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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Worst case scenario was if the girls took flight, but it was unlikely they moved to a whole different region of the island. After looking around for more clue the heroine would proceed to Rheas buildsite, if she was Jess or Luna that's the most likely place to reset the camp.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess stealth 53
Rikke perception 45
Jess attacks! auto grapple
Rikke is in a submission hold!

Rikke moved into Rhea's camp to find it still empty of people but noting a hefty amount of supplies she hadn't taken missing. It seems Jess was onto her game. The place was empty of people turning in frustration and stamping her foot like a child Rikke turned back around to head to meet the girls never noticing Jess's silent glide from the air. Like a rushing bird of prey Jess suddenly dove onto her kitsunified lover wrapping her up in a tight embrace. "Gotcha!" The hunter had turned into hunted.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Kyaah!" Rikke squirmed from the shock only to realise who it was that caught her!... DARN! Rikke smiled innocently as if unaware of what trouble she was actually causing "I--err... just came to visit you girls." the heroine fluttered her eyelashes subtly working on breaking the lock she herself taught Jessica!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke trys to escape the submission hold 52
Jess trys to maintain it 46
Rikke squirms away but is still grappled

"Your cute when your caught but Im not falling for it missy!" Rikke felt Jess tighten her grip. Sadly for Jess she didn't realize that fluffy tails where rather ticklish and given that Rikke had 3 of them to use it was a wonder that Jess even managed to keep a hold of Rikke. Still the tickling that Jess's wasn't prepaird for did give Rikke a chance to either escape or try to subdue Jess.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke grinned mischieviously "Jess~ if you wanted to wrestle with me, we could take this to room with silks and a big bed... with a few toys too" the kitsune had a particular spark in her eyes that Jess knew all too well. Simply catching the rogue wouldn't be enough.

Rikke wouldn't try to escape, why would she? She had her target right where she wanted her. Aiming to get both of them on the ground, the girl would aim to take a dominant position in the grapple with Jessica being helpless beneath.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess 60
Rikke 62

The duo tossed and turned in their little spat for a few moments but after a moment Rikke got Jess right where she wanted her though the way the two where struggling it was all Rikke could do to keep the girl from reversing the hold. She was on top but the position was rather tenuous.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke held Jessica down smiling widely, before leaning down to kiss her briefly. A kiss carrying a perfect mix of pure passion and simple teasing "I always love to be on top of you, Jess~" the rogue tails slowly crept around Jessicas body their sofy fluffy nature hiding their true intent to measure out how to undress the succubus.

Keep the hold.
Inspect Jessica getup, look for a way to shift or strip her.
Check if the statue is nearby right now/check for nearby rope
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess 54
Rikke 68

Rikke kept the hold as her tails explored her lovers body. She was still wearing her simple bikini she had on earlier so it wouldn't be hard to shift it aide. The statue was also easily on hand. Even though Jess still struggled Rikke could probably shift her clothing for easier penetration.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess attempted to take the advantage, but with Rikkes strength and dexterity she was just outmatched! With her pray helpless beneath her Rikke allowed to of her fluffy tails to gently brush against her lover, an honor above all else to be treated to such a fluffy-wuffy treatment. Though 1 of the girls tails slowly coiled around the statue and picked it up.

Rikke slowly leaned down and using her cute nose playfully shifted Jessicas bra, kissing her exposed breasts lovingly. Her ears twitching cutely, as she pleasured her lover.

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jenny uses stunning gaze spending 10ep!
Resistance check for stunning gaze 42 vs 46 FAIL! Rikke is stunned for 11 rounds

Rikke smiled she was so close so close to adding another tail. "Rikke!" Rikke looked up at Jess's sudden call only to meet Jess's gaze full on. Her body went numb as she simply slid of Jess who guided her gently to the ground. "Sorry Rikke but somethings wrong with you and we need to find out whats going on." Laying her on the sand Jess grabbed up the statue and tucked it under her waist band before moving to pick up Rikke. This was it her game was over man Jess was such a spoil sport! Still even as Jess began to bend down twin calls of MISTRESS! rang out causing Jess to curse and set Rikke down and taking to the air fleeing she had spent to much energy on Rikke and couldn't subdue the rest of them.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This will be most certainly her most beautiful and grandest prize of all, what would eEssica be like with her mischievious and playful nature fully released, what would this tail be like?! The girl moved the statue between them and soon enough was about to proceed beyond simple foreplay to something much more fun... when suddenly!

That cheater! OH~ that's going to be a spankin'! Rikke tried to move, but to no avail. Fortunately her girls came to her rescue just intime... this wasn't over. Not even in the slightest!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mistress are you okay?" both her little kitsunes watched over her with concern until she felt her body begin to respond to her actions once more. Her two minions hugged her happily though their was some concerns. "Jess took the statue Mistress" "What are we going to do?" That was true Jess had taken the statue but somehow Rikke felt that she didn't need it anymore.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke shook her head woozily "DOH~~ That Cheater! I had her fair and square!" she glanced between her two girls "Simple, we get it back girls." she winked slyly "Now... did you notice which direction she went?"

Without the statue Rikke couldn't get more of her precious tails! Not to mention, she needed payback for such a cheat!
Chase after her!
Back to the Groove!
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Bother her foxy minions nodded and promptly pointed in two different directions. That was far from helpful but Rikke found she felt drawn by a feeling to deeper inside the island almost as if something was calling to her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke laughted lightly at her two allies and slowly brushed any sand off herself "Guess we have a bit of scouting to do." the rogue looked to the direction she was drawn and after a brief pause let ut a command "Let's go this way." something peculiar was drawing her... something she had to inspect.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke made her way threw the tangled jungle clearing many springs and other such things. Finally after what seemed an hour they came to the rocky coast where the wrecked ship lay. Off in the distance Rikke could see a small pin prick of fire. There the statue was there! Sadly though it looked as if you could only get their by flying. Pondering the situation Rikke could hear the ghostly captain yelling at her ghostly crew to get to work. A urge built up in Rikke and her ears flicked what would a ghostly tail be like....
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Could she even get one of those?! The rogue licked her lips at the thought her tails swishing side-to-side, well first things first. She needed to get that statue!

It was most certainly bold of Jess to camp so near to the shipwreck, then again the captain was anchored there for good. The rogue tapped her lip thinking her two followers looking to up her curiously, their fuzzy ears twitching seemingly trying to hear what their mistress was thinking.

A visit to the good captain could prove useful... if only to get some toys to punish a certain cheater, but her last visit there didn't quite end on a sweet note. Still a chat couldn't hurt... from a safe location "Alright girls, go into the jungle we'll need a sturdy rock and a lot of rope. The rock has to be long and thick, but not round. I'll go see if we can get some more aid in our little war" the heroine giggled and would proceed towards the captains ship, mapping out where could the captains influence border be.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her two fluffy minions nodded and eagerly went to work scrounging the jungle. Diving into the cool water felt divine after such a long hot trek threw the jungle. Soon she reached the rocky outcropping that the long wrecked ship sat on. Thankfully none of the ghostly crew had seen her approach so she was unmolested. Still if she climbed the side it would clearly alert the captain. However there was a hole big enough for Rikke to crawl threw and into the ship if she wanted.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The problem was if she got on the ship she was game for the captain. A fly does not talk peace with a spider, while in it's web. Instead Rikke looked around for a rock to sit down say 5 to 10 feet away from the ship and loudly called out "Ahoy~ Could I talk with the Captain please~!" the rogue waved to the crew on deck smiling widely. If the ghost CAN leave the ship the heroine might be focked... in more ways than one.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The ghostly captain headed over to the edge of the ship and looked down. "Avast boys one of our deserting crew members is stuck in the water!" Stuck in the water? Clearly the captain had no idea that her boat had been wrecked on the rocks but still she was talking with her and nothing ill had befallen her.