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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Reginald just grinned at Rikke as they ate. The food was well prepared and smelled great. "See that's not so bad. You should try the keish its wonderful. So how long do you think it will take the city to recover?" Reginald continued with the small talk leaving any clue to Rikke's fate hidden for now.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

She doubted it, but perhaps humouring the demon could relive her fate slightly "Depends... to what it once was or to a proper working city? Hopefully when the control is handed over most of the officials currently in the city will be booted... since well. I think you can guess who's pocket they're sitting in and just how deep corruption takes root. Still to answer your question I think 6 months to setup a proper base to start rebuilding up from and around 3 years to get this city up and running in splendor. Your thoughts?" Rikke slowly continued her meal, trying to hide her anxiety to the best of her abilities, sipping the wine at a more rapid manner.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Reginald nodded his head thinking about Rikke's comments. "Yeah three years sounds about right to at lest get whats left running like it should. Though I doubt those in power will be booted entirely. Sasha will most likely lose her seat though it seems a certain someone exposed some of the loop holes and bribery in her operation. No doubt she will just find some puppet to put in her place. DeGravel is gone so I doubt his allies on the council will be to saddened by his loss." Reginald looked over at Rikke eying her. "I seem to be doing all the talking Rikke any questions that I may answer for you?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well you did just volunteer... here's a few..." Rikke eyed the demon cautiously "What happened to you? How did you become a demon, not to mention return to life." the rogue paused "Another would be, why are you so nonchalant about who rules the ruins? Didn't you just assault the wargs with intent to stop the ascension of power? You had a change of heart?"

"And most importantly... why are you being so decent to me?" Rikke tensed up awaiting an aswer to her last question, he did wash, scent, dress and otherwise take care of her. Why?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Reginald just smiled as Rikke bombarded him with questions waiting for her to finish. "Well after you killed me my soul floated in the Aether awaiting judgment. I knew what fate awaited me so I was content with that perhaps maybe for the first time in my life I was at peace. But then a bright light came and grasped me. It beckoned me was pulling me back to the realm of the living. I didn't want to go and I fought it until I saw her. Sin made manifest Rikke she was perfect in every way she saw my struggles and whispered return for me and you shall be rewarded with power you can hardly imagine. So I returned but I returned changed and charged with a new purpose. Sure DeGravel paid that mage to bring me back but I had my own mission now and when the time was right I ended my arrangement with him." Reginald let that sink in before he began again. "As for the ruler of this place that is not my concern right now as I have a new mission and the reason...."

Reginald halted his talking with Rikke as one of the Stalkers interrupted him whispering in his ear. "Really? Didn't think she had it in her." Reginald looked back at Rikke. "Im sorry dear it seems DeGravel managed to pick his lock and slip out I need to go fetch her after all her new position in this organization has changed and I can't have her slipping away. Joan please see that our guest is taken care of when she is done eating put her in the room I prepared." With that Reginald got up from the table and left while Joan stood waiting for Rikke to finish eating.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'A new mission?' he assaulted the wargs on his own accord, just like he did attacking the priestess. What was this mission exactly? Still seems DeGravil wasn't quite in peace with his fate as he thought. If Rikke was going to do anything now was the time... she should have fair freedom for now. A simple small dagger would be enough to gut the unsuspecting demon. She just needed to find a weapon she could use.

"Be with you in a second." Rikke eyed the table for any weapons, but to no avail. Still she quickly finished the wine and her meal "Ready when you are." the heroine smirked lightly. She'd keep an extra close eye for anyone armed enroute or a possibility of a barrack or armory. Any place to find something sharp.
Keep an eye out for said things, but follow all the way up to the rooms door.
If search was successful, either trick the woman to leave Rikke alone or knock her out with a stealth attack. Cancel stealth attack if spotted.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Very well please place your hands behind you back." If Rikke did so she would hear the manacles clamp back into place. Joan once again left for a moment but Rikke soon saw where she had gone and quickly noted the woman place a key in a box before taking another out. A moment later Joan had returned and undid her collar chain. "Please this way." Joan had a pleasant voice and seemed nice enough it was a shame she was a demon. Joan led Rikke threw different doors then what she had entered and found a well appointed hall. Following Joan up the stairs Rikke soon found herself before an ornate door that opened up into a very comfortable room with large windows. Once again she heard her collar get attached to a chain that looked suspended from the ceiling where a chandelier used to hang. "Your chain has enough length to let you explore the room however your hands shall remained bound. If you require anything please ring the bell and one of the staff shall come and serve you as directed by the master." With that Joan left leaving Rikke in a room decorated in black and purple. At lest the sun was out.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

All these blasted chains and restraits... looked like Regi took great care his prisoners or perhaps only Rikke would not be able to make much of a move. Sure the rogue could've just kicked the girl aside and made a run for it... but without a weapon in hand and Gruff in danger there was no way she would do something so risky.

"Thanks Joan. Just you forgot my hands dear." Rikke smiled warmly at the girl "I'd love some more of that wine though if possible." the thought of using a broken bottle did cross Rikkes mind, but to a demon such weapon would be laughable. Rikke looked out the window longingly, perhaps even seeing where she was. Otherwise the girl would look around the room properly, just what kind of room was this?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Your hands shall remain bound. I will return with the wine." Joan left leaving Rikke bound and chained the sunlight seeping threw the windows taunting the girl. She was just getting a feel for how Selina felt when the door opened with Joan carrying the wine and bottle. The succubi held the glass to Rikke's lips and waited for the girl to start drinking.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I've got a collar on me and I can't run. Please unlock these, they're really uncomfortable." Rikke didn't want to be fed the wine like that, she'd just choke "You don't have the key to the collar and if I wanted to knock you out I would've done so numerous times. Please, it's just for my comfort." the rogue eyed the girl hopefully. Not to mention she can't loot the room like this... or try to pick the locks on her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The woman had to think no doubt mentally going over her instructions. "I will return." Joan left again leaving the wine and glass on a nearby table. Moments later she came back and undid her hands before stepping away and out the door. Well it seemed Rikke had her hands free at lest.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly at the girl taking her hands gently and trying to make eye contact "Thank you so much Joan. I'll call if there's anything else." with her caretaker gone Rikke was free to explore the room in great detail. Checking all the drawers and locks on the windows. Perhaps there was a mirro so she could see the collar lock she was dealing with.

All the while stopping by to drink some wine. So was there really nowhere for her to go... she'd just wait in this room till Reginald no doubt would come and claim his prize fuck. A deep tingling sensation occasionally sparked in Rikke... though nothing more for now. Altleast unless she thought about sex with the demon more.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Dressers where empty save for a single brush and indeed their was a mirror present. Taking a look she could see herself in the dark getup with the dark makup. What she made of it was of her own mind but couldn't shake the though at how pretty she looked. Heading to the window Rikke could guess that it was perhaps slightly after noon and could tell that this base was well in the ruins. In fact it seemed to have a front row seat to one of the major cracks that ran threw the place.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the collar through the mirror inspecting the lock in great detail... and inadvertably inspecting herself. She looked so beautiful... though the makeup had a certain dark aspect to it, it fit Rikke like a glove. After double checking the lock Rikke lingered infront of the mirror for a bit, doing a few promiscious poses before giggling to herself. Even the fairly robust metal collar did nothing to obscure the girls silky smooth skin, her exceptional curves, prominent D's, full lips, beautiful shinning eyes... Rikke didn' even notice she was flatout staring at herself. Well she didn't get to inpsect herself in the mirror often...

Still a single brush was not quality lockpick material... nor were the spoons from downstairs. The heroine would sit down on the bed a mused how could she get something to make a lockpick without raising suspicion.

The sheets were exceptional, seemed all the money DeGravil plundered in was indeed very well spent, Rikke ran her hand through the bed. Another dark spark running through her head, not only would he fuck her, with his exceptional demon body and prick... he'd likely be keen on showing the girl the darker sides of sex. How did those feel? The rogue smirked lightly to herself, before shaking off those thoughts. Lockpick. Focus.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke waited and waited still no word from her host or any of the servings girls. She thought briefly about ringing the bell to summon one of the girls to talk to but then remembered their instructions and frowned. Resting on the fine feathered bed Rikke could see the find detail work on the ceiling of the room the painting only marred by the ugly metal fixture that her chain was attached to. Its ugly bolts standing in contrast to the brush work all around it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke casually swayed the foot up and down eyeing the fine decorations, occasionally locking her look at the bolts. Just to check Rikke would try to tug the chain and see if it gave way even slightly, who know maybe someone was sloppy when placing this one. Bare bolts on fragile ceiling decor would be quite a surprise for the rogue... nevertheless she couldn't escape. He may be lieing, but Rikke would gladly throw herself at the demon for the time being to keep the blacksmiths family safe.

Well while she was waiting there was still some wine left... Rikke would carry the bottle and glass to the nightstand near the bed and sip some of it's rich contents. Obviously this was the highest grade wine..

Rikke lazily lied on the bed thinking back about her friends, poor Jessica... how could she run off like this. She was stupid, talk about hook line and sinker. Now Jessica and the Venus girls may turn their focus away from Rune... then again, the demon didn't want to rule the city. Perhaps Rune was safe... but why did he attack the wargs then?!

The heroine flinched lightly, a small drop of wine flying out the glass and in between her D's... slipping down deeper. Well obviosuly Rikke had to scoop it up since it'll get... sticky, where it went. The rogue ran her finger in between her D's and scooped up the small wine droplet, following it's trail precisely. Scooping up something from in between in her D's... a sudden foreign thought crossed Rikkes mind. Was she looking forward to this?!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Much to the rouge delight the bolts holding the chain gave way a little. Small flecks and powdered plaster floating down to the ground. Looks like the chain was a recent addition. Keeping that in mind Rikke went for some more wine and found that she was getting a little tipsy. Her mind wandered as she waited some times drifting to imagined rough and dirty sex with the Demon Reginald. Dear gods what was wrong with her the man was threatening people she cared for.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Usually Rikke would just brush aside the foreign thoughts, but they kept on being persistent. This was a demon! The man who whipped Selina! Who raped Jessica and killed his companions. Scum like that just enraged Rikke! Usually atleast... There was just something as if gently caressing her mind, leading her off to different trail of thought.

Rikke flinched in anger as if fighting something inner off "What am I doing..." the girl rested on the sheets a moment "...then again... there's not much else I can do." she flipped on one side in anxiety "This monster killed so many of my friends, but I can't do anything now." Rikkes heart trembled lightly "...I'll probably be raped by him."

The rogues thoughts lead by an odd misty feeling quickly went back to the demons perfectly sculptured body, he sights slidding down to the cock piece he was wearing... it was indeed roomy. Rikke clenched the sheets lightly "Well there is nothing I can do now... m-maybe..." the heroine looked down her body, her hand almost subconciously caressingly slipping down. Rikkes darker side has decided to make it's appearance once more and without Jessica to pull Rikke back to her proper thoughts, the heroine would slowly start to stimulate herself.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jessica wasn't here to stop her so Rikke could do as she pleased. It wasn't long before she had slipped off the upper part of her dress and had a good grip on her breasts. A slow purple energy started rise around the girl as her darker side gained hold. Looking at the mirror Rikke could see herself fondling her breasts the dark makeup and clothing highlighting her flawless pale skin. She looked so tempting their was no way she could resisted by any man. She licked her lips as she admired her horns.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed herself with great satisfaction, her purple nail-polish and dark makeup perfectly accentuating her fiery purple eyes. The more she eyed the more mirror the different the girl in the reflection became, a wicked looking but fairly cute tail spun around her left leg, a pair very dark purple horns formed up giving her seemingly a grand tiara.

The heroine went to inspect the additions only to notice there was nothing there. The mirror seemingly took on movements on it's own as it leaned forward and blew Rikke a kiss, a blink later the original sight of herself masturbating once more in the mirror. Rikke was too far lead astray to really take heed in the incident as she lied down on the bed and shifted her clothes lightly to allow her fingers to properly slip in.

With that the perverted heroine continued to masturbate, in blissful ignorance at what was actually going on.
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