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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sena's sounded a little unsure of the concept. "She's not staying forever? Then why is she building a home?" The daemon looked puzzled her lower lip sticking out as she seemed unable to grasp the logic. "If she is getting away then why would she go back? You mortals are silly creatures."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered warmly "Yeah we can be hard to understand. Please join us for a moment, maybe we learn about each other a little more" the heroine looked to the Daemon enthusiastically, even if Sena was a greater Rikke kept her usual casual nature, though with significantly more respect.

If the Daemon agreed, Rikke would explain what is a vacation, tell quite a bit of what happened in Endus, even a little bit of her own adventures, including how she freed Jessica and small tidbit about her shard even. That is if Sena was willing to listen... but in return...

"So after all that we decided to come here to relax a little bit, before returning to the worries overseas. What is your story Sena? You may not say it I won't be offended." the heroine smiled warmly at the daemon, well she knew who the rogue was. Perhaps it was time for Sena to return the favor.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I see so your only coming to visit for a little while then leave back to your homes?" Rikke found Sena to be a rapt listener paying careful attention to every word and detail Rikke shared. "Well fair is fair I suppose. I already told you this shell was named Sena. I found her on the beach close to death. She saw me in my astral form hinting at great spiritual attunement on her part. She pleaded with me to help her people who where suffering from terrible danger. I told her I could not for I am the island and the island is me we are bound together as such one cannot exist without the other. She showed great understanding and asked a boon of me. She didn't want to die alone and asked that I stay with her till the end. I took pity on her and merged her essence with my own her shell became my shell and as Iam bound to the island she is bound to me."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke listened with great interest her eyes shinning icy blue. Well it was fairly obvious the woman wasn't too keen to say her real name, not that of her shell... "I-I see, that's wonderful thing you did for her" the heroine smiled at the greater being "So... I guess it would be appropriate to ask you." Rikke glanced around to her company "Will you give us permission to rest on your island? We'll follow whatever rules you dictate, promise." a peaceful and mutual agreement with the islands spirit, what better blessing to stay could there be.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The Daemon looked off in the distance slightly as if pondering the question. The woman got up and looked at the gathering of girls. "All will be forgiven if you all bear my children." Well that killed the mood every one including Jess just stood mouth agape at what the strange woman had just said. "I grow lonely and require companionship that will stay with me its is the only way to remain on the island and come back if you so desire. I give you two days to think about it." With that the woman seemingly faded away ignoring any comments sent her direction.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

D-did she say from ALL of them. Surely she was joking or maybe Rikke misheard. The heroine looked over to her company noting their expressions, yup the girl heard it right. Sure Rikke understood what the Daemon actually wanted, but asking all of the girls to give up their children. The price seemed far too high...

Rikke gulped lightly "I... better get Rhea and Venise." chances were their stay here would be cut shorter to about a day and a half. If not disturbed Rikke would run over first to look for Venise inside their little hovel then run to Rheas construction area and fetch the girl or girls, not explaining much unless she insisted on staying near the workplace "Rhea something bigs come up... REALLY big. Come on we need to talk this over."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke ran to the camp as fast as her legs would carry her. Surly the Daemon must be joking but still Rhea should know as well as Venise. She ran unhinded threw the jungle to where Rhea and crew had been working. She found Rhea Salina and Venise all chating around a small fire. "Are you okay Rikke you look like you've seen a ghost?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Honestly, I wish I had..." Rikke leaned against a tree to catch her breath "Emergency meeting in our camp." the girl caught her breath from her sprint, though the fact that Venise of all people was accepted to even sit near Rhea and Selina was not lost on her.

The four would hopefully soon join up with the Luna, Carly and Jessica. Rikke giving Venise a gentle tap on her ass, smiling at the servant girl, it was her way of congratulating the girl on managing to warm up Rhea to her "Alright girls, gather round. Gather round..."

"There's something everyone should hear." the heroine looked around till everyone gathered to her "During our trip me, Jess and Rhea found a hotspring in the jungle. Unfortunately I've found someone else too, Rhea right after you left...... ...So now we have the Islands gaurdian asking for such a toll to stay. We have 2 days." Rikke allowed the others to have a say before she offered her own opinion on the matter.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea looked at them and frowned. "She only asked your group? Maybe she will be willing to negotiate a little after all she has a woman's memories with in her." Venise had nothing really to input well nothing helpful anyway. Carly and Luna seemed to be thinking really hard about it. While Jess seemed admitly opposed to the idea.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well she didn't mention you two, but I thought you should know. If she asked a price of admision from us, I doubt she'll let you build your getaway haven without paying a price too." Rikke nodded firmly to Rhea "Ofcourse we could negotiate... but... while I understand why she would ask of such a thing, loneliness can be horrible. I'm affraid I could not pay such a price, nor force any of you to do so." well the heroine actually quite literally couldn't pay the price... unless, the girls glance wandered to her rugsack containing a certain rune.

"I could go try and talk with her about this, if she's lonely she'll have Rhea and us when we drop by. The dockworkers, maybe we could just set her up a shrine she could rest and live in" unless the Daemon wanted actual offspring, as ages pass perhaps she wanted to make sure she left something after she perished. It hurt the girls heart to decline, but giving away her own flesh and blood to be lost forever in someones else hands. No mother could really choose that willingly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Maybe the woman would negotiate and it seemed that all the girls looked to her to make contact. Well that was kinda expected really she was the first person the spirit contacted so they where leaving it to her to negotiate.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well the girl had a knack for diplomacy "Well... guess I'll give it a shot, perhaps we won't need to discuss this matter at all. Wish me luck." Rikke nodded firmly to her group and proceeded back into the jungle, making a B line towards where the hot springs resided. That was where she first met the Daemon, perhaps that will be where she can summon her again.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The walk threw the jungle was rather long and Rikke built up a good amount of sweat before reaching the springs again. Looking about she spotted Sena sitting on a throne of water a look of concentration on her face. "Oh Rikke that was quick tell me what is your answer?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We haven't come to consensus on the matter, goddess." Rikke approached the girl a fairly friendly smile on her face "...but the cost may be too great. I'm so sorry." the rogue lowered her gaze before procceding "Could... Can I talk freely, Sena?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sena looked visibly disappointed but nodded for Rikke to continue. The night had started to fall making Sena's eyes stand out all the more. She was still nude her form perfect flawless preserved at prime of beauty and life but Rikke could feel the loneliness that seemed to permeate the air around her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm sorry about our answer... but." Rikke looked to the daemon "Perhaps I can offer you something else. Not flesh and blood, but just our companionship and trust." the heroine smiled warmly "I won't ask why you escaped whatever life you had, but if you wished we could create a house near us for you too. Not a shrine or temple, just an opportunity to live with us simple folk, like err... well maybe not quite equal, but as one of us. Mortals.... a mortal with some priveleges." The rogue didn't care which race, sex, religion someone was or even what they had done in the past. What mattered was who this person was here and now. Perhaps this was the reason behind an entourage as grand as she had right now...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sena listened as Rikke spoke her eyes never wavering off the rogue. "I see but I would like companionship all the time new life to fill the jungle with laughter." Sena got off her water throne and drew close to Rikke. A single perfect hand came out and caressed her face. "I do not mind if you stay but Rikke can you full fill one request for me? Of all your companions you shine like a bright light that few mortal eyes can see. Can you give me a child? I know of your condition so do not feel ashamed I will not ask you to carry it. I will bare the child if you agree? Do not worry how it will be done no harm will come to you."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke lightly jerked back from the offer, she was to impregnate? Well from that point of view, oddly enough things did look different... but there was one problem "I...uh..." the heroine paused looking to the woman. This request was much more different, it wouldn't be a sacrifice of her child and flesh, but a gift of her genes for the Daemon to nurture.

The girl gently placed her hand on the womans palm on her face "I... I'd like to know more about you first... please. Not Sena, about the spirit who asks this of me." it was as much curiousity as cautiousness, lest the girl gave way to a particulary foul Daemons breed. Even if Sena appeared majestic and caring, Rikke had to know who this Daemon was.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Done!" Rikke felt herself spire back and back watching the jungle shrink and shrink down from tall majestic trees to tiny shrubs and eventually grass and then dirt. The spring began to retreat and shrink almost drying up till it was nothing but a flat steaming rock. The skys above clouded over and cleared rained and dried the winds blew and stopped day and night changed rapidly and backwards till it became a flashing circle. The island around her began to shrink and retreat back to a tall rocky mountain in the see. The rocks around her melted and turned molten slowly flowing backwards up the mountain and back into the summit and then even the mountain shrank down to nothing the seas around them slowly reclaiming the area. "This is where it starts." Time flowed back to normal with Rikke suspended above the water hovering in mid air. A giant gout of steam erupted some distance away from Rikke. "This is my birth I slumbered in the earth for so long." Time ran forward again and Rikke watched in awe as the island reformed itself about her till time once again slowed back to normal. Only this time she saw people that looked a little like Sena on the island living in huts and talking some even walked right threw Rikke. In the distance however the mountain still smoked and boiled. "I tried to warn them to leave I sent storms and wave's I shook the very ground they walked on but only a few listened and left on their dead wood things. The fires of my birth still raged and I could not control them. The rest started making offerings to me and worshiping me as a god. All my efforts to warn them failed it was a shame I liked the people." Time sped up once more as the mountain in the distance exploded in a great fireball incinerating everything on the island. When the explosion cleared Rikke saw the rocky cove in the distance the former caldera of the volcano. All trace of the people that had been where gone but soon life began anew. The spring reformed and the grass regrew and the trees came back as well as birds and other animals.

Rikke blinked she was standing before Sena again the Daemon looking at her with a sad look to her face. Rikke understood now she had no name and any the people had given her was lost when they perished.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked fairly blankly for a brief moment, the sights and sounds... it all had to settle in. The girl shook her head lightly, getting to grips with everything she's seen just now. Looked like this woman was not a person, as much as she was something else entirely...

"I... I'll do it." Rikke smiled warmly at the Daemon "... but first I need to ask, my lover." even if it would via supernatural forces, Jessica should know.