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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to wines smirking with devious intent. Dropping the ecstatic monkey to the ground the heroine would ever so carefully approach the wines. So just how far do these reach?

This could prove her first trap she'll lure the girls into.

Also whats their position? Ground level, in the trees?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The vines seemed adhered to the trunk extending from the top of the tree to the very bottom. No doubt if given enough incentive they could reach ground or air.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Alright that was one trap down, 3 to go. She'll just need a way to make the potential victim approach the tree, the wines should take care of the rest. Still it was obvious if she'll get anything done she'll need Jessicas discovered aphrodisiac fruit and some tools from Rheas camp.

Making a pretty huge arc throught the jungle Rikke would first go to Rheas, perhaps she'll run in to some potential mischief waiting to be exploited along the way.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Making her way to the camp Rikke was not lost for Ideas but she would need to pick what she wanted to attempt. The jungle trees and undergrowth let all sort of fun things happen like snares and trip wires. She just had to chose of course she could explore some more to see what wild life she could get to cause trouble.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue paused a moment tapping her lips playfully, her tail swishing playfully side-to-side as more ideas clocked to her mind. Perverse traps are a bonus, but not the onyl way to go around her challenge.

Still first things first, she'll need some basic tools. Time to visit Rheas camp to 'borrow' some of them. With a sly smirk and snap of her fingers the girl was off! Time to see if she still has thieving skills!
Head to Rheas camp. Avoid detection at all cost. If detected RUN!
Rikkes looking for a workmans toolbox or the like (rope, sword/knife, spare wood flooring[extra thin]... she needs lots of stuff.)
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully the camp was empty though that in itself was kinda disappointing. Still she had the run of the place and easily found what she was looking for. Now what to do with it..
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

That was REALLY disappointing! The foxy girl looked over just incase, maybe the two lovers were around, but to no avail. Her ears lowered sadly the girl had free-reign over the camp. Gathering up quite a bit of supplies, nothing too heavy, but quite a decent hau, the heroine disappeared into the jungle once more.

Her tinkering would wait for a bit, now she needed to find the aphrodisiac fruits. With her next objective set, she quickly dahsed through the jungle... if she remembered correctly Jessica said the fruits were right around...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading to the grove that Jess had pointed out Rikke made great time. Soon she was in the grove eying the numerous fruits on the trees and on the ground. The little monkey's where present as well scavenging to their hearts content. Some which had already had their fill where already mating on the ground with an occasional vine picking one of the dazed and lusty monkey's to violate.

"Mistress where are you?" Moving quickly to a hiding spot Rikke saw her servant girl wandering around the jungle looking for her. "Mistress your scaring us where are you!" She was alone and she had the jade statue with her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogues tail swished side to side as she eyed her servant girl. Aw~ hopefully she wasn't too worried, perhaps the foxy heroine should comfort her, Rikkes eyes locked on the statue... comfort her maybe do something a little extra for her.

Making sure she wouldn't be seen the girl spoke up "Venise~ Don't you know it's dangerous to walk out into the jungle alone." Rikke smirked mischieviously and quickly looked around for one of the fruits nearby.

The foxy mistress quickly grabbed one of the gruits noting the tree-bearing the fruits shiftly towards her, though thankfully the fruit rolled down a light hill well out of whatever the trees intent for the heroine were.

With the fruit in hand Rikke once more looked to Venise and catching moments to make her move rapidly sneaked towards, the dirtubed monkeys providing plenty of possible distractions.. till finally Rikke was right on top of Venise.

"Because someone might catch you~" Rikke quickly bit the fruit, but did not swallow the juices catching Venise with a kiss and making her take a hefty gulp of the fruits juices. Rikke held Venice comfortably, not really forcing her into the kiss, but not giving much leeway to escape it. Her fluffy tail, curlign around and tickling Venises leg.

Well the statue did such wonders to her... perhaps it was a gift Rikke would share with the girl... if they failed her traps.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke need not worry about Venise escaping from the kiss instead the servant girl returned it deeply and with passion in taking the fruit so her tongue would be free to dance with her mistresses. The fruits juices had almost an immediate effect as Rikke could feel warmth spreading from Venise's sex. Still it wasn't quite enough to send the girl over the edge but given Venise's nature there was little doubt the girl would do anything that Rikke commanded her to do.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke broke the kiss with a content smile "You've pleased me so many times Venise..." the heroine gently took the statue from the servant girls hands and gently pushed her servant on some moss "It's time I return the favor in kind" with one more kiss the girl the foxy girl slowly trailed some kisses down her servants body, her fluffy ears occasionally wiggling with excitement.

The fruit had just the perfect effect, getting the girl, but not into a wild frenzy. Rikke kissed Venises love button gently and slowly lowered herself playing and teasing her just enough to deem fit, she was ready...

Rikke would soon enough gently trail the statues tip down, before inserting it into Venise. Something told her, this was a gift she'll want to share...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Venise always craved her mistresses touches and even if her mistress had suddenly grown fluffy ears and a tail she didn't care. Every ounce of Venise craved Rikke all the time. Rikke had no trouble getting Venise to lay down on the moss and accept her kisses. "Mistress is so kind to me.." As Rikke kissed her button she could feel Venise tense glancing up she could see the girl biting her finger as to not cry out. Thanks to the fruit and Rikke's tender loving Venise was more than ready when Rikke started to tease her slit with the statue. "Yes Mistress put it in me!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The heroine didn't even need permission. Rikke grinned deviously teasing the statues tip against Venise, befor egently leaning closer to her and while looking directly to her servants girls eyes slowly inserted the magical tool.

Venise always was a particulary sensitive girl, especially when she was her mistress. Soon enough Rikke had a particulary juice rhytm and di--statue-fucked her servant girl silly. Her eyes glancing off for a brief moment to the fruit plants, who seemed to shiver in the distance. Still right now, Rikke was focused on just using the statue to get Venise off... and hopefully instill some changes in her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke plowed away the magical statue vibrating as it had before and soon she felt Venise's body tense and then shudder from her orgasm before promptly passing out. Feeling the statue release its power Rikke grinned. Soon she would have another mischief maker to help her.

As she gently carried Venise from the trees Rikke felt another itching near her tail which soon bloomed into another fully formed fox tail the color of Venises's raven locks. So enthralled with her new tail Rikke missed the fact another tail had grown on the statue as well.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snuggled her new tail gleefully. So that was her reward?! Well then, it was 1 down 4 to go. Though besides Carly who might be easier persuaded, the other girls may be much harded to catch. It was time for her to set up the traps.

So her pray would be, Jessica... likely she'll need the wines to constrict Jessicas flight. Luna, much easier in strentgh, but powerful in spirit and Rhea! Now Rhea was her main competitor in these games, a Kitsune aswell, she won't need to use the statue on her, but it was a matter of principle to outwit her!

Alright it was time to look around the location, she'll need some nets and trip wire with a snare trap near the constrictor wines. A catapult trap near a body of water. Some random pitfalls... filled with the fruit.

Rikke tapped her lip, what else? Just the constrictor wines may be easy to avoid... the rogue looked to the fruit trees and carefully approached. Was it her imagination or did it really move? Were the wines originating from these?
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed the trees and vines where one in the same. As Rikke moved closer viny tendrils extended towards her. The sweat smell of the fruit almost driving Rikke to take deep bites. Thankfully Venise groaned breaking Rikke out of her lusty dray dreams. Looking over at the servent girl Rikke could see the ears and tail start to form. It seems her intuition was right and the gift from the statue could spread.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke approached the wines as the sweet smell of the fruits filled the air around her. She just needed to come closer and relax. A little bit closer... the wines slowly stirred to life, sensing a catch far more grand than a mere monkey. Rikke felt their need to, perhaps she should take a few steps closer. The girls breathing got a little hotter as she looked to the wine endings, wonder how would they use her? Harshly like the wilderness around them, tenderly like a woshiped mate, one more step---

Suddenly Venise spurred to life, breaking the foxy huntress out of her lusty daze. Rikke gave one final glance to the wines, before moving away much to their disappointment. Indeed the statue worked like a charm! If Venise came the others would likely soon follow and with the two of them the traps could be set up fairly quickly.

While she waited for Venice to wake, the heroine quickly got busy with trap. A long lentgh of rope connected to a trip-wire. Once activated it would shoot the poor pray up to the trees and right in range of the lusty wines. Rikke giggled at her evil plan, guess she'll use the statue during the wine-time or after it.

Speaking of which... that mind numbing aroma. Rikke turned to the plant that almost had her. Where did it emit it from, perhaps the girl could use it for her own means.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke busied herself with the trap it soon became apparent that the rotten fruits on the ground where producing the smell. Thankfully her trap was easily set and just in time as Venise began to get up with a yawn her new ears twitching and her tail swishing. It would only be mere moments before she saw the changes and freaked out as Rikke had that morning.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly dashed to Venise and gently placed her finger on the panicking girls lips "It's okay~! Venise!" she smiled warmly "You're just like your mistress!" the heroine twinkled her ears cutely. The initial shock was likely the worst part, but after it wore off Rikke felt a whole new nature awaken in her, one driven off the girls innate mischief.

Rikke quickly leaned in and gave her new ally a quick kiss "Come on let's go have fun with the others girls. We'll give them fluffy tails and ears too!" honestly the girl was almost possesed, but she hardly noticed it. Their first step would be to gather up some fruit, rotten or not into the bags Rikke 'borrowed indefinedly', before moving on to creating a path for their pray to follow... and digging a few pitfalls.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed Venise nearly panicked but soon she was caught up in the mischief a kindred soul and loyal servant. Together they soon had numerous pitfalls and traps set up in and around the area. Their work done Venise moved next to her mistress. "So whos first? I think we should get Jess she will probably be the hardest to capture!"