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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea and Saul just looked at Rikke eye brows arched. "What just passing time trying to lighten the mood." Rikke grinned awkwardly and hushed up. They waited on and on what seemed like an hour before a loud bell started to ring and masses of troops began to pour from the building. "Good looks like Matt has got their attention." Rhea quickly moved over and grabbed a dull colored cloth which matched the roof and tossed it over them. "Stay still encase they have flyers."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed deeply and pulled out her revolver "Revolver or thrown blades Rhea?" were they trying to stay hidden up here? Was Rikke supposed to keep a low profile? What about inside? is it a blitz or stealthy assassination! So many questions, but too little too late now.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea motioned for Rikke to stay her hand it seemed this was a stealthy operation after all. A few moments passed as the demon soldiers from before organized themselves into a column and marched out. A few moments later Rhea threw off their cover. "Good no flyers for the boys to worry about. Come on take my hand we are going in." Taking Rhea's hand the air went wobble once more and the scenery shifted till they where in a dusty parlor room with sheets over the furniture.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke placed her hand on Rhea, soon followed by Jessica "Alright, let's go kick some demon ass!" another glance over to her later, the crew went in. Well hey might aswell get pumped instead of being doom and gloom about this....

Here we go! Rikke quickly deftly darted over to the nearest door peeking over, before whispering to her company "We have any clue where they might be?" if Rhea had a plan this was the time to do.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Okay move together and stay quiet there may still be guards about." Rikke checked the door it seemed Rhea had got them on the second floor balcony. No guards where in sight but the place was a mess cum stains covered the floor and walls as well as naked woman all mutated lay about sleeping finally able to rest with all soldiers gone. Remembering her last encounter with Regi Rikke remembered that he kept himself aloof from his men which meant he was likely on this upper floor.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Regi did indeed love the second floor rooms, but where was his mangy queen. "Sleeping civilains up ahead stay quiet and follow my lead." the heroine nodded firmly and showed a path for each member to take across the sleeping girls. So many of them.. and these weren't succubi summoned just to be fucktoys too... all of these poor girls were kidnapped and dragged here for the demon pleasures.

Rikke was looking for the best of the best room in here. The council room came to mind, it was nice and roomy. Then again the old mans room with the painting was a likely candidate.... still first they needed to sneak past here and into the hallway.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully most of the woman where on the first floor leaving the upper path clear of obstacles. Still Rikke kept the group quiet as they wandered around the balcony coming to the stairs. "If memory served the council room and paintings where on the first floor while quest rooms such as De'Gravel's where on the opposite side from where they entered. Likely that would be the place to find them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

To be fair the rogue never did have a particualry good memory. She nodded firmly "Let's check DeGravils hidey holes first..." perhaps the body was keen to stay where it was used to be "Rhea, you go ahead. You know the lay of the land, better than me." the heroine nodded firmly, afterall it was best the blind would lead the ones whos see.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

They made their way to the room in question and silently opened the door. Inside the room had been decorated in a new fashion. It was much darker and reaked of sex and perfume. A marvouls four poster bed sat in the room unoccupied while the sounds of voices could be heard in the adjoing room.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes sharpened as she turned to the company. Beauty rang out silently as it was drawn from it's sheath, time to end this before it even started. The heroine nodded firmly and motioned them to proceed onwards.

Eavesdrop on the conversation
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke made her way to the door and propped an ear against it listing in.

"Mistress the attack is a derversion they will try to strike at us here. We should move to the safe house."

"Oh Regi Regi Im not worried about what some tramp and her Bitch dog of a leader can muster."

"But Mistress I.."

"Hush Reginald Im in no mood for your blathering now if they come they will come and we will be ready."

Rikke could hear Rhea grind her teeth in annoyance but like her reputation she didn't lose her cool.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that was surprisingly easy, but fighting both of them could be tricky... Rikke turned to Saul and whispered "Saul, can you do illusion magic? Try to force Reginald to leave. Tell him we've crashed through the back door." if it fails the group will just have to fight them, if this succeeds depending what route Reginald takes he'd either walk into a ambush or leave queen bitch alone.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul shook his head before speaking. "That would only draw more guards and if hes that worried about his mistress I doubt he will leave so quickly." Well that was a bummer but what could they do. Sure they had the element of surprise but would it be enough. They had to make a decision soon wargs where dieing as they delayed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The wargs could hang on for a few brief seconds longer "Focus Reginald." the girl nodded to the group "Jess and Rhea go first we'll follow. Kill Reginald fast, queen bitch will be a breeze." the girl raised her palm with 3 fingers and counted down looking to her group and as the final finger was lowered the group would crash in!

Use Sudden Strikes + Lightining strikes on Reginald!
Saul should use either some sort of binding or a spell with a blinding [his should land first]
Rhea and Jessica should be able to figure it out.

IF NEEDED activate battle auras before entering not to waste a turn!!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess burst threw the door quickly followed by Rhea who lunged at Reginald.... and passed right threw him. Wait what? Their assault stalled the group looked around in confusion untill deep demonic laughter echoed outside in the main room.

"Come out to play heroes!" More laughter followed by higher pitch laughter echoed from out side. "Aww it doesn't look like they want to play Reggi." "Yes they must be to used to striking from shadows than fighting fair fights humm COWARDS!"

Rhea gripped her swords clearly on the verge of anger thankfully Saul was able to hold her in check. "We need a new plan fast!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Who's the Coward hiding behind illusions, Regi!" Rikke called out to the demon, sure Reginald was as honorable as a low-life demon gambler, but perhaps chipping at his pride may urge him to make a mistake... or make him focus on the heroine. Hopefully a focus the girl could take and win out.

"Jess! Help me hold the door! Saul! Disperse that magic we don't want their eyes in here!" It was a trap and the group fel for it like the perfect pray, but Rikke can be one helluva elusive girl "Saul we need spells! What school are you good at? NOW!"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Knowing the figures in the room to be illusions it wasn't hard for the group to disperse them with a few quick swipes of their weapons. Thankfully there was only one door to secure with Jess and Rikke quickly getting it shut and barred from their side. Saul looked over at Rikke and spoke. "Fire,Water,Wind, and Air." Nodding Rhea moved close to the group. I could pop over to the room we came in and get a flank."

"Still hiding are we. You know Rikke our time in the hideout was fun. I would be willing to forgive your attacks on my person if you came out and bowed before me. My mistress could use a handmaiden think of all the fun we could have."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No I've got an even better idea" the heroine smirked mischieviously "Rhea can you move us back to the far balcony? Saul you can create fire mines right?" Rikke had only stories and rumors to go on, never actually fighting alongside an elemental mage "We set this room to blow big time and get as far away as possible."

Still it was best to keep the demons busy "Maybe, just give me the adress and I promise I'll drop by! Oh no wait... you're a horrendous fuck!" Rikke scanned the room once more over, while the demon likely eitehr taunted her or bragged about his night with her "Someone get those windows blocked off. The more trapped they think we are the more of them will swarm around this place. And Saul... we'll need a huge-ass explosion alright?" depending on what the group thought of the plan, they should proceed with the plan asap or think of a new one.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul nodded and began casting. numorus small red orbs began to appear in the room. "How many you want I can make up to 10." Jess and Rhea busied themselves with closing curtains and windows.

Saul can set 1 trap around up to 10 total remember if you wait to long they may get ansey and rush you.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We need to bring down as much of this part of the mansion as possible. One at each corner and two at the door, 6 Saul." the girl looked around "Start with the Door please, Rhea stay close if they decide to rush us we'll need to disappear asap. So everyone hudle up." the mage needed some time.

"SHIT! Regi! I'll-- I'll be your slut, just let my friends go. Please!" the girl changed her tone to a much weaker one, hopefully the demon would choose ot indulge in this moment of their pray surrendering and bask in their dominance... just enough for the trap to be set "They won't challenge your reign, please! They're my friends!" the heroine glanced over to her company just to make sure THEY weren't buying it, a sly wink for them should make it clear if it wasn't before.
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