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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess spoke up next "Rikke the shard isn't a physical thing remember what the priestess said. If the person who stole it dies then it should return to who it belonged to. Its probably still in De'Gravel." Jess pointed at the woman who looked at Jess confused. "Who is this De'Gravel?" Jess looked at the woman frowning "You are De'Gravel." This only deepened the look of confusion on the woman's face. "No Im the Mistress's servant slave I have no name until she gives me one."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke angrily glanced over to Jessica "That does not mean it's the only way!.. We'll take her to the priestess, she'll find a way." the heroine eased up on her blade and retracted her hand from the woman "Your mistress will name you later, alright?" Rikke looked to the woman in much more soft manner and leaned against the side aswell, sighing deeply "What do you remember of these past few days?" the rogue looked to DeGravil... atleast what remained of her...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess looked shocked at Rikke's sudden tone which quickly turned to a hurt look. "Thats not what I meant Rikke...." Jess looked away from Rikke starring off into the distance. Meanwhile with Rikke no longer holding her down De'Gravel or rather what was left of her quickly moved to Rikke and held on to her leg in a fawning needy manner. "New Mistress is so kind to me her slave." The woman held her tight looking up at Rikke eyes full of devotion. "All I remember is a cruel woman coming and washing all my cares away and teaching me how to please my new master. He changed me told me he was going to get my just right for his Mistriss. I was so happy to serve and after many days of sex he told me I was ready. There was a ceremony and an alter..." De'Gravel stopped a moment thinking. "You where there Mistress sleeping. Old Master put me on the alter next to you and chanted strange words and then my world went dark until now."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was a stressful day, complete with numerous loses, perhaps Rikke was too quick to read what Jess had in mind... Nevertheless the girls hunches were confirmed, the shard most likely rested in this girl now. Rikkes birthright.

"Venise. Your name will be Venise..." Rikke gently placed her hand on the girls head "You will never refer or think of yourself as a slave. You will be punished if you ever refer or think of yourself as nothing more than a worthless slave to be abused. Is that clear, Venise?" the heroine had a clear apologetic expression looking to both Jessica and DeGravil, would this be another girl tormented by her rapings on Rikkes shoulders...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Venise.. my name is Venise Mistress is so kind. I will be the best sla... servant Mistress ever had. Venise continued to hold onto Rikke resting her head on her leg and holding it tightly. Venise was highly mutated and Rikke cold feel the corruption pouring off her. Jess still looked upset and refused to look at Rikke for the moment content to stare off over the ruined city.

Eventually the sounds of battle began to wind down and move off only to be replaced by the sounds of groaning men left wounded or dieing. Thankfully they didn't have to hear it for long as Rhea came back blood spattered but alright. "Come on lets go." Looking at Venise her face darkened. "She's still alive that bitch killed Saul and shes still alive." Rhea took a meanacing step forward her blades ready which caused Venise to panic and try to hide behind Rikke cowering like a child.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"That bitch fled to hell! This is the shard of a dead godess! The Shard of Venus!" hopefully Rhea had winded down most of her rage out on the grunts, but seeing her loved ones murderer "We'll decide her fate later, please! Let's get to the priestess and see if we can get the shard."

Rikke looked to Rhea sadly "Please this is not the one who killed Saul! Look her in the eyes, this is not her!" the very idea that the shard could return through death just seemed horribly iffy to Rikke. She would not risk the destruction of one of the shards of Venus. Even if she'll take damage or hate for it!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea growled and for the first time she actually sounded like a menacing beast but stayed her blade looking down at the cowering woman before her nearly helpless seemed to take the fight out of her. "Shes your responsibility Rikke if something happens its on you... Lets go." Rhea held out her hand for Rikke and crew to take before they found themselves back in the meeting room.

Saul was covered in a sheet with Rune nearby crying and being comforted by Jenna who held her tight. "Please leave us for now Rikke me and my family want to be alone right now." Jenna taking a hint gave Rune a good bye hug and headed out leaving Rikke Jess and Venise in the room still.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Did all wars end like this. There was no cheering at their victory, no promise of grand party for the soldiers that survived. Just utter silence and cries over what was lost... no celebration of what was gained. Perhaps it was the commanders iniative to do so, but with her grief Rhea did not even want to think about a celebration "R-Rhea... we've won. The city is ours, Rune is safe as is Endus. Sauls sacrifice ensured a safe life for his daughters... both of them. He was the real hero of the battle..." likely Rhea did not want to hear it and left.

Still if Rhea was not going celebrate this victory Rikke had to make sure they did "Jess, you remember where the wargs keep all of their ale?" she winked slyly "This is no way to meet a victory, not when we took the city and won the battle."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess nodded and as they went down the stairs a loud cheer rang out from outside. Rushing out of the building Rikke saw the army returning. The refugees gave a tremendous cheer. Some wept with joy others ran and hug or kissed the nearest soldiers they could find. Rikke could be put at ease no doubt a celebration would be in order but first the wounded had to be cared for and the dead laid to rest. There was no doubt Who Ruled the Ruins now.

Gain: 10xp for the end of current chapter. We can rp the remainder out but combat and roll wise we are done.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke grinned happily at the sight, the girls task was assassination... chances were she won't ever be celebrated, still the wargs deserved all the cheers they got. Looked like a new era for Endus has only just begun... though Rikkes quest was far from over. The girl looked over to Venise "Something tells me the Wargs will help themselves, we'll join up later. Let's go find the high-priestess first."

The question still lingered what of the shard? Can they regain in from DeGravils body. How?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Getting threw the mass of solders and refugees proved difficult but finally they managed to break free of the mass and head to the little shrine where the Priestess of Venus stayed. She was alone knelt in prayer her hair free to the wind as it blew. Approaching she turned to them and saw De'Gravel. "Rikke who is this why is she here?" After a brief explanation the priestess sighed. "I see sadly I have no skills in transferring souls or soul essence from people. I'm afraid I can' help you this time." The priestess looked downcast truly sad for Rikke.

The news hit like a brick and it nearly knocked the wind out of the rogue. After a moment however Jess laid a hand on Rikke. "I... I .. might have an idea. You could pull it out of her using your... well your new gifts..but it.. might advance your condition.." Jess frowned and looked at Rikke no longer upset at their misunderstanding.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed the message seemingly knocked the air out of the heroine "B-but there has to be some way! You're the high-priestess surely you should know!" the priestess casted her gaze downwards perhaps a little disappointed in herself.

When suddenly Jessica interupted the two with her own idea "W-what? How?" it wasn't much, but it was the only idea the girls had right now.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess's face was bright red from what she was suggesting Rikke to do. "Well you could start out... with sex. I know shes highly corrupted but it may be the only way to keep her alive and for you to get your birthright back Rikke." Venise looked all to pleased with this turn around but the priestess looked confused. "What condition what are you talking about?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blushed lightly looking down "Well I know you meant sex... but how would that work?" with the priestess interjection Rikke seemed to have some explanation to do. Well she was the high-priestess worshiping Venus, she seemed to be trustworthy "I... when the shard of Venus was ripped from me.. I think it might've harmed my... spirit. We're not sure, but... during sex I've been feeling energised." Rikke paused the blush brightening, well girl was definedly very energetic in bed... "I mean with spiritual energies!" for someone as pervy as she was, the girl was surprisingly shy during this discussion...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The priestess looked shocked a moment but quickly recovered. "Well then we need to your shard back into you it should fix the damage. Even if it makes your condition worse in the short term it should restore you." Jess pulled the pristess aside a moment and looked at her. "What about the taint that Venise has? Won't it transfer to Rikke?" The priestess frowned and looked between the two of them. "There is nothing I can do about that she will just have to risk it but I can do research on the matter to see if we can fix it latter." All eyes moved to Rikke after all it was her choice. It didn't help matters when Venise spoke next. "Oh Mistress this will be so much fun! I can show you every thing Ive learned!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

So Rikke had to risk gaining even further corruption in order to rebuilt her torn soul. The heroine looked to Venise, for someone who so recently flatout forced herself upon a stranger for discount, the girl wasn't too excited about whats about to come. The more heroic feats the girl recently done, seemd to put her succubus side to rest. Then again... a obedient slave girl, somewhere deep in Rikke, she always wanted one of them... or several.

"Well... I'm no stranger to the corruptive energies. One night shouldn't cause too much harm, we'll gain much more than we risk right?" the girl smiled "Though... just in case. Priestess, by chances, is there's a Venus blessed locale. A room of sorts we could *light cough*" "Have sex! Oh I can't wait mistress!" Venise grinned happily, well someone was genuinely excited about this... much to Rikkes almost comical dismay.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The only place would be the shrine I have set up on the brothel grounds." The pristess frowned "Though Im not sure its exactly blessed per say and its in the middle of the open for all to see." Well that was a bummer but the thought of passionate sex for all to see was exciting. Still while she debated a location for the deed Jess pulled her away from the Venise and the priestess. "Okay Rikke remember when you are having sex don't lose yourself to it completely you have to focus your mind on your goal which is the shard. During the sex open yourself up to your partner deeply spiritually find what your looking for and pull it into yourself. Its easy for me to do but for you it may be hard and it might unless a flood you can't control so be careful."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that was tricky. Rikke would feel perfectly safe under the guise of Venus, but she's already caused quite enough ruckus in the brothel... besides, people may get the wrong idea if they saw her playtime with Venise "Perhaps a small statue of Venus... not just for this. Overall." The girl smiled innocently when she was gently lead away by Jessica for a fair warning "I-I'll do my best... could you be there too Jess. I'd feel safer with you there." the girl smiled warmly at her lover. Looks like getting the shard will require some sensual magic... and the girls pervy side was already stirring.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I keep a private room on site Rikke that you can use it has a certain statue we both appreciate in there. I must go see to Janet Ive been praying for her sense the battle started and by the looks of it they are back." The priestess gave Rikke the room location and directions to get there before she headed off to find Janet. Leaving her at the shrine with Jess and Venise. "Sure Rikke of course Ill stay besides if you get out of hand I can stop you from doing to much harm." Venise beamed hopefully "Are we going to have a three way Mistress?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke paused abrief moment at the offer, casting a subtle glance to Jess. No no! The heroine wasn't going to do this for enjoyment, this was task she had to do with great concentration!.. then again why not enjoy it? "Likely not Venise, you and me need a special session together" she smiled at the girl earnestly and went on to inspect the room.

It was time to see what was this place like.