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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sorry miss G. Jessicas out there waiting for me, I need to find her" she smiled tenderly to the plump and caring woman "I didn't know you had an assistant, miss G. Weren't you the one that told me, nothing gets done in the kitchen with more than 1 chef? Rikke smirked warmly.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humph! All great cooks need an apprentice and Leah there will have to do." Ms. G. brought her hand up to Rikke's and took a hold of them. "Aye go rescue Jess I wouldn't have it any other way. Besides she needs to whip these lazy girls into shape. If she even put half the effort she put into your personal maid then this place would run tighter than the a priests of the Stargods arse."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly at the comment, gently placing her own hand on Gennas "So... Miss G..." she smirked childishly "You and Brody? Hm~?" Rikke giggled warmly, looking over the womans hand for a ring.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

There was none to be found but the old cook seemed to be guess what she was looking for. "Bah me and him be to old for such silly things. Each day we get up together is a blessing in its self." Ms. G. smiled at Rikke and held her hand tightly.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humph~ there's no such thing as too old." she stuck her tongue out playfully, adding another thing she'd need to talk about with Brody "Well at any rate, I'll need some rations for my company." *bark!* "And something for my pup too." the rogue smiled "But remember... no bacon." the warning seemed to send a shiver across Willow who rested nearby "Er... no bacon on my portions."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ill get supplies gathered do you know how many days you'll be away?" It was a good question she would have to double check with Brody. Still Ms. G. wouldn't let her leave with out some small breakfast offering up some eggs, fried potatoes, and toast with a class of Milk if she wanted.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gods if she stayed under miss G's wing the girl most certainly would grow some darn meat on those bones. Still the meal was exceptionally delicious as always, with the chef and Rikke just talking about where the two been since the rogue left.

"Thank you for the meal, miss G!" she smiled brightly drinking down the fresh milk "I'll have the details form Brody, but make us atleast 2 days fresh rations and 2 days dried rations." the cold weather would keep the 'fresh' rations well... fresh meaning the girls could have a decent meal atleast twice. The dried ration would serve them well if the trip took too long, due to their longevity.

Still she needed a better answer and who better to task than the Veteran scout "I'll go double check with Brody 'kay?" Rikke slowly stood up and left to the scouts hovel or post. Not only with questions if he could lend basic travel supplies, but a few more personal ones on her mind.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke got up and gave Ms. G. a hug before heading out of the kitchen and onto the grounds. From here she made her way to the small collection of buildings that housed the servants responsible for the stables and such. Here she found Brody's modest home. It was one of the bigger structures in this section but also the smelliest to. Curing hides hung stretched on racks while a vat of foul smelling liquid bubbled away. Ugh the smell even Willow backed away from it staying clear of the area. Looking about Rikke noticed Brody's house was a good distance away from the rest of the buildings and looking to the bubbling vat she knew why. Still she heard the old scout a whistling in his home clearly in a good mood.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ew... Rikke covered her mouth lightly, the life of a expert hunter wasn't exactly the cleanliest. The rogue proceeded ot where she heard the whistling "Brody~~ Good mornin'~" she'd carefully proceed onwards.

Hopefully when they meet up the two could go outside and a talk... away from the stench. Gods forbid her hair or clothing absorbed any of it!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Morning lass! Great day isn't it?" Brody took a deep breath clearly unaffected by the stench. "What can this old scout do for you today?" Brody went about his daily task checking each rack in turn and making adjustments as Rikke explained what she was here for. "Well if I remember right you're gonna need two weeks rations. One week there one week back." The old man nodded to himself if gauging the distance in his head. "That is if you go by foot alone."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well unless we catch a caravan, that's how we'll travel" Rikke smiled warmly. A whole weeks worth of travel?! Gods she didn't have that sort of time! Every hour was costly, but 7 days just to reach the location "Unless there is some shorter way to reach it. How do scouts carry out high priority travels? I can't waste so much time just walking!" not to mention there was no way she could pack for 14 days worth of traveling, unless the girl used a pack mule which she most certainly would not!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well for long distances I would just mount up and ride that would take a few days off the trip for sure." Brody looked thoughtful for a moment. "We could get some trained dogs from town. Im sure there is someone who has such animals after all its winter now its easier to travel by sled than carriage for single riders."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Do we have a few horses available?" she smiled to the scout looking all around "I could stop by that nearby city, maybe I'll get some even better transportation there. And get some riders to get your horses back" the heroine smiled to Brody "What else will I need for the trip? Atleast what would suggest?" it was best to listen to a veteran of the trade than to rely to her own limited experience. Though after cleared up all the technicalities, there was one more thing Rikke wanted to talk to Brody about.

"You and Genna are perfect together you know." she smiled to the scouted.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Aye I could send the boys up to town for ya. Not sure many people will want to part with their horses besides the town is in the opposite direction of where you need to be heading." He thought a moment before tending to another hide. "We could get a sled for you and the girls that way we would only be down one horse but who wold watch it for ya while your delving into danger lass?" Brody flushed a little at the mention of Ms. G. "Aye shes a good woman and might of done me something good back before I get a set in my ways."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly to the scout "I've got the perfect little chambermaid to do so" the rogue leaned against one of the more cleaner tables lightly "So~ it's settled then, we'll take a small carriage or sled with us. Sould save us on the number of horses or we could even have willow lead a small pack for us. Then we'll have a way to travel quickly and with enough supplies!" Rikke smiled innocently.

"Nothing is set in stone you know." Rikke looked over the scout "You're no longer traveling around are you? Perhaps a woman like that to call your own wouldn't be too bad..." she playfully rolled her eyes.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Brody grunted before turning to look at Rikke. "Lass I may not be traveling but she has her ways and I have mine and they not always in harmony.' Brody got done looking over his leathers before heading out into the fresh air. "Ill get one of the boys to get ye a horse sled Rikke. That way you should have room for your supplies and passengers. Sadly it would take to long to train young Willow how to be a lead dog."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke glanced to her pup "Humm~~ you assume he doesn't know already?" though the rogue herself wasn't sure... would the wargs include such a thing in their training.

"Well me and Jessica aren't in perfect harmony all the time... noone is silly, but sometimes for all the trouble that may seem to follow. It's worth it, just to call them your own and they call you such in return" she gently placed a hand on the scouts hand "Do you really want to be alone in this shed forever, she's right there. Think about it Brody." she'd lean in and kiss the old scout on his cheek.

Well then, what now? A weeks worth of food would take some time to prepare...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh I not be saying he couldn't do it but Im sure the your friends trained him in more martial aspects." Brody went over and gave Willow's head a good rub. "Besides I doubt the old harpy would want a distinguished gent such as my self."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke crossed her hands "Well~ I don't recall you being so unsure a few months back." she smirked, just recalling the duos lovey-dovey moments "It's alright to commit, you should know she's greatly saddened with no man to call her own. She's stuck in the manor alone with likely noone to truly call her own man."

The rogue leaned forward "So if you ever liked or even... you know... I suggest you man up and do the right thing, Brody. For her and yourself." the heroine smiled and tapped her leg calling Willow over, the duo returning to the manor. So then it was around 5 days of food, they'll probably get some rations when they arrive to their location. Not to mention any longer and the food would either spoil or just become poisonous.

Informing Genna of the change, Rikke would wander over to the library to look over if anyones present aswell as find try to find Venise or Janet.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humph.. Dose Jess bonk you on the head with a spoon?" Brody eyed Rikke from the side. If only Brody knew what Jess bonked her with almost every night. Smiling Rikke kept her mouth shut on that at lest. Though clearly her words where sinking in but it was up to her to press it if she wanted to.