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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Theif!" The woman she had seen before manifested out of the water once more and headed to the now turned over basket fishing threw it till she found the object. She pulled out the nugget and dropped it back into the spring before rounding back to Rikke. "Why would you steal my decorations!" The water was still getting hotter causing Rikke to sweat.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well she got here there... "I did not steal it. I did not know that nugget was yours! I just wanted to take a souvenir, a memento of this hotspring nothing more!" Rikke looked the woman dead in the eyes "Is this how you treat all your guests! First you ignore their greets then try to boil them alive! I don't want your gold just let me go!" the rogue ceased struggling and looked to the woman in a determined fashion, it was all the truth. A gold nugget is hard to turn into proper denarii anyway...
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Guests humph invaders more like it!" the woman looked at Rikke as the water lifted her up and upside down leaving the rogue in a very compromising pose. "Just like all the males who came on the dead wood thing! They tried to take my pretty stones to." Well one thing was good she was out of the extremely hot water but her new position was not much better.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Dead wood thing' a ship? Rhea Never used a ship to get here! "That's not my friends!" were there more people on this island? "We've arrived guided by magic and a friendly mermaid. The beach on the east, I don't know who you're talking about." hopefully Rheas boys didn't find any gold by chance too "We didn't come here for your gold or your woods, we've come here to rest and relax on the sandy beach!" well it was worth a try maybe... "You've seen us right?! The 5 girls, your tiger had a tendency to stalk us. We've come here to rest from our war, not start one. Promise."

Rikke looked up at the guardian "So... sorry? We come with good intentions honest... well atleast my girls do."
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Gold?" the word rolled off her lips and Rikke recognized the sound of confusion. Could it be the guardian had no idea what gold was? "How do I know that you speak truth?" The water shook Rikke up and down as to emphaise her intent and desire that Rikke prove some how that she was a good honest person.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Because I'm not hostile even after you kidnapped my mate!" Rikke looked up to the woman with a not too pleased expression "Either way I can't prove anything while hanging upside down like this."

"If you don't believe what I say, I can't prove it with words. How about I show it to you or perhaps prove via actions?" Rikke sighed briefly, honestly she was oddly non-chalant, perhaps a little than more annoyed at the spirit. Her training with Rhea and quite a surprising new gift from her shard may have up'ed the girls confidence "But could you please first set me down, I've just ate and drank so feeling a little woozy..." she smiled at the spirit.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

There was a long moment of silence before the girl was dropped unceremoniously into the water. Thankfully it was fairly deep and in the center of the pool. Splashing to the surface the guardian looked at Rikke coldly. "Prove your intent I will keep your mate safe and unharmed but if you deceive me she pays the price."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes slightly narrowed "Alright, fine. How shall I prove the honesty of my answer?" the heroine couldn't help, but show signs of annoyance at the spirit. This woman stole Jessica just now!... though perhaps she had her reasons to do so. Rikke soon took a deep breath and in a much more empathetic fashion looked to the spirit awaiting her request.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The woman just eyed her back. "It was your idea to prove your honesty and intent do so I will judge your efforts as I see fit." The woman continued to watch Rikke waiting for the girl to do something or say something.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well, let me show you my party first. Just to prove you I am not with the men in deadwood." Rikke would get out of the water and get dressed "My name's Rikke by the way, the girl you kidnapped is Jessica, my lover and dearest friend."
with her underwear on, Rikke would turn to the spirit and call her over "This way. It's not too far." Right now Rikke had to make sure to avoid the area where Rheas boys were working. The heroine lead the spirit to HER head camp mainly to meet Luna and Carly. Those two were likely the most attune to nature and could talk sense to the spirit.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke lead the woman to her camp where Venise, Luna, and Carly sat. Enjoying the cool breeze off the ocean. "What does this prove?" The woman didn't seemed alarmed at the new people likely knowing that they where already here.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke rolled her eyes "I'm not sure what you're expecting. We're just a group of girls on the sand, just like I said. Not some Invaders here to harm your forest. This just proves you've been terrorising innocents..." the heroine quickly approached Luna and explained the situation "You're a mermaid maybe she'll listen to you, Luna." afterall the spirit seemed very much in tune with the water elements.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The woman's eyes narrowed at the insult and Rikke swore she heard a slight eep from somewhere in the jungle though it was hard to tell who or what made the noise.

Luna looked at the woman and trembled a little. "R R R Rikke thats not a a a spirit." The woman grinned a little at the mermaid. "Its a a a Daemon...." A Daemon wait her own Goddess was considered a Daemon. Rikke's heart sank a little Daemons varied in power but most where far above any mortal standard. No wonder Rikke felt on edge at the spring likely her shard was warning her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Oops... Rikke slowly turned to the daemon, eyeing her with sorry eyes for a brief moment before falling to her knees and lowering her head "I'm so sorry for disrespecting you like this, goddess!" the rogue paused briefly "...I didn't mean to." she looked up at the daemon, but Rikke wasn't the kind of girl to just extuinguish her spark "...but my previous words still hold true. We meant no disrespect or harm to you, or your forest, my proof is all around you here."

Indeed the girls didn't bring any weapons here and possesed at best minimal actual offensive magic. Their minor HQ was built mostly from fallen large sticks, with supplies they brought themselves... excluding some. Just hopefully Rhea didn't decide to popup to mute the point. "I'm honest about what I say." it was a simple proof, if the girl was honest her words were indeed honest, if she was dishonest these same words were a lie.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The Daemons eyes softened slightly at the display and a more calm and gentile voice took hold. "Oh no no don't do that please get up. I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. I came here to avoid that stuff." The Daemon didn't move to help Rikke up leaving it up to the girl to do that on her own. "I think I believe your intent please don't do that."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well the girl couldn't exactly argue with a Daemon. A Daemon! Rikke soon got to her feet wiping of the sand and smiling at the woman happily. Well looked like she earned the creatures trust on her non-hostile fashion "S-sorry about disturbing your bath back there. We just went exploring and a natural hot springs to rest and relax was too much to turn away." while Rikke was curious, she certainly wasn't going to flatout ask the woman her name.

"These are my friends, Luna, Carly and inside our camp should be Venise. It's an honor." the heroine smiled politely at the daemon. Well hey she didn't want groweling, so Rikke certainly won't volunteer to do so.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The Daemon paused a moment thinking "This shell called itself Sena so you may call me that for now. But first sense you have shown your honesty I shall return what is yours." A group of vines holding Jess came into view and lightly set her on the ground before retreating back into the woods. "Now please tell me who are the others on my home. The one with fox ears leads them and they are making a mess." Sena frowned slightly at this and looked more than a little annoyed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Jess!" Rikke hugged her lover warmly "You okay?" the heroine only had time for a yes or no... hopefully it was a yes.

The girl looked to the Daemon, well honesty was the way to go with a greater being "The Fox-eared girls name is Rhea. She protects us and gives us supplies from over seas... because we thought this island uninhabited and how gorgeus it was Rhea moved some of her... home builders here to build housing for her family." Rikke paused briefly letting the information sink in "We honestly didn't think this place belond to anyone and wanted to take care of it ourselves. I'll demand she ceases all operations immediately if you wish." it was either cease and desist or face the wrath of a Daemon... an easy choice.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yes Im fine though the vines got a little gropy back there a moment ago." Sena eyed the rogue as she spoke. "A home for her family? That won't do not enough food for people to live here all the time." Sena was shaking her head. Maybe if Rikke told her it was only for short stays it would ease the Daemons mind on the subject.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Then again would the Daemon even know such a concept of vacation... "Not live constantly, a small getaway location of sorts. For a month or so at max, as for supplies. Well she's been able to move them to the five of us without worry from her homeland, via magic." the girl smiled at Sena "Dare I say...my friend just wants a location to escape politics, pressure, stress... much akin to your own stay here, goddess." well the daemon did say she was here to escape the groweling... perhaps she was on her own vacation of sorts here aswell!