Rikke often had it and seen it very often.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke playfully snapped her fingers infront of Venise "Eyes on the hands, perv." she giggled warmly at the servant girl. If the demon still had influence on Venise... could it turn the girl back? Though it was a worrysome thought Rikke kept a warm smile and sat down right behind the girls. Chit chat idly and keeping their thoughts bright and cheerfully. It'll be a long trip, might aswell enjoy it!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh sorry Mistress." Venise smiled back at Rikke. It was warm and hinted at no malaice event the girls eyes shown true. Thinking back on the encounter Rikke recalled that it only happened as she moved to touch the mark on her back. The whole encounter seemed off why would the succubitch try to force Rikke to help her unless she was trapped.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well succubitch can take care of her own mess "So whats our route Janet?" Rikke only knew that the trip would take quite a few days, but nothing more. Stopping by some town enroute may prove beneficial at the very least for good nights rest.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well if I remember the map correctly there are no towns at lest none that was around when the map was made though their is an abandoned fort a few weeks away." Janet shrugged her news hardly warming. Meanwhile Venise turned around and faced Rikke. "Mistress if I remember right their was an old camp in this area." That was strange as Rikke asked more about it Venise just shrugged and said she knew but couldn't rember where she heard the information.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

That was odd indeed "Janet let's check what Venise meant, it's enroute for us?" the rogue placed a map between the two girls "Ven, show me where this 'camp' should be." if it was, but a few hours detour the girls would make the turn, stopping their ride a safe distance away and approaching by foot.

The heroine looked to Janet "Ven, still had remnants of the demon I freed her from. This might be a memory of that very same creature." if Rikke would rely her life to Janets, she'll always be open with her. About everything.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed the camp was almost directly on their route. Listening to Rikke Janet cast a sideways glance at Venise before looking at the map. "I see any idea what we might find there?" Venise was silent on the topic simply shrugging as they approached. Stopping at a hill Venise stayed with the horse and sled while Janet Willow and Rikke climbed up the hill to see the camp. Looking out from the hill and from under the cover of a white blanket Rikke saw the camp as it was. About five buildings sat in a rough circle with rusted cages on the outside. Two of the buildings had collapsed while a third had burned to its foundations. The remaining two buildings had snow piled up on them in drifts and it was clear this place had been abandoned for a long time.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The trio looked over the camp, as Rikke turned to Janet "Eyes sharp, let's go." the girl carefully moved forward sliding down the light hill the girls overviewed the location from. While the snow would make proper seraches much more difficuly, if Venise knew about this place. Perhaps this place could tell the heroine why...
Rikke keeps stealth up.
Janet is free to do as she pleases

Search/scavenge the area
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The trio slid down the hill which would have been fun if they hadn't been on a rather serious mission. Even Willow seemed to pick up the mood as he sniffed around the area. Rikke meanwhile moved from cover to cover keeping out of sight while Janet moved forward bold as brass her two hander at the ready. She would be bait if anything was here. Willow sniffed and growled something was amiss but the girls had no idea and could see nothing though there was a sense of unease in the area.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would glance to Willow and then to Janet. With a firm nod the rogue would stick to the shadows with her knight being on edge. All three of them felt, something was off here...

Rikke keeps stealth.
Janet should go full defense.

Search the area for the source of 'the bad feeling'
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sticking to cover as best she could Rikke found that her winter scouts cloak worked wonders blending her in against the white backdrop. Willow had his face down disturbing the snow growling. Was it something under the snow. Janet moved carefully her white cloak billowing from a breeze her plate glinting in the snow. Suddenly she stopped and looked down. Matching her gaze Rikke saw a skelital hand reach from the snow. Looking around Rikke spotted many more hands clawing out of the snow.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyes shot wide at the sight! She only heard of the undead, but this was too close for comfort! "Janet can you clear them with your magic?" the rogue quickly looked to either escape or reach any high-ground she can get.

The heroine quickly reached for beauty and preapred to cut away any too touchy feeling hands "Willow stay back!" what happened... what was happening in this camp?!

Full defense;
Get on some high ground [chest; Camp roof; anything]

Holy magic aoe. Any kind!
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet called out "Rikke up here!" Looking to the call Rikke saw janet standing on a series of boxes that lead up to a roof. There was still time to make it up their as the undead had yet to fully breach the snow's icy embrace. Willow seemed to like this plan as he barked at Rikke in encouragement.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Honestly that was exactly what she was looking for! The heroine dashed forward, each step cracking loudly as the hands all too keen to drag her down began to breach their prison! The heroine would swiftly make her way up, each step so graceful that the chests didn't even shift from the new weight.

Still full defense or full defensive fighting ;P

Get to da roof! Go now!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke easily made it up the boxes and to the roof with Willow following after. When they both where safe Janet kicked the box sending it tumbling to the ground. From the position on the roof Rikke saw about 20 skelitons in ragged armor and rusty weapons struggle from the frozen snow and headed right for them. "OH FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODDESS!" Janet kicked a snow drift revealing yet another skeleton on the roof that started to move though this one was promptly ended by her blade. Thankfully no more undead seemed to be on the roof leaving Janet, Rikke, and Willow to view the rather disturbing sight.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"J-janet..." the rogue gulped lightly looking around, at this rate their little high-ground would be surrounded "You think you could blast them with some of your magic?" if the girl even had magic to begin with?! "Y-you've got some spells right?" the heroine smiled uneasily.

But whatever the case may be, Rikke had her own magic! All in comfortable grip and bright steel construction! The rogue pulled out her far too little used revolver and checked the bullet count, hopefully these things don't shurg off a bullet to the head.

Look around for escape routes.

Ready revolver, if no escape routes present start shootin at the closest undead! [unless it's withing melee range then just slash them!]
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet frowned "Im not sure I would have enough energy to do it." Still Janet moved forward over the edge and drew upon her holy magics igniting a column of fire incinerating a good portion of the mob below them. Focusing again Janet called down another rain of fire incinerating fire though she quickly stumbled to her knees. "I... I can't... can't do it.. something.. is wrong." Rikke looked worried Janet was on the verge of passing out.

"Oooh is the miss high and holy all tuckered out?" Rikke spun to see a woman who's skin was pale as snow. She wore a tattered robe that showed off one of her breasts which was capped with a frigged blue nipple. Her hair was black as midnight and her lips where casted the same icy blue as her nipples. Looking to her eyes Rikke found them to be a frosted green and full of malice. The one thing Rikke also noticed that the woman was not leaving foot prints even as the remains of her robe disturbed the snow.
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