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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"HEY~~!!!" Rikke waved happily as she quickly got to rushing down, the manor was beautiful! The white tree and snow only adding a wispy winter wonderland to it. Rikke almost tripped in her rush, but managed to to turn it into a slide!

"HEY~~!! SARAH! EMMA~! I'm home!" a huge grin on her face, Rikke would continue rushing onwards towards her previous home. Though if the girls were worreid why was there only one setry on duty? It didn't matter though, Rikke had to see her friends as soon as possible!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke slide down the hill as the sentry eyed her coming. He also yelled at Rikke but in between her panting breath and shouts let alone Willows barking she couldn't figure out what he was trying to tell her. Sadly it would become apparent enough as Rikke slammed full force into a magical barrier knocking her flat on her butt and causing the woman to see stars. Willow of course was right next to Rikke almost instantly licking her face checking to see if his master was alright. laying down on her but in the snow the man's shouts finally made sense. "Stop magic barrier slow down...." Rikke's head hurt and her butt hurt and soon enough a old man with a tattered cloak stood over her. "Aww lass you where never good at listening to others where ya. Welcome home." Brody pulled Rikke to her feet just as Janet and Venise made it to her. "Im so glad your home girl." Brody the old scout looked around at Rikke's company "Where's Jessica?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Brody~!" the heroine grinned happily and quickly jumped up hugging the expert scout warmly, even giving him a light kiss on his beard. "Wait, my friends are coming too. A few girls that volunteered to join me on my quest."

"Jess... Jessica was taken by The Master, there was nothing I could do." the heroine looked away from the man, to shamed to face his warm elderly gaze "I rushed here as soon as he made his return know. The girls are safe right?" she quickly took the scouts hand and looked him earnestly in the eyes, her expression clearly relaying the girls worry.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Aye lass they are alright. They wasted little time once they realized what was happening. I'm sorry to hear about Jess lass she was a kind girl." Body nodded at the other girls and gave Willow a good pat on the head. "Alright girls the barrier is down come on in." Much to Rikke's joy the Manor repairs seemed to have been completed a stone pathway freshly cleared of snow lead to each of the out buildings including the servant homes which where much larger and of better quality than before. Live horses where in the stable pawing at the dirt while new guardsmen trained outside with weapons. The kitchen had been fully rebuilt and strong puffs of smoke left the chimney. At this Willow sniffed the air and dashed off towards kitchen happily barking. "Oh that boys is gonna get rolling pin to his noggin." Brody chuckled as a womanly screech of surprise soon echoed from the kitchen that Willow had invaded.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Oh gods miss Genna!! A cold drop of sweat ran down Rikkes forehead as she rushed after her pup "Willow wait!" Bordy just giggled warmly at the sight and soon followed after.

Hopefully Rikke would find the pup, bonked-less. Though knowing Miss Genna... she was awfully quick if someone DARED invade her kitchen! "Miss G. He's mine!" the heroine rushed past the newly redecorated hallway, not even having time to admire it!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke had little to worry as she ran into the kitchen to find Willow sitting very still and Ms. Genna looking at him sternly. "Now pup ya canna be running into here." Willow was rappedly listening to Ms. G. give him a lecture. As Rikke entered Ms. G. turned to her and put her hands on her hips. "So your responsible with this ill behaved dog. I guess I should have known." She was giving Rikke a stern look but it soon melted into a smile as the elderly cook moved to embrace Rikke good and tight.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly moved near Willow and listened to Gennas scold to her too, both her and Willow giving her their best innocent puppy eyes "Doh~ come 'ere and give Genna a hug!" the woman succumbed and embraced the promiscious adventurer lovingly "HO~ Ye got thin. Looks like miss Genna gonna have ta put some meat on those bones!"

The heroine giggled warmly at the comments "I missed you too miss G." she smiled warmly, thankfully Genna just happened to have a some leftover bones and threw them to the 'ill-behaved', but very smart looking malamute.

"Where are the girls miss Genna?" Rikke spoke up smiling warmly, if the ruckus downstairs didn't bring them down, then where were they.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"They likely be in the study Rikke. They spend most of their time in their making sure lil Rikke is safe." Genna looked sad a moment. "I wish they would come down more often I miss the wee one but I understand what danger she is in. Gloria and Loria have been gone for about a month looking for bandits that have been plaguing the road so I don't expect them back soon." Just as Genna was giving Rikke and update Janet and Venise made their way into the room only to get the sharp eye of Genna. "OI YOU YOUR TRACKING IN MUD." Venise froze and looked at her feet noting the little foot prints before looking to Janets feet and quickly moved to get a mop and start cleaning.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well they were guests Rikke wouldn't stop Venise from her habbits "Thanks miss G." the girl leaned in and kissed the woman on her cheek "I'll go see them right now!"

The library was right on the other side of the manor and Rikke ran through it just like she it was her home, without care or worry. Each corner well known, each room examined to even most minor details.

For the time being she allowed her companions free reign to do whatever they wished, afterall the heroine more than likely would not only focus on battle plans. Emma and Sarah, how she missed those two!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke ran threw the manor its well known layout and setting comforting the girl. Reaching the study Rikke did notice that the door to the tower had been unsealed and that a well polished blade rested above it with a plague. Still she could look at that later. The library was as grand as ever and now that it was clean Rikke could enjoy its warmth all the more. Emma sat in a chair her belly swollen with child once more while another one with black hair and cute little wings sat on her lap they where reading a book. Sarah Pesilie sat at another desk her head buried in another arcane tomb. "Hi miss Genna please set the food on the table we won't be doing dinner in the hall tonight." Emma actually looked up at Rikke and smiled brightly her face as radiant as before. "Sarah dear its not Ms Genna you should take a look." Sarah brought her head up from the book Rikke noting the glasses on her head. She was as darkly beautiful as she had seen her last her Raven hair shimmering her two little red horns just poking threw her hair. As she took in her quest she was up in a flash hugging Rikke tight.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stood silently just watching the sight as she met Emmas warm gaze, the heroines eyes locked on the lil' devil on her lap "Sarah dear its not Ms Genna you should take a look" Slowly Sarag raised her gaze upwards too.

"Hi girls." Rikke waved shyly standing at the entrance, before squeeling out in delight and running in to answer Sarahs impending hug aswell! "I missed you two so much!" Rikke held Sarah warmly, before giving a much more gentle hug to the pregnant girl aswell.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was a tearful reunion with the little devil feeling left out ended up hugging Emma's leg. "Oh dear Rikke we where so worried I sent a message as soon as I could but I had no idea where you were. Oh you have to meet Rikke." Sarah bent down and picked up the little demon girl and set her on her hip. "Rikke I would like you to meet Rikke Pesilie my daughter." The little girl looked shyly at Rikke before whispering to her mother's ear. "Ask her dear don't be shy." The little girl encouraged by her mother looked right at Rikke. "Why do you have my name?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

For a small devil, she was the perfect little angel. Rikke grinned warmly at the question and if allowed would move in and hug her tenderly "It's a name given after a great heroine, who vanquished demons and even saved your mommies"

The rogue was humble to a fault, not latching the great honor on herself, she was just a travelign rogue who just came at the right time, when she was needed... then again were her feats not that of a true heroine. Still what if she couldn't live up to the tales the girl heard... best keep it humble "I'm Rikke too. A pleasure to meet you Rikke." she winked slyly to the devil girl. To think someone would name their child after her!!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The little girl was shy but allowed Rikke to hug her even returning the hug lightly. With the introductions out of the way Sarah looked to Emma who nodded. "Come on Rikke Mommy Sarah has to talk with big Rikke kay? Maybe we can get Ms Genna to sneak us some treats." Smiling till the girls left the library Sarah collapsed into Rikke's arms holding her desperately. "Hes back.... I was so scared Rikke he dark voice calling to me." Rikke could feel Sarah shudder under her arms the woman's fear quite obvious. "He taunts me told me he had you and Jess even showed Jess to me in a vision tell me Rikke its not true is it?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke leaned out the spark of their reunion temporaly quenched "I'm so sorry..." the heroine looked away "I-I couldn't..-- I tried my best, but there was nothing I could've done." unwillingly Rikke let the news sink in before looking to Sarah "But he does not have me, nor us. I came to the manor to see if you girls could help me save her." if anyone could give hints of the Masters current whereabouts... it was his former vessel.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

At the news Sarah held Rikke tight a small sniffle escaping her. "Of course we can help but first we should have a grand dinner to celebrate the return of our hero." Sarah backed away wiping her running makeup off her eyes and trying to recompose herself.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Not much of a hero, when my lover is dragged awya right infront of me." Rikke looked away and moved to sit down somewhere nearby "We've been in Endus for the past few months, but the scouts around there had nothing to report about demons."

The girl looked to Sarah "When he showed you these... vissions. Perhaps it was in a certain location? Anything we could use to track him down?" while the reunion was heartwarming, the circumstances were all but. How could Rikke eat and joke, when she didn't even have the slightest idea where Jessica was!... what torture the master applied to the traitorous girl...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I think it was a fallen temple Im not sure." Sarah moved over to another chair to chat with Rikke. "It could have been the one that I sent Jessica's sisters to when I was under the infulance of the master." Sarah grabbed book on a nearby stand. "I've been trying to find out where so I can deal with him once and for all but... I don't know if Im strong enough Rikke. If just his voice causes me to shake what could I do to him in person."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sarahs voice resonated with the heroine, she knew all too well what the girl meant. Just the mere thought of the Master always made Rikke stir, could she honestly face his true self... resist his musk... his strong grip and--- Rikke shook her head lightly and reached for the necklace Rune gave her, though not activating it. After lightly holding it she looked back up to her friend.

"I've beaten him once. This time I'm much stronger, it'll be alright, Sarah. I promise." Rikke smiled reassuringly "Yes I do remember! You never sent any scouts to check how that temple was doing?" the rogue stood up and looked around for any maps in the library. Where exactly was this temple? She sent the sisters there, she had to know!...right?
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It was about a weeks travel away if I recall. I never sent scouts because I heard an angel had cleared it out." Sarah got to her feet once more and moved over to Rikke and pointed to a map. "Right about here it was a new temple staffed with only priestess they proved easy enough to turn to desire."