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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh what a small world it is?" Jess got back to helping Rikke taking a seat behind her. "What else did you do today while I was gone humm?" Jess brought her hands up and started braiding Rikke's hair which was hard enough to do with it being so short.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well~ I've fought off legions of fans who heard of my sexual finese, turned away Regi who begged for another night with me, killed a giant crab with just a bow and arrow--" Jessica playfully tugged at the girls hair, snickering lightly, which caused Rikke to giggle lightly "Nothing else, just comforted the girl and lead Rune there. Oh the girls name's Jenna by the way." she smiled warmly allowing Jess to fix her hair up "If we're lucky we'll have her assistance during the assault, killing the demons while they try to fight off an illusion army should make things much easier."

The heroine sighed "It's going to be rough isn't it? Things would've been so much easier if I didn't ran off ahead that day" the rogue looked down sadly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess paused a moment before starting again. "Maybe but if you hadn't that demon bitch would just be waiting for another moment to strike. Imagine carrying her around with you till she caught you in a weak moment." Jess stopped playing with Rikke's hair and instead hug her from the back a deep and loving embrace. "This way you are truly free and I don't have to worry about losing you to some demon bitch."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke rested her head loving against Jessica hug "Maybe... tommorow we'll make double sure of it." she smiled warmly "You know... it's funny. I've spent so many days chasing you after Regi had you... and soon after you were the one chasing after me, when he got ME." the rogue giggled lightly "Looks like this time both of us will give him a visit" Rikke smirked lightly "Did I tell you when he attacked the wargs awhile back, I almost had him. He escaped dragging his hand and choking on blood." the heroine sighed "If only that darn armor didn't get in my way." guess the girls had a calm moment to themselves for a little bit, hopefully someone found the enchanter by now and woke him up... not to mention what time was it?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

They sat their a moment to lovers just sharing each others company. Rikke could feel Jess start to stir a bit her breath getting a little heavier. "Maybe we cou..." A load ringing interrupted Jess's comments quickly followed by a shout from down stairs. "DINNER COME AND GET IT!" Well that answered that question. A knock on the door a moment later interrupted anything else that Jess or Rikke might say. "By request of Rhea Grand Master and Alpha of the Wargs you are hereby summoned to the officers mess."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled at the awfully official invitation, well that was something new "Tell The Grand Master we'll be right down..." the heroine paused briefly - they'll be down... in their panties?! Rikke turned to Jessica her expresssion clearly relaying the fact that they had no real clothes right now. Unless Jess grabbed her previous armor.

"Do ya think the enchanter finished his work yet?" the man did say it was a fairly simple task, but....
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess giggled "No I don't think so. But I do have another plan." Jess bent down to grab something behind the counter and came up with a set of full length brothel gowns. "They are not quite see through and they show off a lot of skin but its better than going in our undies."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened at the offered alternative, oh dear... "Oh~ we're horrible role models as heroines" the rogue took the clothing and got dressed, the fairly scantily clad outfit.

"I forgot how comfy these feel." Rikke looked at her in mirror "Say what you will about Sasha, but her choice of materials and tailors is fantastic" the heroine smiled lightly "Ready to go?" looked like they were all set.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess got dressed in a similar gown and headed out with Rikke to the officers mess their arms linked together. Entering they found Rhea, Saul, Selina, Matt, Janet, The Priestess, Rune, Jenna, and Sasha as well as a few other Wargs Rikke didn't recognize. Janet and the Priestess sitting side by side smiled at the two heroes as they came in both approving if silently their dress and in fact Janet was dressed in a similar gown. Rhea nearly laughed as both Matt and Saul choked on their drinks. Selina was a bit more reserved but she didn't look to well her stomach having grown all the more sense Rikke saw her last. Sasha smiled as they came in but when she saw Rikke's face she looked away though it seemed she wanted to say something to them.

The Dinner was a feast fit for a king. All manner of meat was made available as well as exotic fruits and good wine. Plenty of vegetables steamed in pots. It was truly a delight to see. Taking their seats one of the serving girls poured them some wine. "Now that our guests of honor are here we can begin our meal.

Rikke and Jess where seated between Janet and Rhea but they could easily talk to anyone they wished to.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sat down smiling warmly at the company, though when the feast was given its start Rikke would take a glass of filled wine and stand up "Seeing so many friendly faces around, who honor us more than we deserve. Perhaps I'd like to propose a toast." she winked happily at the group "It's a rare occasion to be surrounded by so many friendly faces, when we arrived we were two strangers in an unknown city. But with your kindness and help, these two random adventurers have carved out a small heroic niche for themselves, surrounded by warm people, who we hope will always be friends. Thank you, Sasha, for when you offered us a roof when noone would take us in, thank you Janet for being such a good and loyal friend when we needed one. Thank you Wargs, for being at our side through thick and thin, letting us be one of your pack. Thank you priestess, for shinning some precious light on our hearts... and ofcourse thank you our hosts, Rhea and Saul. You went above and beyond of whatever people asked of you. While mercenaries always had a bitter taste to it, you've proven the exception how kind hearted and compassionate such groups can be. How much honor, courage and kindness can burn in ones heart. So to every single one at this table I offer a toast and a cheer, it is because of people like you that these dark times seem all the more warm and bright. Cheers!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Cheers resounded to the toast and the feast soon go underway. Jenna sat next to Rune looking stunned. This was likely the most food she had seen in two years and likely more food she had ever seen during the whole time. Still it didn't take long for her to start digging in her table manners nearly forgotten. Matt talked with one of Rune's body guards they where off to the side a bit and it was hard to see. Saul leaned over and kissed Rhea and then began to talk to his new apprentice that had joined them a little bit later. Sasha sat picking at her food her face down cast it seemed she wasn't enjoying the feast. Looking about she could see the woman had no escort and was probably feeling very alone at the moment. Jess nudged Rikke to go talk to her but didn't press the issue.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke didn't exactly burn with desire to talk with Sasha, but overtime she somewhat eased up... but more importantly she still wanted to do something else, something that bugged from the very start of this seemingly exclusive lunch.

The rogue would gently nudge Rhea "Say Rhea, the rest of the wargs how long till their lunch finishes? They got a schedule to keep?" the heroine smiled lightly, her eyes icy blue showing her pure intents. After finding her answer Rikke would indeed approach Sasha... who knows what may happen tommorow, there was no reason to keep things bitter between them. Rikke may not get a chance to mend things with her...

"You my dear, have excellent taste in tailors" Rikke would sit down nearby, smiling lightly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well some do have matters to attend to but the feast will last till everyone is done I guess why?" After Rikke answered she made her way to Sasha who still picked at her plate. Nearly jumping when Rikke sat down next to her and spoke. Sasha tried to smile but it seemed she didn't have one in her right then. "Ahh yes Annabell is very skilled if a little arrogant. Probably one of the best purchases I ever made." Sasha continued before Rikke could interrupt her. "She was owned by a Bardian noble who abused her and made her sleep with animals and other filthy things. I think it affected her mind." Rikke's mind went back to the Tailors rooms taking in how neat and clean and orderly everything was and how she made Lucy wash multiple times before she would even touch her. "Anyway she payed back her purchase price long ago and decided to stay." Sasha looked over at Rikke before continuing. "I know you think Im a bad person for buying your friend but please understand it wasn't out of an attempt to own her. While my intent was far from pure I did save her life. You should have seen the other buyers." Sasha actually shuddered enough for Rikke to feel it threw the table. "Im truly sorry for what my daughter did to your friend I had no idea that she was in league with DeGravel."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"She's... more than a friend to me." Rikke looked to the table and away from Sasha... what was Rikke say to her? Seemed anything she'd say after that would only ignite more sparks between the two women... might aswell just have idle chit-chat for now "We've actually found a slimegirl, you asked for... the most precious and brave girl we've encountered in the whole ruins. She almost threw her life away just to give us a chance to escape. Saphire Sylph..."

"I know a brothel is not clean business, much less one as succesful as this. I'd like to believe the reason you lowered the temble for Luna was just to comfort her, not to keep her around for good business, that you bought some of the girls to save them from the horrid people that threatened her... but why... why did you keep those girls chained in your chamber, why did you want to capture a living creature in sex slavery..." the girl paused "Why did you if you knew Jessica was my companion, treat her just like a purchase? Handing her over to your daughter and turning a blind eye."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sasha listened to Rikke's words seriousness on her face. "I know its hard for those who do not have the same desires as my girls have to understand. Every one of those woman chained to the wall offered themselves to me. To be my devoted servants and never leave my side. In the beginning they where never chained to the wall and could leave when ever they wanted to. But then Angelic told me I should show my dominance over them completely have them chained to the wall and only speak when I told them to. To treat them like slaves. I was horrified I escaped slavery myself I would never do that to the girls under my care. But she kept insisting and every time my head got fuzzier and fuzzier till everything she said made sense. She told me Slime girls where just mindless monsters and that she had found a willing customer to indulge such fantasy. She arranged everything from the charm to the room. I was blinded by love for my daughter that I missed her association with that monster DeGravel. I know you probably don't believe me and I understand if you don't it just feels good to get it off my chest."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"But... why?" if Rikke didn't care or believe the woman she wouldn't ask "What would DeGravil gain from Angelica turning you into this... dark mistress?" the heroine turned to Sasha "Surely something must've sticked? Maybe Angelica mentioned something, a lingering whisper in your head?"

"DeGravil no matter how vile he was, he wasn't a monster... atleast not literally, nor possessed..." Rikke looked down "Just someone seeking power by any means possible. Including contracts with demons...but he used it for his personal gain not some demonic invasion plans" the sleazeball already had dominion over the people and the gangs, even his own personal army afterall...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I opposed DeGravel at every meeting of the Council. With Angelica's interference my opposition got less and less. I think my offering you a place at the brothel was my attempt or silent plea for help. A part of me knew what was going on was bad but it couldn't stop the other part which was having to much fun. Every time I fought back a little Angelica was their to bury my senses back under."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

So was it really Angelica that changed Sasha to the vile woman Rikke saw her earlier as... "I'm so sorry..." Rikke looked down "And Angelica disppeared just as the demons grew in power... if I see her, I promise I'll bring her back safe and well" the heroine looked up to Sasha "Maybe you'll be able to fix, whatever the demons broke in her" she smiled meekly at the woman.

"But~ in return, I expect you to try and clean up your sheets. You've done a lot of wrongs, Sasha. I trust you'll be able to make up for them, in time." if Sasha allowed Rikke would hug the woman and soon after leave back to her spot.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sasha didn't say a word and returned the hug that was offered. "I will do what I can." Rikke could see makeup starting to run as Sasha cried silently. The proud Anudorian woman though quickly righted the situation after the hug after all she had her station and looks to maintain. Pulling out a well used kirchife she dotted away the tears and reapplied her make up. Rikke made her way back to Jess who was speaking with Janet in hushed tones. Janet had a look of concentration on her face with a hint of blush as Jess whispered in her ear. Meanwhile Matt was openly kissing Alice it seemed those to would be getting a room later.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Whatcha talking about girls." Rikke would briefly sit down and look to the gossiping girls, might aswell find out what were those two up to before offering her plan. Hopefully dinner time would last for a while longer...