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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Naomi didn't wait for permission she just ran forward past Rikke and was soon followed by Jess. Naomi Reached the blase first and similar to earlier this morning conjured up a jet of water before for casting yet another spell which made it dance to her whim as she directed it against the blaze. Meanwhile Jess was stripping out of all her flammable gear.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

There was little point in losing her leathers, they weren't the most flamable part on the rogue. Rikke quickly rush onward aswell "Nayomi give me a path to work with!" she'd call out to the mage, while approaching the building. Hopefully the nymph could cool an entrance at the very least.

"Cass! You and Janet stay, no need to put more girls in danger than needed." the slower two heavy weapon specialist should stand back for this, hopefully they agreed to the notion aswell. An agile and quick rogue was perfect for a search and rescue.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

1 round of fire exposure

Naomi nodded at Rikke as she began to direct the water to the entrance. Jess having stripped completely headed into the raging fire and disappeared beyond the smoke and flames. It took a moment for the water to dampen the fire enough for Rikke to charge in and she did as much but not before Naomi doused her with a healthy soaking of water.

Inside the fire was still raging and numerous bottles exploded or burned with bizarre colored flames. It was much like the watch tower Rikke and Jess had spent the night in with a ground floor and circular construction. A flight of curving stairs led up and out of sight with Jess no where to be found. Already Rikke could feel the damp from Naomi's water beginning to fade as steam rolled of her skin.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Jessica!" Rikke winced lightly as her companion ran in recklessly, hopefully the succubus knew what she was doing. After the proper preparations were done Rikke ran into the watchtower, the heat instantly washing over.

Her objective would be the upper floors, hopefully the stairs would hold. Going by memory Rikke would proceed upstairs, though keeping an eye out for Jessica could prove fruitful aswell.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Round 2 exposure to fire

Thankfully the stairs where made of stone so they would likely not collapse however they where made of stone and Rikke could see they where getting very hot. Still with her feet protected Rikke made her way up the stairs to the second floor. Here she caught a glimpse of Jessica's hair going up and over the stairs across the room. Rikke moved to shout out to her lover but a flaming beam fell and blocked her path. It looked like she would need to do some acrobatics to get by.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue quickly covered her face from the flaming debris accompanying the fallen beam, this place wouldn't hold out for long. What could've sparked a flame of thie magnitude so? It was mere moments when the girls turned away from the woman.

Nevertheless Rikke needed to meet up with Jessica. The top floors had some windows so they should have a worst case escape route. Quickly catching speed Rikke would slip past the debris and continue after Jessica and up.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke tries to avoid the falling debri and continue on 58 vs 50 success
(acrobatic roll based off base dodge and lucky)
Status 3 rounds exposed to fire

Rikke took a few steps back before running and sliding under the buring beam with just a few centimeters to spare. However her hair was far from as lucky as it was singed every so slightly ruining he current hair style. Still having passed the flaming beam she was able to move on ward easily jumping over any other debris but the heat was starting ramp up.

Having reached the stairs and the secound floor Rikke could see that it was converted into a master bedroom of sorts. It would have been nicely decorated had it not been for the fire catching a marvelous four poster a flame and oddly enough numerous stuffed (plush) animals lay burning on the floor and dressers. Still her target was no where to be found. Moving onto the next flight of stairs Rikke saw Jess trying to lift a beam blocking the way her hair singed and skin dirtied with ash and smoke. Her skin had taken on a slight red hue from the fire around her as if she had been standing in the sun for far to long but other than that she looked fine.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly ran up to her companion and helped out "Need a hand?" it was pretty much only smart talking the girl would do. Of all places this was no time to talk, upon reaching the beam both girls should hurry onwards. Stuffed toys? Either the woman was of a questionable state of mind or... whatever the case Rikke would urge her friend onwards, looks like both of them will have to slightly trim their hair after this.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke and Jess try to unblock the door 98 vs 90 success
(combined body scores)

With the extra help Rikke and Jess managed to force the door free and make their way back up the next flight of stairs. upon reaching it the found the woman in question unconscious with the probably being she wasn't a woman after all but a little girl about the age of 14. Fire was all around the room and the girl looked to be slightly burned. "What now Rikke?!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would quickly run up to the girl and scoop her up "We won't make it down the way we came in." the rogue would look around for some windows "Jess, can you shapeshift yourself some wings to glide us out of here?" Rikke heard the succubi can have wings, perhaps Jessica would be able to form them up aswell.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

OOC oh good idea forgot about that

Jess focused a moment before her form shifted and shuttered as two Massive bat like wings formed from her back. "All aboard to get the hell out of town?"
Gathering Rikke and the unconscious girl in her arms Jess let loose a large blast of fire that widened the wall. Stepping forward Jess fell spread her wings and carried both Rikke and the girl to safety just as the tower collapsed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yahoo~~!" Rikke exclaimed as the heroines safely glided to safety, the tower collapsing behind them. ot only did they do the deed, but they had a birdseye view of their surroundings and got to enjoy the wind in their hair.

Still hopefully Jessica knew how to use her wings and steer the duo to the group, the girl in Rikkes arms likely had severe burns and maybe some smoke in her lungs, she needed urgent attention.

Thankfully the heroines got away with slightly singed hair and minors burns, nothing a good barber and a day away from the heat or sun wouldn't fix.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess did her best managing to drop Rikke and her injured burden close to the ground before tumbling herself into a broken building with an almost comic "Oww!" Still Jess got back up and shifted back to normal before heading over to redress her pale skin looking a little sun burnt but none the worse for ware. Luckily what ever magic the girl had used to protect herself had shielded her from any sever burns but she indeed had inhaled a lot of smoke. The rest of the night was of them running to shelter and cover dodging patrols and enemies until with a sigh of relief they made it back to their own lines. It wasn't long before the dreaded gate of the Silver princess loomed before them but given the look of it Sasha was no longer in charge at lest while the emergency was going on.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Hopefully the girls first stabilized the girl then proceeded to dodge whatever stood in their way.

Either way, soon Rikke would return to a place she sure as heck didn't want to have anything to do with... the Silken Princess. The heroine turned to her companion and offered her a hand before leading their group forward to wherever they were directed, it was likely Rhea was here and she definedly would've wanted to have a chat with them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Upon entering the gate a ragged looking guard looked at the unconscious girl they had been carrying and yelled "One Wounded!" His voice sounded tired and the statement had no urgency in it as if it was a task he had become to familiar with. Thankfully the ones that tended to such occurrences still moved with speed and before long two girls with a stretcher came running up and took the young lass away from Rikke and crew. A sense of exhaustion over came most of the girls who had been traveling with Rikke as they crossed the gate. However a warg in slightly beat up armor motioned for Janet, Jess, and Rikke to follow him. The warg led the trio to one of the rooms where a large table was set up with maps and empty plates. Rhea sat here her once shiny black hair having lost it sheen and a large streak of grey now running threw it. However upon seeing Rikke and the others she got up and smiled giving the rogue a great bear hug.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke beamed a great smile at sight of her friend and eagerly returned the hug "Did ya miss me?" she giggled warmly. Looked like the past week was extra rough on the Wargs, still with Rikke back hopefully they'll be able to turn this tide to their favor.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea held the hug far longer than usual and Rikke could swear she felt a warm drop of water hit her shoulder. "Rikke Im so glad the girls found you we where all so worried." Rhea pulled away from Rikke a moment to inspect her with a critical eye. "Selina dear would you get some food for our hero's here they looked famished." Selina nodded and for the first time Rikke could see a little bulge in the elf's body that couldn't be hidden by her slight frame. After a moment Rhea looked to Jess and Janet in that commander esk stare. "What did you learn?" Janet spoke before Jess. "Mam we found the hideout as intelligence had directed. However we could not find any ties or origins of the enemy commander. Though Rikke might have some thoughts on that." Rhea nodded and sighed. "Thats to bad about not finding any info but our scouts have reported that the former Lord Mayors House is the enemy HQ or at lest they think so. I have another team out to confirm." A few other reports where given troop strengths encountered and quality of gear but it was mostly dry stuff that didn't hold much interest to Rikke. Soon however Selina came back with some food and Rikke couldn't help but hear her stomach growel. "Rikke please sit have a meal with me tell me of our capture and captivity."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke clapped happily at the food and sat down to enjoy herself, along with her company. They didn't have a proper meal for quite a bit now "Well as you know it was rather deep in the ruins, mostly patroled by those dark stealthy demons with a few succubi thrown in the mix." Rikke swallow a decent mouthful before proceeding "The one in charge was Reginald." she looked to Rhea "Yes, the very same man I excecuted. DeGravil decided it would be smart to play around with demonic powers, so somehow he summoned that bastard right on up again, likely along with his legions."

Whether Rhea heard this or not Rikke would proceed onwards "Now the interesting part is... I met DeGravil, seemed Regi thought the contract went sour and turned that son of bitch, not only into a woman, but his own personal breeding bitch..." even the food soured up after that, still Rikke proceeded to eat "Last I saw him... her... she was heavily corrupted. I fear Reginald used DeGravil as a host for his mistress." well there was some info to chew on... likely more than Rhea expected. With that said Rikke would proceed with her munchies! Though she did infact skip the parts how she got captured due to her reckless behavior... and just how she spent the time in captivity...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea nodded and nearly choked at the mention of Reginald and nearly choked again at what happened to DeGravel. Still after that news they where able to finish their meal with some light chatter. "Well Rikke I think you and your team should get some good rest after all you've been out in the field for a few days its time to rest up." With that it looked like her debriefing was over and Rikke was free to do as she willed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke grinned contently at offer and hugged Rhea real quick, before departing. Back in the Silken Princess once more... who would've thought, still before she did anything best meet up with the Venus girls. They were escapees from THIS very place, better make sure there aren't any complications. After that she'd love to drop by Luna, that is if Jessica will allow her to wander off... the two lovers had some extra catching up to do... maybe the succubus will want to see the mermaid aswell, who knows.