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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gains 1 mutation counter reset

Rikke reached out and grabbed it the essence of a dead goddess that was her by right of birth. Tugging she pulled and pulled ripping a good junk of Venise's soul with it. She couldn't help as the essence was pulled into her. A warm feeling of fullness filled her as well as power. Already she could feel the soul essence fill her satisfying some unknown hunger why not have more after all Venise was her to do with as she pleased....
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was a horrible feeling to tug at someone elses soul, no rikke wouldn't feast on the girl... though who's soul was it anymore. Even if it once was DeGravils, now it's been wiped clean... the flesh changed not just to a different sex, but to a different creature entirely. Still Rikke couldn't just leave a hurt soul like that. She held the girl warmly, allowing a fairly significant part of her soul to seep into Venise. Hopefully it'll keep her being damaged as Rikke was or worse...

With that final task done, Rikke would faint. Far too much of her essence given away or spent otherwise, though nothing a good resting couldn't fix. The heroine would not given in to the dark hunger, even spite it fully with her selfless act.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Having completed her mission Rikke passed out completely exhausted from her efforts. She would wake in the morning having slept threw the victory celebration only to be awoken around noon by Jess and Venise shaking her awake. "Rikke wake up you don't want to miss this!" She felt herself jiggled slightly. "Mistress please you don't want to be late its very important!" She felt a slightly gentler shake of her body. "DAMN IT RIKKE WAKE UP YOU WOULD NEVER FORGIVE YOURSELF IF YOU MISSED THE SERVICE!" Rikke's eyes shot open at the sound of a semi angry and loud Jess. "You shouldn't yell at Mistress Rikke her ears are sensitive!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm awake! I'm awake! Geez" Rikke yawned sleepily a smile on her face "I must've overdone it a little earlier" the girl looked to the two, seemed Venise still perfectly fine. The dreaded feeling that ripping the shard from would've killed the girl rolling off Rikkes hear.

The heroine sat up, her hair slightly ruffled "Whats going on?"

New mutations gained:
Tight +2 pen PP dealt
Snug +6 pen PP dealt
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Todays the day for Saul's service." Jess looked away a bit sad. "Rhea wanted you to come but Venise is not welcome I can stay and keep an eye on her for you if you want."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"WHAT!" Rikke quickly shot up "How much time till it starts!" the rogue quickly jumped out of bed and got into fantastic undergarments. Almost dashing to her armor, judging by Jessicas tone the girls would likely be the last to arrive!

Rikke turned to the slave girl. There was really nothing Venise could do to harm the wargs or the girls, worst case scenario she ran off or was revealed to be a much darker character than Rikke gave her credit, whatever the case she didn't need someone to look over her "It's okay Jess, you come too. Venise, wait for us in our room. While in the room you're free to act on your own accord."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Despite how Jess sounded she moved rather calmly helping get Rikke dressed. "I had to barrow this from one of Sasha's higher end girls. Thankfully she was very understanding after our little encounter." Rikke smirked a little "Oh did you give her some tender loving tail?" Jess quickly pulled the strings a little to tight on Rikke giving her a sharp intake of air. "Oww!" "Oh to tight sorry" Jess had a playful tone to her letting Rikke know she wasn't really mad. After they both got dressed in some very formal looking dresses they moved out to the main building where Rune waited for them. She was wearing the robes of her station and looking very uncomfortable. The rest of the Venus girls where there as well all dressed in gowns with only Alice in armor. "Rikke Jess come on I waited for you so there would be no excuses for you to be late after all Im the main speaker.." She had tears in her eyes but she held them back.

Once they had gathered around Rune cast a spell that transported them to a grand hall where Saul lay in State. Well wishers where abundant many of which seemed to be students or fellow mages of the mage hall. It was an open affair many people milling about sharing stories of their friend. Looking about Rikke saw Rhea near the casket she wore a long black dress with matching long black gloves. She wore a large black hat with a thin black vale hiding her face. Selina was next to her also in a black dress though she was not nearly as over done as Rhea though the bulge of her pregnancy was very clear on her thin frame.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes never bene to one of these services before... the heroine didn't really have companions or company till her chance encounter of the manor. Still she kinda knew what to do... hopefully.

The heroine approached Sauls body and knelt down infront of him. Memories of how she first met the man rushing to her head, it was indeed quite the meeting. While she first saw him during the council meeting, the first time Rikke met up with the Kitsunes and their mage daddy was always special. If only as a display of an abnormal family living happily together. A tough as nails mercenary black kitsune, a kind and fairly gentle old mage and a cute pink kitsune girl. He was the man that warned her about DeGravils dark plans and the mage that set their swift victory over the demons. Even if his play was more along the backstage, she owed this old man a lot.

Rikke lowered her head and whispered "Thank you, Saul. For everything." the girl next approached Rhea and gently took her hands "He was the bravest of us, Rhea. Saul will never be forgotten." she smiled with great empathy and walked up to Selina, giving her a warm hug. The elven girl Rikke rescue from Reginald by accident, an unlikely ally now mother of Rheas child... how things can change. Doing very much the same, Rikke took the girls palms and looking her in the eyes whispered "I have no doubt you'll take good care of Rhea. Saul would like that" Rikke smiled and moved on sitting down nearby silently and honoring the dead mage.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Of Sunny Days and Warm Sands​

Rikke lay on a bright beach azure water lapping at the shore. It had been exactly two weeks to the day that Saul's service had ended with a moving and emotional speech by his daughter Rune. There was hardly a dry eye in the place after she was done. Things had moved fairly quickly after that. The Wargs and other military groups quickly made sweeping runs of the city clearing out any hold outs left. Rune of course had to by order of the city tell Rhea she was not allowed to endanger her new brother or sister by joining her troops directly but what Rune didn't know wouldn't hurt her. She even began to organize work groups to start reclamation of the districts it seems she had begun to settle into her role. She even looked like a Lady though the pink little ears and tail sometimes prevented Rikke from taking her to seriously.

Other things where moving along just as well as Gruff and Kat told everyone they would be married by spring. Gruff's wards where given back their titles though sense Rune was now the Lady Mayor of Endus they lost their chance at the throne. This didn't bother them as they rather enjoyed their new life with Gruff and Kat. Alice and Matt seemed to be getting along rather well spending more and more time with each other as the days went by. Rikke guessed that they would be announcing their own marriage plans in the near future. The rest of the Venus with the exception of Naomi, Rikke, and Jess decided to become full time members of Rune's personal guard. When Rikke had asked what Naomi was going to do now she simply smiled and said she was waiting for someone. She sounded a little sad but she smiled anyway.

With all the cleaning out of buildings being done Rikke had also taken the time to head back to the former Warg HQ to find the gifts Jess had left for her. Sneaking past several goblins that had set up a small enclave she found the box of goodies she had hide. Sadly the shape shifting rune had been broken its powers spent but Jess's gift was still intact and could be used if Rikke so desired. In fact she had it in her hand right now looking at it as the sun glinted off the warm waters. "Mistress would you like a drink I made it just for you?" Rikke looked up at her servant girl Venise and smiled. After her ordeal in returning the shard to her and after the service for Saul Rikke had asked the priestess if their was anything she could do to help the poor girl. Sadly it seemed that all traces of De'Gravel had been wiped clean and for all intents and purposes Venise was her own person. However she was able to find a ritual that wold help her not taint others as much as she did. It had taken a fair amount of money and time that the church offered up as reward for services rendered but Venise was now as tainted as Rikke. Smiling Rikke took the offered glass of cold liquid that hinted at alcohol. She probably had Luna to thank for that after all it pays to be a friend of an alchemist well just as long as they don't experiment on you. In fact she had Luna to thank for this little trip to begin with it was her memory of the island and her desire to see her home that lead them here. Ahh yes vacations are good.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Finally some rest and relaxation! A bright beach, calm azure sea, clear blue sky, sunshine and some fun company to top it all off. The girl stretched on her comfy seat and sigh in happiness. No ancient ruins, no abbandoned manors, no thugs and definedly no demons!... excluding a select few. With everything that so recently went down she deserved it!

It was all exactly like Rikke imagined except... "Mistress would you like a drink? I made it just for you." Venise smiled kindly at her mistress "Thank you Venise!" the rogue took the fine glass, smiling at the girl "My pleasure Mistress." she bowed and scurried off likely to do more services for the heroine. Venise. She had quite the backstory... a thug lord, a man turned girl, a vessel... a sex slave. After Rikke spared her that day, she never had the heart to just abbandon her, without anyone accepting to take care of her Rikke decided to shelter her for the time being. Afterall, Rikke was there at the rebirth of the girl and quite frankly they were much more alike than Rikke would've first admitted... Though some questions still lingered at the back the girls mind. If DeGravils soul was gone... who's soul resided in the girl now?

"OW!" Rikke flinched lightly looking down to a crab she seemingly upset "Meanie!" with a raising kick the girl sent the notorious fiend back to the depths it came. Well there was no time for all these doom and gloom thoughts. Rikke fixed her cute western straw hat, flicked her new bright orange hair aside and continued getting her tan, a huge smile on her face. She was on vacation!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke frowned a little if she had brought Willow the little pup would have no doubt rough and tumbled the little crab into oblivion but alas he was being trained as a proper guard dog to protect Rikke and it would be some time before the little guy was back around. Still she had Jess with her and Luna an Carly where off together in the water. Speaking of Jess where did she wander off to.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke come on! The water's perfect!" the girls called out to the rogue how much longers is she going to just lie there! "Nuh-uh! I haven't had a decent sunbath in years!" a bit longer then, it seems. Rikke flipped her hat over her eyes and just basked in the sweet sense of the sun gently warming her up.

Actually Jess could use some sun aswell, where did she wander off to this time... Rikke wasn't going to look for her, but she was curious still. Then again Jessica didn't really need any sunbathing, her shapeshifting gift took care of it perfectly. Speaking of which, Rikke moved her hat away from her her eyes and looked to the rune. The rune was demaged beyond use and none of the mages knew the dark ritual required to extract a new one... honestly Rikke wouldn't put Jessica through that again no matter what.

The gift of shapeshifting... so much potential in such an ability. "Nmeh..." the girl placed the rune in the small sanchel near her seat, looking to the sea. The mermaid and her apprentice racing around and having fun, perhaps the girl will have to join them. Without the risk of her bra being stolen not at play, a little fun in the water sounded perfect, but for now the girl indulged in the opportunity of a full-body sunbath. Her exceptional lingerie nearby and away from the sand at all cost.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke enjoyed the sun hearing Luna and Carly in the water. It was diffrent then she imagined after all Luna had to tell Rikke not to drink the water around the island as it was full of salt and would make her sick. It felt diffrent to but it was still pleasant. A shadow blocked the sun from Rikke a moment before a nude familar figure sat down next to Rikke and handed her a strange looking fruit. "Here Rikke you got to try this!" Jess voice sounded different almost distant.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke slid her hat up a little bit, to see a familiar figure, bearing fruits no less! "Where were you off to hum?" the heroine smiled warmly and took the strange looking fruit in hand. Well if Jessica was offering her something, chances were it should be safe. Without further ado the girl dub into the offered, hopefully, delicacy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess looked a little exhausted but in a good way and she had certain smell about her that Rikke knew but couldn't quite place just yet. The fruit was red and shaped almost like a heart. "Don't worry Rikke its safe I had some already. If the little monkeys could eat it I'm sure its fine for us......" Taking a bite of the fruit Rikke found it tasted absolutely divine. Purplish juices ran from her bite mark revealing a similar colored inner skin or meat of the fruit. Immediately however Rikke felt her loins tingle. ".....I think its a tropical relative of the shorne weed. I ate two of them and ended up screwing myself for few hours while the effect wore off." Jess looked at Rikke a slight smirk on her face. "The one shouldn't send you into a frenzy so go ahead and finish it and just enjoy the feeling."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke bit down the fruits as her eyes shot wide, now this was one impressive fruit! The girl quickly got to consuming the dish only to feel the aftereffects of the delicacy in question. Still with Jessica assurance of a prevented frezy... which by the way the succubus would pay for first hand, Rikke finished up the fruit "This would be amazing in a drink!" the rogue grinned happily.

The girl snickered lightly "So how many did you eat?" Jessica wans't the shy or modest kind of girl... likely she ate a little bit too much of them "And little monkeys eat these? How odd, maybe they have immunity to it's effect..." the heroine sat back in her comfy beach chair and looked to the sea, sipping some more of the alcohol.

Suddenly Rikke giggled warmly "I wonder... did Rhea cut down the two shorns weeds, we've... 'met'" there were a lot of words the girl could've said instead. This one seemed the most innocent.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Three or four I can't remember after the first two.. I was a little busy with myself." Jess blushed a little "As for the monkeys there are alot of the little guys ya know." Jess sighed at the mention of the weeds "Probably though they where quite fun even with the after effects." Jess turned her head and smiled at the rogue giving her a wink.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered warmly at her companion "Perv." the girl threw away the remains of the fruits behind and slowly got out of her chair "We'll I'm heading off for a quick dip in the water. You comin'?" the heroine grinned happily at her companion and hopefully the two headed out to check what were the two mermaids up to.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You should talk Ms. Sexy" Jess's tail whipped out and smacked Rikke on her bare ass smartly. "I think Im gonna stay on the beach awhile yet and get some more sun." Jess winked at her as she walked off into the waves. The sudden change of temperature on Rikke's skin caused her to yelp a little but she was soon use to the water and wadded out to see Luna and Carly splashing each other in the water. Luna was resplendent as ever her aquatic form still beautiful despite the gills and odd ears that came with it. Carly had changed even more from when Rikke had seen her last having gotten webbed fingers and toes as well as the same ears that Luna had.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Honestly by now Rikke considered both girls mermaids at the very least merfolk. Who could've thought leaving the broken girl to the alchemist would change her so much. Perhaps it was for the best though...

The heroine grinned happily, as she noted both girls were fairly busy. Now was the time to strike! Sneaking in water, while much more difficult especially with her orange hair a fair skin, should be possible. Hopefully Carly won't turn around in time, before the heroine could put some fright into her!

Surprise titty-grab! on Carly