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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sadly the coconut didn't have the desired effect however the slap followed by the kiss soon calmed the girl who pulled Rikke into an embrace her wings folding to hide them. Breaking the kiss Jess seemed much calmer though she still had excitement in her voice. "What what happened how did I well how did I get these?" Rikke explained to the best of her ability about what happened. "So it wasn't a dream?" Rikke shook her head no this however only caused Jess to smile and pull Rikke out of the hut. "Hey! what are you dong Jess!" Not answering her the less than demonic succubus scooped Rikke up in her arms and lifted off into the air giving Rikke a birds eye view of the island.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well Jess was certainly taking it well, it was only Rikke with butterflies in her tummy now... mostly because she was already who knows how many feet in the air! The heroine screamed out at first, likely drawing all kinds of attention from the girls if they were out.

Still soon enough, feeling that Jessica had a firm grip the heroine would relax... "Warn me about such things!" while not exactly friends with heights, it wasn't too bad. She was in her lovers hands afterall.

Soon enough the girl was giggling warmly as both them sailed the skies "I see you're taking this fairly well." she'd grin happily at Jessica "Come on let's do a once around the island, maybe we can spot something fun from up here!" Not to mention a clearer measure of how big the island was!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Its strange Rikke but ever sense Ive been with you. Ive felt cleaner you know what I mean? I have been suspecting that you had purified me when you saved my life at the manor but I wasn't sure until a little while ago." Rikke and Jess soared around the air looking down and startling some birds that where flying just as high as they where. The island stretched out below them being far larger than Rikke had thought. She could clearly see the rocky cove on the opposite end of the island where the former volcano now slept but something else caught the rogues eye as well. A large brown object stuck upon some rocks large billowing strands of canvas fluttering in the wind.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled at the purified comment, to the heroine that seemed fairly unlikely "Oh? When was that?" the girl looke dto her lover curiously, well judging by their recent ventures. Of all things the girls weren't particular saints.

"Jess whats that?" Rikke pointed out the object of interest "Let's check it out" it was certainly a fantastic feeling to have such freedom flight provided them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Remember when the Master nearly killed me? When you brought me back by sharing your soul with me it changed me some how. I became less demonic and lost alot of my power and mutations. At first I thought it was because I nearly died but now with these wings I think I was right about being slightly purified."

"Im not sure Rikke? Lets check it out." Jess flew towards the rocky cove the strange shape getting closer and more defined as they approached. Soon it became recognizable to Rikke it was indeed a large ship grounded on the rocks of the cove it sails tattered and torn from years of wind and neglect.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girls eyes widened as the sight formed itself "It's a ship..." Rikke looked up to Jessica mischief in her eyes "Let's investigate!" who knows maybe they'll find a treasure map or some long abbandoned treasure just by itself inside!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess brought them in close for a pass letting the girls check out the condition of the ship before landing. It looked safe enough and soon Jess slowed herself at a pass and dropped Rikke as gentle as she could before making another pass and landing next to her. The ship was at a slight angle but no where steep enough to hinder movement. The wood was bleached and the sails dirty from age and where but the vessel still seemed fairly sturdy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ah that very well known sensation of stumbling into an ancient crypt or ruin. Though with the sun shinning brightly through the cracks and overall state of the ship, there was little hope of a payoff, but at the very least it was exhilarating to explore.

"Wow... how old is this thing." the heroine looked around smiling widely "Come on, let's go see if we can find anything of note." hopefully the waves left something for the two adventurers.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The boat creaked and groaned while the tattered sails fluttered uselessly in the wind. They had two places to go threw a cargo hold or threw the doors that lead to the captains cabin and the stairs to the crew compartment. The cargo hold was likely a mess while the captains quarters and crew compartment might hold a few surprises of their own.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We'll check the cargo hold last. Let's see maybe we can find the crew or the captains journal" Rikke smiled widely and lead the way forward, the heroine was completely in her element here. First - to the captains quarters!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke moved and opened the door which was jammed due to age and weathering but was soon opened after a few shoulder hits. Stepping into the rather dark area her eyes adjusted taking the stairway that lead down and the hallway that lead to the captains room. Bones lay scatted against the wall marred with tiny scratches and bite marks. Stepping over the long dead sailors Rikke made her way to the captains room. This door was easier to open and revealed a once ornate room. Looking about Jenny saw the former captian setting at his desk still wearing his once colorful and flamboyant cloths. His skull was still attached to his head its jaw open almost laughing at the situation. A dark green bottle sat on the desk its contents long dried. In one hand which lay at the desk was a single shot pistol that looked to have been valuable at one point but the iron had long rusted and the wood long worm eaten. Another door was near Rikke on the same wall which probably lead to the the personnel quarters of the man.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well looks like the sea critters had quite the buffet here... Rikke passed by the bones, fairly unmoved by their presence "I wonder if any of them made it on the island..." proceeding to the captains room the heroine found the old sea dog, still at his post "Ahoy Cap'n" The heroine winked slyly at the remains.

She'd take a quick look around the room, maybe there was something here that wasn't in plain sight. Be it she found something or not, the girl would either way proceed to the captains private quarters. The ages and the sea coulnd't have taken everything... right?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The room was a mess old maps and charts ruined by years of exposure and bird poop lay scattered about the room some literally plastered to the floor. Some bronze navigational equipment lay scattered about but other than searching the captain this room was bare. Moving on to the personal quarters Rikke found them in much better condition. A large chest lay against one wall having slid there over time. It had a large lock that was slightly rusted hinting at its quality. However the rest of the room was a bit of a horror story. Rusted chains meant for holding a person where set against the wall their bindings open. Numerous other torturous devices lay scattered about the room as well but no other human remains seemed apparent who ever was in the shackles had managed to escape.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked over the sight, her eyes narrowing before casting a scornful gaze at the captain. The heroine would pick up some debris... anything really and threw it right at the corpses head knocking it over "Freaky bastard..." looked like in his life the captain enjoyed some company, whether the other side liked it or not.

Still the biggest thing in the room was no doubt the chest, it's lock still in place promising great wealth to those that crack it "An old abbandoned ship, filled with the long dead." Rikke looked to Jessica snickering lightly "I've heard my share or ghost stories to know where this might be going. Let's see if we can find some cursed treasure eh?" in her defence, Rikke was one helluva curious girl.

"Let's see what the captain held locked up in here." it was much less about actual profits than the act of looting---err liberating the treasure the girl found. After saving Endus denarii just wasn't a problem anymore.

Lockpick dat chest! :D
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke picked up an old crusty dildo and chucked it at the long dead captain knocking its head to the floor with a clatter. Turning to the chest Rikke easily popped the old lock revealing the contents with in. What Rikke found however was no pile of gold but a large amount of woman's clothing and sex toys. Dildo's strap-ons you name it was here. Countless dresses and sexy under garments filled the chest all in fairly good condition. Jess meanwhile looked over Rikke's shoulder at the loot. "Well it would take that type of a woman to lead a whole bunch of men on long trips at sea. She must of ruled with an iron cock." Jess giggled as indeed she held up a metal strapon. "I almost feel sorry for these men."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes glittered with the potential stash of denarii she'll soon open up. Maybe there'll be some ancinets artifacts, a long lost statue of a deity, maybe it'll be filled to brim with gold or denarii coins... maybe it'll be filled with... with... dildos, beads and strapons? The heroine blinked briefly, closing the chest then opening it up again just to be sure. Well she was kinda wrong. There were some underwear and full leather suits in here too.

The heroine sighed with disappointment, well she hardly needed any of this stuff... even if some of it seemed fairly premium "Something tells me, this is what Venise imagines as true treasure." the heroine giggled warmly, it wasn't an insult or ill willed comment, Venise REALLY loved her sex toys. Questionably a little too much even. Then again Rikke loved to try them out with her.

Still even if the captain was a woman, it did not excuse this room even a little bit. Perhaps made it even worse... then again some men are really into that sort of stuff "You have wonder what kind of men, were under her command." Rikke smiled at her lover "Jess pick something out as a memento, I'll look around a bit." still no log or the likes. Perhaps one of the sailors kept notes or the like, with that the heroine went downstairs to the crews quarters.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess looked over the collection frowning at the chest leaving Rikke to explore further down. Descending the dark stair way Rikke was glad that she had been gifted with the ability to see in the dark. This lower deck seemed a mess discarded cargo and other objects lay smashed against once side. The floor had suffered massive damage and Rikke had to be careful of the sharp splinters and jagged wood that stuck up everywhere. Making her way threw the debris Rikke doubted she would find any sort of journal or notes about what the ship was doing. Inspecting one of the cargo containers netted a foul smelling heap of dirt and a barrel of very old pickled pickle juice.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke huffed lightly "Trash." the heroine stood up and looked around the area once more. Guess the tale of the ship was lost to the ages. The heroine would make her way back to Jessica "Find anything interesting in that chest Jess? The decks below are completely ruined." well it was a interesting find to say the least. Still best not linger in here, with no chance of any interesting loot or tidbits, better not stand around the ship. Who knows how much damage age and sea water did to it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess grinned and tossed a heavy leather tome at Rikke while admiring a gold chain she had found. "Humm to bad I don't have the right items to use this." Looking up Rikke saw Jess was holding the chain between her breasts going from one nipple to the other. "Those where always painful though." She frowned before slipping the chain into her pocket. "Besides I would never do that to my girls again." Jess gave her hefty bust a lift and let them drop the tit flesh jiggling slightly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Again?" Rikke giggled warmly "Memoirs from the manor humm?" when the heroine found Jess, she was chain free. Actually Rikke wans't completely sure she knew how many years Jessica spent as succubus before encountering the rogue.

Rikke looked to the leather book "Let's see if we can learn more about our little 'freaky' sailors." with that Rikke would inspect the book either in the tortu---- 'play' room or on the captains desk.