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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Karly offered the potions at the standard prices apologizing that they couldn't be cheaper after all their supplies where low. At the mention of the tailor she told them Luna said something about Sasha keeping that a trade secrete and that they would have to talk to her about it. This of course did not please Rikke at all though Jess was surprisingly calm about. "Lets do it. I want to see for myself if its true. If her daughter was a mage of some sort Rikke than she could have easily fogged her mothers mind. After all I only saw Angelica never Sasha.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke turned to her companion obviously reluctant, then back to Karly to bid her farewell adn take this conversation away "Thanks again Karly" she'd wink at the girl and proceed away from the pond "Well, who do you think ordered to catch a live slime girl mm?" Rikke turned to Jessica "And I doubt she'd just have a simple chit-chat with us, about her tailor Jess. Last time I wanted to drop by she seemed awfully busy. One of the Venus girls should know I'm sure of it..." the heroine would listen out her companion, but if Jessica agreed to switch to ask the Venus girls Rikke would go look for her gang.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Okay okay Ill drop it but we will need to talk to her eventually." Jess was right on that account at some point they would indeed run into her. The first Venus girl they ran into was Naomi who was sitting near one of the smaller decorative ponds a bird perched on her finger. It looked as if her hair had started to shift for the incoming winter as strands of snowy white locks could be seen clearly.

Seeing them approach Naomi whispered something to her little bird and gently flicked her wrist sending the small avian skyward. "Rikke! Jess! I see you two are finally out of bed." Jess simply smiled while Rikke started up with her inquire. "Oh Im afraid Luna's right but maybe one of the refugees could sew you something."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to her companion, something on her mind "I dunno... we're looking for a specialty tailor. I don't think a simple refugee tailor will have the materials, the skill or the style we're looking for..."

"But I'm kinda reluctant to talk with Sasha personally, any chances the Venus girls might know? This would be a private order so Sasha wouldn't even have to know" Rikke ruined the plans with the ruins, knocked her daughter unconcious likely even taking a tooth, busted out her working girls... there was just no way the heroine would be on good standing with the woman. Then again if she didn't know who it was maybe Rikke could get the info and get out.

"What do you think Jess?" Rikke turn to Jessica, before hugging Nayomi "Thanks Nayomi." with that the duo had to make a decision Rikke would hear out Jessica before coming to a decision "BUT if we do go there you'll have to shapeshift. She'll recognise you easily."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I say we just go in there as we are no fear no sneaking. After all we are the hero's of Endus and it might just be in her favor to help us Rikke." Jess sounded firm about it but as always it was Rikke's final call. Though Jess did have a point Sasha could only say no as harming her or Jess would just likely get her in more trouble.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"And it is because we're considered heroes I'd rather keep it that way." Rikke leaned forward "Jess I bustied you out absolutely illegally, taking quite a few of her more popular girls. She doesn't know it was me, chances are she only knows that some girls retrieved the badge, their names and that they're traveling with the wargs. Hardly anything else."

The heroine paused "We won't sneak, since there's no reason... BUT I insist you change slightly or wear something to cover your face. I'd rather discuss this with Sasha as a pervy heroine than a hated vigilante." Rikke paused briefly looking at Jessica "Please Jess. 'kay? It's only for the brief conversation"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Fine Rikke if it makes you feel better Ill alter my face hand hair color though I don't see the point Ive been walking around here for a week or more." Jess concentrated a little bit shifting her hair to a reddish blonde and changing the structure of her nose slightly. She left her eyes shift to a greenish color. Loosing her top Jess let her breasts grow and grow and grow till they had to be what could be called an H cup. "There with these babies no one should be looking at my face. Jess winked at Rikke obviously trying to be playful.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke laughed out loud at the sight "Yes because they'll be too busy wondering who's that girl unable to even walk." though amusing, the sight also proved a fairly interesting point... just how much could Jessica or any shapeshifter alter their body "Come on miss big tits, as if your DD's weren't big enough." the heroine would tap her foot and eye Jessica patiently till she stopped goofing around.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess walked next to Rikke on their way to Sasha's her giant tits making smacking noises as she walked drawing all manner of stares. After reaching a more secluded spot Jess stopped them a moment and let her tits shrink back to about a C and readjusted her cloths. "Okay that was getting out of hand and out of bra." Jess laughed at her bad joke and they both continued on their way.

Rikke found the building much as she had earlier the only exception was a few more people running around the main entry carrying paper work and small bundles. The secretary still nude and in collar was directing the worker here and their giving commands. "Make it snappy the Mistress wants all these files and belongs updated and accounted for. We will have this place up and running like it was before the Mistress retired.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue kept a pokerface throughout the short distance they walked as Jessica continued to goof off, till finally they reached the office and Jessica shrank back to a manageable size, the rogue would actually giggle at the bad joke, but she herself couldn't think of a way to out do it.

Rikke would politely knock on the door "Excuse me?" once she got the secretary attention she'd continue "The heroes of Endus would like a short audience with Sasha please. We won't keep her for long, just have a few questions." the heroine smiled warmly.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The secretary looked down her nose at Rikke and her quest. "The Mistress is very busy taking over the management of the Princess. She has no time for so called heros. Now be" A feminine voice cleared her throat "Enough!" The secretary blanched and quickly ran over to her Mistress and kissed her feet. "Im sorry Mistress please forgive me." Rikke couldn't help but notice Sasha though this time her eyes seemed to have aged a bit and she didn't cast the sexual allure she had when Rikke had first seen her though her stance still screamed of power and command. "Now now pet you have not offended me you have only done what I asked of you." Sasha brought a hand down to her servants face and pulled her up and kissed her on the lips. "Know that Im pleased and get back to work I will see the hero's after all we have business to discuss." The secretary cooed and sigh in delight before returning to work as content as ever. "Now Rikke follow me we have much to discuss I wager."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke nodded politely, but muttered just silently enough and under her breath "Probably less than you think..." with that the duo would follow Sasha and hear her out before asking the very simple question they came for. Hopefully Rikke won't get more than she bargained more.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sasha led Rikke and Jess to her office/bedroom and the first major difference was the lack of harem at lest the lack of it chained to a wall. Instead it seemed some laborers where busy removing the old fasting and cleaning up some debris. Looking about the ornate room Rikke could see the damage to the ceiling where some sort of blast had caused it to weaken. Another group of workers on scaffolding where busy with repair work on that also. "Please sit" Sasha gestured to a pair of chairs in front of her desk before she herself went and sat in hers. "Sorry about the mess my wayward daughter has left quite the interesting mess for me to clean up. I should have never retired. Anyway you said something about using my tailor for a special order?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked and looked to Jessica, then back to Sasha "Y~ess? Um..." how did Sasha catch whiff of such an idea would likely be a mystery, but the heroine will have to go with it "Aye, I'm looking for something comfortable and sexy. Since we recently got a decent sum of denarii why not spent on yourself you know." the rogue grinned happily "Since the silken princess uniforms were so comfy..." the rogue paused, what did she? "Or so I heard, thought you should know someone who could fit me with something spicy."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sasha smiled and clapped her hands a few times. Soon a woman that Rikke recognized as the nice girl in Sasha's harm came into view in a fetish maid outfit and collar. "Joan my dear please summon Annabell to me at once and bring some wine for our guests." The maid nodded and stood up. "As you wish mistress." Turning on her heel she headed off the click clack of her stilettos echoing off the marble floor. "Such a fine lass. Anyway what materials would you be willing to use?" Rikke watch the exchange with a little wonder it didn't seem that Sasha recognize her at all.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well~" Rikke looked to Jessica "We were looking for something that's pleasant to the touch, doesn't tear particulary easily and looks fantastic. So~ maybe a variation of silk... I'm no expert honestly" Rikke smiled sheepishly and turned to Jessica for input on materials, likely her companion was far more knowledgeable in such affairs "As for color I'm thinking maybe red. Or~ gentle purple... what color would you think would fit me? I did consider black with say red or white frills, but I want something more striking and prominent" the heroine giggled lightly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sasha listened to Rikke and nodded. "Well if you want it strong and hard to tear then I suggest spider silk it has all the qualities you desire and thankfully we have some on hand." Sasha got up motioned for Rikke to stand as well. "Given your complexion dear I would say red or black would be excellent choice for color. So its really your choice. Your friend might want to go with black only as red panties would lose out to her pale complexion and hair." The conversation went back and forth a little debating color and materials but was interrupted by Joan returning with the tailor or rather seamstress. The woman was fairly tall and she wore a very tight fancy jacket and slacks she wore a tiny hat cocked to one side of her head. "Oh Madam Sasha so good to see you. I was wondering when we would discuss next years uniforms." Sasha smiled "Of course of course I had nearly forgotten but thats for another time. For now we have a special requests from the hero who saved Endus." The woman turned her eyes to Rikke and frowned slightly letting out a little hummm as she began to walk around Rikke like she was a piece of meat she was examining at the butcher.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The color discussion continued, for quite a bit. It was a tough choice, mostly due to the heroines indecision. All of options seemed great, but in the end the girls haven't really come to a conclusion. Though it would either be red or black with red frills...

If the girl was a piece of meat she'd be finest slice in the whole butchery. Rikke stood still frozen in place. Following the seamstrees with her gaze and glancing over to Jessica. Well this sure brought back quite a few memories...

"Um... so what do you think. Could you outfit me?" Rikke smiled sheepishly and looked to the seamstress.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humm and your an adventure what then?" The woman examined Rikke more even being so brazing to grab a hand full of ass. "This is a good specimen fine for model work its a same shes wasted on adventures." The woman went to the table and grabbed a sip of wine before turning back. "I will outfit you with the best undergarments I can muster not because of the pay but because I like a challenge! You and your servant will come to my quarter tonight for a proper fitting. Joan if you will please inform the models where I will need them." With that the haughty designer left tossing her glass to the floor in a casual manor. "So then Rikke is our business done and account settled?" There was an undertone to the last words clearly indicating Sasha new at lest about what Rikke had done. It wasn't menacing or the like but Rikke knew that Sasha wanted a clear slate between them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

That women most certainly didn't seem the kind to be under anyone, was it the money or was Sasha more than met the eye to have such people under her command "We'll be there, thank you!" Rikke smiled warmly at the woman.

The heroine would soon return to Sashas table "So then Rikke is our business done and account settled?" Rikke heard the undertone clearly, but offering a tailors services to clean a slate of a history of humiliation, underhanded tactics and actually buying, not to mention torturing her lover... no the slate was not clean at all. Not after all that, not with this little "Thank you very much for letting us borrow her, Sasha." the rogue smiled at her, she was both grateful for the tailor and for the offered housing when they arrived, but she couldn't forgive all the wrongs she's seen.