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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The meal went by in a flash, it felt exactly just like old times. With all the girls joking among themselves, eating exceptional food and getting death glares if they dared leave anything on their plate... well almost like old times.

Rikke glanced to her left seemingly seeing Jessica giggle warmly at the jokes and cheers right there only for a blink later to note it was actually Venise. A sad sigh escaped briefly catching the servant girls notice "Mistress?" she leaned closer with great concern "I-it's nothing Venis." she smiled to her servant girl and kiss her lightly on the forehead.

The rest of the dinner finished as normal, cheerfully and the girls could head and check what Sarah uncovered. Chances are Rikke would be very interested to head what she has to say.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

They made their way to the study each girl lost in their own thoughts as they entered and sat in the comfy chairs all around. "Rikke I found where Amber is hiding. She has indeed taken over the temple that I had sent her to. She has turned it into a carnal house that takes in slaves and repurposes them. Most get sold back into slavery as sex slaves while those that show talent are scent on for further training and eventually reaching the masters harem." Sarah looked over at the assembled group. Unfortunately she sensed my scrying and we got locked in a duel but I managed to force her back. However she has undoubtedly increased her wards so spying on her again is out of the question. Emma moved up and hugged Sarah deeply.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well it was most certainly bittersweet news "Then we should head there immediately, she might try to relocate her position now that she's outed." the heroine stepped forward.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No she won't" Sarah let it hang in the air for a moment. "Shes waiting for you Rikke...." All the girls looked to Rikke seeing how the heroine reacted. Janet spoke up. "Well then lets not keep her waiting Rikke she'll be no match for the two of us!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyes widened at the words "Wha-what?" was this an open challenge for Jessicas fate. If the heroine could rise to the challenge once more? Janet stepped forward and made her intents clear, but there were far too many questions still lingering.

"What did she say exactly, Sarah?" the rogue gently placed her hand on her sheath and looked to Sarah.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sarah looked over at Rikke and frowned. "She said that if you want to see Jessica again you would need to face her and defeat her only then will she tell you where to go next." Sarah let go of Emma a moment before moving closer to Rikke. "Shes the only one who knows the next step if she dies then all hopes of finding Jess may die with her. Me and the girls are not allowed to go with you or else she will leave."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled encouragingly at Sarah and placed her hand on the girls shoulder "Well then we'll get Jessica back in no time." she giggled warmly "Chances are she'll sense you two and the deal doesn't specifiy if I can take anyone else, besides you along." the heroine winked slyly Janet nodding firmly, Willow letting out a bark and Venise leaning into the room curiously.

"We'll beat Amber and be back before you know it!" Rikke grinned happily to Sarah. Hopefully Amber won't end up like Regi...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Emma spoke up next. "Ill get the basement set up with binding circles. If you capture them then we can hold them until we figure out what to do with them. After thats set up I will take Gloria and Loria to the north ranch with me and Lil Rikke.. just in case." This brought a sad look to Sarah's face but she nodded in understanding. "Ill get to work repurposeing the old collars in that trunk it shouldn't be hard to turn them into sealing collars." It looked like a plan was forming up capture the sisters and find Jess and then defeat the master.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Er... maybe let's not use THOSE collars." Rikke stopped the girl lightly and smiled to her "Best not take any unneeded risks." the collar were one of the sisters property, who knows what magic still lingered in them.

Well the plan was set and it was all up to the heroine. Capture the enemy, save the princess and kill the big bad, just like in so many tales the girl read. Though it would all start tommorow, her grand quest against the four sisters of sin.

"Well looks like we've got a plan here girls, the Master doesn't stand a chance!" the rogue extended her hand to the middle of the group, just like before their first battle against the vile demon. Looking for the others to join in with a huge smile on her face.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Each hand joined the heroines though in reality she would mostly be facing the sisters with only Janet Willow and Venise. Still knowing her family backed her up did much to encourage Rikke. With a cheer the girls separated as they each went to their own rooms leaving Rikke to guide Venise and Janet to her own that she had shared with Jess. Looking about as Janet ant Venise eyed the room Rikke felt an familiarity that settled in her. It was the exact room where Jess and herself met and played their first game.

It was much as they left it on their sudden departure though Ms. Genna made sure it was clean. Sadly all of her toys had been packed away but still if Rikke was recalling it correctly their was a secret passage on the second floor that lead to the tower.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girls didn't need to go with the girl to be part of the team! Just making sure the rogue would have somewhere safe to retreat, would've been enough, but the girls would also take care of any prisoners Rikke brought back! Ofcourse they were all part of the team!

"OH! And Sarah. Thank you..." the heroine hugged the succubus lovingly "I couldn't have found her without you." soon enough everyone descended back to their rooms with Rikke leading the charge to theirs.

"Willow, you keep guard outside alright?" she smiled to her pup, just incase Rikke slipped it was best not to involve the pup... then again, he was of age now and Rikke hadn't had a can--- NO! Rikke shook her head to be clear of the particulary pervy thoughts, she'd remain chaste this night! Hopefully.

"Welcome girls to my and Jessicas original playgrounds" she snickered warmly leading the two girls inside, everything exactly like the rogue remembered only cleaned to a fault. Letting the girls look around Rikke would check if the bed would be able to hold all three of them.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was a large room having been Sarah's room when she was younger. The bed Rikke noticed had been reenforced easily capable of holding Rikke and Jess during their more passionate games. It should do nicely for the three of them. Venise quickly changed out of the maid outfit and stood nude for a moment before crawling into the bed. "I will warm the mistresses side of the bed." Janet just looked over at Venise and shook her head before starting to remove her armor.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly at her servant girl "Thanks dear." she smiled brightly and looked to Janet, giving her a playful 'what?' look "I've got one more thing to do before I got to bed. Rhea will likely want to hear of this." the rogue smiled and went to one of the tables her and Jessica kept paper and ink, before writing out waht she learned here and her best wishes, including lots of sleep to Rhea.

"Be right back." the rogue pulled the Hearthstone out and as per instructions activated it, whisking herself away to the faraway island and her home all to just leave the note to her friend.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke used her stone and was whisked away to her home on the island. After a moment of disorientation Rikke felt a gooey fluid envelope her from behind. "Hi Rikke miss Sylph much?" The warm goo easily slipped into the cracks and crevasses of her armor ensuring the rogue would have to get it cleaned before she set out once more. "Sylph miss Rikke lots!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Hey it worked like a charm! Except what was this goo, the rogues eyes widened at the voice "Sylphie?!!" she quickly turned around the rogue eyes widened with joy! So her plan DID work! "Sylphie~!" thankfully Rikke had already removed her armor before whisking away, she's been in casual clothing for quite some time in the manor!... didn't mean her clothing was any less ruined though.

"I missed you too!" she giggled warmly... before likely seeing the state of her house...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Actually her house was rather not ruined though that was probably due to not having much in the way of furniture yet. Still nothing looked damaged and Sylph did look a little bigger than she used to be...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked over the cutey saphire goo girl "So~ sleep well Sylphie?" huh do slimegirls expand? Or was it just the warm weather that had her goo grow a little bit...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Long sleep make Sylph forget things.. but wake up earlier." Sylph smiled at Rikke before hugging her again. "Lots food on hot sands. Sylph eat to much."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Food? You mean fruits?" Rikke smiled unassumingly huh... she used food not 'yums' odd, at any rate there shouldn't have been any fruit on the sands. Only numerous crabs and the occasional turtle.

"Come, show me around, Sylphie." the rogue smiled warmly before putting the thankfully kinda goo free note on the table she primised Rhea she'd leave her findings.

Well Rikke needed the sleep, but heck how could she pass up an opportunity to be with Sylphie~!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke went out into the area with Sylph the goo girl leading the way "Funny trees feed Sylph to much no go that way." Sylph instead went to the beach where lots of dried up grabs sat. "Mean things pinch Sylph Sylph eat them. There where dozens of dried up crabs on the beach as well as a couple monkeys. "Sylph find warm water spot Very tasty water!" The goo girl smiled and pulled Rikke along.